Chat Blanc spoilers ahead. I really like Tom and Sabine, but I wish they had done more to defend Marinette. I know the bakery scene was just a little blip in the episode, and it all got erased anyway, but seriously. Parents need to be parents in this show. And Tom looks like he would say so much more than just "Get out." So, here's my attempt to fix it.

Tom Dupain did not consider himself an angry person. A little excitable and prone to jump to conclusions, maybe, but certainly not angry. Not unless someone messed with his family. The whole Weredad incident was proof enough of that, and he still felt embarrassed of his behavior toward Chat Noir on that day. But as Tom stood there, listening to his daughter try to defend herself against this sad excuse for a human being, he clenched his fists and felt his anger boil over.

"Then make the right choice." Gabriel said with a smirk.

"No!" Tom bellowed at the stupid man on the stupid tablet. "You can't even come in yourself to air whatever made-up grievance you have with my daughter. You have the audacity to send your assistant into my place of business and threaten my daughter? You want to try to make my daughter the bad guy here? I don't think so. I'll be damned if I allow you to threaten my child into doing your dirty work. Get out of my bakery. Get. Out!" Tom stalked towards the secretary as she hurried to turn around and exit the bakery. "Sabine, take Marinette upstairs. We're going to close early today. We have some things to discuss."

Tom locked the doors and pulled down the security gates. He stood in the center of the bakery and took a few calming breaths. It wouldn't do to be akumatized a second time. He went through the motions of closing and cleaning up, considering how to help his daughter and the boy she loved. Adrien was a good boy, and good for Marinette. The boy obviously cared deeply for her, and anyone could see she felt the same way. Tom was genuinely perplexed by the allegation that Adrien's relationship was detrimental to the Agreste brand. So far there had only been good press. Everyone loved them as a couple, they were adorable! Tom shook his head as he climbed the stairs to his home. He took one last calming breath before opening the door to face his wife and daughter.

"Papa! What have you done!" Marinette wailed as soon as he came through the door. "Now Mr. Agreste will pull Adrien out of school and he won't be able to see his friends ever again and it will be all my fault!" She wept into her hands as Sabine pulled her down on the couch and held her tight.

"Marinette, sweetheart, I want you to listen to me." Tom sat down on next to his wife and daughter, taking her hands in his. "You know that we love Adrien. He is a wonderful boy, and he doesn't deserve to be treated the way his father treats him. Your mother and I don't want his to be pulled out of school and locked away."

"Then why did you make Mr. Agreste leave! I would have done, it, Papa. It would have hurt me, but I would do anything so Adrien doesn't have to suffer being locked away again!" Marinette looked accusingly at her father.

Tom sighed. "I know you would, honey. I know. But I want you to understand that I am your father, not Adrien's. My job is to protect you first. And I won't let Gabriel treat you this way. Sweetheart, if Gabriel pulls Adrien from school because of this, it is not your fault. The only person to blame for Gabriel's poor parenting is Gabriel Agreste. He is a coward and a poor excuse for a father. I will not stand for him threatening my child with the abuse of his own. It is Gabriel's choice to pull Adrien out of school, and Gabriel alone will face the consequences of his threats towards my family and his son. I refuse to allow him to make you feel guilty for his poor parenting choices. Don't break up with Adrien because his father is a jerk. I promise you, sweetheart, we will not be silent about this abuse." Tom kissed his daughter's cheek and gave her a gentle hug. "Now, I want you to go upstairs and call Adrien and tell him what happened today. I don't want him to be blindsided if his father decides to force him to break up with you instead. I don't know what sort of thing Gabriel is going to try now, but your mother and I have to discuss what we want to do next. Tell Adrien he is always welcome here, he is part of our family now."

As their daughter ran up the stairs to her room, Sabine scooted in closer to her husband and he put his arm around her. "What do you have in mind, Tom?"

"I want to see what Nadja has to say about our security footage. I'm so glad we decided to go with the high definition audio and video! Gabriel accused Marinette of being a detriment to the Agreste brand. Let's see how Gabriel likes bad press that's his own damn fault. And I also want to contact our lawyer and child protective services. We can't let Gabriel get away with threatening our daughter and abusing his son. I won't stand for it. Adrien can come stay with us if he needs a place to go."

Sabine looked up at her husband with tears and a warm smile. "You are a good man, Tom Dupain." She kissed him thoroughly. "Now let me go call Nadja. I'll invite her for coffee this afternoon."

So, maybe Chat Blanc would still have happened, I don't know. I hate that Chat said it was their love that broke the world, because I don't think that's true. It's obviously Gabriel being an asshat that caused Chat's akumatization and the breaking of the world. The point of this story wasn't really preventing Chat Blanc, just portraying the good parents as good parents. And it all go erased anyway. (grumble grumble when will my ship sail grumble grumble).