Chapter 6

The Beltane Ball would remain one of Sarah's most treasured memories. After their impromptu session in the dungeon, Jareth and Sarah made their way back to the ball. Jareth did indeed introduce her to his most prestigious guests, and she was welcomed graciously into the court of the Labyrinth. She danced with numerous folk, and managed to be effortlessly charming, with the help of a few jugs of inebriating libations, of course. Many were transfixed and fascinated when she recounted her tale of her first journey through the Labyrinth, and they all agreed that she had in truth through bravery and determination, fairly won the King's heart.

At one point in the evening, she found herself in conversation with an elderly and utterly endearing gentlemen. Although he wore an eccentric suit of velvets and tweeds, he wore upon his feet a pointed pair of iron shoes, seemingly taken from a suit of armour. It turned out he was a veteran knight, and had fought many battles in protecting the Labyrinth Kingdom.

"I've been in the service of the king for about 200 years" he said. "Yes he is stern and sometimes childish, but always generous, and with a good heart. Oh but I can see the change in him now you've come along my dear." He smiled at Sarah beneath his wiry whiskers "Some have said that of late he has been spotted in the gardens, humming little ditties and bending to smell flowers. You see, before this and for as long as I can remember, he was wont to sit brooding in a darkened window of the Castle, twirling crystal spheres within his hands before letting them float away through the night. In fact it was only a few years ago that I myself saw one such crystal settle by my feet, and I would swear that within it was the beautiful figure of a dark haired girl in a shimmering ballgown, but alas the crystal popped and I could never be sure…" The old Knight trailed off and looked up at the stars, before making smoke rings as he puffed on a long clay tobacco pipe.

Sarah smiled to herself in the dressing table mirror as she sat and thought of what the Knight had said. It was the evening after the Ball, and Sarah was in her bedroom, feeling whimsical and playing around with lipsticks and costume jewellery. She leaned back in the chair, and sweeping her dark shining hair over her shoulders, reached out her hand to wind up the music box that sat on her table. A slow and almost melancholy tune began to play, as the little figure in white began to twirl round and round inside the glass case. As the music played on, she thought of the Goblin King alone in his castle for so many years, some of those years yearning for her. One solitary tear escaped and trickled down Sarah's cheek, but then she smiled, because now she loved him, and she would do anything to make him happy. And just like he had said on that fateful night all those years ago:

"Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want…"

So it had come to pass, she wanted for nothing, and he without question ruled her heart.

Sarah stood and closed her eyes, she began to sway back and forth in a slow dance, dreaming of Jareth. Sarah opened her eyes suddenly, startled by a harsh raspy call from outside her window. Stood upon her windowsill was an imposing yet shabby raven. A light shone in its beady eye, as it began to flap and claw, bursting wide the window and transforming before her eyes into Zoso, the dark and hulking figure that was created long ago, sharing Jareth's energy and ruling the Labyrinth's adjoining kingdom.

Sarah's heart began to thud in her chest, she was frozen to the spot. Zoso grinned at her with gleaming teeth, but raised his hand in a gesture of surrender. Before he spoke, Sarah had time to notice his weakened appearance, though he was still frightening, he seemed bent and thin, his face slightly drawn.

"Do not be frightened!" Zoso exclaimed "I shall not tarry here, I have only come to bring you something…" Lifting his arm he produced within his fingertips a crystal sphere.

"I've brought you a gift."

"What is it?" Sarah's voice trembled slightly.

"It's a crystal, nothing more." He began to manipulate the crystal within his hand, it travelled up and down his arm, almost hypnotizing Sarah.

"But if you turn it this way, and look into it" he continued "it will show you your dreams…" Without warning he tossed the crystal towards Sarah, she caught it within her hands, but before she could respond Zoso had disappeared in a cloud of black feathers, with only an echo of his voice in the room "such a pity…"

Sarah sat breathless upon her bed. The Goblin King had promised he'd never let Zoso near her again, why had he come? And if what Jareth had said last time was true, why hadn't Jareth himself come to help her? Catching her breath, she looked down at the crystal within her hands, images began to form within the sphere. Holding it up to the light, she watched in dismay as the scene within unfolded.

She could see Jareth sitting upon his throne in the Castle, the dark haired and fae like Morgan sitting in his lap. Morgan and the Goblin King were locked in a romantic embrace, and just as Jareth's hand began to slide up Morgan's thigh, Sarah put her hand to her face and threw the crystal across the room in disgust.

Sarah sat and frowned, then called out:

"I wish to see the Goblin King right now!"


In half anger, half panic, Sarah stood and walked to her dressing table mirror.

"I need you! Hoggle, Ludo? I need you!"

With that, Hoggle appeared within the reflection.

"Sarah! How can I help?" Hoggle asked.

"You can ask questions later, but I need you to take me to the Labyrinth!"

Hoggle shrugged, and reaching through the mirror grabbed Sarah by the hand and pulled her through. Sarah found herself once again at the outer walls of the Labyrinth. She'd often wondered what the mirror on this side looked like, but it wasn't a mirror at all, it seemed as though she'd come through one of the strange stagnant ponds that lay near the gates, yet she was miraculously dry. She looked about her, it was mid morning in the underground, the hot sun climbing ever higher, casting its unearthly orange glow upon the dark walls of the Labyrinth.

"What's all this then?" Hoggle asked. "Can't Jareth bring you here?"

"That's just it! I can't get through to him, and from what I've seen he seems to be pretty occupied with…never mind. I'll just have to get to the Castle myself!"

Sarah impatiently began to march up and down the outer walls, looking for the entrance.

Hoggle began to laugh. "I thought you'd have gotten the hang of this by now! You gets in through there" Hoggle gestured as the large rumbling gates swung outwards.

"Thanks Hoggle, I don't think I'll ever get used to this place!" As Sarah spoke she began to enter through the gates.

"Wait! Ain't you wanting me to come with ya?" Hoggle called.

"That's okay, I'll be alright"

"Okay, but remember, if you should need me…"

"Of course, I'll call if I need you" Sarah smiled, and made a right into the Labyrinth.

She walked a while, before standing and looking on. It was just as she remembered it. The seemingly endless path ahead, the ancient crumbling stone, the feeling of eyes watching her. Putting on a determined face she walked carefully, brushing her hand against the wall as she went, waiting for it to give into an opening.

She was becoming tired already of walking. She scraped herself heavily along the wall, before being startled to alertness by nearly falling through the gap.

"At last!" She smiled to herself.

"Allo again!" A little voice called out from behind her. She turned, and there was the sweet little worm she'd met so many years ago.

"Oh it's you! How nice to see you again." She knelt down beside him. "Sorry, still no time to stop for tea, once again I have to find my way to the Castle beyond the Goblin City"

"Pity, though it's probably for the best, the missus doesn't really like me talking to other girls" The worm began shaking his little top knot as he chuckled to himself. "Hang on, did you say you're trying to get to the castle?" The worm asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Oh dear! I sent you the wrong way last time! Though I must say I wouldn't advise going down there, that castle's very dangerous!"

Sarah stood and smiled. "You've been incredibly helpful, thank you!"

"Just be careful!" Called the worm

Sarah walked through the opening, and turned left.

As she continued on, the walls began to change, the stones becoming larger and more sandy coloured. The paths were wide and paved with sturdy slabs. She bent and touched the ground with her finger tips, remembering these same slabs as the ones she tried to mark with lipstick.

"I guess the worm was right, I got here much quicker this time."

"That's right, much quicker!" An upbeat Scottish accent piped up, followed by numerous voices laughing. Sarah quickly stood and turned. She found herself face to face with the riddle doors again.

"Hey, you weren't here a minute ago! Though I guess I should expect that sort of thing by now."

"You may ask one question to only one of us! And I must warn you, one of us always tells the truth and one of us always…"

"Yes, yes, I remember!" Sarah put her hands on her hips. "Well, last time, even though I'm sure I got it right, your door sent me plummeting to an oubliette! So, I'd like to go through your door please." Sarah gestured to the characters on the left, before walking forwards and pushing open the door. Gingerly, she placed her foot inside, it seemed sturdy enough. With a grin she continued through.

"It's a piece of cake!"

As she walked on between the towering walls, her surroundings began to change. The stones were crumbling, large creeping roots slithered through the broken walls. Ahead she could see a deep, hazy forest, endless and dark. As she approached the edge, she peered into the woods. The trees were dense and gnarled, hanging with thick curtains of Spanish moss. From within the echoing depths she could hear strange, distant whoops and calls. She turned back, wondering if there was another path, but the way she had just come was blocked off. Sarah took a deep breath.

"Come on feet!"

Just then, Sarah seemed to hear a distant call, it sounded like Jareth, calling her name. For the first time she stopped to think about what could really be happening. From that moment and with all her being, she knew Jareth was in trouble, that the image within the crystal was all a ruse. There was more to her return to the Labyrinth than a jealous temper, something beyond magic was calling her forwards.

"I'm coming, Jareth!"

Sarah ventured through the twisting boughs, the air was heavy and stifling. She began tripping and stumbling, becoming disorientated. Her foot caught on a large root, and she tripped head first unknowingly into an open glade. It was a small round space clear of trees, bordered by thin and strange standing stones. Sarah picked herself up and strolled around, wondering which way to go. Slowly she became aware of a noxious smell filling her nostrils. The golden sun that streamed into the glade began to shift and shimmer with puffs of smoke.

Her head felt heavy, she was thirsty and tired. Resting against a towering stone, she looked out under heavy eyelids, and realised why the air was becoming hazy. Swathes of strange creeping fungus surrounded the glen, unearthly fruiting bodies spewed forth billowing clouds of spores. She realised she was breathing it in, and that it was affecting her.

"Hoggle!" She called out, but she was already fading away. She slid down the stone she was leaning on, and fell into unconsciousness upon the grass.


"How you turn my world you precious thing…"

It was Jareth's voice, he was singing a song she'd heard before. The darkness began to dissipate and looking out, Sarah found herself in the dizzying Escher room, where there was no up or down, only strange archways and stairs in all directions and orientations. She could see Jareth, he stood leaning in an archway, singing mournfully under his breath, his eyes looking out in sadness and longing.

Jareth stopped singing and closed his eyes. "Sarah" he whispered hoarsely "where are you?"

"Jareth! I'm here!" Sarah called out, Jareth seemed to hear her, his eyes searching. Sarah tried to run to him, but she couldn't reach him.

"Sarah?" Jareth called out. "Help me Sarah! Please say that it's you and not some new cruel trick! Damn you Zoso!" Jareth fell to his knees, his fists clenched in anguish.

The Escher room began to fade. "I'm coming to get you!" Sarah shouted, hoping that he had heard her. In the fog of her awakening, Sarah thought of what it could all mean. What was it the Wiseman said? "Do not fear what is without, for what you seek is found within." "Within?" Sarah questioned. "It's me! It's within me! My will is as strong, my kingdom as great…"

In less then a moment Sarah awoke, she lay just outside the Goblin City walls, her face wet and sticky with some sort of goblin ale. Hoggle and a selection of goblins stood around her.

"It worked! Goblin ale make everything better!" A fluffy little goblin grinned and patted Sarah's head. Sarah smiled, and looked to Hoggle.

"How did you find me?" She asked.

Hoggle looked down and twiddled his thumbs. "I just stayed behind you is all, just in case you gots into some trouble." He shrugged and looked bashful.

"You followed me all the way through the Labyrinth? Oh Hoggle! You saved my life!" Sarah sprang up and hugged him. "And thank you all for helping!" She spoke to the goblins, who all looked proud. The little fluffy one held out his tankard to Sarah.

"Lady Sarah want more ale?" He asked.

Sarah looked over the wall and towards the castle, and knew what she must do.

"I think we'll all need some ale." She stated "It's time for battle!"

The goblins gasped in unison.

Sarah stood tall and spoke "Our King has been taken hostage! He is locked away in his own castle. We cannot assume he is unguarded, we must gather and fight! Open the gates!"

The goblins began running around in excitement, bumping into each other and shouting "battle!"

Hoggle looked to Sarah "Are you sure you've got this right?"

"Yes. Zoso came to my room and tried to trick me, I know it's him."

Hoggle's eyes widened "King of the Hobgoblins? I thought we'd seen the last of him!"

"King of the Hobgoblins eh? We'll see about that." Sarah stormed forwards through the gates, followed by gathering goblins. On hearing the cries of battle, more and more goblins joined the group, hastily donning helmets and brandishing weapons. Together they reached the foot of the castle.

"Follow me!" Sarah called, and made her way through the castle's winding corridors and stairs, trying to find the Escher room. Eventually they came upon a great hall, with towering doors barred at one end.

"Our King is locked in there! I know it!" Sarah began to move forward, when hoards of hobgoblins leaped into view, forming an impenetrable barrier between them and the Escher room. The goblins and hobgoblins stood facing each other, wondering what to do next. From a shadowy corner emerged Zoso, sporting a suit of leather armour and a high collared cloak, yet he seemed bent and pathetic.

"This castle is mine!" He growled. "You are no match for me, Sarah, I tried to show you the truth of your beloved King, but you did not listen, and so you have returned to your doom!"

"I think I can see the truth for myself, Hobgoblin King, you have no power over me!"

Sarah closed her eyes, she could feel an energy within her, electric and powerful. Her eyes flashed open, and holding her hand out towards the barred doors she commanded "the barrier is broken!" The doors split and shattered. Zoso fell to his knees, seemingly weakened by Sarah's use of power.

"Get them!" He forced between clenched teeth, his hobgoblins began to move in. Sarah only looked ahead, and walked through the shattered doors. Behind her she could hear the clash and clamour of engagement, as the goblins and hobgoblins fought for the castle.

Upon a ledge she could see Jareth, laying unconscious upon the ground. She ran to him, and tried to wake him. He didn't stir, he seemed almost drugged. Sarah felt herself filling with anger, spikes of electricity sprang from her fingertips. Placing her hand upon Jareth's chest, she bent her head and touched her lips to his in a desperate kiss. Power surged through them both. Jareth's eyes opened and with a sharp intake of breath, he took a moment to look upon Sarah, before wrapping her in his arms and holding her tight.

"Oh Sarah, you're here! I have been trapped in the darkest of dreams, I thought I might never see you again, I feared beyond all things that he had taken you away."

"Yes, yes I'm alright, but he's still out there, the goblins are fighting!"

Jareth rose, and lifted Sarah up with him. He seemed to grow and stiffen, his stern and regal face returning. "So it has come to this." He looked into her face "You have already fought so bravely for me, Sarah, will you stand with me one last time?"

"My King!" She smiled, before sweeping out through the doors and back into the fray, followed by Jareth. She looked upon the goblins and hobgoblins, they scrabbled and wrestled together, clattering each other over their helmets.

Emerging from the rabble, Sarah could see the old Knight with the wiry whiskers and pointed shoes. He walked to Sarah with great purpose. From behind her, she heard Jareth call out in agony, but before she could turn, the Knight spoke.

"My lady, I believe you'll be needing this." The Knight fell on bended knee, and held out a great gleaming long sword. Sarah took the sword with a nod of thanks, and turned to look for Jareth. Instantly her heart sank. He was on his knees behind her, Zoso's sword embedded in his shoulder, Zoso stood grinning, his hand still wrapped tightly around the hilt. Jareth's breath was short, he looked at Sarah, his eyes filled with pain. Sarah looked at him through glistening tears. "He has no power over us!" She hissed, and with a desperate yell, she raised the Knight's sword, and in one swift movement, sliced through the air and Zoso's neck.


"Look how well they get on together!" Sarah crooned "and to think they had to be enemies for so long!"

"I quite agree" nodded Jareth "it's about time our kingdoms were united."

Jareth and Sarah sat in their respective thrones, looking out upon their court of goblins and hobgoblins.

"I suppose you were right all along, you can't kill Zoso, but he makes a precious little hobgoblin, don't you think?" Sarah and Jareth watched the dark feathered little creature that was once Zoso, sitting among a group of goblins playing with dice.

Jareth rubbed his healing shoulder "Who could have guessed that this was how it was meant to be?"

"What's that?" asked Sarah.

"That you were destined to be the Hobgoblin Queen, that only you could drain Zoso of his power and that all along it was you who could bring the two kingdoms together. My darling Sarah, defeater of the Labyrinth, liberator of the people!" Jareth stood from his throne and knelt before Sarah. "Queen of my heart!" He took Sarah's hand and kissed it. Lifting his head he frowned thoughtfully before speaking:

"I hope you won't let all of this go to your head! You'll still fear me and do as I say, right?"

"Of course, dear, as soon as your shoulder's better." Sarah grinned and stood, helping Jareth up from his knee. They looked out upon the throne room, their hands entwined, and so they would be from that day forwards, ready to face the world, together.

Well, I guess that's all folks! A chapter without smut, and ending on a romantic note, I don't know what came over me! I really did write this just to indulge my obsession with Labyrinth, but I'm very grateful to those who came along for the ride!