A.N. Me-Promises to have the next chapter out by the end of the month.

Also me-Trying to finish writing it before midnight but posts at half past one anyway.

The things we authors do for you readers. By the way I've got an actual outline for the rest of this story, there should be 15 chapters by the time I'm done. But I might add a deleted scene too.

Also I'm rewriting the chapters, I'm not proud of how some of it was written. If you have read this story before May 30 2020, I advise that you go back and read it again. You don't have to to if you don't want to.

Reviews always welcome!

Chloe p.o.v.- 1 day after

Chole had spent the entire day sitting in her seat with her stomach twisting itself in knots. Of course Sabrina had told her exactly what she had heard from her father as soon as the two girls met up that morning. The blonde listened to everything the others in class were saying. How she wanted to say something. But even she knew it was not her place to do so.

Guilt clouded Chloe's mind for the majority of the morning. She was the one who had bullied the poor girl. A person who had done nothing to deserve it apart from annoy the blonde. Marinette had done nothing to deserve either being bullying or drowning. Yet here they were, the bully still standing and the victim at the bottom of river.

By the end of the day the usually loud blonde and her red-haired companion where sitting low in their seats and whispering between themselves. They sat alert when Ms Bustier entered the room and was the first teacher of the day to even acknowledge the bluenette's absence. Chloe froze at the mention of Tom and Sabine and she watched them closely as they entered the room.

Knowing what was coming didn't make it any easier to handle. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, as everyone was curious yet dreading the news the sobbing couple had to tell. As soon as the word left Tom's mouth the tension left the room as fast as and arrow leaves a bow. Only to be replaced by shock and sorrow.

When everyone began to rise and form a group hug the two girls hung back unsure until someone (probably Rose or Mylene) pulled them into the ring. The only two missing were Lila, who was away for some charity business, and of course Marinette.

Chloe let her tears fall freely, for once not caring what others thought. Thinking back over all the horrible things she had done. Bullying people, using her father position to get her way and siding with Hawkmoth of all people. She's honestly surprised there wasn't more backlash for that, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were being very quiet about it, for which Chloe was grateful. The mayor's daughter knows she doesn't deserve any mercy for what she had done, putting all of Paris in danger. Specifically, those who Ladybug had chosen as her allies. Max, Alya, Nino, Kim, Kagami and that blue haired boy

Unlike other akuma victims Chloe remembered. She remembered every detail, every single one of her actions. She remembers making fun of the first three for wearing glasses and remembers watching them transform. Chloe knows Hawkmoth knows who they are. She knows they are all in danger because of her. Chloe knows that Marinette's friends are in danger and she knows it's her fault.

So, right there surrounded by her classmates, Chloe makes a silent promise. Not just to herself, and not to Ladybug but to Marinette. She promises that no matter what, she is going to do what it takes to be a better person. She promises that she will do all she can to make sure that the bluenette's friends, the revealed heroes, remain safe. Because she owes Marinette at least that.

Luka p.o.v.- 1 day after

As soon as Juleka entered their shared cabin Luka knew something was wrong. He knew by the way she carried herself and by the song in her heart. It sounded so cold and empty of any life. Taking his sister in his arms he felt her let loose and cry her heart out. After awhile her song started to sound numb and the older boy wondered at what could have made the shy girl feel this way.

The sat in silence, Luka knew not to press for answers. Juleka would talk in her own time. She sighed, "Marinette's gone." And Luka felt his heart stop. "she was out yesterday when she fell off the bank and into the river a few miles from here."

No! Luka felt like he wanted to scream and cry. He felt like his heart was shredding itself into tiny little pieces. He got up and started pacing in the space between the two beds. He couldn't believe that such a genuine girl like Marinette was gone. Such a kind, creative girl had lost her life, and at the same time taken part of other's lives with her.

He sat back down again and reached for his guitar. Suddenly overcome by urge to play something. After a few verses he realised what he was playing. It was Marinette's song, the song that he had played for her for the first time a month ago. He kept playing, needing some connection to the young designer. Late into the night Luka kept playing the same tune over and over as he and his sister just sat in each other's company. Exchanging the occasional thought and listening to the steady sound of Marinette's song.

Kagami p.o.v.- 1 day after

For once in her life Kagami didn't know what to do. Her hand was shaking as she looked at the text from Adrien. It was short and got straight to the point. Just how the fencer preferred her messages. But not this one, oh how she wished this one wasn't.

Because Marinette was, to put it simply, dead. The first friend that Kagami had ever made by herself, was gone, and the Japanese teen didn't know how to cope. What was the proper social standard for dealing with the loss of one's best friend? She didn't know. No one had ever thought it was necessary for her to know what to do in this situation. No one had ever expected her to even be in this situation.

Eventually she decided to let her anger, sorrow and frustration out on some training dummies in the dojo. Hitting things was extremely satisfying, at least until her emotions gave way to a numbness that slowed her motions and thought process.

After an hour of endlessly whacking a bokken against training dummies with rapidly degrading technique Kagami fell to the floor and cried. She cried until she couldn't. Then she went to her room, leaving a message with the staff to not disturb her for a few hours and to tell her mother what happened. She must have got the message because Kagami was left alone with only her thoughts for company.