AN: Short Thanksgiving story. One very short chapter will be posted a day until Thanksgiving. There will be roughly 18 chapters with a possible epilogue. Story is already written.

1. Bella Swan

"Wait, say that again. You've never celebrated Thanksgiving?"

The waitress looks at me horrified, and I nod my head.

I don't know why that's so surprising.

Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving.

"I don't even like Turkey," I say, biting into my big juicy cheeseburger.

"What! Oh my...I don't even...this is unreal."

I lick ketchup from the side of my mouth and set my burger down and pick up a french fry. I smother it in ketchup before shoving it in my mouth. I chew and chew and chew then look up at this befuddled stranger.

"It really isn't. I didn't have a mom, and my dad isn't big on holidays."

Her eyes widen, and her hand goes to her chest. "Please tell me you celebrate Christmas."

I grin between my next bite of burger, chew and swallow before grinning again. "Okay, I'll tell you I celebrate Christmas."

"Harold!" She screams suddenly, making me jump.


She turns away from me and pushes through the swinging doors. "There's a girl here who doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas."

"Why're you yellin' about it? So what?"

"So what! What is wrong with you! It's Thanksgiving, Harold. She's eating a burger for Thanksgiving!"

"Did she pay for it?"

"Well not yet," my waitress says.

"As long as she pays for it, I don't give a shit what she eats for Thanksgiving."

"You're a pig," she says, loudly.

"I'm your pig."

I snort and finish my burger, listening to them bicker back and forth before she comes back out to the front.

"It's settled," she says, yanking off her apron. "You're spending Thanksgiving with Harold and me."

My eyes widen, and I choke on my last french fry.

Another AN: Thanks for reading.

Aside from this short Thanksgiving story, my focus will be on Undeniable, You're My Forever and Jasper and Low's story...with possible outtakes from YMF...until all three are completed.

Then I will put focus into Reckless and ASSFR.
