Hello, Again Guys and Gals to this little Fic of mine. First of all, I like to apologies to you all for the unexpected delay in this chapter, I just realised Today 25 of December that I forgot to let you know on the last chapter that I was going to not upload anything during the holidays and we would restart our usual timetable on the 3rd of January. Merry Christmas by the way, so I decided to upload part 1 of our next Chapter now and part 2 on the 3rd as I was planning as an apologetic Christmas gift to you all.

Now without further delay, the disclaimer

Disclaimer: I do not own either fate grand order, Highschool DxD or The Gamer, all of them belong to their original authors and I highly recommend the source material for this fic [this I not a prerecorded message]

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"So how was your week Sona?"

Taking her eyes off the chessboard between them the raven-haired devil focused her attention on her rival.

Long lustrous crimson hair reached down to her shapely hips, the form-fitting school uniform did nothing to hide her voluptuous figure. Smiling happily without a care in the world as they played a game of chess like they did every Friday afternoon, her childhood friend Rias Gremory sat in front of her.

"Quite good actually I haven't had to deal with any angry students this week" The accusing look she gave her redheaded friend could have soured fresh milk.

Letting out a soft chuckle at her friend's sharp comment Rias simply gave her an apologetic smile.

"I am sorry that issei's inclinations usually gives you troubles but once he joins my peerage I'm sure he will cut down on his most outrageous displays of perversion." Checking the state of the game the Gremory heiress moved her knight forward to complete her turn.

"You do realize that the only reason I haven't suspended him or his friends its because you want him to join you, don't you?" not even taking a second to consider her next move Sona moved her bishop, there was no real point in taking time out of their conversation, after all, the Sitri devil had already recognized the strategy Rias was using today.

Sona's victory was only a matter of time at this point.

"And I am grateful for having such a considerate childhood friend. I promise you that I will ask issei to join me as soon as I find the right opportunity." Focusing her eyes on the chessboard Rias didn't notice her friend's exasperated expression at her comment.


"Speaking of recruitment, I have heard that your newest prospect it's quite an interesting girl. And the reason that Issei and his friends are behaving lately if rumours are to be believed"

Of course, Sona had heard the rumours going around campus but she was sure that even if their previous agreement meant they wouldn't try to poach each other desired pieces it did not imply that they wouldn't keep tabs on them, they were Devils after all.

"What have you heard?" Sona asked her friend while they played their little match.

"well apparently ever since she got here she had made it her personal mission to punish the trio for any perverted offence, often by physically showing her displeasure at their actions. The interesting fact, however, its that not only she has managed to keep them from their usual mischief but she has somehow convinced the girls that usually punish the perverts that they should dirty their hands with them."

Taking a moment to make her next move in their match Rias continued.

"That combined with her courteous and kind demeanour has endeared her to the student population as a whole, so much so that some of them have started to give her a cute moniker to go with her chivalrous actions"

Taking a moment to move her rock and set up her victory next turn Sona showed the interest that she knew her friend was waiting for before she would continue, Rias always loved her Theatrics like that.

"And what would that moniker be?"

"Kuoh's Princess Knight "

0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

Mashu had really enjoyed her first week at Kuoh Academy.

Sure the classes were a little dull and boring in her opinion but she couldn't really ask for much out of a HighSchool workload, regardless of how renowned said High school was.

The teachers were what she would expect from a high-end private school, all extremely knowledgeable in their given subjects and very professional in their treatment of their students. They were in no way better than her previous teachers but they obviously give their all in their jobs as educators and the young girl found that a truly admirable trait.

She had grown quite fond of her homeroom teacher, Miss Ninomiya, even if for the life of her she couldn't remember where she heard the woman's name before.

The pretty brunet was extremely kind and considerate with her students and, best of all, happily looked the other way when Mashu engaged in her new favourite pastime.

For one reason or another, the school board wasn't willing to properly deal with the Perverted Trio attitude, she could garner a guess why, so Mashu decided to take matters into her own hands.

Ever since her first day she had made it her mission to stop them from bothering the student body with their over-the-top antics.

They brought a porn magazine into class, She ripped it to shreds.

They talked out loud about the latest porn video they saw, she would berate them for it.

They made offensive and intrusive comments about their classmates, her bag would knock them down on their asses.

And the One Time she found them peeping on the kendo club, she gave them such a betting they missed the next school day.

The School seemed to be fine with letting the students resolve their own issues so She would deal with them.

The fact that she was honestly having fun ensuring that her classmates didn't have to deal with the perverts was just an unexpected bonus.

The voice of one of her minions addressing her snapped the disguised girl out of her thoughts.

"Salter-sama we are done with the organizing," said Biggs while entering the destroyed office she was waiting in.

From her place behind the broken desk of the idiot previously in charge of this particular small-time gang, she could see her taller minion looking around the place his eyes passing over the sobbing form of the previous boss kneeling in a corner with practised ease before setting on herself

"Anything of interest, Minion One?" She asked him with a bored look on her face.

"Nothing at all. As Wedge previously found out this gang dealt with highly addictive and dangerous narcotics. He is already destroying said drugs as per your usual specifications. Apart from that, the money has already been sorted and any other valuables had been separated for you to inspect." He responded professionally.

"Very well once Minion Two is done with his job you two take 50% of the money and go home early we have a fun night tomorrow" his raised eyebrow let the fake blond know that Biggs had picked up on her unusual excitement at tomorrow activities.

"With all due respect Salter-sama, Your definition of Fun is not the most reassuring thing" considering how fearful Her minions have been of her the first night they meet the fact that one of them was already comfortable enough to joke around with her was a good sign in Mashu's book.

Holding out an ornamented envelope, she had gotten from her latest interrogee, for him to inspect Salter smiled widely at him.

"Don't be so dull My dear Minion. We have been 'cordially' invited to a party after all."

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is?" Her Minion asked her with dread in his tone.

Opening the envelope once more she shared with her loyal Minion the contents of the letter inside.

"Ryushin-dono I know that we have had our differences in the past as competing gang leaders of this lovely city of ours, but I address to you this letter in hopes of a temporary truce of sorts.

As you may or may not have heard, a new player has entered the scene as of last week and she has been systematically targeting the smaller gangs of Kuoh in an uncalled show of strength.

This so-called Salter has already dismantled 3 such gangs, alongside a unit of the Mad Rats no less, and I fear that she will soon target our own organizations.

It is because of these fears that I have decided to call a meeting of the Gang leaders of Kuoh Town this coming Saturday Night in the Tokyo Royal Hotel so that we can share what information we have on this intruder to better deal with her.

If you chose to attend please bring only 2 bodyguards at most.

Signed Hachibara Ryonuske of the Kuoh White Serpents"

A sepulchral silence filled the room as with each sentence read Biggs's face went paler and paler, while Artoria's smile went more and more bloodthirsty.

"Meet me at the usual meeting place tomorrow at 7:30 Sharp, We have a party to crash"

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Once again Guys sorry for the short chapter and I didn't proofread this chapter as much as the others because of the rushed nature of it so sorry if you have to deal with more grammatical horrors than usual.

Not much to address on this AN to be honest apart from me once more thank you for your continued support, I don't want to sound like a broken record but I really appreciate that you take the time out of your day to read my work

Now our little pic of trivia:

in my version of the FGO canon servant join Chaldea the moment the singularity they first appeared on was completed, also unless addressed otherwise Servants with multiple classes manifest multiple times in a case to case bases.

Example: Artoria Pendragon Versions in Chaldea

Saber: the original version of Artoria from F/Z and F/SN, She has the memories from all routes but she herself is from the Réalta Nua Fate route

Salter: The tyrannical version of Artoria from an alternate timeline

Lily: The younger innocent version of Artoria

Lartoria: the Lion King version of Artoria from the Camelot singularity

Larter: the King of Storms from the London singularity

Arthur: the Male version of Artoria from a different timeline

MHX: a version of Artoria from the servant universe

Ecchan: Aversion of Salter from the servant universe

MHXX: A future version of MHX from the servant universe

Bonus Mini trivia: After the London Singularity Ritsuka insisted on making a more structured education system for the younger servants because the information given to them by the Fate summoning system wasn't good enough for him.

Seeya all on the 3rd of January for Part 2 of this chapter