I haven't worked on 'Acting Out in the Name of Love' in a while, and I am terribly sorry for everyone who is awaiting more chapters of that. Not forgotten but... cowed into writer block, I guess? (Life also plays a role, but it is only a minor one if I really have to do the blame game.)

Please note that, unlike AOitnoL, Setsuka and Cain are properly acted out characters here. However, since Kyoko and Ren are such incorrigible method actors, they won't drop the ball that easily... right? ;-)

I hope you'll enjoy this eleven-chapters story that is the product of a fun little discussion on the Skip Beat Discord. It became something far different than what I had initially planned, but I am quite happy with it despite the vague title and summary! xD


"Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a picture together like a proper couple?"

Chapter 1: Greener Grass

The amusement park is a special place. It is truly a place for all ages.

The youngest of the young come here for the excitement under the careful supervision of their eldest seniors, who in turn come here to see the younger ones have their fun with a look of fondness.

Then there is the young parents, bullied into it by the youngest additions of their family. They won't mind, but as always when having children, it is a day that is about them having fun - as a parent you just end up running after them.

Kind of like this guy beside me.. but not quite. I can't help but give a glance at Sho as I walk alongside him. Covered up in the most suspicious surgical mask that can only bring forth NEET associations when juxtaposed to his fair complexion. He is on his phone. Again. And here I go again.

"Sho, what ride would you like to go on? You finally have a free afternoon, so we should make the most out of it."

"Eh. Up to you. Didn't you badger me to come here today?"

My hand reaches down to my purse by habit, wanting to reach for my cigarettes and lighter - only to see the ubiquitous reminder signs that smoking is not allowed except in designated areas. We can't be seen giving the wrong example to the next generation, after all - but clearly those people didn't keep in mind quite how taxing those of a physically or even mentally young age can be on those of us who plan these visits.

And that is ignoring the fact I don't even want to see myself cast in that role right now! It beats the entire point!

"All you want is to stay in, I know. You want to avoid your fans on your days off, and to definitely not be seen with me outside of the job. I know."

But like hell will I accept it!

To be your manager and minder, yes, that's one thing. I get paid for it! And yes, I do quite enjoy your company, even when hidden behind curtains so that nobody can find out, so it isn't like it is hell. Spending time with you away from the public eye is only natural given how damaging a scandal could be to your career.

But between all those immature girls who throw themselves at you - girls you keep at arms length because you don't ever want to speak to them beyond professional engagement - and actually having you to myself, yet still feeling like I am being kept at arms length for the very same reason?

That's not good enough anymore, Sho! Your plumbing might be fit for duty, but I want affection beyond that, too!

I slowly allow a deep breath to escape that I hadn't even realized I'd taken - geez, it would have been nice if there had been a bit of nicotine in there. This is not the discussion I can have with him right here.

"How about the rollercoaster over there? I hear it is a good one."

I hate rollercoasters: good luck looking remotely nice or capable of basic human function after having gone into one of those. I might as well get drunk: unable to walk in a straight line and feeling like throwing up. But at least I'd be having a blast doing the drinking! Yet Sho is all about the experiences he can't have at home, which means lots of acceleration and bustling. If it weren't for that, he would just have stayed at home no matter how much I nagged at him. I even have some barf-bags at the ready.

There is no way he can ignore that simple request if I show how much I care about him, right?

"Mhmm. Sure. If you say so."

"Maybe we should go get a snack first? How about ice cream?"

Fine, I'll admit it: I don't want to go. And there's no way to enjoy the romance when I feel like crap after going into the rollercoaster, so it makes sense to do this first.

"No way. Fans will flock to me the moment I take my mask off!

Even while bragging, he is on his phone. At least he won't see the scowl slipping over my features with his gaze stuck on that tiny little screen.

"Besides! brought snacks with me. Caramelized peanuts. Mmm."

Okay. It is a date on his terms. I need to remember that.

"Share some with me then? Please, Sho?"

My hand slips down to grab his as a small little epiphany hits me - let's just settle for the silly, immature things for now. It's not the sex that is the problem here. His.. no, our displays of affection, are.

"Why? Didn't you want ice cream?"

"I just thought you might like to share."

I reply coyly to him, feeling just a little bit like a highschool girl as I offer him that audacious reply that I haven't even gotten to show him when we were in private. It is nice to feel like I am his equal as opposed to minder or his teacher.

"No. Also, can you let go? How am I supposed to tell these Tsuruga fangirls how much he's got them fooled when you are occupying my hand? Sheesh, what is wrong with you today?"

What is wrong with me?

In an admittedly petulant fashion, I let go of his hand - although it feels more like I throw it away.

"We're out at the theme park, Sho. Of course I am going to hold your hand! The real question is: what is wrong with you? Is your little flamewar that interesting?!"

His brows furrow, and knowing him, he's about to make some sort of charm-infused appeal involving his career, but NO NO NO! I snatch his phone out of his hand and look at it for a second before giving him the stare that demands one hundred percent of his attention.

Then, realizing what I just saw, I look at the phone again. Tinder? That foreign dating app?

"… You are looking for dates. While we are at the theme park? Seriously, Sho?"

Through his facemask, I can see the awkward grin he gives me whenever I bust him slacking on his PR events that involve meeting his crazed fans.

"It's nothing. I'm just bored. I wondered what sort of foreigner girls there'd be in the theme park. Look, I was swiping left on most of them!"

I glance down at that little screen again, and I can feel a muscle in my forehead twitching to let out some true fury.

Seriously, Sho? On the date I finally got you to go on with me, you do this to me?!

Sure, the history might say you were dismissing those girls, but you shouldn't even be looking at any right now to begin with!

"So you weren't interested in anyone? Let's see…"

My unfamiliarity with the app in question offers Sho the opportunity to snatch back his phone, and it falls to the ground. Even as he quickly goes to pick it up, he gives me a stare.

"It's my own business. You're my manager, not my mother!"

Enough is enough. I have dignity, self-respect and without stimulants to keep me going, a very damn short fuse when it comes to Sho.

"I am not on the clock, okay? I am neither right now. I came here because I want to spend time with you, you idiot."

I feel like punching him, but I can already feel some of the surrounding gazes going, and a part of me is still mindful of his reputation… so I don't. I'll regret it… but you never know what can happen. I have heard some of the most rabid fans are able to recognise their idols by things as obscure as the way they walk. So if I regret this argument in some way, I'd rather do so without killing my career in the process.

But I need to tell Sho that enough is ENOUGH!

"Look. Woman. Man. Plenty of affection. I enjoy being with you. You enjoy being with me. I know you like to be all hands-off and laissez-faire when it comes to our relationship, but I can't keep doing that. I have needs, Sho. Needs I expect you to at least try to meet in good faith!"

The surgical mask on his features means I can't quite see how he feels right now, but the fact he is brushing the dirt off his phone most likely means he is ignoring me. It is frustrating to see him do that to others, but to receive it when I am being utterly damn serious? SHO!

"Damn it, Sho. Look around you. It is a theme park. You and I aren't the only young adults - no, don't give me that ridiculing stare, I'm not letting you distract me! - who are here to enjoy each others presence while bonding with each other. They are everywhere, unabashed about being seen together because all they care for is the person they are with."

"You're making a fuss."

Because you are not giving me any other option, you manchild!

"So what? Can you for even a second say our shared affection can even come close to societal outcasts like that couple over there? They don't care what people think. Look at the way they are blocking the door to that shop with people having to awkwardly slip passed them. Have you ever caressed my cheek like that in public, or brushed your thumb over my lips daring for me to suckle it? Of course not: you are too conscious of your reputation, because you are Mister Sho Fumwhemwha…"

His hands are covering my mouth so I can't attract peoples attention even more than I already have by blowing his cover. Goddammit. I should not be letting this manchild get to me to this degree!

"Shut up. You are making a scene. Calm down, okay?"

The tone of his voice betrays just how serious he is right now, and I find myself cowed just a bit into nodding.

He lifts his hand as he tries to guide me away from the middle of the thoroughfare, away from all the staring eyes… but I can't help but burst out again. He is handling me. Handling ME!

"You can't even pretend to be like them, can you? It's no wonder you managed to lose a girl as devoted as Kyoko!"