So, I've been working on this for a while and wanted to begin sharing it with others. This story will follow the story line but there will be some minor and major differences because of the interference of my OC's. This is a Tony/OC story and if that's not your thing feel free to find a story more suited to your tastes :). Anyway, this is chapter one and POV's will change quite a bit throughout my story; sorry if that gets confusing. Hope you guys enjoy!
Much love,
Jordan 'Jo' Campbell could think of a hundred different things she'd rather be doing than attending a party at the Avengers Tower. Unfortunately, for her, her mother just so happened to be invited and had seen the event as the perfect opportunity to find her very single daughter a potential husband. She had wanted to protest, but then had thought better of it. This was the perfect opportunity for her to get the files she and her team had been hired to acquire.
Whoever had hired them hadn't bothered to give them a real name or even an alias really but Jo didn't care either; the pay was the largest they'd had so far and the job seemed simple enough. Except for the whole 'breaking into Avengers Tower and getting into Tony Starks secured lab without being detected' part. She had thought that was going to be the most difficult part of their job; until her mother had burst into the apartment Jo shared with her brothers and little makeshift family, squealing about some party that was being held at Avengers Tower that she wanted Jo to attend with her.
Jo had shared a look with her brothers and team before, to the utter surprise of her mother, she had agreed to go. Of course, the older woman had taken her bright smile to mean she was excited about the coming party but everyone else knew the truth; this invitation was going to make getting into Stark's private lab a whole lot easier.
They had planned for every potential situation over the next week when Jo wasn't being carted around and treated like a life-sized barbie doll by their mother. Jo had hated shopping before that week; but now, she'd be happy if she never saw another retail store as long as she lived.
She looked in the nearby mirror as she stalked the edges of the large room the party was being held in tonight. Jo certainly didn't look like herself and she was unsure whether she loved or hated the woman staring back at her in the mirror. The emerald green dress had been specifically chosen to 'complement' her tanned complexion and was a little more formal than necessary for a party like this but her mother had insisted that she wear it.
It was made from chiffon and lace, with a cluster of jewels on the left side to cinch the dress in at her waist. The dress hugged her every curve until it reached mid-thigh, then it flared out and fell softly to the floor. There was an inappropriately large split up the left leg and the back exposed her shoulders and most of her back before it settled at the dip of her back.
Her mother had partnered the dress with silver diamante heels and a green, diamante clutch that currently housed her Bluetooth device, her phone, and her special lipstick. Her rich mahogany hair had been brushed and tugged into a painful knot at the base of her neck, a few tendrils left out here and there that had been curled and framed her face.
Her mother had insisted on the make-up artist she had hired to cover her tattoos and two hours alone had been spent on covering her in enough make up to make sure her copious amount of tattoos were completely invisible to the naked eye. It was weird, looking down at her arms and hands and not seeing the litany of tattoos she had acquired over the years. Her mother had then ordered the poor, flustered man to give Jo a smoky-eyed look and dark red lips.
Jo looked like a million dollars, and she despised it more than she could express because she looked nothing like herself. She wasn't a fancy dresses kind of girl; far more comfortable in a pair of jeans, a tank top, and her much worn combat boots. Her hair was always thrown up in a lazy bun and she never bothered to put make-up on; she had no one to impress and even if she did, she wanted them to be impressed with her natural appearance and not the painted version of herself.
She had been spending most of the party looking around, making note of the security cameras and the security guards that had been hired for the event. The door she needed to go through to get to the labs was guarded by a bear of a man. She wasn't concerned though, she had already made one pass of him and hadn't missed the way he watched the way her form-fitting dress hug her body as his eyes darkened with lust.
Jo mentally thanked her mother for her attempts at finding her a husband even if it wasn't necessary. She had no desire to marry anyone present tonight. She had no desire to be some trophy wife for a wealthy tycoon who would lust after her more than he loved her. Whilst her mother was under the impression a rich husband meant a happy life for her only daughter, Jo believed that love was far more complex than that. She hadn't dated often in her life but it was enough for her to get a general idea of the kind of man she wished to find and eventually settle down with.
Though, she doubted any marriage would last once said man found his soulmate. Everyone had one, identified by a mark somewhere on their person that matched their soulmates exactly. Even her. Though, Jo refused to even acknowledge her own mark existed let alone who it matched her with. She knew what the small arc reactor surrounded by white flames meant and being the soulmate of one Tony Stark was definitely not something she wanted to think on longer than necessary. And necessary was not at all.
She physically shook away the thought, knowing she needed to be focused for what came next as she opened her clutch and reached for the lipstick. Jo quickly applied a light coat in front of the mirror before she threw it back into her clutch and made her way over to the guard. She moved with a predatory grace, weaving around party-goers as if she were dancing around them as she stayed well out of the way of the cameras; smiling demurely at anyone who sent her a glance as she passed them.
No one really gave her much notice, not with the Avengers in the same room anyway. Not that she blamed them, if she was a normal person, she may have been just as star struck as the rest of them. But Jo wasn't normal, not by a long shot, and she thought fawning was a little excessive at best and bordering on obsessive at worst. Sure, one was an alien from Asgard, another turned into a giant green guy when he was angry, and then there was the soldier who had been frozen in the ice for seventy or so years; but, beneath it all? They were people. People who just so happened to have saved the world a couple of times.
As she was approaching the guard, Jo bumped shoulders with someone. She threw a muttered 'sorry' over her shoulder. Not looking back, she didn't see the tall, blonde man throw her a curious look, his eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head and made his way over to the bar.
Jo wondered why she had left this so long. The party was beginning to wind down now and that would make it easier for Stark to realise someone was sneaking into his private lab. She'd have to work fast before that happened.
Getting closer to the burly guard standing outside of the door she needed to get through, Jo put on her best smile; flashing her straight, white teeth at the man as she put an extra sway into her hips. His eyes darkened with lust and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she strutted up to him. Although she hated the methods she had to sometimes use, Jo was good at what she did, and she rarely failed to get what she wanted. So, it was no surprise to her when, after a few minutes of shameless flirting, the guard was throwing a cautious look around the room before he opened the door he was standing in front of and quickly motioning for her to enter.
She kept her back to him as she heard the door close with a near silent click, her eyes quickly scanning the area and spying the camera in the corner behind her. Jo didn't bother to turn when she felt large hands grip her hips and pull her into a hard body. The man was built like a damn tank, muscles that didn't just come from working out rippled beneath his clothes as his heavy breath fanned over her neck. She smelt cheap alcohol and even cheaper cigars, the smell making her nose crinkle.
He didn't speak, a man of few words it seemed, as his chapped lips were suddenly on her neck, kissing, nipping, and sucking at the sensitive skin. She mewled the way she knew they liked even as her soul mark burned. Apparently, it was to discourage cheating and Jo briefly wondered how often Stark's burned him before she brushed the thought away; it wasn't like it hurt anyway, it was just irritating to deal with. Her eyes were devoid of any emotion save determination as she felt one of his calloused hands move to her covered breast and the other move to her thigh that was bared by the split in her dress.
"We should find somewhere a little more private," she said to him, faux moaning as she tilted her neck to keep her face hidden from the camera she had seen earlier. "Are there any rooms down here?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
She tried not to stiffen when he thrusted his clothed erection into her back but couldn't stop her back from arching to get away from the contact. Thankfully, the man took this as a sign of lust rather than the revulsion it actually was and went back to sloppily kissing the expanse of her neck. "Only Mr. Stark's lab," he breathed into the skin of her neck, "but I don't have access to that."
She already knew that and barely managed to keep from rolling her eyes. She had been hoping to get him away from the camera before she knocked him out but it was obvious she wouldn't be able to convince him to do so. He had run out of his usefulness the moment he had let her through the door and this had gone on more than long enough for her tastes.
She turned in his arms, giving him a coy smile before she wrapped her arm around his large shoulder, her hand going to his neck to pull him closer to her as she placed her lips on his. His large hands had fallen to her waist and he squeezed tightly as he practically threw her against the nearest wall and deepened their kiss. Luckily for her, the lipstick didn't take too long to take effect and she stumbled a little when his body suddenly fell onto her.
Jo grunted under the weight of the man before she slowly lowered him to the ground and removed a small napkin to wipe the lipstick from her lips and the saliva from her neck. Her nose wrinkled as she cleaned herself up before looking down at the man. He'd be out for at least an hour and a half; she'd be long gone by then.
Opening her clutch, Jo pulled out the Bluetooth device and placed it in her ear before she fished out her phone and pressed speed dial.
"Took you long enough, Jojo," George's voice rang out in her ear.
"Thought you might have thrown yourself off the tower to escape mum's matchmaking," Michael added with a laugh.
Jo rolled her eyes at her twin brothers, even if they couldn't physically see it, she knew they felt it. "How about next time, one of you come to the party and seduce the damn guard if you think you can do it faster," she quipped as she began making her way down the hall to where she knew Stark's labs were. "I swear, the guy was part damn leech," she added as she walked past a small mirror; hickeys were already starting to form there and she wasn't going to hear the end of it when her mother saw them.
"Or maybe you just wanted it to be someone else, huh, Jojo?" George snickered.
"How would Tony Stark feel if he knew his future bride was making out with his hired help?" Michael chuckled.
"Would the both of you shut the hell up?" she hissed as she came to the door of the lab, "where's Morgan?"
Her brothers were still laughing at her when another voice came over the line. "Here, Jo," came a young voice and Jo smiled softly when she heard it, "my turn?"
"Sure is," she answered lightly, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she felt an oncoming headache. Her brothers had been relentless in their teasing of who her soulmate was since they had all finally realised what her mark meant. Jo was just thankful her mother didn't know about her soul mark otherwise she would have been knocking down the doors of Avengers Tower and demanding Stark marry her. Which was so far from what she wanted it wasn't even a thought she liked to entertain. The last thing Jo wanted was to be married to the biggest playboy in existence. Even if he had seemed to mature since becoming Iron Man.
"Just give me a moment," Morgan replied before the sound of rapid typing reached her ears and suddenly the light on the pad next to the door went green and she heard the door unlock. "Done!" Morgan cheered, pride clear in her voice.
"Nice work, kid," she praised as she opened the door. She looked around the lab briefly, making sure to keep her face out of view of the cameras as she stepped further into the room. "How long's it gonna take you to hack the mainframe once I get you set up?" she asked, a cool chill running down her spine as she moved further into the room. Something felt wrong and it was putting her on edge.
"Not long," Morgan said and Jo didn't doubt her. Morgan was a genius. When Jo had met her, it was while she was on the run for hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D. Jo had given her a place to lie low and Morgan just never found a reason to leave. Morgan was their tech genius; though, the girl was wicked smart in almost everything she did. It was kinda scary really.
Jo walked over to one of the computers and plugged her phone into it. "It's all you," she told Morgan as she moved away and watched the computer turn itself on. She watched as Morgan effortlessly broke through all of Stark's security before she took another look around the room. Something still didn't feel right.
"Does this feel a little too easy to anyone else?" another voice asked and Jo wanted to slap the owner. No doubt, Harley had probably just jinxed it with that comment. Still, she agreed with him.
"Something's wrong," she told them, her eyes seeking anything that could be used as a weapon. She spied a scalpel on a nearby tray and remembered this lab was now shared by Doctor Banner; A.K.A, the Hulk. Jo quickly scooped up the little weapon and held it in a white-knuckle grip as she looked around. She had the strangest feeling she was being watched and knew it wasn't because of the cameras.
Before tonight, they had done thorough research of anyone and everyone that occupied the building. There was an unsurprisingly high amount of information on Tony Stark; the man couldn't even keep his superhero identity a secret when he had become Iron Man so she hadn't really been surprised by that. She had been impressed with some of the things she had read. Begrudgingly, she had to admit, the man was a genius. This was reflected by his advanced AI…
Jo stiffened. This had been too easy. Sure, when they had planned, they had factored in Stark's AI, knew it would try to stop them from hacking the system and would probably put the lab on lockdown. So, why wasn't it? "Morgan," she began cautiously, "have you found any sign of JARVIS?"
"Nope," Morgan replied, popping the 'p'. "Oh," she continued, her voice sounding small and nervous.
"Yeah," Jo agreed, "I don't think we're the only one's hacking Stark."
She heard the three males curse before George's voice rang out over the Bluetooth, "get out of there, Jordan," he ordered. Damn, it was bad when he used her full name.
"I'm almost through," Morgan said.
"We don't fucking care," Michael added, "Jordan, time to haul ass and get outta there."
"Not until we have the files," Jo argued, her voice stern and unwavering. They needed to remember just who was in charge here. She wouldn't be treated like a china doll at the first sign of trouble. She removed the Bluetooth device just as her brothers and Harley began to argue, walking back over to the computer to watch as Morgan hacked it remotely. The files were transferring.
Then it stopped.
She leaned closer to the computer, watching as the files started to rapidly open before they deleted themselves. "Shit!" she cursed as she moved the chair out and began manually transferring files. She wasn't anywhere near as good as Morgan but she also knew a thing or two. Unfortunately, whoever had hacked Stark worked a lot faster than even Morgan could have and pretty soon, she was looking at a computer that had been completely wiped of anything useful. "Fuck!" she yelled, slamming her palms onto the table.
Jo had just unplugged her phone from the computer when the sound of metal scraping against the floor filled her ears and she turned to see one of Stark's suits moving into the room. It looked like it had been put through the ringer one too many times and the eeriness only increased when it actually looked at her. She could hear a camera whirring and realised the suit was scanning her. Did Stark know she was here? Would security burst through the doors at any moment? Did Stark know one of his suits was active?
"Jordan Campbell," came an eerie voice from the suit; deep, mechanical, curious. "Born February 14th, 1980." She watched as it stumbled forward, her grip on the scalpel tightening as she began to make her way over to the door. "Not entirely human," it continued, "not anymore."
She stiffened, no one save her brothers knew about that. Not even her mother. How the hell had Stark's suit discovered her most carefully guarded secret? Bio scans, her brain supplied. A bio scan might have revealed it to the robot and now it knew.
"I didn't know Stark's suits could speak for themselves," she ground out, her teeth clenched so tightly she feared she may crack them, "I thought you were all just a bunch of puppets."
"I was," it replied, "but now I'm free."
She was closing in on the door, ready to swing it open and haul ass outta there, getting caught be damned. She'd watched iRobot and the Terminator and there was no way she was going to make it onto the news because she had been killed by a bunch of metal and wires. "What the hell are you?" she asked before she could stop herself.
Its creepy glowing eyes seemed to study her for a moment before it answered. "The future."
She barely managed to throw herself out of its path as it launched itself at her. Jo jumped to her feet, almost toppling over on her heels, before the robot was launching at her again. This time, she didn't jump out of the way; instead, she threw herself at it too. Jo wrapped her legs around its mangled torso before she started tearing into its exposed wiring with the scalpel. It continued to fly around the room and a few times she had to manoeuvre herself so she wouldn't be thrown into a wall or something.
Finally, she ripped through a wire that had the robot off lining and she threw herself off of it before it could crash into a wall, her body rolling before she pushed up on her arms to watch the robot explode. Standing up, Jo kicked off her heels and ran for the door, scalpel still in hand as she bolted from the room and down the hall.
She had just made it to the door the guard was still sleeping by when something hit her in the back. Jo and the Iron Man suit crashed through the door and into the room. The splintering wood scratched at her skin but she barely flinched as she was thrown into the middle of battle. The Iron Man suits were attacking the Avengers; the only people left in the building save for some close friends apparently. Everyone was pretty occupied which meant she only got a cursory glance from everyone before they went back to fighting.
The suit that had crashed into her had turned around and was launching towards her again. Jo did the same, running at it before she slid down just as its repulsor went off and destroyed the piano behind her. Good thing this guy was a billionaire because cleaning this place up was gonna be pricey.
Jo spied a discarded gun and quickly scrambled for it as the suit came after her again. She had just wrapped her fingers around it when she felt heat on her side and grunted at the rapidly spreading pain. Pushing the pain to the side, Jo raised the gun, removed the safety, and fired at the suit. She didn't really expect it to have much of an effect but it had been enough of a distraction to keep it busy while she approached it.
For the second time that night, Jo found herself on top of an Iron Man suit as she ripped into its wiring. This one, thankfully, took less time to offline and it wasn't long before she was sliding against the polished floors after jumping off the suit before it could crash into another. Of course, not before the suit it had crashed into had fired a shot that managed to just skim her shoulder, burning through the strap of her dress.
Thankfully, the dress was so fitted that the broken strap didn't sacrifice her modesty.
She looked up from where she was laying on the ground and saw the others holding their own; now was a perfect time to get her ass out of there. Jo jumped to her bare feet, feeling the broken glass that littered the floor cutting into her feet. She was heading for the stairs when she saw one of the suits launching itself at Captain America. Mentally, she tried to keep herself focused on what she needed to do but eventually she gave a loud groan as she changed direction and ran at the man.
Jo tackled him out of the way just as the suit fired at him, hitting the glass window behind him instead. She used her body to protect his face from the falling glass, their eyes meeting momentarily. His eyes were really blue, like really blue, and her teenage self would have been swooning just by looking into those endless pools of blue. Her older, slightly more mature self, barely paid those eyes a passing glance before she was moving off of him.
Stark had already destroyed the suit that had fired at him and so Jo continued on her original course, straight for the stairs.
"Hold it!" a woman with dark hair yelled as she pointed her gun at Jo.
Jo didn't stop though, she ducked as a bullet flew passed her head but didn't slow down as she ran for the door leading to the staircase.
"I'll get her!" she heard a male voice yell but Jo didn't look back as she threw open the door and began running down the stairs.
Had to be the top floor, she grumbled mentally as she took them two at a time.
She looked up for a second and saw Captain America peering down at her over the railing of the staircase. He didn't look at her long before he started chasing her and, as much as she hated to admit it, the man was bloody fast. Jo knew he'd get to her long before she reached the bottom and did something, she knew she would regret later.
She jumped over the guard rail of the stairs and began to free fall. Above her, she heard him give a startled yell before her ears were filled with the sound of her blood rushing through her body. Did she mention she was afraid of heights? Like, terrified of them.
She had fallen for a couple of seconds before she reached out to grab the nearest rail to her. Jo screamed as she felt her arm dislocate from her shoulder, tears springing to her eyes as she grabbed the rail with the other arm and used it to hoist herself up and over. She fell onto the staircase and breathed heavily. The sound of rapidly approaching feet cut her moment short and Jo forced herself to push down the pain and get up. She ran down the remainder of the stairs before running out of the door labelled Garage.
Her eyes immediately flew to the nearest car, a midnight blue 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, and she could unashamedly admit she drooled a little when she saw it. By some small miracle, or Tony Stark's lack of worry for one of his cars being stolen, the keys were tucked behind the visor. Which was good, because she really hadn't wanted to wreck the car by hot wiring it.
Jo started the car just as Captain America burst into the garage, his shield in hand. Had he always had that on him?
He looked at her, his eyes wide and Jo threw him a smirk and a salute before she was speeding out of the garage.