It was well over a year since Toshiro had returned home from work one evening to find his one night stand from The Seireitei still in his apartment, serving up Laksa for the two of them.

It was well over a year since Toshiro had then promised to make Ichigo his special Thai green curry in return.

Tonight wasn't the first time he had made it for his boyfriend, but by the way Ichigo reacted at the first taste, Toshiro might have thought it was.

"Sensational," Ichigo moaned into his bowl, leaning right over it and shovelling curry into his mouth like he had no concern for how hot in both temperature and spice that dish was.

"You're going to burn your tongue," Toshiro chided, but he couldn't stop the small smile or rosy pink that dusted on his cheek at the compliment.

"Worth it," Ichigo managed between mouthfuls.

The captain rolled his eyes playfully and continued to eat his own dinner at a responsible pace, occasionally having to lift the bowl out of the reach of a certain black kitty who was very intrigued my his owner's meal.

Normally Toshiro and Ichigo ate at the table, which Hyorinmaru was certainly not allowed up on, but tonight they were feeling particularly lazy, and had decided to eat on the couch in front of a Sandra Bullock movie. Of course, Toshiro couldn't bring himself to push the cat out of his lap during such snuggle sessions.

When they were finished eating, Ichigo stood, collecting their bowls and took them to the sink. Without even needing to be asked, the surgeon started washing up. It was almost routine now – Toshiro cooked, Ichigo cleaned up afterwards.

Toshiro watched from the couch, scooping the cat up against his chest and contemplating how lucky he had got in life.

It had been several months now since Toshiro had been shot. He was back at work and finally cleared to be back in the field, not that he utilised it much with all the paperwork needing to be done.

It had been several months now since Ichigo had stayed at his place to help during the initial recovery period. He had not left since, and gradually more and more of Ichigo's things found permanent residence in Toshiro's apartment. Neither of them had noticed until Rangiku rolled her eyes and pointed it out.

"So you and Ichigo have moved in together?" she had giggled. "When's the wedding?"

Well there were no current plans for a wedding, but they were looking into finding themselves a nice house together. Not that the apartment wasn't fine enough, it was just small, especially when they had guests over.

"What about West Karakura?" Toshiro called back to Ichigo, picking up the real estate section of their local paper again and scratching Hyorinmaru behind the ears with his free hand. "It's close to work for both of us, and it's very affordable."

"I thought you would have wanted to live close to the seaside?" Ichigo asked from where he was now drying up the dishes he had cleaned. "I saw a lovely place off the high road there, right by the beach."

"Yeah I saw it too," Toshiro sighed. "It does look perfect, but it's way out of our budget, not to mention it would be a half hour ride for you to get into work."

"My dad wants to help us," Ichigo shrugged, addressing the financial issue instead of the distance from work issue, while he moved to putting the dishes away. "I tried to say no but he wouldn't have a bar of it. He's insisting he pays the deposit."

Toshiro raised an eyebrow; as much as he didn't love borrowing money, he knew that Isshin generally got his own way on that sort of thing. The elder doctor had been visiting often since Toshiro had been released from the hospital, and between him, Ichigo and Rukia, the three medical professionals had almost suffocated him in care. Not that he was complaining – it was nice to feel so loved.

"It will be a big deposit," Toshiro murmured. "It will be a long time before we can pay him back."

Ichigo scoffed, returning to the couch. He sat against the arm and manoeuvred Toshiro and Hyorinmaru to sit between his legs, the captain's back against the surgeon's chest.

"He only wants babysitting rights," Ichigo chuckled, pulling a throw over them as Toshiro noticeably stilled.

Babysitting rights?! To what, their cat?!

Ichigo laughed loudly at Toshiro's reaction and poked him gently in the ribs.

"Too early I know," Ichigo chuckled, wrapping his arms around Toshiro's middle and holding him closer, "but it might be worth taking it into consideration when buying a house. You know, for the long run."

"At least put a ring on me first," Toshiro grumbled, rolling his eyes and sinking back into his boyfriend's hold.

"Oh I am going to," Ichigo whispered against the captain's ear before he nibbled it gently.

Toshiro's face went bright red and his lips stretched into a wide grin that couldn't be stopped or stifled. He was glad Ichigo couldn't see his face directly right now, but he sure as Hell could sense it, if the chuckle reverberating off his chest was anything to go by and the apology kiss to Toshiro's snowy crown.

Toshiro didn't respond to the comment, merely picking up the real estate guide again and flipping to the page that was advertising the seaside house in question. He looked at pictures, this time really looking at them.

A big yard for some little orange haired children to run around in. A wide porch that looked over the beach and that could easily fit two rocking chairs for he and Ichigo to grow old together in. A large master bedroom and three other smaller rooms for their friends, family, children, what have you.

Ichigo's chin came to rest on his shoulder – not the side that had been injured in the shooting – and they looked at the glossy advertisement together.

"What do you think?" Ichigo asked softly, arms tightening around Toshiro's middle.

"I think…" Toshiro drawled, "that there are a lot of nice schools in that neighbourhood."

Ichigo chuckled and Toshiro smiled softly to himself, imagining he and Ichigo in this house; kids, cats, friends and family. It was a future he hadn't really thought of until just now, but he realised that he wanted it more than anything.

"I'll call the agent tomorrow," Ichigo murmured. "See if we can arrange a viewing."

Toshiro nodded, discarding the paper to the coffee table and even pushing (gently) Hyorinmaru off his lap, Ichigo released him long enough for the captain to turn over and crawl further up Ichigo's body, pushing the surgeon back down onto his back. Settling himself down on his boyfriend's chest, Toshiro nuzzled into Ichigo's neck and hummed, feeling Ichigo adjust the blanket over them both.

The movie was long forgotten, and the cat returned, sitting happily on Toshiro's back and kneading his spine, nails and all, but the captain couldn't have cared less.

"What are you thinking?" Ichigo asked, voice barely above a whisper as he ran his hand lazily through Toshiro's hair.

Toshiro smiled, "Just how lucky I am to have met you. Who knew I'd find the love of my life in a dirty, dingy nightclub?"

"I guess we have Rangiku to thank for that?" Ichigo chucked and Toshiro rolled his eyes.

"I suppose so."

"Well I am certainly glad for it," Ichigo hummed.

Toshiro lifted his head just high enough to reach Ichigo's lips and he kissed the surgeon slowly. Ichigo's lips opened happily for him and they moved together, familiarity and happiness bubbling between them.

"I love you," Toshiro murmured when they eventually pulled back.

Ichigo cupped his cheek and pressed another light kiss to the captain's tingling lips.

"I love you too."

That's it from me, kids! Hope you enjoyed this story – if you did, let me know in a review ;)

Geisha out xoxo