"Now Yuki I already apologized!" Drakken nervously yelped out as he ducked behind a metal ceiling girder dodging an ice blast.

"AN APOLOGY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" Kim yelled as she threw another ice blast at Drakken. "GET DOWN HERE!" She growled

Kim was infuriated at the doctor because of his latest failed plot. His stupid plan was to use magma to take over Wisconsin but it could've killed her. The heat of the magma not only hurt but weakened her enough that Shego kicked her ass. Then there was the cheese, all that damn swiss cheese got into her hair when it melted. It took so long to get the cheese out of her hair and at one point she was afraid she would have to cut her hair. Then there was the Bebe robots that turned on them before they even got to use them. To make matters worse he made them resistant to extreme temperatures making her powers all but useless.

Being saved by that bitch Shego made Kim even more pissed off than the cheese and magma did. She was pissed enough that the henchman were hiding and even Okami was hiding under a table to avoid her. Kim had been tearing the lair apart for the last two hours looking for Drakken. He had been hiding in the ceiling the whole time and she only found him because she heard him up there eating a bag of chips. And for the last hour and a half she's been yelling and throwing ice blasts at him.

"I'll come down when your not trying kill me anymore." He told her ducking out of the way of yet another ice blast.

"I'll stop trying to kill you when your dead!" She growled back at him. "And when your dead I'm going to cut off your hands and eat them!"

"What is it with you and hands! Your always threatening to eat my hands!" Drakken shouted out in reply.

"Maybe I have a rumbly in my tummy that only hands can satisfy!" She laughed out as she thought about that internet video, she really liked that video. As she was laughing a thought popped into her head, she just remembered that she had plans. "DAMN IT! I'm going to be late. I'll kill you later doc!" Kim shouted out before dashing off.

"Finally! Now how do I get down from here?" Drakken said to himself as he looked at the floor realizing he was stuck up there.

Kim ran back to her room where she grabbed the box Drakken had given her two months ago. Opening it she pulled out the the braclet and locked it into place on her wrist then reached back into the box pulling out an injector and a small glass vial. Placing the vial into the injector she pressed it against her neck and pulled the trigger. Kim grunted in pain and doubled over onto the floor as her skin started to give off steam. Her pale skin started to brighten and turn a normal pink as the icy blue color started to drain from her eye's and turn them back to their natural green.

The vial had a special mixture in it that when injected allowed Kim to look like she did before she got her powers but only temporarily. And the braclet suppressed her ablities enough that her body wouldn't constantly be outputting the freezing aura that it normally did. This is why Kim agreed to work with Drakken because he promised he could help her, that he could make her normal again. Sure it was only temporary but it was enough that she agreed. She missed being able to just walk around and do normal things without people staring or calling her a freak.

After that night with Shealyn Kim continued to go back to that bar to meet up with her. At first it was just sex but then they started talking and having conversations both before and after the sex. There was something about Shealyn that was familiar but Kim just couldn't place it. The older girl is hot as hell, amazing in bed, smart and just as aggressive as she is which definitely made Kim like her. In fact Kim enjoyed being with her which kind of bothered her. She doesn't do dating, romance or relationship stuff in general and hasn't since the whole thing with Chiyo. Then she has to hide a part of herself from Shealyn which makes things even more complicated. A part of her was starting to trust this woman but she shouldn't and couldn't trust anyone not after everything that's happened to her. Maybe things would be different this time, maybe it would be okay. No, no she couldn't. It wouldn't be okay. She can't trust anyone and it needs to stay that way.

Shego wasn't sure what to do about this whole situation. She was fine with her and Erika being fuck buddys but now things were starting to get complicated. She was starting to like this girl a hell of a lot. They were a lot alike but also different enough that it made things interesting. Erika was fucking hot, a beast in bed, smart and that badass mean streak turned her on like no other. There was however something bothering her about the girl though which was that she seemed so god damn familiar but Shego couldn't figure it out. She is hiding who she is using that device of hers which complicates things. She wanted to ask the girl on a date but she made it clear that first night that she didn't do dating. Maybe she should just say fuck it and ask anyways. Maybe she could just trick her into going on a date. If she tricked her then she would probably freak out which wouldn't be good so maybe scratch that idea. No, you know what fuck it she was going to ask, better yet she was going to get a date on way or the other and she knew how to do it.

It was night time and Shego was waiting for Kim at some biker bar they had agreed to meet at. The owner of the Japanese bar told them not to come back unless they could control themselves. Apparently a few bar fights and practically dry humping each other is considered unacceptable. After a few minutes passed Kim walked in and instantly spotted Shego. Making her way over to the woman she sat down and ordered a drink.

"Took you fucking long enough." Shego said.

"Fuck off! I'm not in the mood." Kim yelled.

"What crawled up you're ass?" Shego turned in her seat to face Kim.

"I want to kill my boss!" She growled. "The man is an idiot."

"You never have said what you do for work." Shego raised a curious brow.

"Does it matter what I do? Beside you've never told me what you do either." Kim mentions as she takes her drink from the bartender.

"Fair point." Shego said dropping the subject. "Okay I'm going to be blunt, I want to take you out on a date."

"I told you on day one that I don't do the dating thing."

"That's why I got a proposition for you." Shego smirked. "If I out drink you then you go on a date with me. But if you out drink me then I'll drop it and never ask again."

"Interesting." Kim sat there in her chair thinking about it. She's been drinking since she was 13 and started drinking even more at 15. She could put a lot down so she figured she could easily win. "Okay your on."

"Good." The woman grinned. Honestly Shego was going to cheat to win. Because of her powers all she needed to do was heat herself up making her body burn the alcohol out of her system.

A few hours passed and they were still going at it, pounding one drink down after another. Shego was indeed cheating by using her powers as she sat there and watched Kim slowly get more and more wobbly with each drink. Shego had to admit that the other girl could really put it down and if it weren't for her powers she would most certainly lose. Another hour passed and Kim couldn't even stay in her seat as she fell over. At this moment Kim's very drunken mind knew she had lost and was going to feel like shit in the morning because of the power dampener she was wearing. Shego knew she'd won as soon as the challenge was excepted and was definitely a bit smug about it as she sat there and laughed.

Kim was drunk enough that when she laughed about something she would constantly use the word 'spankin' and the phrase 'so the drama'. Seeing her this drunk was a first, sure they had both gotten drunk a few times but never this drunk. The girl Shego knew as Erika was acting so differently than she was used to and it was well...weird. Normally the woman was always a lot like her with the cussing and being mean and stuff but right now it was like she was this sweet innoccent girl. She took the girl back to her place as per usual but seeing as how she was completely wasted and Shego wasn't she decided not to have sex and let the woman sleep.

Shego woke up the next morning to the sounds of her bed mate puking her guts out. She knew it would happen after how much the girl drank. Kim herself hated that she had her power dampening braclet on right now. With out the braclet she didn't need to worry about getting hangovers. Her powers caused alcohol to stay in her system longer because of her cooler body temperature but took longer to affect her. Her bodies regenerative ability also allowed her to drink a lot more without worrying about poisoning herself. She lost the drinking contest and now had to go on a date. She could just go back on her word but she didn't want to do that to Shealyn. After cleaning herself up Kim left the bathroom and sat on Shego's bed.

"How ya feeling?" Shego smirked.

"I feel like shit!" Kim groaned. "You cheated! I don't know how but you did."

"How could I have possibly cheated?" The woman laughed.

"They gave you watered down drinks or colored water or something. You could have had it all planned out before I got there." Kim told her.

"Your just a sore loser." Shego laughed.

"Fuck you!" She growled.

"So about that date?" Shego grinned with a smug look. "Hope your not thinking of going back on your word."

"Fine! You won, you got your date!" Kim said as she rolled her eye's. "Happy now you smug bitch."

"Yes I am." She laughed again.

"I still feel sick." Kim rushed back into the bathroom and starting vomiting again. When she was done she once again cleaned herself up. As she looked at herself in the mirror her skin started to slightly give off steam with a small patch turning pale meaning the formula was starting to wear off. But it hasn't been 12 hours yet she started thinking to herself. It was then that she remembered the conversation with Drakken.

"You should have about 12 hours after using it but the more you use it the quicker you body will start to metabolize it."

"Which means?"

"That it will start wearing off quicker. So use it sparingly."

She's been using the stuff a lot because of meeting up with the woman she knows as Shealyn. Kim Rushed out of the bathroom grabbing her stuff quickly and telling Shealyn she was sorry and had to go but would meet with her tommrow and talk about the date she won. Shego was confused and worried when Erika left the way she did but wasn't fast enough to stop her to ask what was wrong. Kim ran for several blocks before darting into a back alley falling to the ground in pain. Her skin started to steam profusely as it started to return to its pale white. She rolled around on the ground in pain while thinking about how much she hated the pain the formula put in her in. The pain subsided and she took a deep breath as she pulled out a communicator that connected her to Drakken.

"I need you to track my communicator and pick me up." Kim told Drakken as after he answered.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"Yes...no...I don't know." She sighed. "Just get here." She promtly hung up on him.

It didn't long for Drakken to discretely arrive in a stealth version of his hovercraft. Kim stood up and climbed in sitting down with a sigh.

"I know I already asked but are you okay?" Drakken asked as he put the craft on auto pilot and turned to look at her.

"I know you're my boss and you call us an evil family but seriously why do you even care?" Kim said with a bit of Venom in her voice.

"Because I...because I just do. Do I really need a reason to care about you?" He told her hoping it would be enough to end the discussion.

"Yes you do have to have a reason. Everyone has a reason for everything." She glared at him. "People only care when they want something!"

"Okay fine I have a reason but its my own business." He said as he took a rather firm and serious tone which was surprising considering how he usually is.

"I know about the blood tests, your journal and that stupid picture you carry around!" Her glare got stronger. Kim had noticed things with Drakken especially recently. He was always staring at her or writing about her in a journal he thinks no one knows about. He is always looking at a baby picture and sighing when he thinks he is alone, she has even noticed that the baby looks a lot like her. Then there was the blood tests he was running on her blood.

"I...I..." He started stuttering.

"It involves me so I'm making it my business!" She grabbed him by the collar. "Why do you care so god damn much? Why do always stare at me? Why did I see you running tests on my blood? Why do you always write about me in that damn journal you think is so well hidden? Why do have a picture of a baby that looks like me?" She growled out. "WHY DO YOU FUCKING CARE? WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME?" Kim lifted him out of his seat. "ANSWER ME!"


"Your lying!" She said.

"Blood tests don't lie!" He said as he struggled in her grip.

"Bullshit! Your just lying because you want to control me!" She yelled.

"I'm not lying! I swear!" He continued to struggle as her grip got tighter. "I know who you really are, where you come from."

"I don't believe you!" Kim continued to yell at him.

"I...I'll prove it! When we get back!"

"If your lying to me or trying to manipulate me I'll show how cold antarctic temperatures can get!" She dropped Drakken back into his seat before taking her seat again. In her mind he had better not be trying anything or she would kill him. Kim has almost killed a few times but was either stopped by someone or controlled herself enough to not do it. If Drakken was telling the truth however then she didn't know how she would act or what to think. But honestly what was the likely hood that he was telling the truth?