I own nothing but Junior, The Teen Titans and everything else rightfully belong to DC

The Titan of Jump

Chapter 5

Metropolis shook as Superman was once again launched through a line of buildings only to skid across the street pulling the ground with him, Titan fought with Wonder Woman atop a building with skill and precision only a being bred purely for battle could achieve. Her centuries of combat training and countless battles just barely kept her in the fight as he bats her sword swings away and countered with his fists, each strike could level a building with their power and her shield felt like it was on the verge of cracking in half, let alone the arm holding it up.

She was given some reprieve from the deadly assault as a red streak shot by, managing to land an impossibly fast series of blows upon Titan pushing him back a bit but otherwise leaving him completely unfazed. Explosions rocked the rooftop as the Batjet unloaded payload after payload upon their adversary but he merely walked through the flames like they didn't exist, Batman sat within the confines of the jet thinking hard on their situation.

Over the years he'd kept tabs on Junior, studying his growth and creating plans to deal with him should he ever decide to fully dive into his father's line of work, that didn't change even after he solidified himself as an actual hero. He'd always been perturbed by the man's sudden increases in strength, they've always been wild and unpredictable, almost impossible to calculate. On many occasions, he's managed to reach even Superman's level, but now it seems he's beyond even that, his previous plans were now useless and now the only thing he could do was stall for time and observe for any weaknesses.

"J'onn, can you get a read on his mind?" he asked as the Martian Manhunter's voice filled his head.

"There is nothing keeping me out of it, but it would appear that the one we have known as Junior, is truly gone...There is only Darkseid now, only Darkseid, only Darkseid" he repeated his voice growing more and more strained sending a chill down Batman's spine.

"J'onn! Get a hold of yourself!" he yelled as he managed to spot the green-skinned hero, he sat there in the air above the building clutching his skull in agony.

His body was shuddering and shaking as it fought to keep its current form, he cried out in pain as his spine grew ridges before slamming back into his body his arms extended then shrunk, talons replaced fingers before swiftly morphing back, this continued until the body of Wonder Woman crashed into him sending them both sailing to another part of the city.

"Damn it!" Batman growled as he once again looked down at the building only to see Titan holding the unconscious form of The Flash by his throat.

His left leg was bent at an odd angle shattered while Batman was distracted and he was tossed roughly to the floor as Titan set his blank white gaze upon the jet black vehicle above him. Batman cursed loudly when a piece of the roof was thrown at the jet and then once again when Titan collided with the right-wing tearing it off and sending the jet itself careening to the earth.

He quickly ejected before the jet crashed into the street and exploding on impact, he landed next to the burning wreckage of his plane and stared as it lurched to the side and Titan strode out untouched, Batman tensed Batarangs at the ready before Superman returned to the fight blasting through the building to the left of them, he grabbed Titan as they both slammed through the building to the right towards the edge of the city. Batman let out a breath before retrieving his grappling hook and shooting up the building to try and collect the rest of the team.

Superman roared as they cleared the last of the buildings and made it to the outskirts of Metropolis, he refused for anymore destruction to befall his home. The flight was cut short however as his vision spun from the punch he took to the chin that sent him flying to the left across the fields leaving Titan to reorient himself and skid to a halt quickly following.

He only had a moment to collect himself before Titan was upon him again, he was assaulted by a flurry of blows that he could barely block as they seemed to come from every angle. He attempted to make some space with his heat vision but Titan's hand just shot through the beams of energy to grasp his face, his head was soon buried into the earth before it was ripped out as Titan swung him by the foot over his head to slam him again.

A metal boot soon introduced itself to Superman's spine; he felt the air leave his lungs in a rush as the boot forced his body further into the ground. It took a moment for Superman to get his bearings but when he did he pushed his strength further now that there wasn't anyone around he could hurt by accident. He threw Titan off him, managing to land a devastating blow to his chest while he was off-balance.

Titan rocketed across the fields digging up the earth every time his body made contact with the ground as Superman shot past him appearing as nothing more than a blue and red blur. He caught him by the throat halting all his forward motion before blasting him into the sky with a supercharged heat beam so wide it completely consumed his black armored foe. He kept the pressure on forcing more energy from his eyes until they began to strain and his eyes started to lose focus, he roared as the beam doubled in size before cutting off letting the unmoving body of Titan fall from the sky and crash into the ground with a mighty boom and subsequent shake of the are around them.

Superman fell to a knee while he tried to get his breathing back under control, he kept an eye on where Titan landed looking for any signs of life only for his eyes to widen in shock when he saw a figure lazily rise from the crater. Pieces of his black armor fell from his body revealing the deep scars and unknown runes carved into his torso, each a result of the many operations he went through so that Darkseid could have his perfect weapon. Other than the armor however there wasn't a scratch on Titan, the only reminder of what he just went through being the smoke that rose from his skin.

Superman rose up to face him once again but was instead knocked to the ground by the fist of Titan who now stood in front of him, somehow crossing the large expanse between them without Superman being able to track him the only thing left in his previous position being a cloud of smoke and the raised earth.

He was pulled from the ground by his hair before receiving a devastating blow to his stomach and then to his chin, this continued until Superman was assailed by a literal barrage of blows that he just didn't have the ability to block let alone counter. The ground shook as the beatdown went on, leaving fissures traveling from the two growing ever longer and thicker with each blow landed, Superman had long grown numb from the onslaught until it suddenly stopped.

His vision was blurred and tinged red from the bruises and blood that littered his face, he was only held up by the hand firmly grasping the front of Superman's suit. Titan stared down at the beaten hero blankly before with a mighty heave he tossed the caped crusader into the sky, Superman's near lifeless body easily breaking the sound barrier as it continued to ascend.

Titan quickly followed, kicking off the ground with such force that the ground merely shattered under his feet, he flew past the thrown body before pulling his arms back as far as they could go. He waited as both of them slowly reached the peak of their ascension and at that moment where all motion slowly came to a stop and they seemed to hover. He pulled his arms forward and clapped his hands together, the sound it made was that of a thunderclap that was heard across the world, the sheer force of the action managing to disperse all the clouds around them leaving the sky bare for as far as the eye could see.

The force shot him down towards the ground impossibly fast, and he grabbed Superman on the way down, they were a blur of motion as they rocketed towards the ground. Then right before they came to the sudden stop at the end, Titan placed Superman's spine right over his knee...and the moment they impacted the ground, was forever cemented as the day the world shook but it was also known for another far more important moment, for this was the day.

Titan Broke The Man of Steel.

The rest of the Justice League looked on in horror at the being holding the strongest of them by the cape as he stood atop one of the few undamaged buildings in the area. Superman was beaten and bloody, completely unresponsive as Titan tossed him towards the group of stunned heroes before him. They had felt that massive earthquake that toppled many of the damaged buildings still standing in Metropolis, luckily the building currently housing on Lois Lane was still intact as she hid on the roof all of them silently hoping that it was Superman that caused it while they attempted to get themselves together.

Now, that hope was about as shattered as the caped crusader they caught and slowly lowered to the ground, Darksied let a cruel smirk split his face as his Parademons converged on the area surrounding the remaining members of the League, simply waiting for the command to end this battle once and for all.

"The Kryptonian has fallen, and you are next...though I am not without mercy, kneel before me and you shall not be harmed further, but should you rise again, know that there shall be no second offer," he said lowering himself to stand beside his warrior to stare down at the beaten but unbroken heroes.

No words were said between them, as J'onn finally back in his right mind, Batman, and Wonder Woman laid Superman next to The Flash before rising to face the impossible force before them, they formed around the two intent on not letting a single foe pass them.

"So be it" Darkseid said as he watched their defiance with disinterest, only for the ruined city to be bathed in a bright green glow, and three figures descended to stand with the battered heroes.

Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and John Stewart, the Green Lanterns of Earth had returned just in time.

"Sorry we're late, Sinestro was stirring up another war," Hal said as he assessed the situation and his face grew grim.

"You bastards got a lotta nerve busting shit up while we were away" Guy growled his ring letting off an angry glow, while John just silently observed the enemy before his eyes grew wide when they landed on the familiar figure standing beside Darkseid.

"Damn...not you man" he whispered, shutting his eyes to stave off the painful memories of his time with the deceased hero known as Titan. Darkseid merely gazed upon the interruption, his expression unchanged.

"Crush them," he said, turning his back on the insects that dared defy him, knowing that he was not needed. Titan stepped forward as the Parademons shrieked and flew around them all wanting and waiting for their chance to converge upon the heroes and crush them in the name of their ruler, then for the first time since showing his face to them all...Titan spoke.

"All fall to Darkseid".

Jump City was in a panic as the tremors continued, Victor sat in his office with Nightwing while the rest of the team was out attempting to aid the civilians to get to safety. Alarms and sirens were going off all over the city as the two friends tried to pinpoint what was going on.

"This can't be a natural earthquake, there's been nothing to signal even a small localized one, let alone something like this" Victor said gravely as screens of information filtered passed their eyes.

"No, this originated from somewhere, see the patterns it looks like it came from Metropolis," Nightwing said pulling up a hologram of earth and watching as it simulated the origin point and the subsequent earthquakes that spanned out from it.

"Is something going down over there?" Victor asked.

"Batman hasn't said anything recently, no distress call, no word of warning...nothing" Nightwing replied after a moment of contemplation before doing something they should have thought of earlier.

"Turn on the feed from Metropolis," he asked Victor who nodded before the small blue holographic screens coalesced to form one large screen before them. What they saw left them shocked and appalled.

Years ago Batman came up with the idea of placing small monitoring drones around every city in the world so that the Justice League could get accurate live information regarding the state of the planet should anything happen that they weren't aware of at the time. He made sure that the major "hot spots" of the planet had a few more of these drones hovering around at all times, so when the video feed came up on the screen they had multiple shots of the absolute devastation Metropolis had undergone.

Parademons littered the city as multiple familiar ships filled the skies, the threat was immediately recognized and left the two cold when they realized that Apokolips was once again attacking the earth.

"Can you get in touch with Superman?!" Nightwing shouted but Victor shook his head in frustration.

"I've been trying everyone, they've all gone dark," he said as he once again attempted to get in touch with any of the Justice League even going so far as to call Alfred in Gotham.

No one answered which didn't make the situation any better, but it only got worse once Nightwing received a call on his communicator, and the T symbol was flashing a bright red signaling emergency.

"What's happened?" he asked quickly hoping that no one was hurt, it was the voice of Kyra that answered him and she sounded shell shocked.

"Teach, you should really look out the window," she said a hint of fear coloring her voice which immediately sent up red flags as Kyra was about as fearless as one could get.

They soon understood why she requested them to look out as a massive shadow covered most of the city, for above it sat a massive black ship, Parademons zipping around it like a black cloud with even more clinging to its surface. The thing that caught their attention, however, was the smaller platform descending from the ship, two figures stood atop the black platform but hanging by their arms below it...was the beaten and bloody forms of the Justice League.

"We've gotta move," Nightwing said simply as they both made for the back of the office, Victor let a scanner slide over him before the wall slid aside and let the two of them ascend to the roof of the building.

They wasted no time leaping from the roof high above the other buildings, each confident in their methods of landing, Cyborg's legs tore through his suit pants as they morphed into thrusters, sending him careening through the city towards where the Titans were waiting. Nightwing, on the other hand, let his coat flare out behind him as he grabbed the ends, reorienting himself in the air before revealing his own grappling gun that sent him speeding towards the nearest building.

He rolled into a sprint before jumping once again heading straight for the street where Wingrider came to a sudden stop, the jet black motorcycle beeped as he landed on the seat, instantly recognizing its owner through a series of lightning-fast facial and body scans. It took less than half a second for him to get comfortable and jet after Cyborg to do what they did best, protect the city and its people from whatever threat decided to rear its ugly head this time.

Raven sat in her office and stared unblinkingly at the t.v. that sat on the wall across from her simple desk, various bits of paperwork were placed around her desk in an orderly fashion, not a pencil was out of place as she looked on unseeing. The t.v. was now showing nothing but a blue screen as the news station that kept this certain channel running was ruined, Lois Lane in all her wonderful intellect had somehow managed to avoid capture by the Parademons.

She had made her way to the tallest building closest to the battle that was raging within her wonderful city and had managed to link her phone to the Daily Planet where she then began to take live footage of the Justice League facing this old threat. Raven had immediately sent a message to Beast Boy about the trouble despite hardly being able to breathe, she watched stunned as Antonio, the man she'd lost systematically destroyed the Justice League.

She didn't want to believe that this gray-skinned almost demonic being wreaking havoc on Metropolis was Junior but when she caught sight of Darkseid sitting unmoving in the sky above watching the scene play out impassively another feeling began to well up within her. An unholy rage the likes of which she had never felt before began to bubble up like a volcano coming to life after centuries of sleep, after not feeling anything for so long the onslaught of emotions nearly set her into a panic.

She almost forgot what to do in such a situation but quickly fell back onto muscle memory, forgoing the usual ritual she flung herself deep into the recesses of her own mind to try and calm the oncoming storm. She found herself before an impossibly tall door within a withered and dead forest, the purple sky above seemed almost alive as the black clouds writhed and swirled kicking up a foreboding wind.

The door itself was just that, a massive black door with no knob, the only thing off about it being the fact that there stood no wall to keep it up, and the massive lock, set into the middle of the wood. A lock that had manifested quickly after the last of her emotions dried up, after the last tear had fallen, and with the death of her emotions came the end of her powers, and this felt more like a blessing than a curse.

Not many people knew this fact, only Nightwing and Beast Boy really, the first due to his nearly unparalleled deductive capabilities and the other through his uncanny ability to literally sense when something is different about a person, something he picked up over the years. Her inner world has been dead since then, giving her no reason to return but now...now it was alive, she could feel the energy behind the door spiking and slamming against the force that held it back.

It needed to get out, it needed to escape and destroy the thing that took something so precious from her, the rage was suffocating and the door cracked and shuddered with every slam of the emotion trying to escape. There was another however, one just as strong and it almost brought Raven to her knees with the power of it, this emotion had reawoken the moment she had laid eyes on the transformed Junior, and it cried out in despair at what that monster had done to him. Junior belonged to them! With them! Only for them! These were the cries that rang out from behind the door and Raven could only look on as they grew louder and more demonic.

Love was a truly terrifying thing as Raven was about to find out, because it had been denied for far too long, and it no longer needed nor wanted her permission, and with that realization, the door burst open and a flood of pure magic washed over the woman who knelt before it. Eight bright red eyes glowed in the darkness before rushing towards the woman, fully intent on forcing her to act, because there was unfinished business and pity for the beings that decided to stand in their way...Because one must always beware of the love of a demon.

The Titans stood tall before the platform that came to a stop above them, they could see the defeated forms of the Justice League hanging under it unmoving and if it weren't for the subtle rise and fall of their chests the Titans would have believed them to be dead. No, for while that could have been easily accomplished with the power of his new weapon, Darkseid believed this to be far too merciful, so instead he strung them up as trophies.

The world would see what became of its defenders and through this simple act, they would fall into despair making their subjugation all the more simple. The so-called Justice League would bear witness to the fall of their precious planet and only when their world was fully under the might of Darkseid would they be allowed to die. At least the ones he couldn't find a use for, he was sure that with a bit of work Wonder Woman would make a wonderful teacher and leader for his Valkyries back on Apocalypse.

With that thought, he stepped forward his Titan mirroring his movements as he was taught, and together they gazed down towards those familiar faces that had fallen before ready to stand against him once again, but this time with their savior acting as their executioner.

Nightwing met the blank white gaze of Titan and froze, as did the rest of the older heroes completely frozen in place at the menacing visage their old friend and comrade struck. His now gray upper body bare to the world as they scanned the endless amounts of scars and runes, his armor-clad legs of the deepest black that it seemed to suck in all light around them. His cracked mouthpiece gave him the appearance of a predator waiting to consume its prey, Titan quickly scanned the group before him assessing their strengths and weaknesses based on everything from their stances to the way they looked upon them.

He quickly created a list of who to take out first based on these deductions but left them open enough should any of them warrant an increase in threat level. Should he somehow fail in his primary objective and lose to this group than his secondary objective was to cause as much damage as possible before his death so that his master may clean up the rest without much trouble. His eyes locked onto the gray-skinned teen, the color of her skin caused an unexplainable reaction within him...an almost instinctual need, but it was quickly snuffed out as his mind returned to its proper programming.

"Dude...no" Beast Boy said, his voice coming out a whisper that seemed to traverse endlessly in the silence, Kyra looked to him in confusion.

"Do you know these guys?" she asked, shifting her gaze between her father and her teacher.

It was Robin who answered in a dark tone she'd only heard him use a few times, and only when things were set extremely on the bad side of things.

"Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips and extremely dangerous foe, avoid contact at all times if possible...Antonio Diego, formerly known as Titan was considered KIA in the attack on Jump City after defeating both Darkseid and Doomsday. It would appear that we're going to have to update the Bat Computer after this is over" he stated evenly, slowly drawing his swords in preparation for the fight coming.

"Titan? Your old teammate?" she asked looking back at Nightwing who just nodded his face set into a dark frown.

"What did you do?" he growled darkly at Darkseid who seemed wholly unaffected by the seething human before him.

"I took a problem and turned it into a boon, your friend died that day after following me to Apokolips...he fought my forces for days without rest killing a countless number of my soldiers before dying all alone. Who was I to let such a useful tool die? So I revived him, before destroying everything that made him human and while it took quite a long time...well, you see the results" he said in an almost amused tone as he swept his hand along bringing everyone's attention back to the fallen heroes before them.

He saw no reason to mention the rest of that story, of how Junior beat him to near death before he managed to open the boom tube leading back to Apokolips where the rest of his forces and one of his offspring came to his aid, he lost a son that day and an innumerable amount of Parademons but gained something so much more.

"Man, that's messed up" Hextech whispered eyes wide behind her sunglasses as Jinx and Victor shifted ever so slightly in front of her, subconsciously protecting their daughter despite knowing how capable she was in a fight.

"Enough talk, I shall now extend the same mercy to you as I did for them," Darkseid said evenly gesturing once more to the Justice League.

"Kneel before me as countless many have done before, or prepare yourselves for destruction" he stated as Titan shifted forward ready for battle.

It was then that the city shook once more, and the group of heroes had to steady themselves as the tremors rocked the buildings too and fro, and while it wasn't as devastating as the earthquake before it was still strong enough to gain everyone's undivided attention.

A beam of dark purple energy split the skies before coalescing into a massive bird, it's cry piercing the hearts of anyone who still had one, a cry of longing and rage so mighty it almost brought our heroes to their knees. One name shot through everyone's mind as the bird flew towards the scene before dispersing, showering everyone in a burst of black rain that fell through them leaving only a feeling of deep despair with every drop.

Only one person could have such an effect on people's emotions the Titans thought as they gazed upon the figure descending before them, her skin was a fiery red and her long white hair was free to twist and twirl in the strong winds her magic created.

Her pants were completely destroyed up to her thighs revealing her now digitigrade legs tipped with wicked talons, her suit jacket was gone as were the sleeves of her button-up as well as her tie.

A pair of pitch-black horns sprouted from her forehead above her four blazing eyes, curving back across her head before to tips reached for the sky above.

Her face was set in a snarl that revealed her sharpened teeth as her black claws twitched and flexed ready to rend flesh from bone, Raven was now among them with a rage so deep and dark it made hair stand on end out of pure, instinctual fear, and a sense of sadness so potent permeated the air that no one could help it as every dark memory flooded to the surface.

Her presence was both beautiful and horrid, a concept at odds like a Dark Goddess or Holy Demon but she was both none of these things and all of them but most importantly...she was a woman pushed way too far.

"Darkseid!" She roared, her voice forcing even the heavens above to shudder in fear.

And she was ready to end all of this, once and for all...

Aaaand scene, god I love writing Raven, especially an overpowered Raven as you will see in the next chapter.

Anyway Read, Review, Flame it's all love in my book.

Alfred Signing Out.