The Titan of Jump

I Own Nothing but Junior, the world and its characters are all owned by DC

Chapter 1: Hero of Coincidence

A teen was happily walking along the streets of Jump City, he was large for someone his age muscles bulging under the tight tank and leather jacket covering his torso, his Latino blood was prominent in his features. The light brown skin and mass of curly black hair barely obscuring his sunglass covered eyes, there was a skip in his step as he hummed slipping past his fellow civilians with a bright good morning and how do you do.

His accent was light but obvious and his happy mood was infectious to those he walked past, his smile was as bright as the sun on this day because he was finally, finally! Away from the insanity that was his though beloved, absolutely insane family, no more heists, no more experiments, no more bats in the night. Just a normal life, in a normal city, just the way he's always wanted.

His happy musing was rather rudely interrupted by a thundering crash and the ear-splitting sound of concrete grinding against concrete. Now of the many things our Latino teen could expect today, a giant creature made of concrete causing general mayhem in the middle of the street for seemingly no reason was not one of them...

"Just ignore it, Junior, just ignore it" he muttered turning on his heel to head back the way he came.

The screams of the innocent people caught in the crossfire of the creatures' wanton destruction grated on his conscience but it was far from the first time he had heard such things so he could ignore it easily enough. Then came the crying, a little girl from what his ears picked up, and it was this that caused him to finally turn to scope out the situation.

A little blonde girl holding a bear, couldn't have been older than 4 or 5 was trapped between the wall of a building and an overturned car, the parents were trying to get her out but all the crying had gotten the attention of the lumbering concrete brute. He moved before his mind could register what he was doing and he was there in moments.

Then right before the eyes of the crowd he lifted the car over his head without as much of a groan of exertion, they didn't know that this was light work for him, and with a spin, he nailed the concrete beast in the side with the vehicle sending him crashing to the street with a minor quake. The car was now a crumpled mess beside the dazed creature and Junior was still clutching the bumper, the metal groaned loudly as his fists clenched. He turned to look at the parents, now clutching their little girl in desperation while the girl, on the other hand, was looking up at the teen in awe.

"You folks should push on out of here," he said with a grin and with hurried thanks the parents took off down the street their daughter safely in the arms of her father.

He saw her wave at him as they escaped and her smile made the situation a little less annoying for him, he turned back to the monstrosity with a severe frown tearing the bumper in half before bending the metal and tossing the two pieces at its head.

"You ruined my perfectly calm afternoon you pila de grava" he growled before stalking over to the dazed creature, intent on showing it just how much of a mistake it had made.

When the Teen Titans got the alert of trouble going down on Alderson st, none of them were expecting what they saw when they arrived, the road was torn to absolute shreds, littered with craters and overturned cars. The sidewalks weren't doing much better with the concrete shattered and a few of the fire hydrants missing leaving gallons upon gallons of water shooting into the afternoon sky and sitting in the center of all of this chaos with many unhurt civilians surrounding the scene was a Latino teen lounging comfortably upon the beaten and broken form of Cinderblock, one of their hardier enemies.

The smoke from his lit cigarette rose into the air, though no one dared comment on the legalities of this as he dusted his leather coat of leftover bits of dust and gravel, the look of annoyance was prominent on his face as the Titans quickly converged on the scene. Robin was the first to make it over his bike coming to a stop before the mound of unconscious concrete, though he found himself without anything to say to the teen now staring at him from behind his sunglasses.

"Dude! Did you do this?" Beast Boy exclaimed morphing from his hawk form to land next to his leader, wearing an expression of absolute shock and awe.

"This guy belong to you?" he asked calmly as the rest of the group finally stopped before them with Cyborg letting out a long whistle as he inspected the damage done to Cinderblock.

"Are we being late to the party friend Robin?" Starfire asked as the boy wonder just nodded a severe look on his face.

"It would seem so Star" he muttered back his mind focused on inspecting the rather built teen currently being harassed by Beast Boy.

"My man it looks like you took a jackhammer to him! Who are you? An alien? Are you from Krypton!? Do you know Superman?!" He shouted seeming to somehow gain energy as he fired off question after question.

Raven just seemed content watching the situation from the sidelines as the teen didn't so much as flinch in the wake of Beast Boys stream of never-ending questions. He didn't answer any of them for a long while as he stood up and continued to dust himself off.

"Not an alien amigo, one hundred percent Latino and ready to head on out," he said hopping off the unresponsive mass, content with the absolute beat down he just dished out.

"So, if you guys got this covered, I've got dinner to make, soooo adios," he said turning to leave and almost running over Robin in the process.

"Whoops sorry little man, didn't see you there," he said attempting to move around the boy wonder only for Robin to just step in his way again.

"Who are you?" he demanded trying to assess whether or not the teen currently towering over him was a threat.

"Names Junior, nice to meet ya," he said easily before trying to once again get around the smaller teen with no luck.

"Am I gonna have to move you my man?" he asked lowly as Robin tensed up.

"Greetings friend Junior!" Starfire called swiftly defusing the tension with a brightness nearly unmatched as she flew in front of the teen unknowingly separating the two, Junior was caught slightly off guard by the sheer joy shining in those green eyes of hers.

"Yo, miss?" he asked slowly taking a small step back from the very bright girl.

"I am Starfire and it is so lovely to meet you! Are you also of the superheroing?" she asked happily, but he was quick to deny this innocent accusation.

"Oh no no no little lady, not a hero just got caught in the middle of gravel boys temper tantrum, that's it, I don't have the right mindset for hero work," he said shaking his head and while Starfire seemed a bit crestfallen at his answer she quickly perked back up.

"Oh, well that's fine! We are glad that you stopped him quickly! So thank you" she said with a slight bow, which only made him a little uncomfortable.

"No prob, now if you'll excuse me," he said with a shrug before once again attempting to leave, Robin made to stop him again but was startled by the arrival of the emergency responders.

He was only distracted for a moment but when he turned back to look for Junior he found nothing but the crowd around them snapping pictures and taking videos with their phones. Robin growled at losing him and made sure to remember everything he could about the teen so he could do proper research back at the tower, Beast Boy and Cyborg were helping the police restrain Cinderblock and Raven, well Raven was gazing through the crowd at the retreating back of Junior.

Now, surprisingly enough it was actually Beast Boy and Cyborg who managed to find anything on the mysterious Junior, and it was a video of the fight uploaded on Youtube of all things, but based on their reactions you would think it was a wrestling match instead.

"He hit him with an elbow drop! Did you see that!" Beast Boy yelled jumping up and down on the couch in the common room.

"This guy's putting the hurt on Cinderblock" Cyborg agreed not as excited as his green friend but definitely on the edge of his seat as he and the rest of the team watched Junior decimate the concrete entity.

The camera work was shaky at best but the low kick that brought Cinderblock to his knees followed by the big boot to his chest and ending with Junior climbing a lamp post to deliver a diving elbow drop to his face was still an absolute showstopper. Robin was silent as he watched the fight, taking note of Juniors' immense strength showcased by him lifting Cinderblock up only to slam him back down in a ground-shaking suplex. His fighting prowess, though flashy was definitely high end, all his strikes were aimed at joints and vital areas, he was definitely a vicious powerhouse and as he watched Cinderblock get beaten over the head with two fire hydrants he knew the creature stood no chance.

However the entire time, Robin just couldn't shake the feeling that he's seen fighting like this before, in fact, everything about the teen seemed familiar but he couldn't place from where and why.

Raven while seemingly engrossed in her tome was also watching the impressive display of power being showcased on the massive screen, though her reasons for watching differed from the rest of her team. The feelings she managed to pick up from Junior with her empathic abilities had her confused, for someone who so easily handled Cinderblock which was no easy feat in and of itself there was an extreme lack of pride emanating from him.

It was present sure, but far from the most prominent emotion coming from him, those being both annoyance and interestingly enough irritation. How quickly he wanted to leave, how he made everything seem like it wasn't a big deal, he was polite enough but that could be a by-product of how he was raised...there was something deeper going on with this super-powered teen and it resonated with Raven in ways she didn't understand.

Three weeks later we find Junior stalking down the streets of jump and he was certainly not in the best of moods, ever since that unfortunate confrontation with Cinderblock he was now getting recognized on the street by random people, some even wanted autographs! He didn't understand what the big uproar was about, it was just a mindless concrete monstrosity!

This was not what he was aiming for when he left Gotham and it was starting to grate on his every nerve, but luckily nothing major happened after the fight, though he did notice he was being followed sometimes while out on his nightly walks. Every now and then he would catch a glimpse of a cloak or a pair of eyes in his peripherals but he could never catch his new stalker in the act.

"Not trying to move again either, this is turning out to be a real pain in the ass" he grumbled as he turned into a small store to grab some groceries for dinner, and once again found himself face to face with an out of the ordinary situation.

Three people were currently in the middle of robbing the place, a short very pale girl with pink hair, a...child? And a very large and hairy dude who was currently snacking away on piles of junk food held in his burly arms. The chime of the door gave him away as they turned from the cowering cashier to stare directly at him with looks of curiosity, annoyance, and confusion.

"Hijo de puta" he muttered as the kid floated up to him on a strange metal device.

"What are you looking at you slack-jawed crud-licker? Why don't you beat it before we beat you" he growled in a very... well rather adorable way, Junior just sighed as the huge guy stalked up alongside the kid. He leaned down still smacking away at a variety of chips.

"Yeah, beat it shrimp" he said a few wet crumbs finding their way from his mouth and onto Junior face and then the straw that broke the camels back, the guy had the audacity to shove him back.

Only to gain a confused expression that gave away his lack of intelligence when Junior didn't budge at all, Junior made a show of wiping away the bits of chips and saliva from his person before taking off his glasses. His irises were a dark green with light green veins spreading across the sclera of his eyes, he wiped them off before putting them in his jacket pocket taking a deep breath as he did so before finally glaring at them all…

"I'm gonna hurt you now"

A loud bang rang throughout Robins room as he slammed his fist against the desk housing his large computer, three weeks, three whole weeks of constant research and facial scans and he had nothing to show for it. For all intent and purpose Junior was a ghost, either that or he'd somehow never been caught on camera outside of Jump during that fight, this was a mystery...and Robin wasn't a very big fan of unknowns.

The alert for trouble sounded throughout the tower and nearly startled him, but he was grateful for the distraction and quickly got the team together to take care of whatever it was causing problems for the general populace, and once they reached the scene it was a case of deja vu and Beast Boy was once again the first one to utter a sound.

"Dude," he said quietly observing the situation before them, then promptly took a slight step away from the currently growling boy wonder.

Junior in all his leather jacket-clad glory was currently sitting on the sidewalk watching over two unconscious figures both wrapped up in a telephone pole in the middle of the street. The steel pole was bent tightly around their slumped forms and the large one they recognized to be Mammoth was currently drooling and sporting two mean black eyes. The kid, Gizmo wasn't quite as hurt as his large companion but was still scuffed up and looking all around rough, the bib and pacifier had Cyborg on the ground laughing his mechanical ass off though.

"Friend Junior! Hello again!" Starfire shouted rushing over and greeting the rather annoyed looking teen, but he defaulted to his proper manners and greeted the exuberant girl with a simple greeting in return as he stood up.

"Are you the one who laid the smack of down upon these two?" she asked innocently but Junior just shrugged.

"They pissed me off," he said simply as Mammoth groaned lightly as if in confirmation.

Robin was quick to notice how...close Starfire was standing next to the teen which didn't sit well with him because of reasons, and quickly stalked up to get some answers as to what exactly went down here.

"Mind telling me what exactly happened here?" he growled stepping up to the towering teen who just looked down at him through his sunglasses. The fact that he was wearing them in the middle of the night was just another minor irritation to the boy wonder.

"Grabbing stuff for dinner, saw three people harassing the clerk, tiny over there threatened me and the big guy put his hands on me, so I put my hands on them, end of story" he stated with a sigh.

"I'm assuming the third one was Jinx, and where exactly is she?" Robin snapped quickly scanning the surrounding area but found no sign of the pink-haired troublemaker.

"She walked off while I was using big man here as a racket, the little guy was surprisingly bouncy" he answered searching his pockets for his cigarettes, completely unaware of Robins growing temper.

"You let her leave after robbing the place?" Robin continued his interrogation, growing increasingly frustrated with Junior's lackadaisical attitude.

"She didn't piss me off, so yeah I let her leave what's the big deal? She didn't even end up taking anything" he growled back crushing the empty pack in his hand and stuffing it back into his jacket pocket.

"The "big deal" is that you let a criminal getaway!" Robin yelled, stepping even further into Junior's bubble.

"Do I look like a cop? Not my problem" he grunted starting to walk away but Robin had enough and grabbed his arm.

"You make it your problem when you decide to interfere in the first place" he growled as Junior slowly glanced down at the vice grip on his bicep, and It was only thanks to Cyborg's interference that a fight didn't break out then and there.

"Robin cool it!" he shouted ripping the boy wonders hand from Juniors jacket as the rest of the team watched on, perturbed by their leaders' attitude.

"He's right it's not his job to take care of every wayward villain running up and down Jump, it's ours...and whether he meant to or not he stopped a store from getting robbed so I say thanks for that man" he finished turning to Junior and extending one cybernetic hand, Junior didn't think twice about shaking it and nodding.

"No big deal, like I said...they pissed me off," he said lowly his gaze flickering over to lock with Robins, a quick staredown ensued between the two as Junior silently let him know never to touch him like that again...or else.

The flashing lights of the police broke any remaining tension in the air as the street was soon bathed in the blue and red lights of the emergency responders. Not wanting to stick around and answer another round of questions Junior decided to settle on pizza for dinner and turned to leave again, but he felt a familiar presence in the air as his eyes glanced over to lock with those of the silent cloaked girl standing near Beast boy who was currently looking over Juniors handy work. They stared at each other for a few moments before he turned finally turned away, giving a wave over his shoulder.

"Later Titans...Pajarito" he called as he continued down the street, The Titans waved back, all except Raven who found the action unnecessary and Robin whose eyes were wide in silent recognition of that last thing he said.

"I knew he was familiar" he growled darkly as Cyborg turned a questioning gaze towards his leader, but Robin said nothing else choosing instead to aid the Police in cuffing Mammoth and Gizmo.

It was two days after the last "Incident" where Junior finally decided to actually do something about his stalker, he was walking around the streets of Jump in the middle of the night once again, just taking in the sights and sounds of the nightlife. The few people actually out and about at this time were either rebellious teens or adults just getting off work, but he smiled and waved all the same his sunglasses still in place and his leather jacket still covering his upper body.

He felt the presence following him again but tonight he decided he was going to do something a bit different, so instead of continuing his mini-adventure for another hour or two like he usually did he decided to cut it short and head back to his apartment in a relatively nice and quiet part of town. Every time he went out at night he would feel the presence begin to follow him at different times, so it obviously didn't know where he lived and only recently began to pick up on the fact that he did in fact go out for a walk every night, but it would normally leave him after an hour or so like it was she was curious.

So when he climbed the steps to apartment 312 he decided to leave the door wide open.

"You might as well come in" he called out as he stalked into the kitchen after making sure to take his boots off. He waited a few moments until he heard the door close quietly and grinned as he pulled two cups from his cupboard.

"You like Earl Grey? Or Chamomile?" he asked turning around to spot the small cloaked figure standing in the middle of his dining room.

"Earl Grey is fine," Raven said quietly as he set the kettle over the stove.

"Go ahead and sit down, you hungry?" he asked milling about the kitchen for a late-night snack, Raven declined as she sat down at the table, he joined her after preparing a couple of sandwiches for himself and they sat in silence as he ate.

Raven didn't say anything as he enjoyed his meal and Junior was very strict with his manners, you'd never catch him dead talking with his mouth full which was just another product of his home life. After he finished up he took his jacket off revealing two things, the first thing Raven noticed though she would never admit it out loud was just how absolutely shredded the teen across from her was.

The tank top did nothing to hide this fact as he set the leather coat across the back of his chair, and if he was this large now it was safe to assume that he would be a literal wall of muscle when he finally stopped growing, and the second thing was the Rosarie wrapped around his wrist, the light from the small chandelier above them glinted off the silver cross hanging from the bright red beads. Junior didn't seem the type to be religious based on the way he acted Raven mused as he sat back down.

"So, Raven was it? How's you're night going?" he asked easily leaning back in the wooden chair, Raven removed her hood revealing her delicate if completely emotionless features as a dark purple eyebrow slowly rose.

"Really? You find out someones been following you for weeks and the first thing you ask is how they are?" she asked in that dead but endearing tone of hers.

"I figured if you wanted me to know why you were following me, you'd tell me, so why bother?" he said with a shrug as she narrowed her eyes.

"So you're not curious at all?" she asked with a tone of doubt but he shook his head.

"Oh no, I'm actually dying to know," he said honestly which just confused her even more.

"I just figured instead of interrogating you, that drinking some tea with a pretty girl would be a better way to spend my night" he finished as she just stared at him for a few moments.

"Smooth" she deadpanned.

"I like to think so," he said with a slight grin as the kettle finally began to whistle.

"And there goes part one of my plan for the night," he said going to prepare the tea, missing the slight smile that graced the lips of the purple-haired Titan.

It was another week after that night when Robin finally burst from his office and stalked into the main living area where the rest of the Titans were busy going about their usual activities. Raven was reading quietly on the couch while Starfire engaged her in a rather one-sided conversation much to her minor annoyance, but she was being relatively nice for once, giving noncommittal hums and one-word answers when necessary which seemed to keep Star happy.

Beast Boy and Cyborg were currently deeply engrossed in some new fighting game they got giving loud whoops, jeers, and taunts as they faced off. Robin ignored all of this as he quickly shut the game off much to their abject shock and horror.

"Dude! I was finally winning! What's wrong with you!?" Beast Boy cried tossing his controller away in a flair of dramatic despair.

"Oh please BB! I had you on the ropes and you know it!" Cyborg shouted back, grinning when the changeling glared harshly at his cybernetic friend.

"Quiet!" Robin shouted successfully gaining everyone's attention.

"Is there something wrong friend Robin?" Starfire asked concerned.

"Yeah man, you've been more grouchy than usual and that's saying something! What's up?" Cyborg asked standing up.

Robin ignored the questions as he went about pulling the information he found from his laptop and brought it up on the big screen, various pictures of Junior littered the screen along with notes on his fighting style, his body type, the strength, the speed, even the inflection of his voice.

"I knew I recognized him from somewhere but it took me a while to place it" he muttered as everyone grew visibly concerned, except Raven who just watched silently.

"I don't understand, is there something wrong with friend Junior?" Starfire asked quietly and Robin whirled around to glare at them.

"He's not our friend" Robin growled before turning back around and regaining his composure.

"He's a criminal" he finished after a moment.

"Uhh, dude? He's been fighting criminals" Beast Boy said obviously not understanding what Robin was getting at.

"No, he's doing what he's always done! Whatever he wants, when he wants! With no care for consequences or authority," he snapped back leaving the room in silence and confusion.

"As fun as it sounds trying to guess what you're getting at, I think you should get to the point" Raven sighed in her normal monotone voice.

"Junior is a villain, one of the few I've faced during my time in Gotham," Robin said slowly sending a glare at a completely unaffected Raven.

"A villain? Come on man! Just cause you don't like somebody doesn't make them evil" Cyborg sighed but Robin wasn't having it.

"No, just look," he said pointing at the screen as even more photos and videos began to pop up.

These showed another person, a tall leather coat clad teen wearing a black and white mask and black biker gloves, the pictures showed him in various incriminating circumstances. Overlooking armed thugs, standoffs with the GCPD, even fights with various Gotham based heroes the most notable being Batman and Robin himself, but the most interesting thing about the photos is that in every single one of them he was standing next to a rather well-known individual.

"Bro...IS THAT BANE!?" Beast Boy shouted as everyone stared wide-eyed at the screen, at the arm Bane had so casually draped over the shoulders of someone who could only be...his son...everyone Robin noticed, except for Raven.

Spanish is a bit rusty but translations below:

Pila de Grava: Pile of Gravel

Hijo de Puta: (Look that one up, not sure if this story's going rated M or not)

Pajarito: Birdie or Little Birdie in this case.

Adios: Watch Dora The Explorer if you don't know this one.

For those of you who currently reading A Shark In Wolves Clothing, sorry but the update is gonna be a while, I lost the next two chapter I wrote when Word decided it wanted to corrupt the documents. This "lovely" turn of events effectively killed the flow I had going with it. But don't worry it's not on hiatus or anything I should have another update next week, for now though please enjoy the start of this small story I came up with. I hope my love for the rather deep character of Bane infects you all.

Just going back and fixing up a few things before I get too far into the story, didn't change much but one review did make me realize my error, Junior does seem more Latino than Spanish as one of my friends confirmed so I just went back and changed it, not too worried about it.

So thanks Darraiter for the heads up!

As always Read, Review, Flame, It's all love in my book.

Alfred signing off.