Again! OHSHC Edition.

Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed chapter one, this story has been really fun to write so far… but before I divulge into a rambling mess… let us continue with chapter two!

Chapter 2

I stared in disbelief at the door "What?" I called out, unsure of what I had heard.

I hard Kiko clear her throat before responding "I said, you don't want to be late for your first day at Ouran Academy, Reiyu-sama…"

First day at Ouran? What is she talking about? I graduated yesterday! I got my diploma and everything! I rubbed my face a little maybe she is pulling a prank on me or something… maybe my parents put her up to this…


"Uh… okay Kiko… thanks… I'll get up now" I thought it best to just play along for now and so I swung my legs out of bed and stood with a stretch.

I looked around for my phone, quite expecting to see a dark blue phone case with an intricately detailed galaxy beautifully spread across it… an early graduation present that I bought for myself… but instead I came face to face with a black phone case with a silver feather etched into the surface. Wait… I haven't had that case since my first year… at… Ouran… oh god I reached for the phone and turned it over in my hands. It was the newest model from my father's company that hadn't been due out for general public use until the third week of April and I had been allowed to have one early… but that had been in my first year at Ouran…

Surely someone is messing with me I mumbled inwardly as I walked into the adjoining bathroom and took my usual morning shower, not stopping to look in the mirror before I shed my pjs and climbed in.

It was only when I exited the shower that I noticed something else different… those weren't the pjs I wore to bed last night! I specifically remember wearing pj shorts and a tank top to bed but the pjs on the floor were full pj pants and a t-shirt. Pursing my lips I turned to look in the mirror and almost fell over.

My usually shorter silver-white hair was shaggy and scruffy, having grown past my shoulders and my face looked a little younger than it had last night… what is going on?!

Reaching for the scissors on the bathroom counter, I eyed my hair up and began to trim it a little, neatening it up as best as I could without ruining it… I look cute I smirked at myself before returning to my room.

I guess… maybe I dreamt my graduation? I thought to myself as I spied the male Ouran uniform hanging up neatly and set about getting dressed. Maybe I am not that lonely try hard… maybe I just imagined it all? I smoothed down the uniform as I looked at myself in the mirror I mean… I am cuter than my dream self… and my hair is actually in better condition and this cut makes me look a little more mature…

Then a thought came to me how would you have known about the host club then? I blinked and pursed my lips again. Well that's simple! Orientation was last month and the host club was recruiting members!

That seemed like an awfully natural thought to have had, since I had been so damned sure that I graduated yesterday. Speaking of yesterday… I grabbed up my phone and looked at the date.

"1st April… 2016… no way…"

I thought back to what had happened last night, the weird storm… yet my memory was hazy, just how a dream would fade from memory… it appeared this 'old life' was fading too… Maybe this was my chance to change, to make friends… With that last thought, last night's graduation memories faded into nothingness, leaving me absolutely sure it had been a dream.

Since this was my chance to try again, I'd taken special care to make my appearance look as approachable as possible, though I definitely had cute working for me this time around.

The first day went by quickly, yet I had managed to introduce myself to a few people in class and by the third day I already had a couple girls that hung around me like I was some kind of celebrity. It was only a couple of weeks later that things got interesting

"Neh, Rei-kun, did you hear, the host club has a new member?" Hiromi smiled softly at me.

"No… I didn't hear about that, who is it?" I asked, tilting my head a little.

"The commoner… Fujioka-kun" Mei joined the conversation "he's so cute!" she giggled.

"Huh… Fujioka-san Hm?" I peered towards the middle of the classroom where the host club usually sat and sure enough, there was Haruhi Fujioka, wearing an Ouran uniform, sporting a brand new haircut and no longer wearing those glasses that hid his face.

"You know… maybe you should ask to join" Kaho nodded quickly and the other girls gathered at my desk nodded, their hands clasped together.

"I don't know… I mean I like having you girls as my friends but I'm not popular enough" I shrugged a little, chuckling at their collective noises of disagreement.

As it was, the host club already had a reputation and they had only been functioning since the last year of middle school so I wasn't even sure if I wanted to get involved with that kind of thing. Something I had said must've struck a chord with someone as I suddenly felt the weight of someone's hand on my shoulder and turned to look up at nobody other than Tamaki Suoh.

"Now now Nakamura-kun, how could you say such a thing? Especially when you have some of the most beautiful princesses in school following you around?" he smiled brightly

He wasn't entirely wrong, though I was sure they only hung around me because of who my father was but I let that slide.

"I… well as accurate as that may be Suoh-kun" I would have normally referred to him as Suoh-san but since he saw fit to change the honorific then so shall I "I don't think my popularity with these ladies would be enough for me to join your elite club"

"On the contrary…" the host with the dark hair and glasses finally intruded upon the conversation "you seem under the impression that you aren't all that popular… yet your name keeps popping up in conversation at the club between the guests" he paused "and more than once I personally have been asked if you would be joining"

I mean… as flattering as Kyoya's words were, I just somehow couldn't comprehend that my name of all names was on the lips of so many people around here.

"Uh…." I couldn't find any words to respond with

"Great!" Tamaki grinned brightly "then we shall see you after school in music room three!"

Kyoya smirked and turned away with Tamaki and I was left to work out what had just happened. Great… I somehow got myself an invite to the most elite club in school and I didn't even have to say anything…

Thankfully I had already told my driver this morning that I would be studying in the library after school, so I wouldn't have to worry about that…. But I knew this was going to play on my mind all day.

Approaching music room three, I couldn't help but see the sign hanging on the door, making it clear that club was closed tonight due to a club meeting and somehow I was grateful that they weren't going to do this in front of their guests… it somehow felt embarrassing. Exhaling deeply, I reached forward to rap my knuckles against the carved wood of the double doors, my hand flinching back in surprise as before I'd even got close enough to knock, the doors opened to reveal an ornately decorated music room that I could only guess was out of use for some reason or another if this was now a club room.

"Welcome to the Host Club!" my eyes finally fell on Tamaki whose smile brightened as he reached and grabbed me by the arm, dragging me into the room, allowing the doors to slowly close behind me.

My gaze shifted about the room as he dragged me over to a table where Kyoya was sitting, with six other empty seats on his side and one opposite which, from the way Kyoya gestured, was for me to sit in. I sunk down into it, my eyes shifting from Kyoya to the black book he held in his hands that he was currently writing in.

"Once the others arrive we can begin" his voice cut through the silence and I nodded, busying myself with looking around the room, my hands resting in my lap.

"Haruhi, could you fetch us some tea?" I looked back to see Kyoya speaking to the smaller brown haired host, who nodded and walked off through a door to the side of the room.

"Tea? Wonderful!" Tamaki's energized voice buzzed past me as he sat beside Kyoya in the centremost chair "those shady twins will be here soon, as will Mori and Honey" it appeared he was talking to Kyoya so I didn't answer him.

The minutes passed by until the doors opened again and a pair of twins entered through it and made a beeline for the table.

"Well well…" the first began

"what do we…" the second followed

"Have here?" they spoke in unison as they looked down on me.

"Hikaru, Kaoru… this is Nakamura-kun… he is a prospective new member" Kyoya spoke.

Wide mischievous smiles broke out across their lips as they looked me over before sitting down, leaving me feeling severely outnumbered, though I couldn't help but be inwardly amused that they had made the assumption I was a boy based on my clothing choice.

It didn't take long before the doors opened again and a rather tall, dark haired student entered, with a much smaller student on his shoulders.

What have I gotten into? I mentally chastised myself until I was bought out of my thoughts by Kyoya.

"Now that everyone is here, we shall begin"

Aha! So yes, poor Reiyu is having to start all over again but this time she has been noticed by the host club and they seem to think she is a boy… things could get interesting! Also, yes Reiyu's memories of the first time round have faded out, leaving her with a blank slate to really try again.