Chapter 30: Peace
It felt like a year had passed before Kasumi slowly opened her eyes again. At least, it only felt like this to her. In reality, it only took a few hours for her to wake up from quite a final battle.
She slowly looked around to see that she's in Akira's attic room in Leblanc, currently lying on the bed. It's currently late afternoon.
Akira is waiting on the couch and once he noticed that she woke up, he immediately went to her side and said, "Are you ok?"
Kasumi giggled before replying, "Yes, at least I feel ok now." Then she grew curious. "Hey, what happened?" She asked.
"Well, a lot has happened during the last few hours. Most importantly, the world is now free and back to normal. Society may be still kinda messed-up, but at least it's easier to help people out now." Akira explained. Kasumi smiled as she responded, "Yeah, you're right! And I couldn't be more happier!"
"Yep!" Akira said and then he frowned a little. "Although, in turn, the Metaverse disappeared and therefore, we can't be Phantom Thieves anymore."
"Oh..." Kasumi trailed off, but she smiled again. "It's alright. At least we made society a little better before that happens." Akira nodded in agreement. Then he offered, "Hey, wanna have some coffee with me?"
"Sure!" Kasumi eagerly accepted and thus, the pair walked down to the lower level of Leblanc so they can enjoy some coffee and talk more about recent events.
Several days have passed since then... The whole gang casually hung out and spent time with each other during these relaxing days...that is, until March 20, the day that Akira leaves since his probation ends on that day.
Akira and Kasumi walked together to the Shibuya district, generally having conversations and such...until they saw an unbelievable sight.
They saw their friends in a huge silver van, looking ready to drive off, while Morgana is fixing up the car engine, despite being, well, you know, a cat. Kasumi didn't even know that her friends were capable of getting such a nice vehicle.
"Heya, guys!" Ann greeted as Kasumi and Akira approached their friends and the van. "Hello!" Kasumi and Akira both said, unaware that they both said it at the same time.
"So, it's finally your time to go, huh? Well, it's been nice spending all this time with ya! Makes it all worth it, ya know?" Ryuji commented. "Yes, but you know, we could spend time with him a little longer before he goes." Makoto said. "Yes! Which is how we came up with this little idea!" Ann stated.
That made Akira a little curious. "And what idea is that?" He questioned. "Well, here's the idea: What if we go on a little road trip before we drive you back home? That way, we can spend a little more time with you before you go...and I'm also in a mood to admire every beautiful sight I see." Yusuke said wistfully. "Ah, typical ol' Inari!" Futaba commented, earning a curious glance from Yusuke.
"So what do you think? Do you want to join us on this little road trip?" Haru offered.
Akira smiled widely. "Yeah, of course!" He said before entering the van. Then he looked back at Kasumi, along with others. "You coming?" He asked.
"Ah, no thank you. I would like to focus on studying so I can be prepared when I go back to school." Kasumi explained.
Akira shrugged as he said, "Alright. I understand. I wish you luck at school." As soon as Morgana fixed the engine, he entered the van and said, "It's time to go!"
Once everyone got in the van, they drove off, with everyone waving goodbye at Kasumi (even Makoto, who's driving and waving at the same time, showing off her surprisingly good multitasking skills). Kasumi happily waved back to her friends before they drove out of her sight.
After everything they have been through, peace was finally restored and Kasumi couldn't be any more happier...
(And that's the end of Kasumi's epic tale! Gee, we sure came a long way since October 2, huh? I hope you fellas enjoyed this whole journey of watching Kasumi going through a HUGE character development and becoming a person that she is today. Pretty cool, huh?
And not only that, but today's the day that Persona 5 Royal gets released (at least, for Japan, but hey, at least it still got released)! Gosh, can things get any better than this?!
But wait, there's more!)
It's now summer vacation. Kasumi had successfully passed the exams for the school year, which meant she's going to be a second-year for the next school year. She couldn't wait for it, but for now, she'll relax for summer vacation.
That's why Kasumi is at Leblanc, casually enjoying her coffee. She's a regular at this place now. What can she say? She LOVES the coffee that Sojiro makes.
She just finished a cup of coffee before she heard a screeching sound of a vehicle braking. She went outside to investigate what the heck that was.
What she found was a truck parked near Leblanc. That's cool, but you know what's even cooler?
She saw her friends in that truck! And better yet, Akira is there! They seem to be dressed in summer gear, looking they're ready to have a good time.
"Heya, Kasumi!" Ann greeted with everyone else waving hello. "Hello! What's going on here?" Kasumi asked.
"Well, we're all going on quite a summer vacation! Want to know why?" Makoto replied. "That's because we're going to travel around the whole country of Japan! This will be effin' awesome!" Ryuji answered excitedly. "Wondrous landmarks!" Yusuke shouted. "Delicious foods!" Futaba gushed. "New experiences!" Haru exclaimed happily.
"And I'm joining in! So what do you think? You wanna come this time, Kasumi?" Akira offered.
Kasumi's smile has just appeared on her face and it's growing more by every passing second. "Yes! I wanna come!" She accepted the offer with all the excitement she could muster.
"Then get in and join the fun!" Ann responded as she opened the door for Kasumi to get in. She immediately entered and as soon as she got in and closed the door, the truck began to move.
"Now let's go on the trip of the lifetime!" Morgana announced ad everyone cheered as the truck drove away to begin the next big adventure.
Needless to say, everyone is hyped for the best summer vacation ever...
(Yup, the next epic tale is coming soon and it's about Persona 5 Scramble! The next epic pre-release tale will start on February since Persona 5 Scramble will come out on February 20, 2020 (again, only in Japan, but still)! Here's hoping that you fellas will be ready for the next big tale once we get there!)
And with that said...