Date: Monday, Dec 6th, 2007 - Location: Midgard, United States of America, New York, Long Island, Farm Road 3.141, Half-Blood Hill, Camp Halfblood
POV: Narrator

Despite the upcoming game being relatively small (only thirteen Hunters, and sixteen demigod campers) and completely unmatched despite the home turf advantage (sixteen teen and preteen demigods up against thirteen pissed off and mourning immortal warriors) Adrian's looking forward to tonight's game of capture the flag. It's sure to be a good stretch of his powers and muscles before he leaves on his Quest if nothing else. Not to mention it seems to have finally hit home for the Aphrodite cabin that they may have a fighting chance this time around. For starters their armor has as much function as it does aesthetic now that he's taken to training with them three days a week.

Apparently no one in the history of camp half-blood had ever bothered to train Aphrodite's children more than necessary. A major oversight as they're demigods too and actually not half-bad once you get over the fact that they simply can't sweat. Aphrodite's children were all skeptical of his aid until the results began to show. Their favorites being; weight loss, muscle definition, but most importantly abs. It's just like they were taught in Greek battle-theory. Everyone has an Achilles heel, his own is family. Vanity just happens to be the Aphrodite's weak point. A characteristic her children seem to share.

Now every Saturday, Aphrodite's children take him out shopping free of charge as thanks. So it's a win-win. Despite their initial protest, his wardrobe is mostly full of blacks, greens and the odd splash of red. They've even helped him narrow down his preferred style as gothic punk or just punk when he's feeling casual. Nero wasn't so lucky. His hellhound-familiar now has a complete wardrobe in black, white green, silver, red, and blue. Thankfully no pastels though. Not yet anyway. Adrian's not entirely sure his Aunt Morticia would ever forgive him if he came home with pastels. He's not certain he could forgive himself.

Date: Monday, Dec 6th, 2007 - Location: Midgard, United States of America, New York, Long Island, Farm Road 3.141, Half-Blood Hill, Camp Halfblood
POV: Blasius 'Blaise' Aristides Zabini - Age: 10, Species: Greek Demigod

"Did you hear what those huntresses were saying?" Blaise's half-brother, 10-year-old Mitchell 'Mitch' Corner asks from beside him with an enraged frown as their half-sister and cabin counselor, 12-year-old Silena Beauregard, checks over their hand-forged bronze armor.

"No, what?" 10-year-old Blaise Zabini asks knowing any gossip coming from Mitchell is sure to be witnessed first hand or well researched.

"What are those loveless nuns saying now?" 14 year old Drew Tanaka demands, already pissed off at The Hunter's.

"You know that new hunter, Nico di Angelo's big sister?" Mitch asks

"Yeah?" Drew prompts, while Silena and Blaise hum to show they've heard of the newest recruit to the immortal chastity cult.

"Well, I was reading in my oak tree, you know the one by the lake, when I saw Celyn MacFusty and Phoebe Noir talking to her. I think her name is Bianca? Anyway, they stopped under the tree I was sitting in and started trying to console her."

"Over what?" Drew asks confused before brightening up. "Oh. Did she realize she's pledged herself to a loveless goddess?"

"No, she was upset because her powers from Lady Artemis kicked in." Mitchell animatedly explains.

"What?" Blaise interrupts, in a deadpan, confused "That makes no sense, Mitch."

"No, get this. Apparently one of the huntress powers is to be able to tell who's married or bonded. Like we can, you know?" Mitchell says, animatedly.

"Oh, did she have a crush on someone before joining?" Silena asks confused and pitying "That's no reason to throw your life away. We could help her. It would have to be someone she already met before joining."

"Was it a mortal, another demigod or one of the Gods?" Drew asks, already excited to play matchmaker. "She must have been devastated. We can't break up a marriage or a bond but we can find someone similar to them. We could save a young girl from a life alone!" Drew says excitedly.

"I ah, I don't know if she had a crush on someone, but apparently her brother, Nico, is already bonded to Adrian!" Mitchell whisper-shouts.

"Wait, our Adrian?" Silena gasps, shocked

"The adorbly nice time-traveling-God, Adrian?" Drew asks, ecstatic.

"My partner-in-crime, Adrian?" Blaise demands, thoughtful.

"The very same." Mitchell divulges. "We already knew he was bonded to someone before traveling back in time but now,"

"Now we know who his hubby is!" Drew interrupts with a cheer before clapping in excitement. "Oh, this is wonderful. They even came back in time together since they clearly couldn't bear to be apart. How romantic!"

"Yeah, but aren't both the di Angelo's from the 1930's?" Blaise asks, already pitying his best friend.

"Oh, yeah." Silena breaths out horrified.

"That must have been torture." Blaise says sympathetically "Being separated for so long and not knowing when or even if they were going to reunite."

"We'll need to arrange a regular date night for them." Drew firmly declares leaving no room for argument. "They've been apart for so long since their on some Top Secret Quest. Now with the additional Quest Lady Hecate, King Hades, and Lord Apollo assigned AND attending two mortal schools simultaneously they'll be too busy for much more. We can't let their love life fall apart just because they're both self-sacrificing idiot-heroes."

"We'll need to watch out for the Hunters." Mitchell says, interrupting their planning.

"We always watch out for that chastity-cult." Silena scoffs.

"Those uptight immortal-hags are always ruining our plans." Blaise agrees "Even Mom and Cupid keep an eye out for their cock-blocking arrows."

"Yeah, but this time it's personal." Mitchell divulges "Before they walked away I heard them warn Nico's sister Bianca to be prepared to pick up her brother's heart since 'love is worthless'."

"I'll show them 'love is worthless','" Silena snaps, already pissed off. "I'll pulverize them!" she shouts, drawing the attention of several shocked campers.

Date: Monday, Dec 6th, 2007 - Location: Midgard, United States of America, New York, Long Island, Farm Road 3.141, Half-Blood Hill, Camp Halfblood
POV: Hadrian 'Adrian' Freyr Peverell Alias: Harry James Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived Physical Age: 10, Chronological Age: 32, Species: God trapped in Demigod body

"Alright, home-team suit-up and gather 'round!" Adrian shouts once it's become clear none of the older campers, like the quietly arguing 13-year-old Percy Jackson and 16-year-old Thalia Grace, are feeling up to taking charge.

"Whoa, hold it short stuff! Who died and left you in charge!" Thalia Grace demands, charging forward. "What are you, like, eight?" she asks looking down on him with a frown.

"I'm ten actually. You're two years off." Adrian corrects with an eye roll "Silena, Percy, either of you want to lead?"

"What about me or the Weasley twins?!" Thalia Grace demands before either can answer, crossing her arms and pouting.

"You crashed the fucking sun into the bloody lake, you complete ditz!" Fred Weasely shouts.

"Yeah!" George Weasely agrees with a shout while the campers already armored up gather around to glare at Thalia Grace. "We don't want to die and we don't want to lead! Don't volunteer people for shit without their permission." George finishes before moving back to applying his armor.

"Fine. Percy, you'll lead won't you?" Thalia Grace pleads.

"I'm still uh, new and I've never seen snow. I mean I've not seen the camp covered in snow. I haven't even tried to use my powers in the cold. So… I'm gonna pass." Percy rambles.

"Malcolm your-"

"A son of Athena who specializes in strategic warfare." 9 year old Malcolm Pace

interrupts "Which is how I can tell this isn't Adrian's first time leading a battle."

"He's only nine!" Thalia protests.

"So am I?" Malcolm mumbles under his breath confused.

"Hadrian Peverell's ten actually, but only technically speaking." The Apollo cabin counselor 14-year-old Lee Fletcher jumps in to automatically defend him. "He's a time traveler, and he's fought two wars that we know of. He led one of them. He fucking knows what he's doing."

"He may have only found out about camp this time around but he doesn't leave people behind." 10 year old Mitchell Corner pipes up.

"He's a good kid, dealt a shitty hand and he's still fighting!" someone else yells from the back.

"Your all making him out to be some great hero!" Thalia protests "He's still a demigod just like the rest of us!"

"He's not even a demigod, Thalia!" 12 year old Silena Beauregard shouts, shoving through the crowd to point a Celestial Bronze dagger at Thalia Grace's throat. The daughter of Zeus is so shocked she backs up a step. "Adrian's an Olympian God stuck in his demigod body reliving his damn life! He's a freaking adult God trapped in his younger body with the added danger of knowing what's going to happen and that he's a demigod this time around! So, lay off!" Silena orders in charm-speak.

"He became a fucking god without knowing about the camp beforehand?!" Thalia Grace demands in shock.

"It happens. Especially for the child of two gods." Chiron says interrupting their spat. "If I'm not mistaken he was also born British and originally raised near London. He had no way to know a demigod camp in America even existed. Now, before this fight turns bloody, how about a show of hands; who wants Thalia Grace to lead the battle and who wants Hadrian Peverell to lead? Everyone raise your hands for 16-year-old, daughter of Zeus, Thalia Grace to lead an army of demigods against the Hunters of Artemis? Chiron waits for an awkward moment before raising his eyebrows and saying "No one, really?"

"Bitch, may as well be a Hunter of Artemis herself!" someone, probably Corner Stoll, yells from the back.

"And what's wrong with being a hunter?!" Nico demands, enraged.

"Nothing, normally." Fred Weasely hesitantly explains. "It's just-"

"-we're the ones up against the hunters right now-" George Weasely continues where his twin brother left off.

"-and who wants to have the enemy's mole as their leader?" the twins finish together.

"Alright, that's enough!" Charion shouts "It's nearing 8pm and we still haven't begun the game. So, let's get this over with. Everyone for the 10-year-old, son of Hecate and an unknown god, Hadrian Peverell to lead an army of demigods against the Hunters of Artemis?" Chiron asks before raising his eyebrows again in surprise. "Okay hands down voteings over. I hope each of you realize this was a two way vote and there was no third option." there's a few muffled groans from the crowd. "Alright. We have fourteen out of sixteen votes for Hadrian Peverell. Thalia Grace got zero out of sixteen votes. Peverell will lead the battle of camp-half-blood against The Hunters of Artemis."

Date: Monday, Dec 6th, 2007 - Location: Midgard, United States of America, New York, Long Island, Farm Road 3.141, Half-Blood Hill, Camp Halfblood
POV: Niccolò Nico 'Savio di Angelo - Physical Age: 10 - Chronological Age: 87 - Species: God trapped in Demigod body

"Heroes!" Chiron called. "You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team, Camp Half-Blood, shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis, Red team, shall take the east woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!"

"Sweet," Nico whispered, after shadow-traveling back to Percy's side using Percy's shadow and somehow causing the older boy to literally jump in fright. "What kind of magic items? Do I get one?" he asks while trying to spot what could have scared him.

"Di Immortales!" Percy shouts before demanding, "Where the FUCK did you come from?!"

"No cursing in front of the younger kids!" an unknown demigod-camper shouts causing several glares to be aimed at Percy.

"How 'about-" Fred Weasley begins

"-you stick with us?" George Weasley finishes before dragging Nico toward the front of the small makeshift army. The Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite kids are making plans with the Athena and Ares campers in a rare case of solidarity.

"There you are, Nico." Adrian says, pleased. "You're with me, okay?"

"Alright." Nico agrees trusting Adrian to have his back.

"Great." Adrian says, pleased before shouting. "Alright, everyone remember their posts and positions for 'Aliens In The Woods'?!"

There was a deafening roar of cheers amid a few confused shouted questions.

"Alright then! That's the plan! The Hunters are 'The Aliens! We're The Defenders! If you don't know the game plan, stick with someone who does! Blue team! Follow me!"