Uraraka watched as Midoriya trained with his new Quirk.
"Wow Deku, first that strength, now that black stuff."
"I know, but until I get a hang of this second Quirk, I don't I should be using it now."

Suddenly, they saw an explosion nearby.
"Uh Deku, isn't that Hatsume's-? "
They exchanged looks and rushed off to see if everyone in there was okay.

When they arrived, the smoke was beginning to clear. A silhouette was seen holding Hatsume by the throat. Deku charged at it, "Put her down!"
The silhouette immediately dropped her and ran off, crashing through window. It was a short and short-lived chase by the time Deku reached the window. However, he did see a lot of black with a hint of red before the guy escaped.

Uraraka went to Hatsume's side to check if she's okay.
"I'm fine" She coughed.
Midoriya approached her, "What happened here?"
She spoke as her normal self, "Well, I was making another baby, some stuff happened, tried to make an everlasting battery, it started going weird, then it went boom, a guy appeared and that's when he was choking me, asking where he was."

After taking her to Recovery Girl, Midoriya thought about what happened. How did the attacker appear? Maybe Hatsume's baby teleported him there? That would make sense, he was in an unfamiliar place… He may have been scared, but scared people don't harm defenceless people. Though, he probably didn't know she was defenceless. But wouldn't normal people try to run away from strangers?

He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Uraraka called his nickname. She was looking worried, "You okay?"
"Yeah," he answered, scratching the back of his head, "How's Hatsume?"
"She doing alright at the moment."

He went back to his thoughts, but Uraraka stopped him.
"Hey, it'll be okay. Besides, I'm sure the Pro Heroes will take care of the situation."
He sighed, "Yeah, you're right."

The figure wandered aimlessly; civilian eyes were all over him. How he wished he wasn't wearing his costume. If he had his regular attire, it would help attract less attention.
Guess he'll have to make do with what he has… or…

He dove into an alley way and went dumpster diving for something, anything to cover up.
After a half hour, he ended up in a hat and a trench coat.
Now, all he needs to do is find a place to stay temporarily.

Of course, that won't be easy, but he knew a few places to stay.

An abandoned warehouse, it wasn't much, but it had to do.

It was the next day, wandering around in the streets, seeing if there was anything useful to him.
He noticed a man with wings handing out some books to people who were willing to take one.

He took one, reading the title.
'Liberation Front, hm?' He thought, 'Not a perfect cover, but it's better than nothing.'
He turned back to the winged man, "Excuse me,"
He soon recognise him as the #3 hero: Hawks. He hastily stepped back. Hawks gave out a confused face.
"You okay?"
He swore he heard squeaks from him. Finally, he took a breath, "Um, do you know me?"
Hawks shook his head, "No. Should I?"

'He doesn't know me.' He sighed in relief, 'I gotta take advantage of that.'
"No, sorry. I was wondering if there's any room to join in the Liberation Front."
"Why would you want to do that?"
He thought about his next words, 'Should I tell him? No, if I do, he might eventually recognise me. I better keep quiet about this or lie my way through.'

"I have my reasons. Personal reasons. That I wouldn't want to share about."
Hawks was speechless, "Okay then. I'll talk to someone about getting you in if you come with me."
He wasn't sure if he could trust the hero, but he really needed a cover, so what choice does he have?

"Shigaraki, there's someone who wants to speak with you."
The blue haired man with many hands was seen on his seat, "Make it quick."

The door creaked as Hawks brings in the mysterious figure approached. His hand covered face rose up to see a guy in a similar costume as Deku, only the green was replaced with black and the white was replaced with red. Also, a skin tight full head mask with a hood took the place of the rabbit-like mask.

"Who are you?"
An eyebrow raised in the mask, "You don't recognise me either."
"I don't bother remembering people I don't trust."
A vein popped, "And yet you trust the #3 hero to be in this room?"

"Actually, I'm #2. After Endeavour." The winged hero corrected.
"Right, because All Might's dead."

That comment resulted with the two in confusion, "I'm not sure if retirement counts as death." Hawks said sheepishly.
The figure turned to him, "What did you say?"
Shigaraki was beginning to get irritated, "Are you deaf? The Symbol of Peace retired."

'Retired' he thought. 'What are they talking about?'
He took breath, "He retired?"
"Yes. That's what we just said." The man of hands hissed.

There was a moment of silence, the masked man widened his eyes, "Oh, now I get it."
Hawks and Shigaraki were confused again, "Get what?" the bird man asked.
He slowly took off his hood, then his mask, revealing a familiar face.
A face with dark green hair and eyes with a bit of freckles.
Shigaraki quickly rose from his seat and prepared to grab him, but was instead judo thrown and pinned.
"Now, if you let me explain, you would know that I'm not who you think I am."
Shigaraki continued to struggle, not caring for anything he says.
The Midoriya lookalike sighed, "Okay, I let you go and you stop trying to kill me. Deal?"
A growl muffled through his hand, "Fine."

As he promised, he released him and Shigaraki let him speak.
"My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm from an alternate universe where I'm part of the League of Villains. A universe where All Might died like he deserved to. A universe where All for One is still with us."
Shigararki dusted himself off, "Do you have proof to support your claim?"
"Do you have a Himiko Toga in this universe?"
"… Yes."
"Cool, I'll be on my way." He turns to Hawks "Hey Bird Man, you think you could take me to her?"
He just shrugged and began to escort him.
"Wait, we're not done!"
The Deku copy smirked, "Actually, we are." He went on his way.
Shigaraki charged at him again and ended up Aikido thrown again.
The copy was almost out the door, "Oh, before I forget, it would be confusing to have two people to have the same name. So, I suggest from now on, you should call me… Dark."

They were soon near Toga's room, but before he could knock, he turned back to the winged hero, "Hey, do you a place that sells tuxedoes and work suits?"
He smirked teasingly, "So you want to dress up for the girl, huh?"
Dark smirked back, "Not exactly."