Kikkie: A story that someone asked me to do for a price. Basically Deku and Kacchan have been chosen to be in the top three! Great right? To bad their behaviors have gotten so bad that even All Might has started to yell at them. So, in order for them not to lose their spots, they agreed to date each other in order to prove to everyone that they have gotten along!
How hard can that be?
Ignoring the fact that they and their class has to go through a three-week course called Purity! A program to teach young adults not to have sex till marriage. Its like Sex ed, but possibly worse! Especially when the teachers have weird Qurik abilities, and some weird stuff is happening in the dorms.
Can Izuku and Katsuki keep their promise and behave long enough until the program is over? Will Shoto and Momo be able to handle the stress of the nest step in their relationship? And what is going on with the new teachers: Mr. and Mrs. Purity!? And what is just happening!?
Rated M for sex, crude language, jokes, dark comedy, drinking, cursing and possible some dark things. You have been warned.
Pairings: Katsuki/Deku(fem), Tenya/Ocacho, Shoto/Momo and many more!
All the students are 18! I don't care if they all are different ages, to make this story legal in the eyes of the law, their all 18!
"At least I didn't get my ass kicked growing up by the entire school lot!" Katsuki growled back to the green-haired girl sitting behind him.
"If I grew up like a cock sucking prick like you, I wish my mom had an abortion so she wouldn't have had to see me!" Izuku growled back. Making everyone in the room, expect for Katsuki and Shota, very uncomfortable.
"Eat my dick!"
"I can't do anything with two inches Kacchan, ask any woman!" Izuku clapped back. A small chuckle escaped Momo lips as she tries to hold back her chuckle.
"ENOUGH!" Shota shouted at the two, forcing the young adults to look forward to the teacher.
"Today we will talk about the dangers of sex. Along with some new rules and a pledge of purity." Shota tells his students as he leans back against his desk. All eyes looked around the room from confusion as to why their teacher would say this.
"Why?" Izuku asked as she looks over to Mina with a confused expression. The pink skin acid using hero points to the silver-haired male not too far away from her. Izuku's eyes made their way to the tallest student in the classroom...Mezo.
"Because one of you got caught in the girl's dormitory after house…having an orgy," Shota says as he tries not to make eye contact with the one responsible. Sadly, Izuku's intense stare was giving it away. Causing all eyes to move to the tallest member of their class.
"Mistakes were made…" Mezo muttered as he sinks into the seat, trying his best not to make eye contact with anyone in the room.
"You multiple penes growing over sex-crazed horny dumbass," Denki growled in annoyance at his classmate. In the back of the room Hanta and Mashirao chuckles were heard through the silence of their teachers glare.
"There was also an incident in your dorm, one in 1-B and 2-C. Not to mention, the incident involving the orgy in the boys' bathroom." Shota continues. Suddenly, blushes appeared on some of the male's faces. While expressions of shame and disappear appeared on some of the girls, apparently, they might have been responsible for that incident as well.
"That wasn't our class!" Mina shouted. Unaware of the damage she was probably doing to her already guilty classmates.
"Yes, but it was in this school, so we have to address the problem. And since its not a quirk, we have a facility that will be blamed for further pregnancy's."
"Further pregnancies?" Izuku asked.
"Two girls have hade gotten pregnant and we are in deep shit with the FFD."
"Federal Family department." Tenya started. "They are the people that keep schools rated PG 13 for everyone."
"Oh no, those are the people that ruined Star Wars!" Eijirou before turning his head to the side to look at his friends. Kacchan, who sat in front of Izuku, turns his head a bit and looks over at the green-haired female. She was practically lying back in her desk in a relaxing motion. Her feet somewhat dangled off the edge of the chair as if she did not care if someone saw up her skirt. The mere sight drove Katsuki crazy.
As voices begin to fill the room, Katsuki left eye soon twitches. Everyone was either talking about the purity rings, the orgy that Mezo possibly did or what was soon to come. It was so crazy that Shota refuses to talk over his students and instead let them continue their yapping. As they did this, Katsuki thoughts soon turned to Izuku. His mind was filled with nothing but the hot-headed green-haired girl he had known for most of his life.
"Fucking Deku..." Katsuki thought to himself as he looks forward, ignoring the girls sitting position before glancing down at his pants. He could see the small bulge forming in his pants. Gritting his teeth, he closes his eyes for a bit and begins to think of certain things. Soon, the bulge in his pants was gone, and what it left was rage and anger. Standing up from his seat, with a dead boner in his pants, he opens his mouth to scream:
"He shouted, his voice was soon followed by large explosions in the classroom. Everyone stands up from their seats in a panic to avoid the explosions. Even Izuku, who was right behind him when he started to attack his classmates in a fit of rage.
"SHIT!" Izuku shouted before taking cover under her desk, dodging his explosion that was heading towards her and Mina. Shota at this point was sitting at his desk sleeping, no giving one fuck on what was going on in his class, let alone concern for the safety of his student's lives right now. After a few outbursts, the door blowing up, and Izuku punching a wall, Katsuki finally came to a stop...after the class was fully destroyed.
"FIGHT ME BITCH!" Katsuki screamed. Denki, who slowly crawls away into the cube-like barrier his classmates made.
"Oh my god, Katsuki..." Tenya moaned as he looks over the desk that he and his fellow classmates pile up to avoid his rage. They stood behind a shield of desk that somehow blocked many of Katsuki's attacks.
"I say we stay here till next period," Shouto tells his classmates.
"What, and let him continue his rage?" Izuku growled at her friend.
"Yes. Let the hormonal hot head release his anger for the rest of the period." Shouto responded in a dead-pan voice, not caring about the consequence of his words. Let alone what they would do if they touched the ears of a certain someone, and that someone was Katsuki...
"HORMONAL HOT-HEAD!?" Katsuki shouted, soon another storm of explosion headed their way. Only to stop mid-way when a desk flew right towards Katsuki's face. Doing the unbelievable, because no one thought he could, Katsuki swings his body backward in a flip. Avoiding the desk entirely with ease as the wooden object is thrown out the window.
"So, who else knew Katsuki eas flexible?" Denki asked, raising an eyebrow at the blonde. Katsuki gets into a fighting stance, both his hands up and ready to fire. Izuku was in her usual fighting stance as well, preparing to punch or kick at any moment. All eyes were now on the two students standing in the middle of the now destroyed classroom.
"More important question, how much property damage is going to be done before someone comes in and stops him?" Kyoka asked in curiosity while hiding behind Denki. Or, maybe using him as a shield, I am not sure. What was true was that Izuku was prepared to fight Katsuki again, this time she was prepared and ready to give it her all. Well, she was...until white bandages suddenly wrapped around her body. Katsuki's as well, forcing them both to the ground in a strong restraint that was mostly wrapped around their necks.
"Can't breathe..." Izuku moaned as she tries to escape her bandage restraints, only for more to wrap around her body. Soon, she was practically a worm forced into a cocoon that smelled of disappointment and armpits!
(An hour later)
"Ugh, I smell like armpits!
Izuku growls as she takes a sip of her tea. In front of her was the great and mighty All Might! AKA, Yagi, AKA, her favorite hero, AKA, her second father figure, AKA...well, you know. The two were in Yagi's office sipping tea and enjoying each other company. Relaxing at the nice atmosphere of safety and harmony...for like eight minutes. Soon, the happy vibe was shot straight to hell when the bastard of all sons came walking into the room with bruises on his face. Izuku, who was still holding a cup of tea in her hand, grips the product and cracks it in her hand. Destroying Yagi's good china.
"That was imported here..." Yagi muttered as Izuku jumps on the couch, getting into a fight stance, she was preparing to jump Katsuki the second he closed that door. But was stopped by All Might changing his form. The large man then restrains her in a tight bear hug, restricting her to the large man's tight chest.
"LET ME BOIL HIS BALLS!" Izuku screams as she tries to escape the tight grasp around her waist and wrist, only for the man to hold her tighter. The young woman at this point could not breathe, let alone concentrate on her target. After a few more minutes and tight squeezing around her waist, she was forced to calm down.
"Better Midoyoria?" Yagi asked. The young woman leans over her and sighs a bit. Her body trembles as Yagi sets her down onto the couch. Once there, he points to Katsuki to sit down next to her. The blonde male nods his head as he does as told. Taking a seat next to her, he sucks his teeth and looks over to the side. Irritated by the weak female's appearance.
"Now that you two are done and quite, we need to have a serious conversation?" Yagi started. "I am going to keep this short, what is said in this room must remain hidden from the others."
"What is it?" Izuku asked.
"It is about you two in your senior year." Yagi started. "You two are now seniors at U.A High School. Meaning the three big would have graduated and is now long gone. And the torch of the new Big Three will need to pass on to new students. As of yesterday, those three have been chosen, and you two are it."
"Wait, what?" Katsuki asked. His eyes widen at the news as a smile forms on his face. Meanwhile, Izuku was doing her famous chuckle. She thought Yagi was joking! I mean sure, she was powerful and has gone up against big-time baddies, but she wasn't the same level a the other three. Let alone come close to their grade average. Katsuki, on the other hand, believed it and felt honored! The news was going straight into his ego!
"Me, the strongest student in Japan? It is about dam time you people recognized my power." Katsuki chuckled...or crackled, it was hard to tell sometimes.
" the top three?" Izuku started as her mind begins to wander and race. "I mean, I am powerful, but not at my full limit yet. I have taken a few bad guys and villains to the authorities but I am not at the Big Three's count, heck, one of them caught a bady at the age of three! I didn't even know that was possible but he did it. Also, if I become part of the three, I am basically the main student hero of the entire country, I would be both a target and a mini-celebrity. Can I handle that sort of stress, or maybe it will overtake me? Oh no, what about my mom? This will really throw her over the boat! But then, to be recognized as a hero in the same places as my senpai's and deny it would be a great shame..."
"Oh god, she's muttering again..." Kastuki growled.
"Back to the main point." Yagi started, snapping the young woman from her train thought. "You two will be part of the big three this year. That means you will be given responsibilities and have to maintain a certain image for the school."
"Sounds good." Katsuki chuckled. "Who's the third one?"
"We're going to keep him a secret," Yagi said. Katsuki and Izuku glance at each other for a split second before looking back at their hero:
"Its Shouto?" Katsuki and Izuku said at the same time. To Yagi's surprise, they guessed the correct person.
"Well...yes...but that is not the point!" Yagi started again, to his annoyance. "The point is after these purity weeks have passed and what knots, you three will be named the next Big Three!"
"Okay..." Katsuki said. "Were going to be the next big three, we got it. Is this meeting done, because Deku's exitance makes me want to vomit."
"Same to you Ax's body spray," Izuku muttered under her breath. In a split second, she found her self flying to the ground hard from an explosion to her face. Her head hits the side of the table in the process, creating a ling over the blood that dripped from the edge of her eyebrow. Yagi's eyes widen at the sight of her injury. But before the older male could do anything, Izuku sprung up to her feet, then launched straight forward to Kastuki. The weight of her attack made the couch fall backward. When it hit the ground, Izuku was able to sit on Katsuki stomach and swing her fist down hard onto his face.
A line of red stains the dark blue dirt-covered floor, while also staining Katsuki white collar. In a rage, he grabs her by the shoulders then pulls her down, at the same time, thrusting his head forward, creating a hard impact to his face. Izuku flies upwards, but swings her fist down one more time, right onto his neck. The blow causes him to cough up blood. At the sight of Katsuki nearly drowning from his own blood, Yagi decides it is time to intervene.
Quickly, he grabs Izuku out from Katsuki, then steps down on the young man's chest. Once in the air, Izuku gasps at where she was as Katsuki spits out the blood from his mouth.
"I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOUR OUTBURST!" Yagi shouted at the two. The two tremble in fear at the sound of his voice, they have never heard him so mad before! Not even to a villain, let alone his arch-rival!
"Uh...All Might?" Katsuki coughed as he was trying to breath through the spit and blood that was forming in his mouth at a fast time.
"That's going to take a lot of fireball and sex." Katsuki chuckled. Izuku soon followed up by saying:
"And weed!" Deku chuckled. Katsuki nods his head as he points to her.