Heyo everybody. Sorry I haven't been online as often as I should have (life sucks ass) but I'm going to try and get back into the swing of things now. I will also try to pick up where I left off with "A Wizard in the Delta Quadrant" and "Star Trek: The Galactic Empire" (Though I may also just decide to remake them). This story was originally done by TheHaloProject but they have passed the torch to me to pick up where they left off so, here we go.
2525: The Human-Covenant war begins after the destruction of the human colony world of Harvest is destroyed by a surprise covenant attack.
2541: The Spartan II program is officially revealed to the public and Spartan III training begins
2545: After successfully translating some Forerunner artifacts during a raid on a UNSC planet, many high-ranking Covenant officers tasked with invading that planet are horrified to discover that they have been technically killing their own gods.
Believing that their leaders lied to them to keep power, Thel'Vadamee sends Elites in to kill the Prophets of Truth and Mercy for their betrayal of the covenant. Only Regret is spared because of his large un-involvement in Truth and Mercy's actions.
Elite Imperial Admiral Arab'nell immediately heads off to locate a UNSC colony to establish contact with the UNSC. Upon encountering the forces at Episane II, the UNSC defenders move into attack formation but, their commanding officer receives a message from the covenant fleet. The message sent read,
We are not here to invade or attack, but we are here to inform you that our leaders had lied and tricked us into committing our unspeakable acts of Genocide upon your race. We humbly apologize for all we have done and now wish to help you rebuild what you have lost and to sign a treaty that will ensure this never happens again. Please give us a chance to make up for our dishonorable actions.
Admiral Arab'nell
The UNSC dispatches Admiral Preston Cole to confirm the message the Admiral had sent to the fleet at Episane II. Upon arriving, he confirms that the message sent is true and signs it on behalf of humanity. With the treaty signed, the terrible Human-Covenant war had ended, and reconstruction began.
2546: After much debate and deliberation, it is decided that humanity will join the Covenant, helping it to move away from its darker past and making it into something new and better than it was before.
2547: Humanity's influence allows for new more logical changes within the Covenant hierarchy. Each hierarch will consist of a member of each race of the Covenant, allowing for all voices within the Covenant to be heard ensuring that no one's voice will be left unspoken.
2552: The UNSC introduces the Nova Bomb into the covenant and demonstrates its power by having it destroy a portion of an asteroid belt near Reach. The Spartan IV project begins after many, many years of debate on whether to start it.
2554: The UNSC finishes construction on the UNSC Infinity. The first in a new line of Infinity class assault carriers. Each infinity class is 3.5 miles in length, 1 mile in height, are constructed utilizing Forerunner tech, can carry 700 combat aircraft, 500 Spartan IV's, and 20 thousand men. Each one is virtually self-sustaining and can carry entire frigates in specialized hangars in its underbelly.
2557: The spartan program gets its own specialized branch in the program being called "Sparta" after the city of Sparta in Greece
2558: Utilizing genetic engineering, humanity is able to restore the prophet's ability to walk allowing them to no longer need their chairs for mobility. In the same year, Halo Installation 3 is discovered and the parasite that lives on it. Thanks to Thel'Vadam's excellent military leadership and tactics, they are able to completely destroy the parasite and prevent its ability to spread. Upon returning back to High Charity, Thel'Vadam is promoted to Field Marshal.
At another Halo, the monitor designated 343 Guilty Spark is discovered and reveals the location of the ark to the people that discovered him.
2559: The HRUNTING/YGGDRASIL Mark IX Mantis enters service in the UNSC and the Covenant. During this, the UNSC's intelligence agency ONI, discovers a portal that will lead straight to the Ark that is located directly under the city of New Mombasa located in North Africa.
2560: The Covenant finishes construction on the Mark II super carrier Eternity. The Eternity is the Covenants counterpart to the Infinity. Together, the UNSC and Covenant create the Coalition of United Species or C.U.S. Later this year, the C.U.S successfully colonizes the ark.
During an archaeological study of some Forerunner artifacts, it is revealed that the Forerunners had previously believed in their own god which causes many covenant members to go back to their old beliefs or join one of the many, many, many, many religions on Earth that suits their lifestyle.
Those still loyal to the late Prophet of truth, turn against the Covenant and escape to an unknown fate in space.
2565: The infinity class Assault Carrier, Sierra 117, is built and put into service. Its counterpart, the Mark II Super Carrier, The Arbiter, is built and put into service around the same time. The Mobile Anti-Aircraft Weapons Platform M510 Siegework/Ultra-Heavy, more commonly known as the M510 Mammoth, is put into service.
2568: In honor of their faithful and brave service, Captain Jacob Keyes and Admiral Preston J. Cole have two new classes of vessels named after them. The Cole class dreadnought and the Keyes class carrier. Both classes are put into service.
The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) goes through a small reformation being more open about its operations to the UNSC, Covenant, and civilian personnel by hiring more sources from the military and from the civilian population. Though most of their activities are still highly secretive.
The UNSC introduces the Infinity MK II class to the military.
The UNSC also introduces Mark VII Mjolnir Spartan Armor for their Spartans to wear in combat.
2569: SGM. Avery James Johnson, human war hero of the Civil War and the Covenant War, has a new type of carrier named after him and his family for his service to the military, The Johnson Class Carrier. The first one built being christened the UNSC Johnson
2570: The Followers of Truth return from deep space and find the Shield World known as Requiem. In, quite possibly, the shortest war in C.U.S history, the Requiem War starts and ends in the same year. After their defeat, The Followers of Truth retreat and disappear into deep space again.
Using the Janus key, the C.U.S discover both Forerunners and Ancient humans in cryo sleep on an unknown world. After waking the Forerunners and Ancient humans, they are quickly brought up to speed on galactic events and the new history that the humans of Earth have created. Both the Forerunners and Ancient humans are amazed, disgusted, and impressed by how the humans developed.
After being given a clean bill of health by the counselors and psychiatrists, the Forerunners go out and head to Shield World Bastion to get the other survivors of the first Halo Ring activation, while the Ancient Humans head to Earth, to see what has changed to their home. The humans of Earth request to be referred to as "Terran's" as to avoid confusion between them and the Ancient humans.
2577: The Forerunners and Ancient Humans officially join the C.U.S and, thanks to their knowledge and past history, rise to some of the top leadership positions alongside the Terran's, Sanghelli, and the Prophets. The Spartan V project begins alongside the Spartan IV program but uses the Spartan II training. The main difference between the Spartan V program and the Spartan II program is that they head to orphanages and offer the highest functioning children there a choice. Stay or become Spartans. Many choose to stay, but many also join.
2580: With the help of Forerunner engineering, the new High Charity class space stations are put into service. The Dawn of New Hope, The Prophecy of War, and The Texas are the three new stations put into service this year.
The 2nd Special Operations Corps, a special task group of highly elite soldier, pilot, and navy crews, is established and integrated into the UNSC and C.U.S military. The most elite of these units is Demon Squad. Demon squad consist of Spartans handpicked by Sierra-117 or, as he's more commonly known as, Master Chief; a group of brutes handpicked by High Chieftain Atriox ,which were then enhanced using the spartan project and given a modified version of the Stalker class spartan armor; The Blade, a group of elites handpicked by Rtas'Vadam, then given a modified version of the Helioskrill spartan armor; lastly, Silence Team, an elite team of skirmishers handpicked by Prince Cork and given specially built spartan armor.
2592: The Lord Hood class dreadnoughts are put into service. The Armageddon class fortress ship and the Mark III super carrier begin construction with an estimated 50-year construction period.
2599: Construction on five brand new High Charity class stations is complete. The Eden, The New York, The Nevada, The Dark Knight, and The Rome are all put into service. Late in the year, an unprecedented discovery is made, a Precursor plant ship is discovered and the Precursors inside a woken. Upon waking up from their long slumber, the Precursors join the C.U.S but choose not to share their technology due to them not wanting to progress the developing species too quickly up the tech tree.
With help from the Forerunners, the Mark VIII Mjolnir armor is put into service. The Mark VIII armor is able to use hard light technology to form weapons needed for each mission and able to change that weapon into another with only a single thought. The armor is also able to be summoned and dismissed by uttering a single thought, allowing for Spartans to always have their armor in any situation, regardless of location.
2612: With the Forerunners help, one of their old intergalactic teleportation modules are activated near the edge of the galaxy. The C.U.S prepare to colonize the Jotunheim Galaxy.
2613: Colonization of three planets are completed in Jotunheim. The planets colonized are called New Erde-Tyrene, New Ghibalb, and Vega. During a scouting op, ONI discovers and learns about the galactic war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. ONI moves to learn about the Galactic Republic and the CIS.
2614: ONI issues a hack attack against both galactic powers. In the attack, they are able to steal most of, if not all, of the Galactic Republics and CIS's data from both of their main computers. The Galactic Republic and the CIS, completely unaware of the C.U.S, UNSC, and ONI, blame each other for the sudden hack attack and escalate the fighting.
2615: The UNSC and C.U.S, upon reviewing ONI's data, begin drafting plans for first contact and ways they can remain stay out of there but, should they ever get dragged into the war when they are discovered by one of the galactic powers, they have created battle plans to eliminate the CIS should they get brought in on behalf of the Republic, and plans to eliminate the Republic should they get brought in on behalf of the CIS.
2616: The UNSC and C.U.S colonize a fourth planet in Jotunheim. The planet is named, Ravenholm
A CIS vessel emerges from a system very close to Ravenholms, prompting the UNSC and C.U.S to get ready for first contact. Fortunately for them, it leaves soon after.
2617: ONI dispatches agents into the Galactic Republic and CIS and has intelligence gather ops in both powers territories.
Well, there's a timeline. Hope I did it justice TheHaloProject. I will work on chapter 2 soon