If there is one thing that you can say about this place, Hell, yes Hell would be an accurate depiction of it. People dying everywhere, Screams that you can hear, screams of terror and agony. But for the boy walking was in no state to even scream,trying to get up even though there are wound in his body, such is his desire to live

The boy walked, walked while surrounded by the screams of terror and agony, walked in the sea of flames around him, walked to the screams of Parents screaming for help because their children are dying. But for his sole reason to live he to ignored all of it, just for the sole reason that he wanted to survive, Everytime he walks past everyone feels like sharp objects that stabs him,Their pleading gaze would not be seen.

Aching body is what kept him awake even though it's uncertain when he will finally break, walking through a mountain of corpse trying to survive, wanting to live but alas the supposed time for him has come. Lying down, everything that he knows no longer present in his mind because in that day something fundamental leave his body. The 'dead boy' gasps for air as a result of automatic desire to live

He tried to get up to continue walking but alas he can't do it anymore. He tried to cry but to no avail. Staring at the snowy sky, the boy or rather the remnant of what the boy is wishing for someone, anyone who might save him But no one came, his senses beginning to become dull, eyesight beginning to darken, ears can no longer able to hear anything, Touch beginning to not feel anything.

But then a Man came rushing with a woman, He stared into the boy's eyes and when he saw him still alive, he started crying, hearing nothing he tried to discern what man was trying to say. Before the last of his strength leave his body, The boy tried to say something, the words coming out of his mouth "Please help me" but no voice came out, Until he did something, The boy didn't know what it is because his eyesight finally give up, the only thing he feels in his dull sense of touch is something warm, the feeling of safety reaching his body and that was the final thing that the boy felt when he blacked out.

The boy didn't know how many days has it been but when he opens his eyes, the doctors immediately runs towards his direction and asking several questions

" are you okay?",

" Did it hurt somewhere?"

, " Do you remembered what happened?"

, " Where are your parents?"

" What is your name?".

The boy answered all their questions except for the last question

" Who are your parents?"

He can't come up for an answer

As for the boy's name, he just stared in the ceiling and the first thing the he said is

" Shirou"

Feeling exhausted because of the questions he rest again. He don't know how many days since he last woke up again but this time only half awake, He can hear the voices of the doctors looking out for him speaking to someone it's the voice of a man and a woman. He curiously listened through there conversation, The doctor said

" This is unbelievable, when you first brought the child here I thought the damage to him is irreparable but in less than a week it slowly but surely healed like it wasn't in there. I hadn't heard of a case like this in all my career, it is like a miracle"

the doctor explained in a surprised voice.

The his consciousness drifted once again.

He woke up again but this time to the sight of one of the doctor wearing a face mask

" You said that you have no family that you can remember right?"

The boy nodded

" There is someone outside the room that wants to talk to you, do you want to want to let them in?"

He can feel his voice back but he simply nodded

" Good, then wait a bit here I'll call them"

then the doctor go out the room. A little later a Man in his 30's with a black hair, his wearing a black trench coat, and his eyes, those dark almost blank eyes, it felt like those eyes have seen things not meant for everyone.

And the woman beside her, Her pale white skin paired with her white hair, her Ruby eyes pairs well with her overall look. Wait what am I even saying, all I can say is that she is beautiful.

The boy opened his mouth and said

" Are you the one who saved me?"

the man nodded and said

" Yes"

the woman then asked him

" What is your name?

" Shirou"

the woman then put her index finger beneath her lips then said happily

" Shirou huh? it's a good name!"

then her face became close to his, because of the sudden situation he can feel his face burning but to the two person in front of him, the boy must look like a tomato right now.

Because of his reaction, the man said to the woman

" Iri remember his personal space"

then the woman return beside the man

" Ara, I completely forgot"

then she turns towards the boy voice being playful

" I'm sorry Shirou I just can't help it because your cute!"

" A-ahh N-n-no I just can't believe your beautiful that's all"

laughing nervously but then he think hard

" But the word beautiful might be an understatement to you"

He thought that the words he uttered are just in his mind, he can't believe that he said it enough for the woman to hear. Her face glowed really bright then turns to the man then said

" Kiritsugu we will take home Shirou"

then the man stared to Iri then said

" Shirou should decide that not me".

then he turned to the boy and said

" Shirou you have no memories of your family right? You have two choices either you stay here and later be put to an orphanage or you can come with us what do you think?"

He became speechless because not only did he saved him but he said that he will adopt him too, he said shyly

" If it's not a bother to both of you"

then Iri's face became bright again and said

" then it's settled now welcome to the family Shirou!"

The man sighed kinda like how a person becomes tired because of the energy of others and said to the boy

" Welcome to the family"

then he smiled

Then they properly introduce themselves, the beautiful lady is Irisviel Emiya and the Man is Kiritsugu Emiya and they are married.And that's the story of how Shirou became Shirou Emiya.

When he became well enough to be released from the hospital, they took him to their house, it is a huge Japanese style house. He stared in awe because it's probably his first time seeing this kind of house.

Then Iri said to the boy while smiling

" Welcome to your new home Shirou!"

She stared into the lady in front of him then he just cried softly and said

" Thank you for having me"

both of them smiled at the boy.

It's been two years now since Shirou have been adopted by Iri and Kiritsugu. While Iri is away in work, it's only in Japan most of the time but Kiritsugu his foster father is working over the world.

When he comes home from work he always manages to bring them souvenirs from the places he have been, the things that Shirou really like about the things that his dad brings are swords, even though he's scolded once by Iri because she said that he shouldn't play with sharp and dangerous objects but that doesn't stop him from gazing and sometimes touching the swords.

That's also the reason why sometimes Iri also ended up scolding Kiritsugu about bringing weapons saying like

" what if our kids are harmed because of that swords"

or something along those lines then Kiritsugu laughs sheepishly then hugs Iri in which Iri always have no retort. Everytime he see this scene, he always pray that times like this must be protected and not changed. Because in times like this is the only times that they can laugh all we want.

Then there are his sister's Illyasviel von Einzbern and Chloe von Einzbern. Those two are twins, the only difference is that illyasviel or Illya as she is called have pale white skin kinda like her mother and Chloe or Kuro as they call her have tanned skin. Despite being twins their personalities are different, Illya states that she is the older sister of Kuro and acts like one while Kuro inherited the playfulness of Iri sometimes pulling pranks on all of them.

Then there are their caretakers Sella and Leysritt from the previous house as Iri. Sella is often cold but shows her soft side, she is also a hard worker always taking care of all of them. While her sister Leysritt or what we call her Liz is the complete opposite of Sella, she often times seen lazing around the house eating and watching TV. This causes Sella to have a harder time in the house because it's so big. So Shriou always help or tried to help her but she insisted that it is her job to do the chores. He sometimes feel like Sella have a bit of animosity towards him. As seen when one time that he tried to cook and it didn't end well, she lectured him for hours before she calmed down.

Then there they have aunt Maiya that from time to time visiting them. When Iri and Aunt Maiya have direct contact, they always argue unbefitting of their age. But Shirou can tell that Aunt Maiya have a sweet side, from what he know Aunt Maiya was saved by his Dad when she was little in a war and so she followed him before settling here in Japan, Shirou think she also work abroad because she is always away from her home and only visits them from time to time.

Then there is the boy named Shirou, he can't remember anything aside from the fact that he was adopted by Kiritsugu his father and Iri his mother. But somehow he can tell that all members of his family members are different from other people because of their smell, not the smell as in literally the odor but something else he just don't know what it is yet.

Then another year have passed and the amount of swords that dad brought are now numerous in number because of his requests. Fascinated by the swords caused him to become a sword maniac. Then he started reading about swords and even weapons in general, his room is officially a library for books and while the shed became the museum he created also as a second room. He watches anime about weapons like that one where the main character is a cheat, being able to create any weapons he desire. While Illya and Kuro are Magic girls fanatics but sometimes he bonds with them by watching together

In the middle of that year, he started dreaming about a land, land of weapons, everywhere he walked he can see different kinds of weapons ranging from swords to daggers. fascinated about it he would try touch them but to no avail. Atop the highest point of the land, he can always see a man with a hair of white and a tanned body wearing a red mantle, he would always see the lonely back of the man and would always try to approach him until he will be barred by golden chains.

The next day, he decided to take a walk. Normally he would be at the house to read but something tells him today is different, the streets are empty almost no sign of people going out probably because of the national competition of the kendo tournament. It was a battle between Britain and Japan.

Walking down the street, he unconsciously have gone into the park and when he came to he just sat on the bench there. The park is also deserted as if it actively push people away, then suddenly a girl appeared before him, her hair is @$$@#, her face is #$_@@$, then she spoke about @$$@#$@. Then ripple suddenly appeared behind him as if attempting to protect him from the girl it bind her. Because of this action the girl couldn't breathe properly and caused anxiety for Shirou which in turn shouted one single word

" stop!"

to the chains and it comes back to the ripple.

The girl then cough and catching her breath. Shirou kneeled beside her and ask if she is okay. The Mouth of the girl opened but no words came out of her mouth.

As he tried to help the girl the sky darkened and there a silhouette appeared just behind the girl and a light of some sort appeared in it's hand. Then the silhouette throw the light and pierced the girl. When he saw this, his eyes dilated uncontrollably and shouted but he still run after her to try and save her despite not knowing anything. But when he got close, the silhouette then throwed another one of those light and it also pierced him.

As if forcing him back he woke up early in the morning

A nightmare, breathing heavily he can't recall if such thing really happened or he just can't remember considering his past experience.

" Maybe it was not a dream". He uttered, he checked his body for a wound and soon enough he found it, a wound on his chest.