It was in the middle of one of Verde's latest rants about some technological advancement that Verde noticed the nostalgic look on Skull's face. Upon noticing Verde had stopped, Skull shook his head.

"Sorry, it's just… you remind me of someone." Skull said apologetically, not having meant to ignore Verde. He attempted to disregard the near painful longing he felt to be close to his Guardians.

Verde frowned, now curious. How did he remind Skull of someone? "Who?" He asked, curious if it was someone he knew.

"Ah, never mind. Just I friend I had growing up." Skull replied, shrugging it off and attempting to distract Verde back on topic. He'd have to send a letter to Hermione soon, he missed his Lightning. "So, you were saying…?"


"You shouldn't be so wasteful with your money," Viper glowered, irritated as they noticed Skull's frivolous spending on yet another new tank for Oodako.

Skull nearly laughed, reminded strongly in that moment of his Cloud Guardian. "Haha, Oodako knocked out over 20 people at once on the last raid on Mafia Land, so I felt he deserved a reward!"

Viper didn't like that answer. "You're an Arcobaleno, you shouldn't be attacking Mafia Land anyway!" They sighed.

Skull just grinned, an echo of 'You're a Lord now, Potter. You should act like it.'. "You remind me of my cousin! Always lecturing me on my behaviour." Skull gleefully replied.

As always, Viper was on the lookout for personal information from the other Arcobaleno. Surprisingly enough, they didn't know much about Skull, other than the information he'd shared. Sensing an opportunity to learn more, they leaned forward.

"Your cousin?" They questioned, but even as they asked, they saw Skull beginning to pull away.

"Don't worry about it, I just haven't seen him in a while." It'd been, what, months, maybe even years since he'd last seen Draco? He'd have to make a trip to see him soon. It had been way too long since he'd seen his Cloud Guardian.

His phone pinged. It was Reborn, demanding he go and do something for him. "Reborn-senpai needs the Great Skull-sama's assistance! I have to go!" He got up, running to the door, pausing at the last second. "I'll see you later, Viper!"

Viper sighed; opportunity lost. "Goodbye, Skull." Another time, maybe.


He'd been preparing for this all week. The day he'd finally get revenge on Reborn for daring to ruin his plan to ask out Lal.

Holding in his hand what he'd be using to add to Reborn's coffee, he crept towards the kitchen area and held his breath as he carefully held it over Reborn's coffee, which he'd foolishly left alone thinking it would be safe, mwahaha!

"What are you doing?"

Colonello shrieked, though he would deny it until the day he died, turning to face the unexpected voice only to see Skull standing it the doorway, arms crossed and head tilted in curiosity.

"Shh, kora!" He shushed Skull, ignoring the fact that he'd been a lot louder. "I'm just…" He trailed off, panicked as he tried to find an excuse. Time was running out! There was a limited window of time that Reborn left his coffee alone.

"Adding something to Reborn's coffee?" Skull finished, smirking delightedly. Colonello paled. If Skull ratted him out-!

"Go right ahead, then." Eh?!

"Go ahead, kora?" He was dumbfounded.

"Come on, already! I want to see his reaction!" Skull's smirked had twisted into something that looked disturbingly like a pout. "As the son of a prankster, and the friend of two twin owners of a shop dedicated to pranking, I'd be letting them down if I didn't at the least encourage a prank!" At the thought of his Rain Guardians, he laughed. He missed them. They'd all been so busy recently, him with the Arcobaleno Curse, and the twins with their joke shop.

"Who are your friends, kora? We've never met them." Colonello asked even as he hurried to make the final touches to his revenge. The Arcobaleno knew Skull's parents died when he was young, as he'd admitted as much in the past. But he'd never heard of these prankster friends of his.

"Well, it's been a while since I've seen them. We've all been pretty busy recently." Colonello conceded the point. They really had been quite busy these past few months, and if Skull's friends run a joke shop like he said, then they must be pretty busy as well.

"Fair enough. Now hurry, hide, I think Reborn's coming back!"

FON - 4

Fon sighed and sipped at his tea as he watched Reborn fighting with Skull, who's screeching only increased in volume as Reborn continued. It soon got to the point where he simply gave up, leaving the room with his ears covered.

"I wonder if he'll ever realise if you do that intentionally?" Fon asked the sprawled figure of Skull, who was clutching at his head dramatically even as he instantly became silent as soon as Reborn left hearing range.

Twisting to look at Fon, Skull grinned. "Never! The Great Skull-sama is too good an actor for Reborn-senpai to ever catch on!"

Fon nodded, conceding that he had a point; it'd been years now, but Reborn still showed no signs of recognising Skull's obnoxiousness as exaggerated whenever he was there.

As he watched Fon sip serenely at his tea, Skull wistfully thought of his Mist Guardian. Luna was always so unflappable in the face of whatever weirdness they got up to. He'd been exchanging letters with her for a while now, as he did with all his Guardians, but it'd been somewhat difficult to hide a snowy white owl from flying in and out the building. He was especially careful because of Viper, whom he suspected of being a from the wizarding world. It meant that their letters were only every few months instead of weekly, or even daily, as he'd prefer.

Fon easily spotted Skull's forlorn expression, and frowned, concerned. "Is something wrong, Skull?" He enquired.

Skull shook his head, standing as he went to leave the room. "Don't worry about it, Fon. Enjoy your tea!"

"Skull-," Fon went to reply, still worried, but it was too late. Skull had already left. Oh well, he'd just ask him later.


Reborn approached, curious, as he noticed Skull hunched over the table. As he silently moved closing, he saw that he appeared to be writing something. And was that a quill?

"Lackey," Reborn made to question Skull, but the Cloud's frankly out of proportion reaction made him startle.

Skull screamed, whipping around to face Reborn while simultaneously attempting to cover up and hide the letter he'd been writing to Neville.

"SENPAI! What-what're you doing here?" Skull shrieked in his usual high-pitched tone as he scrambled to hide the quill and inkwell.

Reborn stared at him as if he'd said something stupid. "…This is the kitchen, Lackey." He leaned to the side to get a glimpse of whatever Skull was hiding, only for Skull to pick it up, making as if to leave. Quickly, he snatched at a piece of paper only to scowl, confused as he realised it wasn't, in fact, paper.

"What is that? Parchment? And who's Neville?" He questioned, scowl growing deeper as Skull looked away, clearly about to lie. "And don't you lie to me, Lackey!" Leon transformed from his chameleon form into his usual gun, and he pointed it at Skull, glaring menacingly.

"Ah! It's an inside joke! My friends and I always use parchment to send letters to each other!" His response only made Reborn more confused. Why not use a phone, like normal people? And who were these supposed 'friends' of his; they'd never been introduced. Before he could ask, Skull continued to ramble at a high-pitched pace, making him internally cringe at his poor, poor ears' suffering. "Neville is- uh- my friend! He's a gardener!" Skull inwardly grinned at his brilliant acting. If he'd admitted that Neville was a professor, Reborn would be even more curious, and it wasn't like he could explain that Neville was a professor of Herbology at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, now could he?

"Lackey…!" If Skull was lying, he'd be shot, for sure.

Skull, realising his explanation hadn't sufficed Reborn's expectations, moved onto plan B: Screeching in a tone that had proven in the past to hurt Reborn's hearing in order to distract him.

"Senpai! Why are you so cruel to the Great Skull-sama! Why-,"

Reborn, sensing his fate, pre-emptively winced.