A gentle breeze blew across the water, blowing about the many leaves on the long grey wooden dock. The quiet flick of a lighter set the cheap cigar in Don's hand alight as he proceeded to take a drag, blowing a thin cloud into the crisp air. He sighed deeply, simply content.

"I didn't realize you smoked." Samus commented, joining by his side.

"Yeah, well…not until the fat lady sings."

The Hunter bore a look of absolute confusion, "Your slang is ever-perplexing."

"Yeah, it has the tendency to do that." Don chuckled, "It's only going to get worse from here on in, just warning you now."

"Oh, joy."

"Y'know, I'm actually mild compared to some people."



There was a brief pause.

"That is a horrifying thought."

Donovan let out a laugh, "I thought you'd say something like that."

The space warrior found herself gripped by a slight smile, turning her eyes back to the calm icy lake. The two stood in silence for a moment, neither one wanting to shatter the peace. Such a thing could only truly be appreciated after having marched through Hell and back.

"So…" Don finally said, "…what now?"

The expression on Samus's face quickly faded, "…I'm not sure."

"I mean, you guys can build another one, can't you? Another machine to take you home?"

"That entirely depends on whether they were able to reverse-engineer the design in time. Without those blueprints, there's no telling how long it could take for us to recreate the device…we might not ever be able to figure it out."

"They're not mad at you, are they? Y'know, for destroying the thing in the blast?"

"I have explained to them the circumstances…their bitter discontentment, though, is still quite apparent."

Donovan rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well, the next time they need to rip a wormhole machine out of the claws of an angry space dragon, they can feel free to show us just how easy it is."

Samus couldn't help her grin, "I'll make sure to tell them that."

The young man chuckled, letting another puff out into the air.

"There is a bright side to this, however…" the Hunter resumed.


"Though we may be trapped here for some time, your planet is quite beautiful…perhaps you could show me around?"

Immediately, Donovan's face lit up, "Yeah! Yes, absolutely!"

He quickly threw down the cigar butt, snuffing it out beneath his boot before turning to leave, "Get in the ship, we are going to Paris!"

"Lead the way, fearless leader." the space warrior teased.

"Was…was that…was that sarcasm that just came out of your mouth?" the young man asked before quickly motioning for her to come along, "Come on, you drop-dead gorgeous beauty, we got a whole new adventure ahead of us, let's go!"

A bright smile took over Samus's gentle features as she followed her ecstatic friend to the freshly refurbished golden-yellow ship, engines humming warmly as it waited patiently on the shore.