And here is where our story ends. thank you all for your kind words and support for my story. I am thinking about doing a follow-up story about Cora and Robert raising their baby through wartime so if that is something you guys would like to read then please let me know. I hope you all enjoy the final chapter

Our Boy

Robert shot up from his seat, tears streaming down his face as he heard an infant cry. Matthew too stood up, turning and embracing his cousin warmly. "Congratulations my dear, dear fellow," he said fighting tears as he let him go. "Cousin Robert" they heard a soft voice call from the other end of the library, "We're ready for you" Robert turned to Matthew who gave him a warm smile."After you," he said kindly. Robert turned away and took a deep breath as he made his way to the ladies. He was greeted by his three smiling daughters who all had tears in their eyes and Violet, who was intently studying a pen on the writing desk attempting to hide hers. As he came to the settee, Isobel stepped aside to reveal a beautiful sight. Cora, her hair still stuck to her face with sweat looked up from the tiny and now quiet but squirming bundle in her arms and beamed at him. He walked slowly forward and crouched down next to his wife. "It's a boy, Robert" she whispered her tears now beginning to fall, "our boy". "A b-" he began but the lump in his throat cut him off. He reached down and gently moved the silk so he could take a better look at his son's face. The little boy had beautiful blue eyes just like his mother which stared curiously up at him. "Well hello there," he whispered stroking the tiny boys check with his finger, "if only you knew how happy you've made us". He then returned his gaze again to his wife, pressing his forehead gently against hers. "Oh, my darling," he said as they both began to cry again. "My beautiful, darling Cora". They continued this loving gesture for another moment before Robert broke their gaze and wiping away his tears invited his girls to meet their little brother. One by one they crouched beside their parents and doted over the tiny being. After he had been passed from girl to girl, Cora handed the baby back to her youngest daughter, who stood up and carefully brought him across the room to the writing desk. After a brief protest, Sybil lowered the little boy into her grandmother's arms. Gazing down at her grandson she gave a small smile and then she looked back up at her granddaughter, letting a single tear roll down her cheek. Sybil did not tease her this time but smiled and watched as her grandmother gave the baby another smile and handed him back to her, then she watched as Sybil returned him to his beaming parents. Matthew stood again by the window, watching the family huddle together. He smiled when he heard them laugh as the little boy gave a sneeze and then he turned once again to gaze into the snow. He continued to stare until he felt a hand catch his. He looked up to see Mary also staring into the snow but when she saw she had caught his attention she turned to face him. "I'm sorry Matthew," she said and as he turned to look at her he knew immediately she was not just referring to the position that night's events had put him in. He turned to her, taking her other hand in his and smirking softly replied: "So, is that a yes?" She broke into a smile before confidently answering "Yes". He leaned in and kissed her passionately before they turned once again to the group in the middle of the room and Mary led him to meet his littlest cousin. Seeing he had arrived with Mary, Robert felt no need to issue an apology and just smiled as he handed his son to Matthew. He too gave the boy a beam and held him for just a moment before handing him to Mary and he went to join his mother. Isobel gave him a sympathetic pat on the back and then hands joined they stood as night turned to day, watching the family admired their newest edition. All other thoughts of that night's events had been banished until the door made a loud click.

"My Lord!" came Carson's booming voice as he flung open the door. But he was stunned to silence at the sight before him. Violet, Matthew, Isobel, and the girls were at the small table in the corner of the room playing cards and Mary, he noticed, was sitting quite close to Mattew. They had turned to face him as he entered but it was not that that had struck him dumb. On the settee lay Lord Grantham his back against the arm of it and lying on top of him was his scarcely clothed wife and what appeared to be, to his astoundment, a baby. They were both fast asleep and Lord Grantham was affectionately stroking his wife's hair as he turned to look at the butler. "Surprise" he whispered a tired smile on his face and he turned his head back to his sleeping wife. Carson let his face soften as he took in the beautiful scene and then Mrs. Hughs came speeding into the room. "My Lord, I'm afraid they took two of the silver candlesticks but-" she gasped clapping her hands to her mouth as she too took in her surroundings. Carson smiled but his face quickly warped into a shock as he noticed the housekeeper begin to cry. "Come now Mrs. Hughs!" he said exasperated "Pull yourself together". All she could do in response was smile, as she left the room taking the butler with her. They returned downstairs to tell the staff and after Mary had come down 20 minutes later to announce it was a healthy baby boy they had decided upon naming Oliver, glasses were raised to master Oliver and they ate their breakfast amid happy chatter. The men had only made off with the two silver candlesticks, three paintings and a gold plated jewelry box in their haste to leave that morning. It had been largely because, when he had been sent to fetch water, Carson had bumped into Mrs. Hughs who had been looking for her ladyship. He had informed the woman of the situation and she had locked the dining room and drawing room doors downstairs and made her way quickly upstairs to lock the family's bedrooms just in case it may be of any help, before slipping through the back staircase just as the men came upstairs. Upon further inspection, they had entered three of the guest bedrooms but by some twist of fate went no further. But the gain greatly outwayed the loss as Robert got into his bed and sat next to his wife that night. Their son, sound asleep in her arms he whispered once more into her ear. "Merry Christmas my darling" he kissed her on the cheek. "Merry Christmas" she replied and looking down at the little bundle in her arms said "and a Merry Christmas to you too little one" before once again drifting off to sleep in the safety of her husband's loving embrace.

And there you have it! Thank you all so much again for sticking with me and as I said above if a follow-up story on little Oliver's upbringing would interest you please let me know. I hope you enjoyed my first story and once again reviews are very greatly appreciated.