Chapter One

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Is Not Mine...even though I wish they were.

Harry Potter is a one year old with black hair and bright green eyes. He is also sleeping outside at night in a basket in November. As it is in November it was very cold and harry shivered holding tightly to the only blanket he owns. Suddenly he feels someone pick him up. His eyes open slowly and he notices a long-necked woman staring at him. As she brings him inside, he falls back asleep.

When he awakes he sees another woman standing near him. The two women are talking, and he can make out a few words..."Don't, never, take away, and FREAK" he understood that the long necked woman didn't want him. The other lady seemed nice. She has a kind face and while she was not smiling when she looked at him her eyes lit up. When they stopped talking the nice lady came over to him. She said some words that sounded funny and a warm feeling sped throughout his body. It even hurt a little. As the pain faded, he felt so tired. The lady finally smiled and kissed his head. Unfortunately, the kind woman left and he couldn't follow. This was the beginning of hell.

2 Years later.

After that day harry didn't remember that nice lady. It would have been nice to remember that someone was kind to him. The last two years were hell. He was treated like a piece of trash the uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia didn't want. He had forgotten his name but since they called him Freak so much, he guessed that was his name. He had no idea that today all that would change.

Harry was cleaning the dishes and one slipped out of his hand. It hit the floor and broke in to many pieces. Uncle Vernon came in to the kitchen. "Boy what have I told you?" "no food for the day! Clean this mess up." harry hung his head. He hadn't had food for five days and now another day. Might as well kill him. "yes uncle." he got the broom and dust pan and knelt down. He swept up the big pieces but the small slivers wouldn't go in. So, he tried to pick them up by hand. "ouch!" harry murmured. He looked down to see a small trickle of blood run down his finger. As he watched the blood, he noticed a shimmer to it. And then the cut closed up. 'huh' thought harry, confused. 'what was that?' he ran to the sink and ran water over the cut. 'ITS GONE!' he thought for a second and looked back to the broken plate. 'what if...' harry thought. He went to pick up another piece and again it cut his finger. He ran to the sink and this time the cut was it was healing. 'Wow!' he remembered all the times he had gotten hurt and wondered why he hadn't healed like this before. 'who cares. Can I do anything else?' then he remembered a foggy memory of him wanted a toy and it coming to him, so he focused on the spoon and it came right to his hand. 'Oh my god!' exclaimed harry. 'I can do magic' he finished cleaning the floor and dishes and went to the living room. Seeing everyone watching TV he thought 'do they know?' his uncle noticed him standing there and said to go away. Harry was so deep in thought that he didn't hear his uncle. Suddenly harry was on the ground went pain spreading from his stomach. Groaning he looked up, "You listen when I'm talking to you Freak or you will get much worse." his uncle yelled. Harry felt angry and a hot as fire feeling moved through his body. He stood up and glared at his uncle. The heat went to his hands and harry sent Vernon flying in to the TV. The feeling wasn't gone but now it felt like a warm breeze. He also remembered the nice lady.