Hey guys !

Here we are with the last chapter.

Disclaimers : I don't own any of both movies nor How to train your dragon books nor Guardians of childhood, respective credits go to Cressida Crowell, William Joyce and Dreamworks Animation Studios.

This is a Hijack/ Frostcup story. Don't like, don't read. Thank you.

Hope you enjoy !

Love and scales !


Battle for Berk

The first lights of dawn were starting to color the sky as the dragon riders finally reached Berk, but they found it in a pretty bad state. The island was covered in huge ice structures, like frozen waves crashing over the houses. A white shadow was climbing on the cliffs while the cloud of dragons following it was even bigger than before.


''He took all the dragons !'' Fishlegs panicked.

While they were traveling, the wound on Elska' back had gotten worst, draining all her strength away. She would have been the perfect opponent for the general Kosmozis, but her condition didn't allow her to fight. Hiccup had had the time to think about it, so he had decided to split them, sending his fiancee lead Elska somewhere safe where Gothi would treat her.

Joke had protested first, wanting to join them in the fight, but Hiccup assured him he couldn't focus if he was worried for him, and that he refused to put him in danger. He had almost lost him once, he wasn't going to take another risk. Elska and him were Kosmozis' targets, there was no way he was handing them to him.

After this argument, Joke agreed, wishing them good luck before getting away with his mother. Then Hiccup focused on his friends.

''Distract the Alpha, try to keep her focus off Toothless.''

''Huh… How ?'' Tuffnut asked.

''Have you forgotten who you're riding with ?'' Eret braged. ''There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle !''

He put his hands on his hips with proud, and that was the moment his dragon decided it was a good time to go fishing.

''Except for this one !'' The ex-trapper yelled in his dive.

''Amateur.'' Snotlout snorted while Astrid's gaze followed Eret with a laugh.

The went to the island. There, the vikings had fought for the entire night, but they had given up and were now trying to hide behind the houses and holding on as long as they could. They knew they were no match against this armored man and his dragon army. It was even worst than when they were fighting dragons, nor fought against the Red Death, they had never seen suc an army or such a beast. Fire, they could handle. Ice… not really.

They were terrified and felt alone without Stoick, but suddenly, hope came back as one of them spotted the baby dragons.

''Hey look, it's Hiccup !''

The dragon riders heard the cheerings and it relieved them to know the villagers were still alive. It still didn't distracted them from the plan. Kosmozis saw the eight dragons coming towards him, the two others had manages to go completely unnoticed.

As planned, they split up. Hiccup searched for Toothless and aimed for the cloud of dragons while the others landed. Kosmozis couldn't believe it when he saw them. The Alpha groaled and looked at the one passing next to her, the one carrying Hiccup. She called the baby, but he didn't reacted and kept his path. Then a sheep suddenly came out of nowhere, just between them.

The general thought he was dreaming, until another sheep followed. The Alpha's gaze followed the wooly beast to the ground, near a catapult. There stood the dragon riders.

''Keep them coming !'' Ruffnut said.

''Black sheep, baby !'' Snotlout claimed as he threw her the poor beast.

Eret caught the one they had just thrown, while Gobber arrived with two other sheep under his arms.

The giant white dragon got angry being that humiliated and loaded a shot in her throat, but she stopped as hse heard a loud noise, coming from the horn on the other side of the island. It was in the shape of a dragon, but she was not fool enough to believe it was alive. She still noticed there was no one there to blow in it. She shook her head and went back to the sheep.

He started as the black one flew to her, landing on her snout, she met the animal's eyes which didn't understood anything that was happening, then she shook her head to get rid of this nuisance.

''Ten points !'' Snotlout laughed.

Eret caught the falling black sheep, bbut the Alpha was infuriated.

''Oh oh...''

As she was about to strike them, the horn roared again. Fishlegs was hiding behind it, snickering while rubbing his hands. This time, the Sentinel didn't wait to see there was actually someone, she instantly shot at the horn. Fishlegs nearly got caught in the ice but managed to jump just in time to avoid it before the horn exploded and got freezed.

''I'm okay !'' He yelled to anyone who could have worry.

He quickly ran out of there to get back to the others, who fled too. Unfortunately, the distraction didn't last long enough since Hiccup just found Toothless. Kosmozis saw him instantly.

The young viking felt his heart break as he saw his best friend in such a zombie-like state. The dragon had his pupils in fine lines, making the viking wonder if he could still see anything. Toothless was flying straight, without any sign of consciousness. Actually, it was the case for all the dragons. Hiccup still hoped he could reach him.

''You certainly are hard to get rid of, I'll say that.'' Kosmozis admitted from the Alpha's head.

Hiccup didn't listened to him.

''Toothless ? Hey… it's me, bud.

He slowly made the hatchling get closer to the Night Fury who didn't seem to have any reaction.

''It's me. i'm right here, bud.''

He hold out his hand and kept on getting closer, even if the baby carrying him was afraid of the empty-eyes dragon, and even more by the giant white one behind him.

''Come back to me.''

''He's not yours anymore.'' Kosmozis laughed. ''He belongs to the Alpha. But, please, oh great dragon master, try to take him.''

Kosmozis placed the Alpha under them, where she could concentrate her call on the poor Night Fury. Despite his sliced pupils, the dragon could actually distinguish his rider's silhouette, but he didn't really have control on what he was doing. Hiccup's voice reached him a faint whisper.

''Please Toothless, I already lost my dad…''

Hearing this, the dragon suddenly had a reaction. Hiccup saw his pupils move, as if they were wrestling, trying to open to their usual round shape, shifting between the usual Toothless and this zombie. Understanding he was actually reaching him, Hiccup kept on talking with hope.

''I couldn't bare to loose you too.''

The more he was getting closer, the more Toothless could see him. The brownish blurred silhouette in front of him turned into a less blurry hand and a worried and sad green gaze. When he was close enough to put his hand on the dragon's forehead, Hiccup knew he was making it.

''How are you doing that ?'' Kosmozis breathed.

He frowned and pushed the Sentinel to tighten her grip on the black dragon, getting his pupils in fine lines again. Hiccup ignored the general and stayed focus on his friend.

''Please, you're my best friend, bud.''

Again the pupils struggled.

''My best friend.''Hiccup insisted with an unbearable look.

Toothless growled and shook his head, forcing Hiccup to retreat his hand. The viking waited a bit, then saw him open his eyes again. That was bright green eyes with full round pupils, and the dragon smiled with his gummy smile.

''Atta boy, that's it ! I'm here !''

He came closer and stroke his head, making the dragon pur, he did had got back his joyful and affectionate dragon, who didn't hold back from licking his face. But this reunion was interrupted as Kosmozis made the Alpha attack, a ligtning of ice jolting between them.

''Enough !''

Hiccup glared at the general and couldn't help but notice his face was less calm than usual. No doubts Kosmozis was feeling he was loosing control. Toothless roared and shot a plasma blast at him, the general dodge it and let the Alpha take the hit. The pain made her roar in a way that seemed to bustle all the dragons for a second, then the general hit the giant white head with his sword to make her calm down.

Hiccup noticed how the Sentinel's skin was burnt where Toothless had shot her. Joke had quickly told him what Elska had said about the ice dragons feraing fire, and visibly it was not just for hot reasons : it was actually hurting them.

Hiccup jumped on the back of his dragon and let the baby fly away, holding back a cry of joy to be with his best friend again. He clipped his peg leg in the harness to unlock Toothless' fin, then both went into the fight. As if to indicate things were getting better, the sun choose this exact moment to rise, enlightening the whole island with its soothing rays, and the giant white silhouette which was still threatening it.

Hiccup and Toothless turned around the island and the Alpha, glaring at her and her rider. The viking couldn't help but notice that Elska' improvements of Toothless harness had really made the drafon fly faster and easier. This ice-crystal was really light !

''Do something !'' Kosmozis yelled at the Sentinel while swinging his sword.

''We need to get those two apart.'' Hiccup grumbled to his best friend.

The young viking led his friend towards a mast with a tore sail, he grabbed some fabric and tore a band out of it. Toothless roared and shook his head as he heard the Alpha's call, Hiccup would hear the slight whirr.

As they pass by a street, the Sentinel spat ice at them, the wave froze in sharp ridges that made more houses explode but was not fast enough to touch them before they hid behind the mountain. Toothless snarled again as the Alpha was still trying to take control of them.

''We have to block her out, Toothless.''

He handed the sail band over his friend's head before asking him permission.

''Do you trust me, bud ?''

The dragon let out a low vibrating sound in reply, he only made this sound when he was agreeing on something, so Hiccup tied the band on his eyes.

''We can do this, you and me. As one.''

He rested a hand on the dragon's forehead to calm him down, then he changed the fake fin's position.

''That's it, now let's try this one more time !''

They circled the mountain and came back at top speed. The vikings on the ground spotted him and cheered him as he was heading towards the Sentinel. Hiccup barely heard the countless voices below as he was focused.

''Take 'em down, Hiccup !''

''Go, Hiccup !''

''Go get them !''

Hearing all these cheerings and applausments, Kosmozis got even angrier, and that noise seemed to infuriate the Sentinel too.

''Take control of it !'' He yelled at the Sentinel who was getting short of patience too.

When Hiccup saw Toothless' hears shake under the Alpha's whirr, he gently clasped his hands on it.

''Shut it out, Toothless.''

''Stop them !''

''Now !''

He locked Toothless' fake fin, but the Alpha suddenly spat at them. Kosmozis looked at the black dragon changing direction to dodge the ice upward, away from them, he lost his sail band in the process. Kosmozis laughed, but he stopped as he noiced the saddle was empty.

He turned around to search for the rider, and didn't get the time to see him coming right to him with his own leather wings. Hiccup pass the nearest to him he could, using Inferno – he quite liked the name Joke found for his flaming sword back at the Sanctuary – to spill green gas all around him. When he got far enough from it, Hiccup ignited it, making it explode in the face of the general.

It was powerful enough to scare off the white dragon, no wonder since she realy hated fire. Hiccup saw her collapse as a smaller figure fell from her and sprawl on the ground. But when he looked back in front of him, he started as he saw he was heading right to the Sentinel's tail.

It was huge and covered in ice spikes like a Deadly Nadder, and this was reminding him of the Red Death battle, but it mostly reminded him of all the crashes he had made everytime he used his own wings. Why did all his solo flight ended up like this ? He really needed to find a way yo control his path.

''Not again...'' He gasped. ''Toothless ! It's now or never !''

He could only pray for Elska' improvements to work.

Toothless was flying right behind him, he dropped a bit and used his tail to kick the air, bursting upward and successfully catching his viking. This was the easy part, now he had to go upward and avoir the tail's spikes. That was when the ice-crystal harness and fin made the difference. Hiccup almost didn't believe it when they went out of it.

''Ya-ah ! We did it !''

He stroke his dragon's head, Toothless cooed and purred in return, before dropping back. They found the general and landed in front of him. He was still lying on the ground, he seemed weakened by the fall but Hiccup was not at all saddened by that.

Seeing the viking coming with such anger on his face, the general started and immediatly dragged himself towards his sword, jabbed on the ground, but as he was going to grab it, Inferno landed between the sword and the swordman, almost burning his fingers, making him jolt back. Toothless roared at him while Hiccup, putting his wings back in his gear, spoke firmly.

''It's all over, now.''

''Or is it ?'' The general smirked.

Hiccup hated the calma nd the smile of this man, why was he always so calm ? Why did he seemed like he had another plan ? Hiccup quickly got the answer as he heard a noise behind him. He started and turned around to see the Sentinel rising up again, growling at him. He barely had the time to start running the giant beast spat a whole wave of ice on him. Toothless jumped to him in try to protecting him, getting caught in the ice too.

Kosmozis turned to protect his face with his arms, before snickering when he saw his masterpiece. Dead silence fell on the whole village as they were all staring at this huge ice structure. They couldn't not hear anything anymore, and they refused to believe it. No, it was not possible. They had just lost Stoick, they couldn't loose Hiccup and Toothless too.

Yet, they didn't have the time to start lamenting as they heard a familiar whistle, and saw a bright bleu-purple light coming from inside the ice. They waited a bit, then the light got even brighter, until it made the ice explode. When the mist disspated, it unveiled an enraged black dragon. Hiccup's only reflex had been to try and avoid the impact, and it made him miss what had happened next.

The viking on the ground unfolded himself and looked above him, seeing Toothless shielding him, protecting him with a faint smoke coming out of his nostrils. There was a blue glow on his back and in his nostrils, Hiccup couldn't remember seeing this before.

The Night Fury looked back at him, making sure he was alright, meeting his eyes, then he bounced forward, arched back and low vibrating growl in the throat. He roared in fury, challenging the Alpha, and the Alpha answered. Toothless gave the first shot without a warning, hiting the Sentinel in her armor and making her loose her balance. It seemed like the Zippleback gas explosion on her head had made her a bit dizzy, it was quite an asset Toothless was ready to make use of.

Seeing the Sentinel falter, Kosmozis panicked and quickly climbed on her back, shouting for her to get back her composure, but the Night Fury was still striking her. No one dared touching his viking !

Toothless let out his signature whistle as he was striking again and again, saving his six-shots limits to make the most damaged he could, dodging the dizzy attacks he got in return as he was reloading his gas. When a shot struck her so violently it made her fall backward, she started to panick, and tried to shot back. The ice ridges and plasma blast exploded to one another, projecting blue and purpleish lights in the sky.

Hiccup quickly stood back on his feet – foot – astounded by such a sight. Toothless was fighting with such far more anger he had even demonstrated before, even when he had protected Hiccup from Hookfang in the ring, five years prior, even during the battle against the Red Death.

Toothless was once again protecting him, and to do that, he had challenged the Alpha in a fight for the title. A fight he was winning.

When the young viking heard whinings and grumbles above their head, he looked at the cloud of dragons, they were all struggling, shaking their heads, whining. They didn't look anymore like zombies submitted to the Alpha's call, and Hiccup knew why : Toothless was stronger than the Sentinel.

The strength and the speed of his attacks were not letting any rest to his opponent, making her slowly loose her grip on the dragons' mind. It took them a bit of time to get back to their senses, but as they did, they instantly left the Sentinel's side to get to Toothless, above the viking village. The Night Fury stopped his attack and backed, facing the giant white dragon who was curling on herself, weakened by all the fire.

''No !'' The man on her head yelled. ''Fight back ! Fight ! Fight ! What's the matter with you ?!''

All the dragons gatheres above the village, where the vikings all came out of their hidding spot, facing the fake king. Hiccup was before them, only a few steps behind Toothless. They were winning, so he made use of it and joined his best friend, mounting him. Toothless took off and landed in the last frozen explosion the Alpha had made, so he could be at the same level as the general on her head.

''Now do you get it ?'' Hiccup asked. ''This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty.''

Kosmozis seemed to hesitated, but his furious face was foresaying his intentions.

''Let this end. Now.''

''Never ! Come on !''

He made a sign to the Sentinel for her to attack, but she barely had the time to take a step forward and load a blue light in her throat Toothless did the same, before releasing the most powerful plasma blast he could spat. That earned at least the strength of two combined shots.

It smashed the white beast with full strength, directly on her face, and other shots followed suite. Indeed, as if the attack of the Night Fury had been a signal for revenge, all the other dragons shot at their previous Alpha. Flames, lava, purple plasma blast, spikes, ice, a lot of cascades fell on the Sentinel.

Toothless remained perfectly calmed while watching this, while Hiccup had troubles believing it. The Night Fury had freed the dragons, they all followed him as if… As if he had became their king. He had beaten the Sentinel, just like the Sentinel had beaten Elska and stole her title. Did that meant the Alpha title was now Toothless' ?

As the shots were still striking the white beast, the young viking couldn't help but stare at his best friend. Perched on the edge of that ice ridge, looking straight in front of him, Hiccup couldn't see his face nor meet his eyes, but he noticed something different in him : he stood straighter than usual, his head high, solemn.

As a desperate cry echoed in the air, Hiccup snapped out of his reverie, and noticed the dragons had stopped their attack. The Sentinel was heavily panting, she looked like she could collapse anytime. Kosmozis was still on her head, visibly he had used her horns to hide like a coward.

''Fight !'' He roared.

The beast was clearly afraid but still obeyed, she rose on her back legs and opened her wings in a threatening way, but Toothless didn't flinched. He took his time to load another deadly shot, launching it in the Sentinel's leg, making her fall and sprawl on the ground.

Toothless then let out the dreadfulliest roar he had ever screamed, filled with rage and hatred, it was so loud an dpowerful it could have make his throat explode, showing his superiority over his beaten opponent.

While Kosmozis was still hanging on the beast's horns, the creature slowly rose back to her paws, but curled on herself.

''The Alpha protects them all.'' Hiccup claimed, a hand on his dragon's head.

The Sentinel moaned, her head down low, then she just fled away, dragging with her a still screaming general, shouting her to keep fighting while she had decided to give up.

They left, they have been beaten. Berk was saved. The vikings rejoyed, some helmets were thrown in the air, the Thorston twins knocked their head in one another. Hiccup turned to his people, Toothless took off and landed among them while the vikings were gathering and the dragons were landing all around them on the island.

They all gathered around the Night Fury, looking at him with great attention. Fiery was the last one to land, and it was better considering his imposing size. He slowly walked to the Night Fury, then bowed in front of him, immediatly followed by the other reptiles.

Toothless lifted his head solemnly, then roared in delight, the other dragons did too. Hiccup couldn't help but smile seeing his best friend like this : he had become their king. However, he let down his respectful posture as he turned to his vikings, to whom he adressed a rounded-pupils look with gummy smile.

Hiccup smiled and stroked his head.

''You never cease to amaze me, bud.''

He pressed his forehead against his, thanking him, then Toothless suddenly licked his face, making him jump and fall on his butts, the dragon assaulting him with affectionate slubber. The viking protested while laughing, making everyone around him laugh too.

''Toothless ! You know that doesn't wash out !''

Laughter warmed up the vikings' hearts, lauching new rejoycements. Vikings and dragons got reunited in joy and relief.

''Let me hug you !''

''I knew you'd come back !''

''Oh, I missed you !''

Hiccup watched the reunion while stroking Toothless' head. Some of them were kind of funny, like Gothi when she found herself wrapped in a hug from her five Terrible Terrors, or Gobber has he got crushed under his 'Grumpy'. He also saw his friends getting back their dragons. Astrid hugged Stormfly, the Deadly Nadder couldn't stay still. Fishlegs rushed to Meatlug and gagged to her. Snotlout and him even shoved Ruffnut out of the way, so she found comfort with her dragon. Well, half her dragon since Tuffnut and her were still convinced their Zippleback was two different dragons, their had their own head and the other's.

However, despite how warm-hearting it was, Hiccup's heart dropped when he spotted Skullcrusher. Unlike all the other dragons, he had no one to find back since Stoick wasn't coming back. He walked to the Rumplehorn and stroked his head in comfort, before lifting his head to look at the person woming to him.

Eret, son of Eret had a little smile on his face whilst he seemed a bit awkward.

''That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper.''

He seemed wanting to add something else but was cut off as Skullcrusher nuzzled his arm, sniffing him, making jolt then laugh at himself. Seeing the amused and admirative look of the ex-trapper over the now-orphan-beast, the chief's son got an idea.

''You know, Skullcrusher gonna need somebody to look after him now.''

Eret started and understood right away what he was implying.

''Me ?'' He hesitated.

Hiccup only smiled and shrugged, as if to say 'Why no ?' The ex-trapper smiled while the Rumplehorn was sniffing him with insistance. He put his hands on the beast's large snout.

''I'd be honored.''

It made Hiccup smile brighter, he felt relieved. He had no doubts Eret would take good care of the dragon, he had all the recquiered qualities to become a dragon rider.

Hiccup snapped out of his thoughts as he spotted Lumiverse in the crowd, bouncing and jumping over the vikings and dragons, trying to make her way with hanging tongue and sparkling eyes. He didn't need explanations to understand why she was acting like this, and it was confirmed when he saw Joke a few steps farther, running to her with open arms.

Both got reunited in a hug, the Light Fury rubbing her head against his while cooing, making the boy laugh. If she could cry, it was obvious she would do it. Then Fiery ran pass them, alsmot tripping them, and joined Elska – who seemed to have come along her son. Hiccup had almost not recognized her without her ice armor. She looked a whole lot more feminine like this, her slim but built frame with her braid hanging actually to her ankles. She was only wearing tight pants and long-sleeved tunic, both in dark blue color, while her upper breast seemed a bit too big compared to her silhouette, clearly showing she was wearing bandages for the wound on her back.

The former queen of Haze gently huged her dragon before walking to her son, greeting the Light Fury in the process.

''We won, Joke.'' She said while running a hand in his white hair.

'' 'Joke' ?'' He teased. ''Since when are you calling me like this ?''

''Well, I… It's the name you grew up with, it's part of your history.''

''Just like my real name, mom.'' He assured while holding her hands. ''Let's just say that Jokul is my name and Joke my nickname.''

She laughed, then placed her hands on both sides of his face so she could plant a sweet kiss on his forehead. Hiccup smiled looking at them.

Nothing seemed to matter around them, nor even exist. His heart was aching from the pain and the void Stoick was leaving behind him, yet Hiccup couldn't help but feel grateful to the gods for saving Joke and Elska. Or rather… he was grateful to his father. Stoick had sacrificed his life to protect the rest of Hiccup's family.

The viking walked to them without a word. Elska let go of her son as she saw him, and stepped aside to let him pass. Joke smiled at him. Hiccup didn't care about the stares that could be on them, he wrapped his arms around his fiancee's waist and pulled him close to him.

''Come here, you.'' He said before kissing him.

Gobber, smiling, hid the eyes of a curious boy who was staring at the scene with fascination. This boy was too young, heh.

When their lips parted, Joke let out a faint amused laugh, while Hiccup looked at him with his eyes full of tenderness. He could only rejoy. They had won this war, Kosmozis had left, Berk was saved, Elska and Joke were saved. Hiccup froze when he saw the smile and the soft look the white-haired young man was adressing him. His heart poundered like crazy in his chest, dragging him back to him. He took his hand as the boy spoke to him.

''I love you, Hiccup.''

The young viking smiled in hapiness, yet he couldn't help but tease him.

''I love you too, my soon-to-become-husband.''

And, just like he had expected, it made Joke blushed, and made himself laugh. He felt the urge to kiss him again. He intertwinned their fingers and leant in, Joke lifted his chin in silence and let the viking press his lips against his. They enjoyed this sweet kiss, Hiccup felt like he could stay like this forever. And he could have if that wasn't for Astrid, interrupting them by suddenly hugging them both. Their friends surrounded them, still celebrating their victory.

When Astrid let go of the boys, she looked at Elska with wonder.

''Bro', introductions ?'' She teased.

Indeed, with everything that had happened at the nest and the battle, they didn't have introduced them officially, nor did they actually had talked together.

''Yeah ! Mom, this is Astrid, my foster sister. Astrid, my mother Elska.''

''Nice to meet you.'' Astrid smiled, extending her hand to her.

Elska smiled back. Yet, instead of shaking her hand, like everyone was expecting her to do, she hugged her. Astrid laughed and patted her back, carefully avoiding her wound.

''Welcome to the family.'' The blond girl said.

''Welcome on Berk !'' Gobber almost shouted.

The other riders laughed too, they were impatient to get to know Elska, also celebrating about the betrothal, teasing Hiccup and Joke about how long it took them to make the decision. It could have lasted forever, or at last several hours, but Hiccup felt relieved when Gothi interrupted them.

She used her staff to tap his shoulder, then she signed him to come closer, gesturing to a died campfire. Hiccup understood what she meant, just like his friends. Hiccup hesitated a bit and looked at Joke, who smiled and nodded. Hiccup reminded everything they had said before this crazy adventure, before hearing about Kosmozis.

Back then – which seemed like a forever for Hiccup – he was lost and scared to become chief. But now, he was ready.

He turned to Gothi and nodded to her, before resting on one knee in front of her. All the vikings gathered around them and watched. Gothi brushed her fingers on a burnt piece of wood, collecting some charcoal, then used it to draw a symbol on Hiccup's forehead. The chieftain rune. She saluted him and let him stand again.

Gobber was looking at him with eyes full of proud, more than he had ever felt before. He smiled brightly at him, then rose his arms.

''The chief has come home !'' He claimed.

Applauses and cheers roared from everywhere in the crowd, especially in the dragons riders. Hiccup turned to face the whole village, trying to keep his composure. Everyone was looking at him, with joy and proud, mostly Joke for this part.

''Long live the chief ! Long live the chief !''

Seeing all these rejoycements, the dragons joined too, throwing fire in the sky, making explosions like fireworks. Then life came back to normal. Well, if 'normal' included a village full of fierce vikings living in peace fire-breathing winged reptiles… or ice-breathing for some of them.

''This is Berk. A bit trampled, and busted, and covered in ice, but it's home. It's our home.''

Hiccup's first action as a chief was easy to guess : rebuilt the village. Removing the ice, cleaning the streets off the debrits, rebuilding the houses, nothing much for vikings, even less if they had their dragon's help. He also insisted in craving an imposing statue of Stoik the Vast on the mountain side, just next to the Meat Hall. After all, he was not the only to think this man was an example, the most honorable and brave man he had ever knew.

While the reconstruction was going on, Elska helped Gobber to free Kosmozis' dragons from their armors. She was quickly recovering from her wound and had taken a job at the smithy, becoming the first dragon healer. Joke was proud of his mother, even more seeing that she was getting along with his berkian parents, Olgarg and her were on the verge of becoming best friends.

''Those who attacked us are relentless and crazy, but those who stopped them, ha, even more so !''

Reconstruction was getting faster than first assumed and the village only needed a couple days before being restored, so the dragon riders proposed a dragon racing to celebrate. Of course, everyone agreed.

Just like every race, the twins were fighting over the sheep they were catching, to the extend of loosing them. When one flew in Fishlegs direction, Snotlout caught it in mid-air and threw a kiss to Ruffnut before aiming to the goals. It was not usual, but he got a point. A lot of dragons were filling the gallery around the vikings, and a new goal had been added to allow Eret – now riding Skullcrusher – to join the race.

''We may be small in numbers but we stand for something bigger than anything the world can pit against us. We are the voice of peace. And, bit by bit, we will change the world.''

When he saw the dragons fly above his field, Gargle activated the catapult to launch the black sheep in the air. Astrid and Joke were the closest, the race seemed pretty tight between them, yet as Lumiverse was about to catch it, Toothless passed in front of her and stole the trophy.

Joke smiled while shaking his head, even more when Toothless looked under his belly, showing his bright green eyes. Lumiverse cooed in reply.

''You see, we have something they don't. Oh sure, they have armies, and they have armadas, but we...''

Toothless swirled and headed to his black goal, flying just under it. Hiccup jumped from his back, over the wood platform, dropped the sheep in his goal, and jumped again in the air so he could land on his dragon's back, flying away under roars and cheers from the delighted crowd.

This was the end of the race, all the dragon riders gathers on the goals platform, aligned in front of Berk's throne. Bark and Belch with his riders Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Meatlug with Fishlegs, Hookfang with Snotlout, Skullcrusher with Eret, Stormfly with Astrid.

Lumiverse landed just next to the throne, where Toothless landed in front of the seat, presenting with proud his rider, the new chief of Berk.

''We have our dragons !''


Hey guys, that's it !

This is the end of The Lost Boy III – Tales of the north. I hope you liked my version of the movie with Joke's past and the legend of Haze.

Thank you for reading me until the end, do not hesitate to tell me if you liked it or if you have questions.

Love and scales !