Naruto Uchiha Chapter One:

It was a very tense night for the Village hidden in the leaves, their Jinchuriki was about to give birth, to her son. Many people knew that the seal keeping the beast inside of her would weaken, some thought that the beast would break free, but it didn't. Out of a Kushima Uzumaki, the new mother popped out Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha. This boy had black hair, like his father, one blue eye like his mother and a black eye like his father. Nobody had died, everything was okay, for now…

Seven years later

A black-haired boy runs down the streets of the Uchiha compound, smiles on everyone's faces. The boy was so happy that he closed his eyes while running, laughter echoing from different members of the Uchiha clan. Then the boy hit something solid. "Owwww, what did I run into" the boy says as he opens his eyes, he looks up to see a person.

"Now now, Naruto what has your father said about running with your eyes closed" the person questions.

"Since when did your stomach get so hard Itachi-san?" Naruto replies while rubbing his forehead.

"I'll tell you later, besides I'm pretty sure Sasuke is waiting to train with you" Itachi states with a cheeky grin on his face, then he gestures for Naruto to get up. The young Uchiha stands up and they both start to walk to the Uchiha training grounds.

Soon after meeting up with each other Naruto and Itachi find Sasuke waiting for them, with a grin on his face "What took you guys so long? I've been waiting here for ages".

"Sorry Sasuke-san, mum made me do some chores before I went out to train" Naruto replies while scratching his back, right on the spot where the Uchiha crest is, on his black shirt.

"Well, I don't think we should waste much more time, I have a mission to go on" Itachi states while setting up some targets. He then tells the boys to practice their shuriken throwing. Hours later Itachi leaves for his mission but the two Uchiha stay, pushing themselves to the limit. There was noting in the world, no the universe that could break the bond that these two boys had.

For the next few weeks the boys trained until they could not move, easily mastering the basics of Shuriken throwing, Kunai throwing and to some degree, the Uchiha Taijutsu style. But one thing was missing, the presence of Sasuke's older brother. Everyday the older boy grew more distant from his younger pupils and his clan. Then tragedy struck at night time….

The two Uchiha cousins walked down the empty streets of the Uchiha compound.

"Hey Nauto, is it somebody's birthday today?" Sasuke asks without a care in the world

"Well, dad's birthday isn't until next week, maybe its an early birthday part, NO WAIT!" Naruto says with a small grin on his face

"What is it?" Sasuke asks with some sort of glow in his eyes

"Dad's birthday is Today! It's definitely a surprise party" Naruto says then starts to run towards his house.

"I'll meet you in five, I have to put my ninja gear away" Sasuke says as he runs in a different direction

It took no longer than 2 minutes for Naruto to run to his house, he opened the door, and rushed into the living room where he saw his parents. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!" Naruto shouts, there was no response. He decided to turn on the lights for the house where he saw a sight he wouldn't forget. Bodies everywhere with their eyes missing, blood splattered all over the walls, Naruto's dad standing there with two shuriken planted in his feet. His mother was standing there, infront of a man with a kunai to her throat. Then as his eyes met her eyes, blood began to rush out of her neck. In an instant the man behind her showed his face, well rather his mask. An orange mask with some sort of markings on it, and then in a whirlpool his mother and the man vanished.

Many emotions where going through Naruto's mind, he just stood there shocked, mouth open and completely destroyed. Then a thought came to his head, where was Sasuke? Naruto rushed out of the house and ran towards Sasuke's house. Naruto noticed something about his vision, he could see through walls in a black and white medium (Sees in black and white), well to be more precise he could see the blue Charka outline of two people. He sprinted towards these two people only to find Sasuke and Itachi.

There kneeling on the ground was Sasuke and then there was Itachi, speaking to him with a tear in his eye. Naruto ran towards the pair and then stopped beside Sasuke. "Itachi, there was a mask-"

"Enough boy, now you shall join the rest of your clan" Itachi said with such menace that it caused Naruto to start crying.

Naruto held up his hand and begged Itachi to spare him, "Please Itachi-san don't kill me, please"

There was silence in the air and then Itachi began to swing his sword, down towards Naruto aiming to cut him in half. Time began to slow and then Itachi began to fly away, even with his eyes glued shut Naruto could still see the blue chakra outline of his former sensei, his arm pulsed with blue chakra and a sphere engulfed the area, pushing Sasuke and Itachi back. The tip of Itachi's sword grazed Naruto's left side of his face. And then all went black…

AN: for those of you who are wondering who Naruto's father is, it's a real nobody… well sort of. Naruto's Dad is Teyaki Uchiha (Sasuke's uncle) which therefore makes him and Sasuke cousins.

Yes, Naruto's mum is still the Kuuybi Jinchuriki.


Tune in next time to find out what happens