Brief AN at the bottom if you want a small life update. Otherwise, just enjoy!

… …

The next few days flew by thanks to how quickly things were changing. It was to supposed to have been a relatively easy transition, given the situation...or so I had naively thought. After all, we had been preparing for this day since November- earlier, even, although it might have seemed foolish at the time.

After all, Jacob Black, Edward's opponent in the primary election turned Vice President, had been insufferable once appointed to the head of the official committee that was set up to ensure that Edward's transition into the presidency went as smoothly as possible. It felt like I had been cornered at every turn during each time we were in the same vicinity- being forced to listen to him describe, again, how much planning he was doing and how it would be the easiest transition since Washington to Adams.

Well, Jacob had been wrong. Because here I stood, alone, in the home I had shared with Edward until the week before the election. Of course, I wasn't really alone and I probably wouldn't be alone again for a very long time. My security detail was skilled at being neither seen nor heard, but they were still there.

Officially, I still lived here. The powers that be had decided that without a marriage or even an engagement, it would be inappropriate for me to reside at the white house, even though I had lived with Edward for more than five years. But this would be the first night we spent with him there and me here, and it was strange, to say the least. Edward hadn't liked this decision- in fact, he had fought against it from the start.

"You belong by my side," he had told me. "Jacob is letting the power go to his head. I'll set him straight; you'll see."

In the end, it had been me to surrender.

"He's right, Edward. It would be inappropriate."

"So we're just going to live apart?"

"Or you could propose to me," I had thought to myself. But Edward acted like that wasn't even on his mind, and, for what felt like the millionth time, I dropped it. It wasn't like we never talked about getting engaged. We had, and the first time Edward had brought it up, it was with an actual proposal.

It had been on our first anniversary, and it had completely blindsided me. I had said no, and it was almost the end of us. At the time, I wasn't thinking about marriage. I had been 22 years old and nowhere near ready to become someone's wife, let alone the wife of one of the most powerful senators in the United States. Edward's father had held the seat for nearly thirty years before he stepped down and was replaced by his son. Much of his wisdom, influence, and political power had been handed over to Edward, and even when he had been elected at barely the legal minimum age to be a US senator, he was intimidating and wielded a lot of power and responsibility. I had loved him even then, but I knew I wasn't ready for what being his wife would entail.

So he had accepted my denial and never asked again.

I hadn't regretted it at the time, because I knew it was the right decision, but now, at thirty one, I wished it would happen already. Sure, it would still be difficult. A lot would be expected of me, even more than already was, and it wouldn't just be a title change. It wouldn't be just a piece of paper. But I knew I had grown up to be a woman worthy of someone like Edward. I took great pride in my accomplishments- my graduation at the top of my class in law school, my junior partnership in the law firm I had started at as a lowly intern; the place I held within our social circle. I was confident in myself in a way I could have never even dreamed of at twenty two years old. But we had talked about it more recently than that...before the whirlwind that was Edward's presidential campaign.

I had agreed with Edward when he said he was happy with the way things were. Because I was. I loved him, and I knew that even though I wasn't yet his wife, I was still his partner. I had thought that was enough. Now, I found myself wanting more and more with every passing day.

But I would wait for him, because I'd rather have him like this than not at all.

... ...

I had spent plenty of nights alone, even after I'd moved in with Edward after my graduation from law school.

For some reason, tonight felt monumentally different.

I tossed and turned for hours; restless. Finally, I sat up in bed and picked up my phone.

Edward answered on the first ring, his voice surprisingly clear and not gruff with sleep like I had expected. "Bella? Is something wrong."

"I miss you," I said simply.

He sighed loudly. "I miss you too, sweetheart. You have no idea."

"I hate this."

"I know. So do I. Come here tomorrow night. I might have things to do until late, but I want you here."

"Okay. Good."

"Just don't go to bed without me," he said, his voice suddenly low and seductive.

I smiled. "Oh? Why not?'

"Because I'm going to want to fuck you first."

He had always been like this- dominating and sure of himself. He toed the line of being controlling sometimes, but he was very aware of it and made a concentrated effort not to cross that line with me, outside of our sex life. I liked that he could be controlling there, and I knew that he did, too. And I enjoyed the opportunity to be more submissive, myself. I had a high powered career and it was a welcome escape sometimes.

We had always had an active sex life, but since the start of his campaign, it had dwindled considerably. I hoped this was the beginning of a resurgence.

After all, this life was our new normal.

… …

Thank you for reading! I hope to update Unattainable very soon as well.

A lot of people have asked where I've been, and I know that I have every right to keep my private life, private. But I'll be honest- things haven't been great. I've struggled with my mental health seriously in the last few months. I broke up with my fiancé and while he is still one of my closest friends, it has not been an easy adjustment.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I am feeling much better of late, and I hope to be around more often. I am thankful for all of you and hope you are all staying safe and healthy.