For fans of Light of Remnant, this will be Volumes 1-3(Season 1 of Ruby with included 1.5 & 2.5) . This will be the double checked version of What remains of Light of Remnant and the continuation after I reach that point. Chapters will be cleaned up to make them even better and easier to read. Please Enjoy!

Northern Anima: Day…

A black cloaked figure was walking through a snowy tundra unaffected by the cold. Everything was covered in snow as far as the eye could see. Any normal man or woman would have been attacked by Grimm long ago. The figure eventually entered a grassy radius.

The figure did not stumble or stop at the change. He merely pressed on eventually coming to stand at the gate of an encampment with a fence made of large wooden logs stuck in the ground. He looked at a man with a blond mullet and a golden tooth.

"Who are you." The man declared.

"My name is unimportant. I merely have information that Raven Branwen would be interested in. Afterwards, I'll be on my way." The figure stated with a smile. "I don't even need to enter the camp. Just bring her here and I'll gladly tell her what I know."

"Heh, what information could you possibly have for Raven?" The man asked.

"The location and name of the one with the Mimicry Semblance." The figure replied. "I even know where he is heading soon."

The blond-haired men turned shouted. "I need two men out here to watch the gate!" The gate opened and two bandits. "Wait here." The man walked into the encampment, but not before issuing orders to the two men. "If he tries anything, put him down."

The two men nodded.

Some Time Later…

The blond-haired man returned with Raven Branwen, leader of the Branwen Tribe. Her attire consisted of a shallow cut black and red dress, five necklaces with an assortment of beads, a red girdle-belt, and a pair of matching gauntlets.

She also wore detached black leggings with a red splatter pattern. Under her leggings she wears black boots which have red high heels and soles. Her most distinctive feature is the full-face mask resembling the face of a Grimm. She also had long, ravenous black hair.

"I have been told you know where to find the male with the Mimicry Semblance." Raven asked. "What is it that you hope to gain by sharing such information?"

The figure shrugged. "Not much. I only ask that no one here tries to remove my hood. My identity is secret for a reason, and I'd hate for that surprise to be ruined. So long as you can agree to this, I'll freely give up the information."

"Simple terms… What guarantee do I have that this is not some attempt by Ozpin or my brother to sway me back to their side?" Raven asked. "If that is not the case, then this could be the other way around and it is Salem who has sent you."

"If you run into any of them, it'll be coincidence. Especially if you don't directly approach him. You can lure him to any location you wish to speak with him or kidnap him. Though the last…" The figure began.

Raven held up a hand. "I am aware that forcing him to join would counteract any use he may have. Just tell me what information you have and be on your way."

The figure chuckled. "As you wish. In a couple of days, Cobalt Sky should be settled into a hotel within Vale. Professor Ozpin will have taken him there. You can contact him with his scroll number."

He handed her a paper. "I would advise you to make certain he's alone. After all, you did just express disinterest in meeting anyone dangerous." The figure smiled. "Of course, it's your choice. Call him immediately after I leave if you wish."

Raven checked the number before pocketing the piece of paper. "If this is all that you have, be on your way."

The figure turned. "As you wish."

He walked away leaving Raven and her men to stare after him until he was no longer visible. The Branwen Tribe leader reentered her camp. In her mind, she was planning a tribe to Vale. Just in case, she was also planning how to capture Cobalt.

Star Village: Lab, Day…

Cobalt was grabbing the last of his bags before going to meet with Ozpin and Glynda. His hair was medium length, spiky, and sky blue, and he had yellow eyes. His attire consisted a solid, dark blue shirt, pants, and jacket with silver lines down the sides of the pants and jacket.

The jacket also included silver trim. There was an opening that showcased one of his weapons, Elemental, a metal disc in his back. Around his waist he wore a sheathe which contained blue bladed, silver handled katanas

Guard, his full grown golden furred wolf, was lying on the bed looking sadly at Cobalt, so the apprentice pets him. "Come on boy, no amount of puppy eyes can change the fact that you can't come with."

The golden furred wolf whimpered making Cobalt sigh. "You know, you're being a bit to dramatic. Grandpa already said he'd ship you the moment I got a dorm room. We won't be separated forever boy."

The wolf lifted his head at that before putting it back down making Cobalt roll his eyes.

The door opened, and Cobalt's grandfather, Lloyd Grail, entered. He was an old, well build lion Faunus with a white mustache and matching lion ears on his head; however, he had no hair on his head. He was well built from years of training and hand fire red eyes.

His attire had shifted from what it was so many years ago. The inventor now wore grey pants, a black no sleeved shirt, and shite lab coat with gray trim. On his back, he carried a dual bladed fighting staff. Just in case they ran into any more Grimm problems as he helped rebuild.

Lloyd smiled at his grandson. "Ready to go?"

Cobalt put his bag on his back before facing Lloyd. "Yeah, I believe I am grandpa."

"Good, then I can give you this now." Lloyd gave Cobalt a wallet, and he opened it to find a gold colored card with no symbol. "That card is connected to my account. This way you won't have to worry about Lien while you're at Beacon."

Cobalt tucked the wallet away and hugged his grandfather. "Thank you, for everything."

Lloyd hugged him back. "If you feel as though you must pay me back, then make some good friends." His smile turned mischievous. "Find a girlfriend while you're at it. I mean, I'm not growing any younger."

Cobalt pushed his Grandpa away while blushing. "I'm leaving now."

He walked out the door and Lloyd chuckled. "See you later, grandson."

Vale: Ozpin's Car, Night…

Cobalt was staring out the window at the passing streetlights and buildings, but his mind was focused on Star Village. True, reconstruction was underway, but it would take a while to repair everything that the fire and Grimm destroyed. That wasn't all that was on his mind either.

Cobalt's thoughts were farther muddled by the figure in the black cloak which he decided to just call Black Cloak having no other name to go on. Then there are those like the assassin Shade and the Order of Grimm. Enemies that could pop up at any moment.

"Worried about home?" Ozpin asked.

His attention was drawn to the Headmaster of Beacon. He was a middle age man with tousled silver hair and brown eyes. He wore shaded spectacles, and an unzipped, black suit over a buttoned vest with a green shirt, black shoes, and dark green pants.

"That's half of it." Cobalt sighed. "The other half are those that consider me enemies. I'm just wondering if going to a Hunter academy is the best call."

Glynda, a middle-aged woman with light-blonde hair tied back in a bun and bright green eyes, received a call on her scroll, and she immediately answered it. She wore thin ovular glasses over her eyes and had a collapsed riding crop attached to the top of her right boot.

Her attire consisted of a white long-sleeved, pleated top, a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons, and black-brown stockings. She also wore black boots with bronze heels, and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside.

"Yes, I am aware, but rest assured that you will safe at Beacon unless you decide to get into trouble yourself. At that point I cannot firmly say that you will be safe." Ozpin stated.

"Knowing what I've been through, it's likely I'll be getting into tons of trouble." Cobalt sighed. "I suppose you're right."

"Anyways, we should be arriving…" Ozpin began.

Glynda put her scroll away. "Sir, I have just received a report."

"What is it?" Ozpin inquired.

"Roman Torchwick has been sighted stealing dust from a shop not to far from here." Glynda informed.

"Driver, take us to the dust shop." Ozpin ordered.

Cobalt was surprised. "You mean THE Torchwick? The master criminal?"

"The very same." Glynda nodded. "The report I received says someone is trying to detain him."

"Who?" Ozpin inquired.

"A… Teenage girl." Glynda replied in disbelief.

"Interesting…" Ozpin commented.

The car came to a stop.

Dust till Dawn

Ozpin stood before the old shop owner with Glynda and Cobalt standing behind him.

"Where did they go?" Ozpin inquired.

The old man replied. "On the rooftop, across the street."

"I'm going." Glynda firmly stated.

Cobalt shook his head. "Not alone, you're not."

Glynda turned to Cobalt looking at him in that same way as when they first met. He could not place what that look was, but it was odd.

"No! you stay…" Glynda began.

"Glynda." Ozpin chastised.

Glynda sighed. "You're right. Come on!"


A fair-skinned young girl, with silver eyes and black, neck-length choppy hair that gradates to dark red at the tips had trailed after Torchwick. She was wearing a long sleeved, thick black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves.

She also wore a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, a black skirt with red trim, a pair of thick black stockings, and black combat boots with red laces, red trim around the top, and red soles. She was holding a red sniper scythe.

Roman had slanted, dark-green eyes and bright, long orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. Black eyeliner traced his visible left eye. His attire consisted of a red-lined white suit with long, black pants and black shoes.

His accessories included a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band. He also had a cane and was smoking a cigar.

"Hey!" The girl shouted.

Torchwick, without turning around, said, "You're persistent."

An airship flew up to roof allowing Roman to get in.

He turned to the young girl. "End of the line Red!"

Torchwick threw a crystal of fire dust out and it came to rest at the girl's feet. He then shot a bullet, from his cane, blowing the dust up. Before the bullet hit the crystal, Glynda appeared in front of the silver eyed girl. She had created a protective energy shield blocking the damage.

Cobalt came to stand next to the girl. "This must be…" He noticed the girl's eyes. "Silver eyes!?" The prospective student shook his head. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, but don't let them get away!" The girl shouted.

Cobalt placed his hand on his blade and began focusing his Aura to it. Glynda shot out energy at the airship making it move about unsteadily as it took the hits. Roman ran inside.

"My turn!" Cobalt ran forward and quickly withdrew his blade which was now glowing sky blue. "Getsuga Tensho!"

He swung the blade up and a crescent of energy launched at the ship hitting its tail. The ship spun around with Roman struggling to gain control. It eventually stopped, and a red dressed woman appeared at the door shooting fire at Cobalt.

He sheathed his blade and created a fire dust shield blocking the fire ball as it exploded into bits of fire around him. The woman lifted her arm up, so Cobalt back flipped past Glynda and the silver eyed girl, as a geyser of fire shot up where he'd been standing.

Glynda used the broken-up earth levitating and forming it into a large spear that she launched at the air ship. The woman used fire to break it apart; however, Glynda collected the pieces and sent them at the ship's wings. Roman angled the wings so they bounced off.

The Huntress wasn't done yet. Glynda took what remained around her and made three separate attacks aimed at the air ship. A force field of fire shot out incinerating the pieces. The silver eyed girl turned her scythe to snipper mode and Cobalt joined her shifting his katanas into gun mode.

They both opened fire on the woman who proceeded to block each bullet with both here hands like it was nothing. Fire geysers appeared below all three people on the roof. Glynda used her Semblance to move Ruby out of the way.

Glynda then lept back while Cobalt created a rapier of water dust and thrust it into the ground. Water flowed out of the weapon and the moment the fire shot up, it turned to steam. Roman seized this chance to fly the airship out of there. They escaped.

The silver eyed girl looked at Cobalt with wonder in her eyes before turning her attention fully to Glynda. "You're a Huntress!" The headmistress turned to her. "Can I have your autograph!?"

Hotel, Some Time Later…

Cobalt watched as Ozpin's car took off in the direction of the police station. After getting off the roof, the girl had been taken away by Glynda while Ozpin drove Cobalt to the hotel. The headmaster had informed the soon to be student that they would handle her.

Cobalt sighed, "That was something. I wonder if that girl will be okay; furthermore, what is Ozpin going to do with her?" He looked at the paper Ozpin had given him. "I suppose I shouldn't worry about that at the moment."

Cobalt's Hotel Room

The soon to be student was sitting on the bed. Other than the bed, his room contained nothing more than a large scroll on the wall, dresser, and bathroom. He then heard his ring tone, this will be the Day, before his sunglasses appeared. It was an unknown caller.

"That's odd." He decided to answer. "Hello, who is this?"

A woman's voice came over his glasses. "Are you Cobalt Sky? The one with the Mimicry Semblance?"

Cobalt was shocked. "Who are you?"

"Answer the question." The voice ordered.

"Yes, my Semblance is Mimicry." Cobalt replied

The voice said. "Come to the Huntsman's Ground, it's a bar, in one hour. Once you've arrived, tell the owner that a white raven summoned you."

Cobalt did not like the sound of this. "Why would I do this?"

"Because you have my word that you will not be harmed. You will be free to go. All I want is to speak with you." The voice stated.

"That sounds more like a threat than a promise." Cobalt stated. "Why am I still speaking to this person? I should just hang up and go to bed."

The voice said, "Look, there are things that I could tell you that Ozpin and your grandfather never have. Things that they have kept hidden from you. These things that can't be said…"

Cobalt's blood began to boil. "It sounds like you are trying to sow seeds of distrust between me and my grandfather. I'll have you know I owe everything to him. Without him I wouldn't be here right now. I trust my grandfather and he trust Ozpin. That's enough for me."

He hung up before laying down and going to sleep.

Huntsman's Ground

Raven tightened her grip on the scroll she'd used. "This grandfather he spoke of…It can only be Lloyd Grail. This must mean means Ozpin has had his sights on this Mimicry for years now." She stood up. "Seems I need to use initiation as an opportunity to grab him."