A/N: As mentioned last chapter, the sensitive topic touched on with Spottedleaf's Heart is discussed here. Viewer discretion is advised.

Tigerclaw didn't know what to think or what she was supposed to think. Adderfang wished her good luck on the Gathering, her first since she had been made a warrior, and she tried pushing the thought of Thistleclaw and Spottedpaw together out of her mind so she could enjoy her success. But whenever she spotted a shadow, an image of the tiny kit flashed through her mind, and then she was thinking about the two of them in the den she had shared with Thistleclaw that one night.

Was she jealous of Spottedpaw? Maybe a little. Okay, yes, she was a few days ago. But she really shouldn't care about whether or not Spottedpaw and Thistleclaw got together. Toms could take many mates, and nobody else had found that odd so neither did she. She could have Thistelclaw and Spottedpaw could have Thistleclaw, too. And Tigerclaw could have Thistleclaw and also Adderfang, if she wanted it and Adderfang wanted it, too. In fact, her kits could end up belonging to both of them if she had timed it all right. Warriors only mated so that the Clan could have more kits, or because they wanted kits, not because of some unspoken loyalty to a cat when said loyalty should lie with the Clan as a whole instead.

Yes, that wasn't the main issue.

Did Spottedpaw even know? Was she even old enough to understand what was going on? Tigerclaw knew she had been old enough to understand when she was first made an apprentice, but Spottedpaw seemed to be innocently unaware of what was happening between her and Thistleclaw. Did she even love him? There was something not right about the whole thing.

So, Tigerclaw had a problem with it. She had the same problem Adderfang had about it, and they both had already come to the same conclusion about how to solve it.

And she really didn't like to keep thinking about that.

When they reached Fourtrees, her eyes scanned the crowd of cats for Thistleclaw and Spottedpaw, and was relieved to see that they weren't anywhere near each other. Thistleclaw instead sat beside a black-and-silver tabby RiverClan cat she didn't recognize. She quickly padded over to her former mentor before he could get up and sit beside Spottedpaw.

"-thanks to me," the RiverClan tom mewed with pride. "They'll both be grateful. I think Graykit is going to grow up to be a beautiful she-cat."

All of a sudden, Tigerclaw wished Thistleclaw had picked someone else to sit beside. Would the warrior code really mind if she accidentally threw the RiverClan cat off the gorge? Surely he was an acceptable exception to the rules!

"Hello," she mewed firmly, interrupting the tom before he could go into detail about why he thought a kit would become a beautiful she-cat before she was even fully grown. "I'm Tigerclaw, mother of Thistleclaw's future kits."

The tom blinked. "I'm Rippleclaw."

Tigerclaw realized she didn't care. "Do you mind if I borrow him for a while?"

"No, I don't," he mewed, giving Thistleclaw a surprised look.

Thistleclaw looked just as surprised but dipped his head politely and padded after Tigerclaw, much to her relief. Then she realized she had no idea what to say to him.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Her mouth opened, and before she realized it, she was talking about something. "I wanted to ask if we could mate again. I don't think our last attempt took."

She felt instant relief even as she watched Thistleclaw silently for a response. Sure, Featherwhisker had confirmed she was pregnant, but it was a good an excuse as any to keep Thistleclaw away from Spottedpaw. Away from Rippleclaw, too. She would have to speak to Adderfang about him.

"I see," Thistleclaw finally said. "We can try again tomorrow night."

"Do you want to meet in the usual place?" she mewed, wondering how Spottedpaw would react if she learned to smell both Tigerclaw and Thistleclaw together in the den and understood what all the extra excited smells meant, too. She realized she needed to have a talk with Spottedpaw's mentor – and also realized that Adderfang probably already did. They really needed to sit down and talk about this.

"Actually," mewed Thistleclaw, but his eyes flickered. "No, you're right. It would be best if we met there."

Tigerclaw had an inkling that she knew what Thistleclaw had been about to say but for some reason couldn't put it into words. She felt otherwise relieved. "Good," she mewed, feeling awkward. She scrambled to come up with something else to talk about. "What do you think of this weird scent on RiverClan territory?"

"Rogues, most likely," Thistleclaw mewed at once, his gaze drifting to scan the cats behind her. She wondered if Spottedpaw was behind her but saw the familiar black-and-orange pelt out of the corner of her eye, sitting next to a solid grey she-cat with a silver sheen in her fur that made her look blue. Bluefur? Thistleclaw's gaze drifted up to the Highrock, away from where Spottedpaw sat. "I smelled them myself. No extra herbal scent, just cat smell. It's probably some loner who thinks they can get away with crossing over our borders without us noticing." His claws dug into the ground.

This was the Thistleclaw she had wanted have kits with. The kindred spirit. She wondered if there was a part of her that could look at a young tom and think to herself that she could turn him into a loyal and permanent mate. She wished she had turned Thistleclaw into a loyal and permanent mate, instead of let him continue being this thing.

"No rogue will ever hunt on our territory again," mewed Tigerclaw firmly. "They won't walk across our border again either, with you around."

Thistleclaw nodded, as if she hadn't spoke to him in the same tone he had spoken to Spottedpaw. Despite feeling like it should, her fur refused to rise with the discomfort and dread which had gripped her belly. She felt disconnected from her body as her eyes calmly drifted to stare at the Clan leaders, despite the horror which seemed to well up in her mind.

"Do you think," she mewed calmly, normally, "that RiverClan is going to talk about it?"

"They probably won't talk about it unless we talk about it first," growled Thistleclaw. "All this passive aggressiveness… it isn't going to go anywhere. How can we know for certain that RiverClan hasn't figured out some other way to mask their scent besides herbs?"

"ShadowClan," mewed Tigerclaw, "is more likely to come up with a strategy like that."

"If we all thought that, then RiverClan could get away with blaming ShadowClan."

"If they are to blame for this."


Tigerclaw could almost forget the horrible truth. Everything seemed to be back to normal, as normal as she thought it should be, anyway. If not for the horror which had crept into her mind, she could have forgot. She wished she had forgotten.

She stared helplessly as Hailstar yowled across the clearing all the interesting news that had happened to RiverClan over the last moon. No mention of the rogues. No accusation about cats trespassing on their territory. Nothing really noteworthy. When Sunstar spoke, it was the same thing. The other Clans had nothing interesting to say, either.

"How can we be warriors," muttered Thistleclaw, "when we have nothing to fight over?"

Tigerclaw might have agreed, did feel herself hum in agreement, if she wasn't thinking about Spottedpaw. Was a warrior supposed to not fight over something like that? It seemed a little more important than what was happening on the border.

They were padding back to camp together, with Tigerclaw struggling to come up with good conversations to distract him. She barely noticed when they fell into silence until she felt his whiskers tickle her ear.

"Are you all right?" he murmured softly, looking troubled. "I've never seen you think so hard about something. Unless you were hunting."

Am I hunting? She wondered to herself, her mouth moving almost without her input. "It's just… I can't help but think about us and our kits. I'm a little worried that I… might not be able to have any." Distantly, she realized it was plausible that that could be what she was thinking about, at least from his point of view.

Thistleclaw was silent for a long time. Too long, in Tigerclaw's opinion. "If you want, I can stay as your mate until you're satisfied that you are pregnant. I know how much this means to you."

A wave of relief washed over Tigerclaw. "Thank you," she mewed honestly. Now, she could tell Adderfang he had nothing more to worry about. At least, until Tigerclaw was one moon into her pregnancy. Then it would be too obvious for her to keep pretending.

And after that?

Tigerclaw didn't like how her thoughts had returned to the original conclusion.

"There isn't anything we can do about Rippleclaw," mewed Adderfang quietly, looking unnaturally serious. "He's not our problem."

Tigerclaw had only just returned from sleeping with Thistleclaw in their normal den. She had been disappointed to find that Thistleclaw had already left for the dawn patrol and wished her had stayed in the den long enough to at least wake her up, but when she spotted Spottedpaw, she was relieved. When she found Adderfang, she surprised to find that the senior warrior had already spoken with Tawnyspots about their concerns and now it was more likely that Thistleclaw and Spottedpaw wouldn't be found in camp together. Tigerclaw wished she had thought of that.

Then she had explained about Rippleclaw.

"He might be," Tigerclaw pressed. "What if he goes after one of our apprentices?"

"He's already going after a RiverClan she-kit. I doubt he would start obsessing over anyone else until she grows up." Adderfang's eyes narrowed shrewdly. "Do you really think Thistleclaw is obsessing over any other cat but Spottedpaw right now?"

Tigerclaw had to admit she did not.

"When she does grow up and he does start looking for apprentices outside of his Clan," mewed Adderfang, "we'll worry about it then. Until then, let RiverClan spend energy on it."

Tigerclaw wasn't ready to drop it. "Should we tell them?"

"Maybe," Adderfang mused.

The silent didn't feel good. She wondered if she could add anything, or do anything, to make herself feel better. Her thoughts turned to Thistleclaw again and the den they would be sharing the next night.

"I don't know what I ever saw in Thistleclaw," she mewed finally.

"Whatever you saw is still there," Adderfang mewed, his whiskers curling in amusement. "You already know that."

Tigerclaw felt despair. "Am I going to become like him?"

"We are all just cats, Tigerclaw. We all have a darkness in us, just as we have a light."

"He shouldn't be this dark."

"Even the best of warriors can be blind to their own darkness."

Tigerclaw couldn't believe that. "I won't ever be like him."

Adderfang stared at her sadly and looked away. "We should focus on Thistleclaw as he is now."

"We have a month," Tigerclaw mewed, feeling relieved. "If she… grows up… he might lose interest in her."

"Are you hoping he's going to be interested in you again?"

"He was never interested in me." Her throat threatened to close up at the words. She refused to look Adderfang in the eye. "I know that. I just hope he won't be interested in going so far with her until she's emotionally ready for him to move on to the next juicy prey."

"You are not a juicy piece of prey," mewed Adderfang firmly.

"I know that," mewed Tigerclaw, equally firmly. "But she is."

They fell silent, and Adderfang looked at her with surprise and understanding. He dipped his head and looked back at Spottedpaw.

"Have you spoken to her mentor?" mewed Tigerclaw.

"I was going to do that next," mewed Adderfang, "if Tawnyspots doesn't get to Thrushpelt first. They're littermates. I'm hoping he'll know how to break it to him subtly."

Tigerclaw nodded absently as she thought the whole situation over. She didn't know what else she could do, at this point.

"I should move my nest closer to him," she decided. "If he sneaks out, I'll be the first to know about it."

Adderfang nodded. His nest was already beside Thistleclaw, so he wouldn't have to move it. "As long he has you as a distraction, he might not notice how the Clan is conspiring against him." His whiskers curled and his eyes twinkled.

I should have picked you to be the father of my kits, she thought silently, dismayed. She realized belatedly that Adderfang was starting to look his age. She rose to her paws, tail brushing the ground.

"I should probably volunteer for a patrol," she mewed, stretching. "Have a good day, Adderfang."

Adderfang nodded absently, and Tigerclaw was relieved he didn't say anything more. She finally felt like she could put all of this behind her and start working towards her goal of becoming the best warrior in the Clan again.

I'll be better than Thistleclaw, she thought. I won't be blind to my darkness.

"Tigerclaw!" mewed a familiar voice, and Tigerclaw wiped her expression clean before she looked at Whitepaw's expectant and worried gaze. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," she mewed, remembering that Whitepaw was Thistleclaw's son and that she would be giving Thistleclaw more kits before the end of the season. She wondered how she was going to break the news to him. "What is this about?"

Whitepaw looked suddenly nervous. "I know you like Thistleclaw," he mewed finally. "I mean, really like Thistleclaw. Like, like."

"Uh huh," mewed Tigerclaw, remembering that Whitepaw was still thinking like a kit.

"So, uhm, I was wondering if you and Thistleclaw had become mates?"

Her expression seemed to trigger something in Whitepaw and he hurriedly explained.

"Frostpaw told me that you were really interested in him," Whitepaw mewed, "but she also said that he didn't seem all that interested in you." Realizing he should not have said that yet, he rushed to explain some more. "I mean, I don't mean to say that he won't become interested in you – that is, he probably will once he realizes you like him – but Frostpaw said–"

"Frostpaw says a lot of things she doesn't entirely understand," Tigerclaw mewed, narrowing her eyes. "And Thistleclaw and I are mates, Whitepaw."

Whitepaw looked like she had hit him with a whole tree. "Oh."

Tigerclaw wondered briefly if what she had said was really true. "Anyway," she mewed, "tell Frostpaw that she should focus on her training so she can become a warrior already and have all those kits she keeps promising to the Clan."

Whitepaw's face twisted up. "What?"

Tigerclaw rolled her eyes. "Right, I forgot, you're one of those cats." Her thoughts turned to Thistleclaw, and she felt a flash of anger at life. "Listen, Whitepaw, don't forget that you have to put your loyalty to your Clan over your kittish desires. If you have a preference for a mate, fine, but make sure she's emotionally ready to handle it before you go asking for kits. Make sense?" She wished someone had told her this when she was an apprentice, StarClan even when she was a kit, so she wouldn't make the same mistake she had made with Thistleclaw.

Whitepaw stared at her in confusion even as he nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

She could see he wanted to ask why she brought that up but decided not to answer. He shouldn't know the truth about his father. His father who was already far too interested in his upbringing for her comfort.

Was that a sign of how bad he really was all along?

If that was a sign, StarClan needed to learn how to make it more blatantly obvious.

She shoved the thought aside, angry at herself for bringing it back up. She had done all she could so now she should focus on more important things to worry about. Like becoming an even better warrior than Thistleclaw and keeping him distracted with their nightly outings.

But her thoughts turned to Spottedpaw and she realized the cat who would benefit the most from her wise words. "Excuse me." She padded towards the apprentice's den and sniffed the air for the black-and-orange she-cat. "Spottedpaw?"

A cat shuffled in her nest and rose. "Yes, Tigerclaw?"

"We need to talk."

She sounded a lot more angry than she had expected, but she couldn't undo the words. She padded out of the den and, a heartbeat later, Spottedpaw padded after her nervously. She took Spottedpaw to the prisoner's den, where the tightly woven walls could keep them from being overheard. Tigerclaw settled into the nest, the same one that Thistleclaw had been in when they had their talk. Thistleclaw's scent was stale, and she smelled Robinwing's scent masking it.

"What's wrong, Tigerclaw?" mewed Spottedpaw.

Tigerclaw sucked in a breath. "We need to talk about your meetings with Thistleclaw."

Spottedpaw's eyes went wide. "What about them?"

You need to stop going to them, Tigerclaw thought, but wondered how she was going to say this out loud without offending her. "You see, I'm supposed to be his mate right now. The whole Clan expects us to act in a certain way together. It's unbecoming of us to show interest in anyone else until I have my kits. Do you understand?"

Spottedpaw blinked. "What?"

Tigerclaw sighed. "I'm going to have Thistleclaw's kits in a few moons," she mewed firmly. "The Clan is expecting us to be mates until they're born."

"W-what does this have to do with me?" Spottedpaw mewed.

"The Clan is starting to think you and Thistleclaw are acting like mates," mewed Tigerclaw. "It's unbecoming. You're not old enough, and he already has me right now. Do you understand?"

The tortoiseshell seemed to be struggling with everything Tigerclaw had said. "Yes."

Tigerclaw felt some relief. "I just thought I'd let you know. Thistleclaw's going to be on more patrols now and sleeping with me at night for the sake of appearances until the kits arrive."

She blinked slowly. "Okay." She looked away at her paws and seemed to struggle with something to say. "Are you saying… you're okay with me being Thistleclaw's mate in the future?"

"Yes," mewed Tigerclaw, realizing she was touching on dangerous ground. "But the whole Clan would prefer it if you had been a warrior for at least two moons. He's approached you far too early. You should be focused on your apprentice duties and not some warrior with nice-sounding words to say."

Spottedpaw nodded. "I understand," she mewed honestly. "I'll focus on my apprentice duties more."

Tigerclaw felt even more relief. "Thank you, Spottedpaw. I promise he's yours when I'm done with him."

The tortoiseshell nodded again, hesitated, before dipping her head. "Thank you, Tigerclaw." She padded out of the den.

There, Tigerclaw thought. I've done everything I can.

"Any news?" mewed Tigerclaw.

It had been over a moon since the whole plot had begun. Despite it being so long, Tigerclaw still wasn't showing she was carrying. Featherwhisker had assured her that most cats never showed how pregnant they really were. It hadn't been affecting her performance either, which pleased Tigerclaw. She wanted to be a warrior again as soon as possible after her kits were born.

Adderfang blinked at her. "They haven't gotten back together since you spoke with Spottedpaw."

Relief flooded through Tigerclaw. "Thistleclaw hasn't spoken about it, either."

Adderfang hummed. "Well, I would take that as good news."

Tigerclaw suspected Thistleclaw wouldn't actually go too far since he was the greatest warrior in the Clan. For a heartbeat, Tigerclaw felt foolish. "Did we really have anything to worry about?"

The dark brown tabby turned to stare at her. "Thistleclaw still has an unhealthy interest in Spottedpaw, Tigerclaw. Of course there is reason to worry. We should be glad it didn't get any worse than it did."

Frustration sparked in her pelt, and she lashed her tail slowly. "Maybe we should take Spottedpaw with us on patrol so she has a chance to talk with us if she needs to."

Adderfang nodded thoughtfully. "I'll let Tawnyspots know."

Tigerclaw paused, remembering a conversation that felt so long ago. "When is Tawnyspots going to retire?"

Adderfang shrugged.

Realizing there was nothing else to say, Tigerclaw dipped her head and padded away, tail low in disappointment. When she padded to her nest, she carried a dead squirrel with her and settled down to wait. She felt weird, like she had completely lost track of what she was supposed to be doing because of what she had been doing for Spottedpaw.

Is this what great warriors do?

After everything she'd learned as an apprentice, Tigerclaw leaned heavily towards No, but something kept her from actually thinking that it was a complete waste of time. An image of the black kit flashed through her mind.

Am I going to be haunted because I did the right thing?

With a soft growl, she shoved the image aside and the painful emotion that went with it, chewing a little too hard on the squirrel's bones until she heard them crack into splinters that prickled her gums. She dropped the prey in disgust, staring at the pulpy bloody mess. She still tasted the blood.

When the sun settled near the horizon, Adderfang fetched her for the late midday hunting patrol. Spottedpaw's mentor was on the midday border patrol, so she was left to Adderfang and Tigerclaw to watch over.

Tigerclaw liked having this connection to Tawnyspots. It felt like a faint taste of the power she might one day have. She didn't want to forget that feeling and became concerned that talking to Spottedpaw might cause it to disappear. She wondered if she should stop before she was even more involved with the drama of her Clanmates.

They padded into the forest together, with Spottedpaw trailing behind the two older warriors.

"Tigerclaw?" mewed Spottedpaw softly.

Tigerclaw spotted Adderfang's ear flick back but he kept moving forward as if he hadn't heard. She stopped and turned back, giving the apprentice her full attention.

"Yes, Spottedpaw?"

The black-and-orange apprentice glanced down at her paws, looking a little disturbed. "I was wondering… if you, uhm, if it was all right- If I didn't become Thistleclaw's mate."

Tigerclaw stared at her speechlessly, her mind grounding to a halt.

"I mean, I don't think I really understand all this mate stuff like you do."

Why are you telling me this? Tigerclaw stayed silent, hoping that Spottedpaw would say something that would make sense.

Spottedpaw blinked, looking pained. "I don't think I can really let go of Thistleclaw if I became his mate."

Tigerclaw stared. "You think you would choose your loyalty to Thistleclaw over your Clan?"

"Yes," she mewed, her tail flicking. "I don't think it's right to lack loyalty to your mate, and I don't think you or Thistleclaw understand that."

The warrior knew she was right. They wouldn't. Except she remembered the pained look on Thistleclaw's face when he thought of Snowfur's death, of how he believed Bluefur was responsible, and the spark of jealousy she had felt when she had seen Spottedpaw and Thistleclaw together for the first time. She had gotten over her feelings, but maybe Thistleclaw hadn't gotten over his. Tigerclaw respected that.

Spottedpaw didn't.

Suddenly, Tigerclaw didn't like Spottedpaw.

Spottedpaw was watching her hopefully.

"Tell Thistleclaw," Tigerclaw mewed. "Tell him before you decide for sure that you don't want to be his mate. He should hear it from you first."

She flattened her ears. "Okay."

Tigerclaw nodded in finality and started to turn away. After a few pawsteps, she heard Spottedpaw padded after her. Tigerclaw was suddenly aware of how quiet Spottedpaw was compared to Tigerclaw, how small her paws must be compared to Tigerclaw's larger build.

She's not fit to be a warrior like me, she thought. She will never understand, and she will never be strong.

As night started to fall, Tigerclaw was almost reluctant to return to the camp with only two squirrels, lacking a fresh rabbit. She felt heavier than she had a month ago, and her hindlegs didn't fold up under her as easily, making it harder for her to run as fast as before. Fighting a wave of frustration, she padded toward the shadow of Highrock, her amber eyes easily picking out the pale spotted shape of Tawnyspots. Spottedpaw was already speaking with the deputy.

"Are you sure about this, Spottedpaw?" the deputy asked warily.

"I'm sure." Spottedpaw glanced at Tigerclaw in surprise, but Tigerclaw ignored her.

"Tawnyspots," Tigerclaw mewed, "I'm planning to join the queens in the nursery tomorrow."

The deputy jerked up. "That's great! Have you told Thistleclaw?"

Tigerclaw's whiskers twitched. "Spottedpaw needs to tell him something first." She looked meaningfully at Spottedpaw.

"Oh?" Tawnyspots glanced between them.

Spottedpaw shuffled on her paws. "It's my decision," she mewed firmly. "I don't need Thistleclaw's permission."

Tigerclaw shook her head disdainfully. "Just make sure to announce it tomorrow morning," she told Tawnyspots. "I'm sleeping in the warrior's den tonight." Then, without a glance at Spottedpaw, Tigerclaw padded towards the warrior's den and disappeared for the night.

Tigerclaw woke to the sound of Sunstar calling a meeting. She emerged into the early dawn light and blinked at her Clanmates, all gathered and staring up at their leader. She followed their gazes and blinked in surprise to see Goosefeather, Spottedpaw, and Featherwhisker gathered on the smaller rocks around Highrock. The yellow tabby leader continued.

"Today, we have a few surprise announcements," he mewed warmly. "Goosefeather has decided to retire to the elder's den. He has served our Clan for a long time and saved many of our lives. He will continue to teach our medicine cats vital skills and share his wisdom with us until he joins with StarClan."

A murmur rippled through the Clan as cats shared their sentiments. Goosefeather wasn't very popular, so Tigerclaw wasn't surprised to hear how quiet they were. The gristled old grey-and-silver tom blinked blankly at his Clanmates and descended the stones. Tigerclaw lost sight of his silver pelt as he padded towards the elder's den without another word. The silence that fell over the Clan disturbed Tigerclaw, her fur prickling on end uncomfortably.

"I would also like to announce," mewed Sunstar, "that StarClan has decided that one of our apprentices has another path to follow." He gestured to the black-and-orange apprentice. "Spottedpaw, would you like to tell the Clan what you told Tawnyspots and me?"

"StarClan," Spottedpaw mewed, her voice wobbling, "has sent me a sign that I believe means my path is meant to lead me to become a medicine cat, and not a warrior."

As murmurs started up, a shocked mew filled the air. Tigerclaw internally winced and looked towards where Thistleclaw was standing.

"Spottedpaw," he mewed, sounding hurt. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

The black-and-orange apprentice looked down and shuffled on her paws.

"You?" Thrushpelt was suddenly in front of Thistleclaw, his tail straight and rigid. "I'm her mentor. If anyone here has a right to be upset about this surprise, it's me."

Thistleclaw made a retort Tigerclaw's could hear as the Clan's murmurs grew louder, filled with anger and confusion.

"Enough!" yowled Sunstar. "StarClan has made the decision for all of us. I know this may come as a surprise to you both, but the matters of StarClan are well out of our paws."

The whole Clan fell silent in surprise. Defiant, Tigerclaw shot a furious look at Spottedpaw, who had the nerve to look confident and stare steadily at Thistleclaw.

"If you love me," she mewed loudly, "you will respect my choice."

Thistleclaw stared silently at Spottedpaw, and Tigerclaw felt even angrier.

How dare you ask anyone to respect your choice when you couldn't even respect them enough to tell them yourself!

"I understand your decision," mewed Thrushpelt, his voice soft and hurt. "I respect your decision."

"...I respect your decision as well," growled Thistleclaw, dipping his head. "I am sure you'll be an amazing medicine cat."

She can be nothing else, Tigerclaw wanted to yowl. She looked up at the sky and felt betrayed when she didn't see a single cloud. Furious, she lowered her head.

"We have two more announcements," mewed Sunstar. "Tigerclaw will be moving into the nursery today."

Surprised murmurs spread through the Clan. Tigerclaw looked at Thistleclaw, wishing she had told the tom before. But Thistleclaw only had eyes for Spottedpaw, his gaze hurt like when he had spoken about Snowfur. Suddenly, Tigerclaw was glad she hadn't told him; he wouldn't have cared anyway.

Besides, I won't let him anywhere near my kits.

She was shocked at how fierce she felt about it and wondered if this was what Thistleclaw had been thinking when he became obsessed with Whitepaw as a kit.

"...will be moving into the nursery today."

Thrushpelt's head had whipped around, and Tigerclaw's gaze followed to settle on Bluefur. Rosetail looked proud to sit next to her friend, while the blue-gray warrior looked almost embarrassed and guilty at the quiet murmurs of congratulations.

"Hey Tigerclaw," mewed a familiar voice.

Tigerclaw yanked her head away and blinked at Whitepaw.

"Congratulations," he purred warmly. "Whose are they?"

Tigerclaw wanted to tell him the truth but what came out instead was "You'll figure it out."

Whitepaw's whiskers twitched in amusement. "I already have a good guess," he mewed, glancing over at Thistleclaw. He lowered his voice. "Though I thought my Dad would be happier."

Tigerclaw shrugged impassively. "We are not really that close, you know."


She rose to her paws. "I better start gathering for my nest. I'll see you around, Whitepaw."

Whitepaw blinked at her. "Try to get to know Bluefur, okay?"

Tigerclaw stopped and stared back. "Huh?"

But the white tom had already joined Brindlepaw and a jealous-looking Frostpaw. Tigerclaw's gaze turned to look at Bluefur, but she had already vanished. After a few moments of indecision, the warrior padded towards the medicine cat's den where Spottedpaw and Featherwhisker were talking. When she neared, Featherwhisker disappeared into the den and Spottedpaw paused, turning to watch her warily.

"Spottedpaw," Tigerclaw mewed, "why did you really become a medicine cat?"

The apprentice gave a nervous flick of her tail. "Because StarClan told me to," she mewed forcefully.

"I don't believe that for a second," snapped Tigerclaw. "This has something to do with you avoiding telling Thistleclaw, doesn't it?"

Spottedpaw tried to look Tigerclaw in the eye, but the warrior could tell she was staring at the side of her head instead. The small apprentice tried to make her voice sound wise and powerful. "Because StarClan has shown me that I can never be as good a warrior as you, Tigerclaw."

Tigerclaw snorted. "You're afraid your emotions are going to get out of your control."

Spottedpaw flattened her ears, but when she opened her mouth to protest Tigerclaw cut her off.

"Look, Spottedpaw," Tigerclaw growled, "there's being Clanborn and then there's being whatever you are. You can't just run around doing whatever you please without considering how you're treating everyone around you. That's not just a warrior's skill – it's a medicine cat's skill, too. You should have respected Thistleclaw enough as a cat to tell him about what you planned to do before today. Hiding this from him only makes you a coward, and a coward doesn't make for a very good Clan cat."

The hurt look on Spottedpaw's face sent a tiny ripple of pleasure up Tigerclaw's spine.

She deserves this, Tigerclaw thought with satisfaction.

The warrior whipped away and padded towards the nursery. She didn't even hesitate at the entrance and just shoved straight inside.

Bluefur blinked at her, her gaze foggy but sharpening rapidly. "Something wrong?"

"No," mewed Tigerclaw, feeling her pelt relax and the lightning in her fur settle. She jerked at the back of the den with her tail. "I'm making my nest over there."

Bluefur nodded and continued carving out a place for her nest where she stood. With their nests now firmly on opposite sides of the nursery, Tigerclaw felt like the moon to follow would at least be tolerable. After that, she would return to her real mission and become the greatest warrior in the Clan.