AN: I made up Pete's family in San Francisco, and the business name.
"So this is goodbye." said Paige.
"I guess so." Paige said.
"Goodbye." said Clark.
Pete and Paige board an airplane to San Francisco. Chloe and Clark wave goodbye to Paige and Pete, as the plane takes off. Chloe and Clark leave the airport, and get in a taxi. They drive to Chloe's aunt's house, and each have separate rooms there.
Plane. Paige and Pete sit in 2 chairs on the right side of the plane.
Pete and Paige sit there.
"I'm going to miss them." Paige said, sadly.
"So am I. Clark, Chloe, Lana, Whitney, and your parents will miss us, too." said Pete.
"Yes. And maybe Leo will finally take me to my birth family." Paige said.
"Maybe." said Pete.
"Who am I kidding? Leo's just going to continue to keep secrets from me." Paige said, frustrated.
"Don't worry. You'll find them, with or without Leo's help." said Pete.
"Thanks, Pete." Paige said.
"Hey. I'll always be there for you. We're friends forever." said Pete.
"Friends forever." Paige said.
Pete listens to a cd, while Paige pull out a book, and read it.
Kent farm. Martha sits in the kitchen, alone. Jonathan is out doing work.
Martha's POV:
"I know it's selfish, but I wish Clark and Paige hadn't left. I miss them already." I thought.
Jonathan enters, finished with his work, and hugs Martha to comfort her.
"Martha. It'll be okay." said Jonathan.
Martha nods. John walks in.
"At least I still have John. The only child Jonathan and I had together. We adopted Clark and Paige, but I'm glad I could have a child of my own. Thanks to Clark's ship. It healed me. I know Clark destroyed it now for good reasons. It was starting to take over his mind. I just wish I didn't have to say goodbye to Paige and Clark." I thought.
John and Jonathan hug Martha.
"It's okay. I'm fine. I just miss Clark and Paige." I said.
"Don't worry, mom. They'll be back to visit, and they won't ever forget us." said John.
"I guess you're right. I'll just have to get over it." I said.
I began to work around the house. Working always got my mind off my problems. I then flashed back to the night Clark and Paige met.
Jonathan and I had just dropped off Lex and Lionel at the Luthor mansion, and drove away. Jonathan stopped at a clothing store to get some clothes for Clark, and we dressed him. Then we drove to the farm. Jonathan left Clark and me there, while he went to get Paige. It seemed like forever, before they showed up.
"Paige, this is your new brother, Clark." Martha said.
Jonathan nods. Paige looks happy.
"Is he older?" asked Paige.
"I think by 1 year." Martha said.
"Now you I have an older brother to look out for you, when we can't be there." said Jonathan.
"This is great." said Paige.
Paige and Clark go upstairs. Jonathan goes upstairs. A car pulls up, and Martha looks out the window. Lionel Luthor gets out of the car, and goes into the barn.
"What is he doing here?" I thought.
30 minutes later, Lionel walks out of the barn with some papers in his hand, and a smirk on his face. He gets into his limo, which drives away. Jonathan comes in, and tells me what happened, before calling the factory workers.
"I knew that Jonathan hated what he was doing, but he was afraid of what the government or Lionel would do if they found out who or what Clark really was. He wasn't the only one. I was scared, too. I just hope that he remained looking human, then he could be semi-normal. We had no idea the powers he had, or the long bumpy ride we would have to get him to control all of his powers." thought Martha.
Jonathan enters. I smile at him, and continued with my housework.
Jonathan's POV:
"I remember the day we first brought Clark home." I thought.
Martha and I dropped off Lex and Lionel at their mansion, and we drove away. I also stopped at a clothing store to get clothes for Clark, and we dressed him. We drove to the farm, and I left Martha and Clark there. I then drove to the Lang's house. I felt sorry for Lana and Nell, since their parents had died in the meteor shower. I parked in front of their house, and walked in. Paige was ready, and she said goodbye to Lana, before we went into the truck, and drove away. When we went into the house, Martha and Clark were in the kitchen.
"Paige, this is your new brother, Clark." said Martha.
I nodded. Paige smiles.
"Is he older?" asked Paige.
"I think by 1 year." said Martha.
"Now you I have an older brother to look out for you, when we can't be there." I said.
"This is great." said Paige.
Paige and Clark went upstairs to get to know each other better. I went to the barn to do some work. I heard a car pull up, and saw Lionel walking into the barn. He told me he'd make adoption papers for Clark, giving Martha and I custody, if I would tell the factory to sell to Lionel. I refused at first, but I finally relented. I signed the papers, and he left in his limo.
I entered the house, and told Martha, and then I called the boss of the factory. I felt guilty, but I also knew that we had to keep Clark a secret, and let no one find out who or what he really was.
Martha looks at me. I smile at her, and she looks upset. I can tell she misses Clark and Paige very much, but won't let that stand between them and their futures.
"It'll be alright." I said, as we sat down to lunch.
John arrived, and we ate lunch together. After lunch, I returned to the fields.
Paige's POV:
On the plane, I look over and Pete is now listening to music. I pull out a picture of the farm. Jonathan, Martha, Clark, John, and Paige were standing in front of the farmhouse. She smiled as she remembered the first day she met Clark.
I was with Lana, and she was combing my hair. Then Lana's mom told us that my dad was downstairs. I gathered my stuff, and walked downstairs with Lana. I said goodbye to Lana, and Nell, before getting into the car with my dad. He drove to the farm, and we entered the kitchen. Mom was in there with a small boy, who looked 6 years old, wearing a red t-shirt, and blue jeans.
"Paige, this is your new brother, Clark." said Martha.
Jonathan nodded. I smiled.
"Is he older?" I asked.
"I think by 1 year." said Martha.
"Now you I have an older brother to look out for you, when we can't be there." Jonathan said.
"This is great." I said.
Clark and I went upstairs to get to know each other better. While we were upstairs, we talked.
"I'm Paige." I said.
"I'm Clark." said Clark.
We talked about school, and how he was going to fit in. I showed Clark a picture of my friends. Lana, Whitney, Glen, Chloe, and Pete. I was in the picture with them. They were all a year older than me, except for Glen, but they were still my friends. I also noticed that Clark couldn't stop staring at Lana's picture. I knew he had a crush on her ever since.
"Paige?" asked Pete.
I look up to see Pete. The plane has landed and people are leaving.
"We're in San Francisco. Let's go." said Pete.
I nodded, and we got off the plane, and headed for the social services building in a taxi.
End of POV
Metropolis. Clark and Chloe have finished unpacking in Chloe's aunt's house, and head to the Daily Planet to get jobs. They are both accepted as journalists, and are working with Lois Lane.
"Hi, Chloe. It's good to be working together again." said Lois.
"You 2 know each other." said Clark.
"We worked together while during my summer internship here." said Chloe.
"Wow. You're already ahead of me." said Clark, teasing. "I know. That's the plan." said Chloe.
"I'm Clark Kent." said Clark.
"I'm Lois Lane. Since the 3 of us are going to be partners, we better get to know each other, over coffee." said Lois.
Lois, Chloe, and Clark leave the Daily Planet.
Lois's POV:
Cafe. Lois, Clark, and Chloe sat down.
"We're all sitting down here. He is handsome. No wonder Lana and Chloe fell in love with him. With Lana back with Whitney, this is Chloe and Clark's chance to get back together. And I think I better get them together, before they end up miserable with someone else." thought Lois.
"Clark, Chloe. I just remembered I've got some papers to look at. You 2 enjoy yourselves." I said.
Chloe mouths "No", but I walked by her, whispering "Now's your chance." And then I left.
(Chloe's POV):
"I can't believe Lois. She's trying to play matchmaker. I knew I loved Clark, but I didn't know if he felt the same way. I guess there's only one way to find out." I thought, as I saw Lois get into a taxi, and leave.
"Clark. Remember after the dance, when Lana and your dad were caught in the middle of the tornado?" I asked.
"Yes." said Clark.
"And when I said we should still be friends, well. I lied. I've always been in love with you. I was a little jealous, and then we you dated Lana, without even telling me. I had to hear it from someone else, and you don't know how much that hurt." I said.
"I'm sorry Chloe. I didn't know." said Clark.
"Well, Clark. I'm sorry I kept my feelings from you. Lana and Paige realized I still like you, and have been trying to get me back together with you, but I wasn't ready. But now, if you want to, we can have a fresh start." I said.
"I'd like that. I really haven't stopped loving you either. I'll always love Lana, she was my first love. But she's with Whitney, and now we're together." said Clark.
"I know. Let's just enjoy our date before we have to return to the office." I said.
End of POV
San Francisco.
Pete's POV:
Paige and Pete walk into Pete's house. We went into our rooms, and unpacked. Then we went downstairs for lunch with my Uncle Jack, and Aunt Janet. Uncle Jack then took us to his business. S
San Francisco Social Services. Paige and I went to were juniors, and would work our way up with experience. This place was better than I had expected. Paige and I had been working really hard, and I knew that if we kept this up, that we would be promoted in at least a year. Paige was also looking for her birth family, and found out they were somewhere in San Francisco.
"Why not wait for Leo to tell you?" I had asked her once.
"He won't tell me. His bosses forbade him to tell me for some reason. So I'll just have to find them by myself." said Paige.
I had never asked again. I knew this was important to her. They were her family, and she wanted a happy life together with them. I just hoped nothing bad happened.
End of POV