A/N: Hello, everyone! I'm glad you're all enjoyed the story! Well, now that it's essentially over, I will be announcing the next line up in the movies RWBY and co. Will watch. It's going to be The Incredible Hulk. I've been informed the best way to handle the movies is in order of release, so that's what I'm going to do, hope you enjoy! And for those wondering about the actor changes: yes, the actors will also change as the movies do. But with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this final bonus chapter!
"HISHE? What's that?" Ruby asked.
"It stands for How It Should Have Ended. Basically easier or smarter ways the heroes could've dealt with the villains..." Katana said, before her eyes drifted away from the young reaper as she remembered the Thor episode. "If at all." She added, turning her head away when she said that.
"Oh, so it's like a spoof ending?" Yang asked.
"Exactly." Katana confirmed.
"I always did like gag endings." Qrow said approvingly.
"Gag endings or spoofs are simply cheap knock-offs that take away from the actual work." Winter scoffed.
"Exactly. The way Tony handled Stane was powerful and moving. I highly doubt a spoof ending could do it justice." Weiss agreed.
"Well, Katana is in charge, so we're doing what she wants anyway, we might as well watch it. It could be good." Blake said.
"Thank you, Blake." Katana said with a smile, scratching Blake's cat ears and eliciting a purr from the Faunus girl, before providing her with a grilled salmon. "Alright, then! Here we go!" She declared, starting the show.
A reel of cartoon images, some appearing to be animated versions of clips from the Iron Man movie, rapidly spun before turning red as the name HISHE appeared. The title then appeared, accompanied by rock music.
An animated version of the fight between Iron Man and Iron Monger was shown, when Tony flew up into the air. "Impressive! You've upgraded your armor! I've made a few adjustments of my own!" Stane declared, repositioning himself and preparing to take flight, soon launching into the air and taking off after Tony... at an absurdly slow speed, which shouldn't even be enough to get him into the air.
"Come to think of it, it WAS quite slow to take off, wasn't it?" Winter assked.
"That... Could've been one issue, but it was able to catch Tony once it got movie." Blake tried to defend the movie.
"Wow. Are you kidding me with that take-off speed?" Tony asked.
"Um... It takes a while! But I'll catch you!" Stane declared, continuing his pursuit of Tony, who easily kept out of his reach.
"Are you sure about that? I mean, have you even flown in that thing before?" Tony questioned his mentor turned enemy.
"Not exactly." Stane admitted. "But I assure you, it's more advanced in every way!" He declared.
"Oh, yeah. Tony needed a whole night of flying and even then, he just barely avoided splattering on the pavement. So Obie's first flight should've been a disaster. And it actually was." Qrow agreed with the animation.
"Well... they only flew in a straight line." Blake reminded, although the excuse was flimsy at best.
"Oh, well, if you say it's more advanced, then by all means, I'll just surrender right-" Tony said in a clearly sarcastic tone, before posing and holding his arm out, readying the infamous... "Tank missile~!" He said in sing-song, firing the missile, which lodged itself in the collar area of the suit.
"Careful, man, there's a brand new suit here-!" Stane began to complain, before the missile easily obliterated him.
"Ha! See?! A missile totally should've worked! He blew up in the arc reactor, so a missile would've done the job!" Yang said triumphantly.
"Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. Or the solution with explosion!" Ruby declared.
Iron Man was then shown in a cafe, along with two other superheroes, one in a red and blue unitard with a red and yellow S in a diamond on the chest, with a red cape, red boots and red underwear over the unitard, the other in a grey unitard with a black bat in a yellow symbol on the chest, a black bat-eared cowl, black cape, black boots and black underwear over the unitard with a yellow utility belt.
"Ooh! Who are they!? Are they the other heroes Fury mentioned?!" Ruby asked excitedly.
"No. Those are Batman and Superman. You can probably guess which is which. They're from a whole different comic company called DC. They've made a bunch of movies, too, but with the exception of a trilogy of Batman's movies, all of the modern DC movies have been... pretty poorly received. Except for one of the new ones, Wonder Woman, but we're not getting into that." Katana explained.
"Are we gonna watch any of those?" Yang asked.
"No. Again, they weren't received very well, so I don't think you'd like them. And DC's heroes are OP to the point of being broken, so it's kind of boring. There's almost nothing they can't do, so any real urgency is lost." Katana explained.
"What can they do?" Qrow asked.
"Well, Batman, admittedly their best hero, has no powers," Katana explained, leaving them shocked. "But, he's super rich and owns a company with ties to just about anything, including military stuff, so he can get just about anything he'd ever need and he knows every single style of martial arts known to man. And despite being a regular human, he's probably on par with Cardin in terms of physical abilities." Katana explained. This left team RWBY shocked. Despite being a jerk with practically no skill, they couldn't deny Cardin was strong, so for a regular human with no power or aura to be on his level, that was a shock. "And no, he's not a Faunus, they don't exist in that world, either." Katana quickly added as she saw Blake about to ask.
"And Superman?" Weiss asked.
Katana scoffed. "It's faster to list the stuff he can't do. He can fly billions of times faster than light, even through space, has super strength, enough to pull planets through space, can shoot laser beams from his eyes hotter than the sun, he can breathe hard enough to create hurricanes, has a breath that can freeze people solid and he's strong enough to take entire planets exploding around him." She explained.
"Yeah, that's broken." Blake said in shock. With someone like that, there should be no reason a villain can ever do anything.
"So, you just killed him?" Superman questioned.
"Yeah, I mean, it was either that or have Pepper do it. So I just decided to take all the credit." Tony explained.
"That's sort of arrogant. And thoughtful." Batman said, giving a small smile and taking a drink of his coffee.
"How is that thoughtful?" Ruby asked.
"Well, now Pepper never had to kill Stane, so she wouldn't have to live with the fact she killed someone. That weighs heavily on anyone." Winter explained.
"But still, you just killed him off. That's pretty dark. I mean, you knew the guy almost your whole life." Superman said.
"He tried to kill me TWICE." Tony said, raising two fingers. "And besides, haven't you learned yet that if you put your supervillain in prison, they just vow revenge and break out again." He reminded them.
"Yeah, that... That never happens..." Batman said awkwardly, knowing that was DEFINITELY the case.
Everyone looked to Katana. "So, yeah, all of the DC heroes have a no killing rule, so they NEVER kill their villains, so they just send them to prison, but they escape EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Marvel villains don't TRY to kill their villains, but they aren't going to move mountains to avoid it, either. Seriously, it's insane the lengths the DC heroes go NOT to kill their villains, even though they're the most sinister and deserving of death." Katana explained.
"Examples?" Yang asked.
"Okay, the Joker." Katana said, the screen changing to an image of a man with paper white skin and sickly green hair with a menacing smile on his face. Despite his ridiculous appearance, it was clear this man was dangerous. "He is Batman's main villain and a demented killer who gets joy from killing and tries to bring Batman down to his level and share his beliefs that it takes just one bad day to become as sick and twisted as him. And he's completely aware of his actions, so he is not insane, so the insanity plea should NOT save him. Last I checked, he has a kill count OVER 2,000 people." Katana said, shocking everyone.
"That man's a monster..." Weiss said, horrified.
"Scum like that MUST be executed!" Winter snapped.
"I completely agree. But no, the heroes won't kill him because 'then they'd be as bad as him.'" Katana explained, rolling her eyes as she did air quotes.
"No way. That guy's human scum. That's one maniac as opposed to 2,000 innocent people. There's no comparison." Qrow said, glaring at the image.
"I agree, but they won't kill him and SOMEHOW, they must get the judge to dismiss the death penalty, because he only ever gets locked up in Arkham Asylum." Katana said. "Let's move on, this topic is just making me mad. And probably going to cause a flame war in the reviews." She said, saying the last part under her breath.
"So, after you killed him, what happened?" Superman asked.
"Well, after that, I... had a press conference and told the world I'm Iron Man." Tony explained, the mask on his suit raising.
"WHAT!?" The other two heroes asked in disbelief.
"See! They know you don't do it!" Ruby cried out.
"Well, it's pretty clear Tony doesn't care.
"Dude!" Superman said.
"You can't give away your secret identity!" Batman told him.
"Why not? Because I did. And I'm awesome, so..." Tony said, putting the mask back down. "In your face." He told him.
"Ha! The bat got burned!" Yang laughed.
"Oh, yes. Real mature. They try to help him and he just insults them." Weiss scoffed.
"You just can't. I mean, you're not supposed to." Superman told him.
"Eh. I like the attention. And you mean to tell me you've never revealed your secret identity before?" Iron Man asked.
"Uh..." Batman said awkwardly, looking away. "No." He lied.
"Ha! Try every girl you've ever dated." Superman called his bluff.
"Ugh. Don't tell me he's another pervert?" Winter asked.
Katana tilted her head back in forth, trying to figure out how to explain this. "Yes and no. Batman is a super serious, really brutal crime fighter, not afraid to break bones and leave people in body casts, as long as the injuries aren't fatal, he won't hesitate to inflict them. So, to throw the police off his trail, because vigilantism is illegal and technically, the police should be trying to arrest him, he models his alter ego, Bruce Wayne, into basically Tony: a reckless pervert who loves to throw his money around. But it's just a facade. In HISHE, though, they do make him a pervert." She elaborated.
"I see." Winter said.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with liking to party!" Qrow said with a grin.
"What?" Batman asked.
"Oh, I'm Bruce Wayne and I like you! Let me tell you my big secret!" Superman said, imitating Batman's gruff voice.
"Oh, you're one to talk... Mr. Mind Eraser." Batman countered.
"You didn't mention that." Blake said.
"Uh... It's a power from one of his early movies that's been retconned and now isn't canon. I don't think he still has the power." Katana explained.
"Good thing. Mind erasing is creepy." Yang said.
"Oh, don't even! I will freeze breath your face off!" Superman warned him.
"No, you won't." Batman called his bluff.
Superman glared at the dark knight for a moment, before smiling. "You're right, I won't. I love this guy. Up top." He said, the two of them high-fiving. There was then a pause, before... "But you know, I could've high-fived you into the ground, right?" He told Batman, pointing to him.
Weiss scoffed. "Boys. Always trying to show up and one up each other." She said.
Yang smirked. I'd kick your butt, Ice Queen." She said.
Weiss glared back at her. "Yang Xiao Long, I would dominate you in any battle!" The heiress declared, only to realize she fell for the trap. "You win this round." She grumbled.
Tony then raised a hand in a calming gesture. "Guys, guys, it's not a competition. Because I think we all know who would win if it were... Me." Tony declared, raising his hand as if volunteering or answering a question.
"Oh, please." Batman said dismissively.
"Oh, whatever." Superman said in the same tone.
"Could Tony beat them?" Ruby asked.
"Batman, easily. He has nothing to get through that suit. Superman, no way in hell." Katana explained.
"With how much he can do, I wonder if anyone can beat him." Qrow questioned.
"Not fairly. Any one on one without proper tools or prep is a guaranteed defeat." Katana told them.
"I'm Batman." The dark knight declared.
"Let's arm wrestle, right now!" Superman declared.
Ruby giggled. "That was pretty funny." She said.
"I'll admit, it was better than I originally expected." Weiss admitted.
"It did take a... unique route, I didn't believe it would take." Winter said.
"I'm just glad someone else agreed about the missile." Yang said.
"And that was pretty decent animation." Blake added.
"Yeah. And hearing from those other two heroes wasn't bad." Qrow said.
"So, what now?" Ruby asked.
"Well, now I'm gonna bring in some of your friends to watch the rest with you." Katana explained.
Back on Remnant, team JNPR was just outside RWBY's dorm room, which opened and revealed Weiss and Winter just as Katana had taken Team RWBY to watch the movie. "What the!?" Jaune cried out, before he and his team were taken.
In Ozpin's office, the headmaster sat at his desk as Glynda paced impatiently. "Strange. Qrow mentioned he would be visiting Ruby and that he'd stop by. I wonder what's taking him?" Ozpin asked.
Glynda growled. "Likely drinking himself into a blackout and corrupting one of our youngest and potentially greatest teams." Glynda growled, before the two were suddenly taken as well.
In the dorm room of team CFVY, Velvet Scarlatina just finished wrapping her gift. "There! I'm sure Ruby will love it!" She said.
"So, you ready to go? I just want to pop in, give the runt her present, grab a slice of cake, then go shopping." Coco said.
"Oh, come on, Coco! Ruby's a good kid. You should get to know her." Velvet argued, before the two were whisked away.
And finally, on Ironwood's command ship, the general stood in front of Penny, the android he'd provided assistance to Pietro Polendina in building. "So, Ruby Rose knows you're an android?" He questioned.
"Yes, sir, but she promised she wouldn't tell a soul." She said. "And... I'd like your permission to visit her, sir. So I may wish her a happy birthday." Penny requested.
"Well... I suppose it couldn't hurt if you paid a short visit..." He considered, before they, too, were spirited away.
"Our friends?" Ruby asked in a surprised, but happy tone.
Suddenly, several columns of light appeared and the aforementioned group was brought into the room. "What on Remnant?!" Glynda demanded.
"Where... Are we?" Ozpin asked, looking around.
"Glynda? Ozpin?! What is going on!?" Ironwood demanded.
"General Ironwood!" Winter declared, standing up and saluting.
The general turned to her. "Specialist Schnee?" He asked, before noticing his other comrade and missing member of the Ozluminati. "Qrow!?" He questioned.
"Hey, guys. Nice to see you join the party." Qrow said.
"Ruby!?" Jaune asked in shock.
"Hey, Jaune!" Ruby said, waving.
"Sup, vomit boy?" Yang asked, causing the other blonde to groan.
"What is going on?!" Glynda shouted.
"I brought team RWBY, Qrow and Winter here. Then I decided to bring all of you as well." Katana explained, standing up.
"So, you kidnapped a team of students, along with a professional Huntsmen and an Atlas specialist, then kidnapped another team, the headmaster of one of the most important combat schools on Remnant, plus his assistant and the general of the Atlas military and his attendee? That was a big mistake!" Ironwood snapped, pulling out his gun. "Return us now!" He ordered.
"I'm afraid I can't do that." Katana said.
"Then I assume we'll return if you're destroyed!" Ironwood snapped.
"James, wait!" Ozpin called.
Too late. Ironwood fired at the ice demon in front of him. Katana simply sighed at this, a small layer of ice covering her body, the bullets easily bouncing off of the ice. James emptied his whole clip and was shocked at this. "Impossible! That ice is paper thin, yet it withstood my weapon's full clip." He said.
"That's because it's stronger than any ice on Remnant. I'm a demon." Katana told him.
"A demon?" The new students asked fearfully, shivering.
"And what does a demon want with us?" Ozpin asked.
"Well, it's Ruby's birthday today, so I decided to take her, her team, her uncle and Weiss' sister, because she was there and have them watch the epic movies of the best heroes of my world. Both for entertainment and so they could learn a few things along the way. But, I decided to bring all of you in so Ruby can be with more of her friends. And a few of you REALLY need to learn some of these lessons." Katana explained, looking between Ozpin and Ironwood for this.
"Movies about comic heroes? Awesome!" Jaune said, his fear instantly gone.
"I'm in!" Nora agreed.
"Well, if Jaune agrees, I don't see the harm." Pyrrha said.
"If you believe it is a good learning experience, I suppose I'll join." Ren said.
"It sounds fun." Velvet agreed.
"Well, I didn't have anything better to do besides shopping, so sure." Coco agreed.
Glynda and Ironwood, however, weren't convinced. "How could watching movies possibly teach us a lesson or provide anything of use!?" Ironwood demanded.
Winter was beside him in an instant. "It's true, sir! Through watching simply ONE movie out of the 23 she has planned for us, I've already taken notes on several pieces of technology that could vastly improve Atlas' military might and improve the lives of everyone throughout Remnant." She reported, handing her notes to the general. "Also, you DO NOT want to pick a fight with her. I attempted to attack her as well when we first arrived. And..." She went on, before blushing and looking away. "I'd rather not say what happened. It didn't go well." She finished.
"I have her an atomic wedgie." Katana explained, the screen replaying the moment, getting giggles from the new students that witnessed it, even from Penny.
"Nice undies." Coco taunted.
"I will not be undermined by a student!" Winter snapped.
"Still, our students have FAR better things to be doing than lazing about, watching movies. As do we!" Glynda snapped.
"Don't worry. Time is frozen here. Any pressing matters you have will be there when you return, it will be as if you never left." Katana explained.
Glynda was about to argue, but Ozpin placed a hand on her shoulder. "Glynda, this doesn't appear to be an option. Besides, if she believes it's for the best to see these movies and learn the lessons within them, I believe it's worth learning." Ozpin explained.
She wanted to argue, but then sighed. "Very well." She said.
"Alright, then. So, all of you that had presents for Ruby, give them to her now and then be seated to watch the first movie, Iron Man. Ruby, you and your team can take a break to do whatever you need to. Winter and Qrow, same for you. I'll call you back when the movies done." Katana instructed. Two more doors then appeared. "One door is to a gaming room so Ruby can play her games you all got her and you all can do whatever you want, the other room is a training area." She explained.
"Very well. I look forward to improving my skills." Winter said, heading to the training room.
"Alright. I think I'll give this new semblance a test run." Qrow said, walking towards the door.
"New Semblance?" Ironwood asked. The ozluminati were all aware of Qrow's semblance, so for him to declare he had a new on was a serious shock. And hopefully, he was now safer to be around.
"Yeah. Check it out." Qrow said, snapping his fingers, creating the aura feathers around him. He then created and obliterated another mannequin.
"Impressive." Ozpin said, finding a rare moment of shock for him.
The new students then made their way over to the birthday girl, before something suddenly rushed between them and scooped Ruby up in a vice grip of a hug. "Ruby! I am so happy to see you!" Penny said happily.
"Good to see you, too, Penny!" Ruby squeaked as she was being crushed, taking a breath as she was set down.
"Happy birthday, my friend! I am prepared to deliver both my gift and the tradition birthday posterior smacking!" Penny explained.
"The wha-?" Ruby asked.
"I think she means birthday spankings." Blake said with a smile and Yang and Weiss struggled not to giggle.
"Ah!" Ruby cried out, covering her backside. "No! No, thank you, Penny! My family doesn't celebrate that tradition!" She explained.
Everyone then delivered their gifts to Ruby and sat down to watch the new movie as the titular team went to the game room to enjoy their new forms of entertainment.
A/N: And done! I hope you all enjoyed this last little mini-chapter. So, Ruby's friends are here to enjoy the other movies along with the main team! And hopefully, Ozpin and Ironwood will learn the error of their ways in some of the future movies. Hopefully you are all looking forward to that.
Also, the remarks about DC are mostly fact, not my opinion. While I agree DC can be overpowered at times, I'm not a serious hater, so please don't take anything I said too seriously. Also, while I won't be doing it and I'm not making it a challenge, feel free to do a RWBY reacts to DC movies if you want. Again, I'm fine either way.