Alright! Let's get this story idea a go. Haven't seen many fans from our world get transported into the Star Wars universe fanfictions. It's certainly more a common trope in the Doctor Who fanfiction. Speak of, if any of you would like to check out my other, still ongoing, fanfiction of a Doctor Who fan called Lauren whom suddenly found herself in the Doctor's world. It's called The Fate of the Raven. Much love. Reviews and what nots are much encouraged for this fic. I hope many readers will be interested in this type of story. But without further ado...

Will of the Force

Chapter 1 A Change of Fate

Along time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

The world around her was burning. She was burning. At least, that is what she felt as she went in and out of consciousness. She couldn't open her eyes due to the bright, white hot, blinding light in her vision that bled through her eyelids and into her skull. She cried out in pain. She didn't understand, nothing made sense, only that she was burning. She couldn't think and when she tried, the more it hurt and the more everything began to slip away; even her pain seemed to fade into the blackness.


A voice sounded from far away. A whisper at the edge of her awareness that became a soft but persisting tug. She stirred as she woke groggily, the voice came again, a little louder this time but she couldn't make out what it was saying. The burning sensation returned and the throbbing pain in her head made her want to slip back into the blackness, this voice, however, beckoned to her, suddenly clear.


She tried to open her eyes, it was painful under the oppressive heat.

"Hello! Wake up!" The voice was right above her.

Whomever was calling her was blocking the blinding light from her face. She attempted to move but her limbs felt heavy and she couldn't hold back the whimper that passed her lips. She felt a soft pressure on her warm cheek.

"Come on, wake up! Yes!" The voice was now next to her ear, encouraging her on.

She tried again, this time she was successful, blinking rapidly she squinted up to see a clear blue sky. She gasped. Everything around her was annoying bright and blistering hot. What was happening? Where was she?

"You're awake!"

She turned her head slightly, her gaze slowly refocusing on the sunlit outline of a person crouched by her side, the source of the voice. She was met with a pair of bright blue eyes staring intensely back at her under a mass of shaggy, dirty blond hair. A young boy around her age, maybe younger. He wore a concerned expression, however, his pursed lips suddenly turned into a relieved smile.

"I thought you'd never wake up," the boy said.

She blinked at him. Her mind still a foggy haze. The ground she was laying on felt soft and warm. She dug her fingernails into the uneven material, what was it? It felt like sand.

The boy's smile faltered slightly, "I thought for a moment…" he trailed off, shifting uncomfortably, his brow creased, he looked concerned again.

She finally realised the soft pressure on her cheek was his hand.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked, gaze quickly assessing over her.

She made a croaked wheeze like noise. Words failed to come to her. Her throat was painfully dry.

"Sorry, stupid question." he muttered to himself as he leaned back. His hand left her face and the sunlight dazzled her when he moved out of her field of vision. There was the sound of shuffling and rummaging.

She made a sound of protest and the boy was quickly back in her line of vision. "It's alright," he reassured her, "I'm here, don't worry," he said, but his words didn't match his worried expression.

"Here, drink," the boy held what looked like a flask of sorts to her face. He placed a hand behind her head, helping her hold herself up as he tipped the lifesaving water into her parched throat.

As she gulped the cold, fresh water she only realised how thirsty she truly was. She suddenly found the strength to lift her arms up and grasp the flask, eagerly trying to down the whole thing in one go.

"Hey, hey, take it easy," the boy chastised her. "I've only got the one!" He forced her to drink slowly. "Better?" he asked after moment, before pocketing the flask in a bag. She nodded.

"What's your name?"

She frowned. Her name? Yes, she should have one she supposed. She thought hard for a moment, but nothing came to her. Panic began taking root in her stomach. Why couldn't she remember?

"You must have a name?" the boy reasoned, echoing her internal thought. His face crunched up even further, becoming even more worried the longer she stayed silent.

She looked up at him, very confused and afraid. She shook her head helplessly. This wasn't right! She had a name, she knew she did, but she couldn't remember. Why? She glanced around her, endless dunes of sand. Heat. A desert waste land.

"You don't remember?" the boy, gently, verbally supplied her when it became apparent, she didn't know.

"I – " she finally tried to speak, testing her voice. "I, um," she wanted to say something. What? Lots of things. She had many questions. "Sorry." she blurted out instead.

"It's okay." he said, placing a hand on her back and another on her shoulder and eased her into a sitting position. "You've nothing to be sorry for. It'll come to you. Just the heat getting to you." he explained, doing his best to calm her fears, but his face portrayed a different story.

She merely nodded again. He seemed right despite his fears. She looked around again, there was something familiar about her surroundings. She's seen deserts before, in pictures, but never set foot on one – now she's lying in the middle of one. How did she get here? She glanced back at the boy, somewhat a blurry haze in the light, she willed herself to focus more, and saw that he was barely out of his teen-hood. He was wearing some form of baggy white tunic and trousers, held by a gadget belt, and sandy coloured boots. An old tatty brown bag hung loosely over his shoulder. She's seen this boy before! She can't seem to remember her name, yet she knows this boy.

Impossible, the word echoed in her head.

"Come on, you need out of here," the boy said, suddenly eager to leave. "Can you walk?"

She could walk it turns out, only if she leaned more on him than she liked. "Sand people are about these parts," he warned, "and a sand storm is approaching fast! An off-worlder like you shouldn't be out here, especially alone." He began directing them to what looked like a floating car.

Off-worlder? Sand people? A floating space car? No! It can't be! She felt herself stagger, even in her heat melted mind, she understood this couldn't be real. This must be a dream! She began to feel lightheaded and nauseous. The boy steadied her as he felt her stumble, he paused their stride to wrap an arm around her waist and sling her left arm over his shoulders.

"Hang on, just a few more steps to my speeder," the boy promised her, hoping she wouldn't faint before they reached it at the very least. He managed to bundle her into his landspeeder, albeit, not gracefully, certainly not as graceful as his swift hop into the seat next to her.

He fished out a pair of binoculars, or something similar, scanning the endless dunes of sand and horizon beyond, "Are you staying nearby?" he said, looking somewhat frantic now, "the sand storm will hit us soon."

She followed his gaze and gasped as she saw a tidal wave made of sand and angry looking clouds flying and rolling over the horizon, heading their way, a stark contrast to the clear blue sky. Was that two suns she could make out?

"I don't know where I am," she said, hating feeling so helplessness. If this was a dream, she wished she'd wake up. She felt herself begin to feel faint again.

The boy bit his lip, thinking, before appearing to settle on a decision. He started up his car, or something speeder as he had called it, she felt the whole thing hum.

"I'm Luke, by the way. Luke Skywalker." the boy, Luke, introduced himself before he took off.

Of course, she knew exactly who he was, how could she not recognise his boyish face anywhere? She blamed the heat for not realising sooner and creating this ridiculous dream, because this couldn't be real!

"Luke," she repeated softy, a crooked smile graced her lips for the first time, feeling completely out of it, and yet, oddly safe. She knew she was safe with him, safe enough to dream something better…before she could say anything else, her eyes rolled and she stumbled back in her seat, the peaceful darkness, once again, took hold of her.


The next time she awoke she wasn't burning. In fact, she felt better. No less groggy or sore but better. The air around her was damp and cooler. She sighed, thinking she just had the most peculiar dream. Tossing around, she didn't open her eyes, much rather content to sleep on, she pulled at the blanket, tugging it under her chin. She could have sworn her pillow was plumper and her bed mattress was softer, unlike the hard, bumpy feeling one she was sleeping on.

There was the sound of scuffling, footsteps, she felt a hand brush the hair from her forehead. She gasped and jolted at the touch, eyes flying open as she grasped the person's wrist. She turned to see a startled boy with bright blue eyes, under a familiar mass of dirty blond hair.


Oh no.


It was Luke.

Luke Skywalker.

She was sure she had an equally startled looking expression on her face as she stared back at him. Not again.

"Hello," Luke said.

She continued to stare at him wide eyed.

"Hello," she echoed.

Not quite a dream. Maybe she was trapped in a nightmare.

"Can I have my hand back?" Luke asked sheepishly.

She felt the tendons in his wrist move as he flexed his fingers nervously, she peeked to see that she still held his poor hand in her vice like grip above her face. She immediately released her hold as if stung.

"I was only checking to see if you were okay," he explained, sensing her unease. He absentmindedly rubbed his wrist. "You were in a bad shape."

She frowned, not understanding, then she recalled the dream, or so she thought it was. She reached up and touched her face, she felt the trace remains of a cold liquid substance coating her skin. She gave him a look, "Sunburnt?" she whispered, remembering the burning sensation.

"My aunt Beru and uncle Owen have plenty of bacta patches. Healed your sunburn, just the back of your neck left," Luke prodded gently at the patch stuck there. She squirmed, suddenly hyperaware of the feeling. She also suddenly became aware of another patch stuck to her torso. She hastily rolled up her t-shirt, confirming there was indeed one placed on her skin there.

Luke blushed and averted his gaze as she did this. "Aunt Beru placed that one there, um, just in case of any further unseen injuries, until the sand storm passes, and you can get proper treatment if you need."

"I think… I'm okay," she said slowly, feeling physically okay all round. Nothing broken, just sore. Her voice was stronger, normal sounding. "My pale Celtic skin just doesn't do well in the sun," she said, making a first attempt at a joke.

That's what people do isn't it? Use jokes to break tension? He didn't laugh. She felt herself mentally retreat further into herself. It was the only thing she could make sense of in this whole situation. She was like a vampire when it came to the sun, her skin needing lots of sun-cream and her eyes hurting in the bright rays.

Luke didn't understand the word Celtic, but he was smart enough to guess it meant her race or heritage, where she was from. Confirming she was indeed an off-worlder, although her clothes were enough for him to guess that.

"You are very pale," he agreed. He gazed at her, admiring how her green eyes seemed to pop against her fair complexion, "You have really green eyes," he blurted out.

"Thanks," she said awkwardly, "…You have very blue eyes."

There was an awkward pause. Both decided to look elsewhere. She found the eye contact overwhelming. She began internally panicking again. Was she having a dream within a dream?

Luke Skywalker. Bacta patches, sand storms. What the hell was going on! This wasn't real. This was a story in her world. Did she really wake up in the Star Wars universe? She knew of Star Wars of course! Who hasn't? She was a fan, maybe not a die-hard fan, she doesn't know the lore inside out, the little details, but she's watched all the films. How old was the actor who played Luke in the films now? This was indeed a young-looking perfect recreation of Luke Skywalker, in what appeared to be a strange bedroom.

The design and layout were weird. She was on a small bed, tucked under a smooth off-white archway shaped interior that seemed to have been carved out from the wall itself, with a single step up to reach; and she could imagine herself tripping up and down that step in the middle of the night getting to the bed. The rest of the bedroom was small, enclosed, off-white walls, a grubby worn red carpet, the door was on the other side, opposite the bed with Luke's back to it, facing her. If she wanted to run and escape, she needed shove him out of her way. It felt like a cheap university halls room, everything crammed together: a table and two chairs, a small desktop, a sink, and strange futuristic, alien looking stuff laying everywhere. She suddenly felt trapped, it was like an underground bunker, heck, it was of sorts. Luke's home was underground.

"Am I dreaming?" she whispered, her hands fisted the blanket, trying her best to control her breathing.

"No." Luke stated, frowning in confusion. "Why would you think that?"

His question was innocent, there was no hint of mockery or annoyance in his voice, he was simply curious, and confused.

"I," she began, needing to pause for breath, "this can't be real," she whispered disbelievingly, unable to look at him, instead she gazed at her sweaty hands twisting the thin fabric of the blanket through her fingers.

Luke didn't reply immediately. She kept her head down, but she could sense the concerned look he was sending her.

"You're not dreaming," he said slowly. She flinched when he tried to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and he quickly withdrew his hand away. Touch was clearly no-go area now. After another pause, he spoke up again, "You were out cold in the Jundland Waste for a while. You would be dead by now," Luke said, shuddering at the thought. The desert was cruel, the Jundland Waste was crueler.

Dying in dreams meant waking up in reality, she thought. But somehow, she was robbed of that, by some miracle she was found by this boy. Her gut told her she should be thankful, that this really wasn't a hallucination. As if on cue, the sound of wind and sand hitting the outside of the home picked up and could be heard in their silence.

"I need out!" she cried suddenly, attempting to get up. Luke protested. "I can't be here! This can't be real!" She roughly shoved Luke out of the way and made a start to the door, but she didn't make it very far, she practically near tripped on that damn step down.

Luke, with surprisingly fast reflexes, had managed to grab her by the arm and pull her back, causing her to collide into his chest. She turned quickly to face him, her right arm still held in his firm grip.

"Shush! It's okay!" Luke murmured, gently but firming taking hold of her other arm as well. She looked ready to act out. "Calm down, please," he attempted to soothe her, like some startled animal. "You're okay. Look at me, it's safe here," he tried to catch her eye, "Look at me please," he tried again.

She was hit with an overwhelming feeling, a sense of concern that wasn't her own, it was as if it washed over her like water. She wasn't concerned, she was panicking, she didn't understand the foreign emotion. She wasn't good at emotions, but it caused her to look up.

"Good. Just breathe," Luke said, taking a deep breath, encouraging her to follow his lead. "You're here and you're okay. Understand? I found you in time." He smiled when he felt her begin to relax. "I'm real and you're real. See?" He let go her right arm and pinched it.

"Ow!" she cried. Luke had the decency to look sheepish. She broke away from his hold, he let her, and slid down to the floor, feeling the fight leave her. The boy also slid down to sit cross-legged next to her, carefully watching her calm down, practically on standby.

"Thank you. For saving me." she said after a while, she was indeed thankful to be out of that blistering heat and a part of her knew, like some strange instinct, that she would have been dead if it wasn't for Luke. Always the hero, wasn't he? She mused, finally meeting his gaze again. He smiled.

"Do you remember your name?" Luke said, eager to find out if she did.

Oh yeah, she had forgotten, didn't she? She was so dazed and confused, close to death, she had forgotten her own name. It didn't occur to her even moments ago, until now when he asked her once again. Everything had just felt off, she felt off, like she wasn't real, because this shouldn't be real. Everything came back to her in a rush.

"Willow, my name's Willow Lynch."

"Willow Lynch," Luke echoed, testing the name on his tongue. "I've never met anyone with such a name."

"I've met plenty of Lukes," Will said bluntly. Catching his crestfallen look, she added, "Never met anyone called Skywalker before. Pretty cool surname."

"Thanks," he said, appearing happier. She breathed a sigh of relief, she said the right thing.

"Willow," he repeated, "Such a strange name," he said, fondly.

"Most people call me Will though," Will stated, more familiar with her short hand name.

Luke hummed, seemingly liking both. "Do you remember what happened?" Luke said, changing the topic, now holding the demeanour of a curious puppy. "You don't appear to have been attacked." he deduced. "But you had nothing with you, was anything stolen?" he frowned when she shook her head. "Did you have anything with you? Supplies? Water?"

Will shook her head once more, averting her gaze to the floor. Where did he put her shoes she idly wondered?

"That was foolish," Luke remarked with a shake of his head. "What were you even doing out there?"

"I don't know where I am! Or how I got here!" Will suddenly screeched, catching Luke off guard.

Was she really on an alien planet? Accepting this wasn't a dream was struggle enough, accepting everything else was worse.

Luke blinked, looking flustered. This was whole situation of this girl was becoming stranger by the second. "You don't remember anything do you?"

"All I know is that I shouldn't be here."

"We're on a planet called Tatooine, in the Outer Rim," Luke said carefully, hoping to see some form of recognition in Willow's eyes but he only saw more fear.

"I'm from a planet called Earth." Will said. Was there an Earth in the Star Wars universe?

"Earth?" the boy made a scrunched-up face. Apparently not. "Is that in a different system?"

More like a different galaxy in an altogether different universe

She shrugged, "Yeah…?"

"I've never heard of such a place. What's the system called?"

"Um," Will panicked. "I can't remember," she mumbled lamely. She decided keeping up the memory loss was a safe and easy bet. She really didn't have a clue.

Luke raised his eyebrows, looking like he didn't fully believe her but choose to keep any remark to himself. "I suppose," he began, looking at her with pity, "It'll come back to you, like your name," he comforted.

Will hated the look of pity in his eyes for her, but her anger halted as quickly as it came when he once again, tried to comfort her with his words. He was sweet, she'll give that.

"It's primitive," Will found herself explaining, "So far out, nobody knows of it. That's all I know. I shouldn't be here. I've never been off my planet, I don't know anything of this," Will said, waving her hand around, indicating their surroundings, and the two of them. Her shoulders slumped, "Other worlds, aliens." Will whispered to herself, "I was just walking home…"

"Oh," Luke breathed, his eyebrows so high they disappeared under his golden locks. He began to understand, sort of. "Must be unlisted," Luke muttered to himself, clearly coming to his own conclusions. Whatever that meant.

"Well," he said with new vigour, "The sand storm will pass in a few hours, with its speed, most times they go as quickly as they arrive." He stood up and stretched his legs. Will followed suit. "My aunt and uncle are okay with you here until then," he paused, considering something.

He looked at her thoughtfully, but annoyingly though, with that same hint of pity. "I'll explain to them what's happened, they'll surely let you stay an extra day. Till we figure something out."

He smiled at her, but for the first time it didn't quite reach his eyes. Whatever conclusion Luke must have come to with her story, she didn't like it. He handed her a wash cloth and pointed to the sink.

"We can take the bacta off now and wash up." Luke said.

Will didn't wait for his help, instead she ripped off the one on her neck and then the other on her torso. Luke looked away, flustered and exasperated. "Willow." he grumbled as she yelped in pain.


While the sand storm raged on, Will and Luke made their way to the garage in the meantime, after it became awkward the longer the two stayed in the small bedroom. His bedroom. Will doubted he had many girls over, if ever. Luke muttered something about his uncle Owen and chores and no silly girls to distract him. Luke wasn't particularly shy though, he was rather confident, if a little whiny she quickly realised. Luke chatted on, talking about his home, his friends, how he hated this place and wanted to see the stars; mainly because Will was the painfully shy one and wouldn't really talk much. She listened though and Luke seemed to like the attention. She couldn't believe it when she saw on the way to the garage another futuristic space vehicle, when she gasped Luke explained it was something called an airspeeder, his T-16 skyhopper. The terms went over Will's head.

"I would offer to take you on a spin, but I busted it up pretty bad, and uncle Owen grounded me for the rest of the season," Luke said. A cheeky grin plastered on his face as he spoke, that totally gave away that Luke wasn't sorry about what he did, and he would totally do it again. Clearly, he was a joyrider.

Will gazed around the garage in awe. She was having a fangirl moment, comparing it to what it looked like on the TV. Everything was so futuristic yet similar of a garage back in her world. Luke was idly playing with a toy model of some sort of spacecraft. X-wing? When he spotted her curious look, he began explaining all the different models, and surprisingly allowing her to inspect and touch them. There was another speeder in the back, Luke clarified it was the family V-35 Courier. He leaned and peered over her shoulder, explaining with childish eager the little ship model she was holding and specific details and its history.

Luke Skywalker was something of a nerd.

When he stepped a little too close to her however, Will took several steps back.

"Touch is a bit difficult for me," Will stated awkwardly to Luke when he noticed. He apologised. "It's OK." she said.

She didn't want to explain it to Luke. He likely wouldn't understand it. It takes time for Will to get used to people. Sometimes with certain people, even with friends, she can't bring herself to hug them, and yet rare times, she could hug a stranger without thought or feeling discomfort; not even she knows why that was. Other times, she found herself wanting to touch a friend, hug them, be close to them, but couldn't, like there was a block in her head and the more she overthought, the more nothing happened.

Eventually Luke suggested she should go back to his room and rest. Luke explained that due to the layout, and the sand storm, he suggested they could only go to certain rooms, since the other side of the homestead, and aunt Beru and uncle Owen were tucked away in their bedroom in another part, was separated by an open area. And getting caught in a sand storm even for a few seconds was an unpleasant thought.

Will did feel guilty about taking his bed, but Luke didn't seem to mind too much. Wait probably until nightfall, Will thought, and they'll be arguing over who sleeps on the floor.

Will tossed and turned, unable to fully sleep. The storm passed on. The bed smelled like Luke, that unique scent people had. Luke was people, right? As in Human? Will pondered, she was a human and Luke was also human but raised on a different planet, so technically, he was alien to her. Humans mingled with other vast lifeforms in a vastly different dimension. How similar were they on the inside? This was the last thought Will had before she finally caught sleep.


It was late afternoon the next Luke woke her. The storm had long passed, and Luke had gone out to get supplies for around the farm at Anchorhead power station and spent time catching up with his friends. He talked about his friend Biggs again.

Then came the dreaded moment of Will finally meeting Luke's aunt and uncle. Immediately it was obvious to Will that uncle Owen was wary of her. Although he was polite and understanding, he was a man that preferred his family was left alone. However, he was not a cruel man, and aunt Beru was warm and welcoming, if a little uncertain of Will. Neither could argue over leaving her to die out there. Luke was well praised by his aunt for his actions.

They were all sat around the kitchen table, the kitchen was small but compact. Aunt Beru poured them a pitcher of the famous blue milk and bowls of food.

Will tasted the blue milk and barely kept it from coming back up. She coughed and gagged. She set the pitcher down and covered her mouth, trying her best to disguise her disgust.

"Thanks," Will croaked.

Beside her Will could hear what suspiciously sounded like Luke snickering. She side eyed him, he had a hand over his mouth hiding his amused smirk, pretending to wipe away food crumbs. His uncle gave him a pointed look.

Will looked at the bowl of food with apprehension. It contained some sort of red grains. She poked the stuff around with her spoon. She could feel uncle Owen glance at her every so often. Will practically stared at the bowl as if it was going to somehow sprout all the answers to her questions.

"So, miss Willow," Uncle Owen addressed her. "Luke here has told us all about you."

Will peered up from her bowl, "Yeah?" she said nervously.

"Quite a tale." he eyed her. "You've had a rough day." he commented, sounding rather sincere.

"That's one way to put it," Will whispered, her eyes downcast.

Uncle Owen, aunt Beru and Luke exchanged glances at each other briefly.

"Just your luck our Luke found you," Uncle Owen half smiled.

Will sneaked a quick look at Luke next to her, he was looking at her and flashed a grin her way. Will couldn't help the small smile on her lips.

"Such an unusual case," Aunt Beru commented, staring at Will with something akin to sad concern. "You can't remember what happened that you ended up out there?" she gently prodded.

Will shook her head, slowly chewing the red grains, forcing it down her throat. She's had no food all day.

"Do you have any family you can contact?" Aunt Beru asked.

The awkward atmosphere changed, and they all looked at Will expectantly. Will frowned, suddenly, overwhelmingly sad. She was silent for what seemed like a long time as she processed the idea of her family. Could she get back to them? Are they searching for her this very moment?

Will heard Luke's chair scrape as he shifted beside her, seemingly appearing unsettled himself.

"No," Will uttered softy. "I don't think so."

Will felt Luke shift about this time, his knee accidentally bumping into hers under the table before he silently sent an apologetic look and moved slightly back again. He was oddly looking at her with an equally sad expression that mirrored her face.

Luke thankfully turned his attention back to his aunt and uncle, "So I was telling Willow here how you wouldn't mind if she stayed an extra day, until you know," he began, giving them a pleading look.

Will shortly excused herself, thanking them for hosting her and wishing to use the bathroom. Or apparently, the refresher, she just learned they called it as Luke directed her to it.

When she came out of the refresher a bit later and quietly began making her way back, Will could hear the three of them talking in hushed voices.

"Do you really think slavers were responsible?" Aunt Beru whispered.

"What else makes sense?" The hushed voice of Luke replied.

"I've never known the traders from here to branch out so far as to potential unlisted systems." Uncle Owen said.

"Uncle Owen she really doesn't know anything, like nothing."

Will's foot scuffed the sandy ground, making a sound and the voices stopped. Will also stopped in her tracks, not wanting it to be obvious she over heard anything. She was shortly greeted by Luke who came to check on her, ensuring she wasn't lost or wandering off.

"Aunt Beru is preparing a space in another room so you can sleep there tonight." Luke said. No hints of acknowledgement of the previous conversation he just had on his face. It seemed it was dropped and no intention to bring it up with her. At least, potentially, not until the morning. Although she noticed there was a strange tension in the homestead.

Shortly afterwards she was moved to her spare room, it didn't look like one though. However, Aunt Beru seemed to have prepared an arrangement of pillows, blankets to use.

Will looked at the bundle abjectly and scratched the back of her head, fingers tugging through the short strands of dark hair there.

Luke dumped her shoes by the door, as well as an old worn pair of tunic and trousers that looked the same as what he was wearing. An old spare of his likely.

"You'll be okay here," Luke said, though it sounded like a question, as he watched her.

"Yeah," Will murmured, turning and offering him a reassuring smile, it didn't reach her eyes.

"OK. Well, goodnight Willow," he said.

"You know Will is just fine right?" she said, rolling her eyes, though she wasn't annoyed.

Luke made an exaggerated sigh, "Goodnight Will," he said good-naturedly, smirking as he went to close the door.

"Goodnight Luke."

The door clicked softy shut. Will sighed.

She went to bed wondering what was in store for her tomorrow. Hoping she'd find some answers. The next afternoon however was slightly different. Uncle Owen and Luke bought the droids, C-3PO and R2 D2.