PROLOGUE: This is not the Nazarick you know...

This is a Nazarick where five friends got together on the last day of YGGDRASIL to play the game "one last time" together at the request of the one that loved the game the most. Then, were sent to a new world together.

Momonga. Real name, Suzuki Satoru, the standing Leader of the online game YGGDRASIL's most powerful Guild Ainz Ooal Gown. He stood happily on that fateful day with his friends when they all became transported in their games avatar bodies. He had sent out an e-mail to all remaining members of Ainz Ooal Gown, and only four had answered. In the game, and now in real life he was an undead Overlord that could tap into the power of death and kill anything he wanted. But in reality, he was just glad his friends came with him to this new world. He was told to remain their "leader" and he reluctantly agreed. His most powerful ability was [THE GOAL OF ALL LIFE IS DEATH]. A spell buffing ability that made his many "instant death" spells worth 100% against anything even remotely considered "living". Created the NPC Pandora's Actor, but largely ignores him, only talking to him when necessary.

Peroroncino. Real name, Jin Hayashi, best friend to Suzuki Satoru. Obsessed with hentai and it's related games. A power gamer back in the day, he mastered the air and specialized in "One shot death from above" as such all his stats were min-max for damage, the proverbial "glass Cannon", but nobody did it better. He could one-shot enemies form two kilometers away. Like the others, upon coming to this new world, he lost his human form, only to gain the one they would have in-game. He was a birdman, the body of human but head of a bird of prey with matching feet. Besides his deviating ranged attacks, his favorite spell is [POLYMORPH] a spell that let him choose the species of any living thing he wanted. The spell would be undone once any damage was taken, however, so he uses it for mischievous reasons... also perverted ones. He created the NPC Shalltear, and she immediately laid claim to "her Lord Peroroncino". The two are rarely seen apart from one another.

Bukubukuchagama. Real name, Hitomi Hayashi. Sister to Jin. She was usually the one that would keep her perverted brother in line. Without her around Jin would have a very one-track mind. Luckily with his sister around, she would whip him into shape when his talks and actions became too lecherous. She always loved Suzuki Satoru in the old world and still in this one, but she's never said a word of this to anyone. In this world, she was now a slime. While not visually impressive, her defensive abilities were top notch and she was the guild's main "tank", or frontline when the battle started. Jin and Hitomi were a mean duo to beat, boasting extreme protection for incredible damage... that is if they would get along. She created the Dark Elf Twins Aura and Mare and dotes on them like a loving mother. They also have an innate fondness for Peroroncino.

Ulbert Alain Odle. Real name, Kido Kojiro. The guild's star villain and most powerful magic caster of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown. Hating the world they left behind, he was overjoyed at the prospect of taking over this new world by force... an idea that the remaining three members instantly shot down, to his dismay. Like Peroroncino, Ulbert Alain Odle focused on damage and gave up all defensive stats when making his character. He simply looks like a man with the head of a grey goat. His thin frame was usually wrapped in a mysterious and sinister black suit and matching cape. Boasts the most powerful destruction spell ever conceived called [GRAND CATASTROPHE]. He created the NPC Demiurge, and together the two make plans schemes that can't be good for anyone outside of Nazarick.

Tabula Smaragdina. Real name, Miyasato Shuichi. Perhaps the most imaginative yet morally questionable player in the guild. He was a 'setting maniac' who took great joy in writing thousand-word lore backgrounds for his creations. One who always kept his true intention hidden, Tabula secrecy was matched only by his ingenuity. He was personally responsible for finding and exploiting many game-breaking mechanics in the game that the devs would have to fix and credit him for finding. In the new world, his body was that of a man, but his head was large grotesque squid looking thing. His build was that of a creator, he never stepped foot outside of Nazarick, even when it was a game unless he needed some rare building materials. He never engaged in PvP, a favorite past time of Ainz Ooal Gown, instead choosing to write his creations and experiment. He was responsible for creating Albedo, Nigredo and the powerful Rubedo as well as CZ2128 Delta, otherwise known as Shizu.

In the first three days, after coming to the new world and upon learning of their overwhelming power compared to everything else in this world... They took a vote to decide the future of Nazarick.

Momonga voted to simply lay low and gather as much information about the world before doing anything... However, in the end, he had no "end game" strategy, he simply did not wish to bring enemies to Nazarick. Really he just wanted to have a bit of fun with his friends without making too big of a presence. They had learned of "Adventures" after saving a village called "Carne." So he wanted to pose as them so they could learn about the world at large before making any rash decisions.

Bukubukuchagama sided with the notion of not making any waves but eventually wished to lend aid to all those they could, as this new world was not a kind one to the poor and powerless. She wanted to routinely go out and help all they could find, with her brothers [POLYMORPH] spell, she argued this would be simple enough to do without too much hassle. As such, she backed Momonga's notion of posing as human adventures.

Peroroncino thought it was a big hassle to help or hurt anyone. He argued they should lock the doors to Nazarick and never open them unless actually invaded. While touring the land for "other girls" sounded fun as adventures, he realized none of them could match the beauties that would listen to his every request, no matter how depraved, in Nazarick. A slacker to the end, he just wanted to "have fun" with these various beauties of Nazarick. Adventuring sounded fun, but nothing he wanted to do seriously.

Ulbert Alain Odle was annoyed that they all shot down his suggestion of "world domination". Adventuring also seemed like a waste of his time as "Information gathering isn't my strong suit, I point at things, and they explode... that's what I'm good at!" he explained. Plus they had disposable mercenary types that could easily do that job for them he argued. If he couldn't take over the world he wanted to grow his power for when he might need it... or could unleash it, with the guilds consent! As such, he reserved himself to countless experiments that he and Demiurge would conduct with the help of "the local wildlife".

Tabula Smaragdina was amazed by the power difference of this world compared to Nazarick and muttered something about "total control..." but outside of that he did not vote or offer any advice on what Nazarick should do. He simply returned to his workspace, accompanied by Albedo.

So after a week of discussion, the standing order given to all of Nazarick was simple.

"Leave Nazarick if you want, but only with suitable backup. Always let another Supreme Being or Albedo know if you are venturing out and never do anything that would bring attention to yourself or Nazarick."

Most of the day to day duties fell on the shoulders of Albedo. An Albedo whose settings were never changed by Momonga and one who was still loyal to tabula above all esle. As such, her standing settings as "a slut" still stood. With the huge workload she would receive daily she would often find interesting ways to relieve her mental exhaustion. There were many males who she could easily seduce in Nazarick... but there was one she lusted after more than the others...

This yearning would begin the events of this story...

CHAPTER ONE: The curse of Albedo







It had been about a week since "the change" happened. Albedo and the other NPC's all took note that the four remaining supreme beings suddenly began talking to them in a way they never had. They didn't give it too much thought but were just glad that they could be of use to them.

Albedo walked down the hallway. She had looked at the schedule so she knew all the planned activities of the day.

-Lord Ulbert Alain Odle will be further conducting experiments with the help of Demiurge.

-Lord Peroroncino is still locked up with Shalltear and a number of the homunculus maids... it's been three days since he or Shalltear has been seen.

-Lord Momonga will be preparing for his outing as an adventure as a way to gather more information about the world around Nazarick. Thus, he will be busy.

-Lady Bukubukuchagama will be taking the day off to spend time with Aura. Mare was still on sixth-floor guard duty.

Albedo licked her lips. She pondered who she should use to lose her virginity to... certainly Lord Peroroncino would be a good candidate... but he seemed to be wrapped in Shalltear to really look at her... Ulbert Alain Odle was another thought... but when she knocked on his chamber door she would never get a response from him... sadly he never updated his location to her information screen either, so tracking him down was hard as he also was "out gathering supplies with Demiurge". She was pretty sure those two were "fulfilling" and urges they might have...

So, today was the perfect day she thought. To relive this pent up stress the only way a succubus knew how, and spread the will of her creator. While invading the dreams of her prey was the preferred method of willing men or even women to her whims. Few in Nazarick slept... meaning she would have to go about the physical route.

She had her mindset on one person in particular. But there was a certain amount of risk in it as it could anger one of The Supreme beings if found out. Then she thought back to the words of her creator Tabula Smaragdina.

"If you want something... make it or take it! Be damned the consequences!" So with those words in her heart, her resolve to "take it" was ironclad and she made her way to the coliseum, where her prey sat, guarding against outside threats. He stood in the center of a large battle coliseum, staring up at the perpetually nighttime sky and their stars.

It was Mare, a young Dark Elf about 70 years old, but still resembled a young boy of about eleven or twelve. Typically either Aura or Lady Bukubukuchagama was always at his side, but this day he was alone... she could approach him easily.

"Hello, Mare!" Albedo announced herself as she walked across the dirt floor to the startled boy who jumped at the sudden intrusion of her voice. He clutched his large wood staff close to him as he delicately looked at her with his large glowing discolored eyes.

"O... OH! Miss Albedo... I... um, I uh... Lady Bukubukuchagama isn't here I'm afraid." He said in a weak smile and shy voice. His cute nature was accented by his dress that Bukubukuchagama made him wear. If you didn't know any better you would think Mare was a cute little girl.

"I know Mare, and it's okay... I'm actually here to talk with you." Albedo said with a soft but seductive smile. She walked ever closer to her prey. At her words, he seemed panicked.

"M..Me? Did... did I do something, something bad?" Albedo thought for a moment, a wicked smile crossing her face but she quickly hid it as she was already becoming wet from anticipation of devouring this young boy's innocence.

"Well Mare... you've been ignoring me, and you ignored my order!" His eyes shot open with surprise and his face looked worried. She smiled at how easily he walked into her trap.

"Ignoring... you? But... and I... um... uh..." he was visually worried and tried to hide behind his staff. She casually walked up to him, and looked down at his shivering nervous body with hunger. She could see he was too innocent to yet to bring out his hidden dark nature... the one all men held deep in them.

"That's right! See? As captain of The floor guardians, I was supposed to make a full "gear and equipment" inspection of all the floor guardians, and you're the ONLY one who's still yet to do this super important checkup!" He looked positively terrified now as he let out a squeak of fear. She showed him a fake document showing how "everyone had gone through an equipment inspection except him"

"See? Now, how angry would Lady Bukubukuchagama be if she found out you did do this for me? Why... I bet she would call you a bad boy!" Albedo said in an exaggerated tone.

"NO! I'M NOT A BAD BOY! I'M GOOD I SWEAR!" Mare announced with so much passion Albedo had to resist the urge to pin him down right here and now... but she had spells for that.

[SEDUCTIVE CURSE] a class spell she had. While back in the world of YGGDRASIL, all it would do it make a male player stop and stare at her until cured of it's curse. However, this spell seemed to take on a much different effect in this world as it drove men to want to have sex with her and obey her every order in order to fulfill that craving. She had yet to "use" this ability to fulfill her urges as there was too much work to be done, but now she had time to play.

"Hmm, well I don't know... maybe if you submitted to this important equipment check, right now... I might not have to tell Lady Bukubukuchagama how bad you've been!" She said teasingly. He thought for a second and blushed, she rolled her eyes at how innocent he was... Was he was feeling bad about keeping secrets from Bukubukuchagama? She shook her head.

"Well? What will it be Mare?" He panicked and held up his staff for her to inspect it. She pretended to look it over then pointed at his white vest and blue dragon's scale mail shirt.

"You're armor too Mare! I have to inspect it all!" She ordered, pointing dramatically at him once more. He yelped and looked around, his face blushing more now.

"Well?" She barked out, causing him to quickly remove his shirt and vest. She licked her lips as she looked at his bare boyish chest. Again she pretended to inspect them, but did not hand them back.

"All of it Mare! I have to inspect it all!" She demanded, now pointing to his skirt and boots. He looked down at the ground as his face grew even redder from embarrassment. He slowly slid off his clothes and boots and handed them over. He stood in just his panties, his bulge indeed revealed he was a boy.

"All..." She repeated once more, pointing to his underwear. He shook his head furiously back and forth.

"these are normal panties! There is nothing magical about them at all!" he pleaded, but she just made a "give them to me" motion with a single finger.

"I... I can't..." he pleaded out with a pitiful cry. She was having fun making him strip for her, she was getting very aroused just at this game she was playing with the lad. She suddenly took all his gear and made them vanish into her personal idem space that all NPCs and players had.

"WHA? My gear!" he cried as he reached out. But her goal had been finished... she needed to get his gear off so he would not have a chance to resist her

"[SLEEP]" She said as she touched his trembling forehead. His body went limp and fell but she caught him and cradled him to her bosom with a devilish smile. She carried his sleeping body to a room next to this, more of a dungeon than a room but it had a bed so it would do.

She laid Mare's sleeping body on the bed. She placed her hand on his chest and cast her signature spell.

"[SEDUCTIVE CURSE]" The spell worked and a cursed mark appeared above Mare's panty line, on his lower stomach. His eye's opened up but immediately looked around in fear.

"Where...what... what's going on?!" He cried out in confusion as his head spun around in surprise and worry.

"It's okay Mare... just relax and look at me..." Albedo said as she dropped her white dress to the ground, revealing her naked body to the child Dark Elf. He looked at her and the curse mark she put on him took over. His eyes became glazed over and a drunk-like smile appeared on his face.

"Feeling better and more relaxed Mare?" He nodded lazily with a cute smile as his eyes looked at her breasts and opened in awe. She smirked and leaned in close so that her breasts were hanging in his face like two fleshy balloons.

"B...boobies?" Mare said softly as his eyes stayed transfixed on them.

"Yes! these are hat a grown woman's breasts look like... touch them!" she suggested. his hand raised and sank into her softness. His cute fingers groped at her delicate flesh as both his hands began to awkwardly fumble around her tits. While his inexperience was cute... she wanted to devour him!

"What about your tits?" She asked as he gently began rubbing both his nipples with her fingers.

"UUAAAWWWA!" he cried out in sudden shock as she began to fondle him more roughly, pinching and pulling his nipples a tad roughly. She had teased them enough that they were stiff and hard. Her eyes wandered down to his panties and saw his boner poking out from his female underwear. She smiled as she leaned in more, sucking his nipples roughly.

"LADY ALBEDO!" Mare cried as his body shivered from her teasing. She smiled as she moved between his legs and spread them open before her.

"WHA?!" He cried in surprise as she ripped his panties off and hungrily looked at his small cock.

"What a cute little cock for such a cute little boy!" She happily said as she looked at the twitching member before her. He covered his face in shame like a bashful girl might.

"Not yet..." she wanted to save that for later... right now Albedo had something else she wanted to take on this boy. She put her hands on his waist and flipped him over but making his ass stick up in the air with his head down on the bed. she took his wrists and bound them together bending his knees with the torn panties. he was locked in a "bitch position" his tiny cock hung cutely below his puckered pink asshole.

"Lady Albedo... what are you..." he was asking but his question turned into a yelp of shock as she grabbed his plump ass cheeks and roughly spread his asshole as wide as it would go.

"WHY?! No! What are you... hnnnnghh!" this time his question became a loud, lewd, moan as she thrust her long tongue into his spread ass. His cute moan continued as she licked every inch her tongue could find in the boy's ass.

"AAahhhh!" He cried as she licked and lapped his boy pussy up and down, drenching it in her saliva. As she licked him his dick grew even harder and even some precum dripped from its tip to the bed below. He was making lewd sounds that fit a girl more than a boy, this drove her wild with lust!

"Oh Mare! You taste so good! You have such a nice little boy pussy!" She cried in happiness as she gently stroked his dick.

"B...boy pussy?" He asked between labored breaths. The fact that he was forced to bend over with his knees against his chest was making breathing a tad difficult for him in his aroused state.

"Mmmhmm! that's what a cute little boy like you has! You're like a girl... but you are a boy... so we will call this your boy pussy!" She cried as she thrust two fingers into his tight ass.

"WWWAAA!" He cried as she spread his hole open more with her fingers. She giggled at how his whole body would shudder and tremble and she wiggled her fingers back and forth inside of him. She slid her fingers in out, fingering him as she gazed at his cute tear-streaked face.

She felt a hard area deep within him and pressed against it with both fingers, hard.

"KKYAA!" Mare cried out as cum poured out of his penis and covered her hand that was stroking it.

"See! You came with your pussy! You are such a lewd little boy!" Albedo cried as her yellow eyes gazed at the pathetic sight in front of her.

"You must really like this after all!" Albedo smiled as she ran her tongue over his face. Mare recoiled away from her with his eyes closed.

"But I'm not... I'm... I'm a good boy! I don't like such lewd things!" mare shook his head back and forth crying slightly.

"Really? Tell me you like what I'm doing... Mare! Do it or I won't play with your pussy or penis anymore!" Albedo said in a teasing voice. He looked at her pitifully and closed his eyes as more tears ran up his face. he was admitting this to himself more than anything.

"I... I am a lewd boy! I like these lewd things you are doing... and I don't want you to stop!" he cried out in shame. She pulled her fingers from his now gaping ass.

"That's right... act like the naughty bitch you want to be treated like!" She said as she slapped his soft ass roughly. it made a loud smacking sound as her hand left a large red print on his tanned butt cheek. He cried out and bit his lip. She smiled at how good he was and snapped the binds on his wrists so he could lay flat on his back. As he did his cute penis still stuck straight up in the air.

"I've heard Dark Elves can cum many times before they are finished... it looks like that's true after all!" Albedo said as she looked at his twitching member.

"Let us see how hard we can get your little thing~!" Albedo purred as she lowered her gaze to his little member. He was still acting bashful and it was turning her on. She opened her mouth as saliva dripped down over his dick. She stuck out her tongue and gently licked the very tip.

"Aaaahh!" Mare moaned out. Albedo smiled as she slapped his cock around with her tongue, making sure to lick his cute balls, lightly sucking on each of them, he cried out again the same way as she opened her jaw a bit and ducked in his dick and balls.

"OH! This!..." Mare cried in shock as the feeling washed over his body. She fondled his cock with her mouth and tongue, making sure to slurp down his delicious precum which almost felt like a full load! The Dark Elf physiology was true!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Mare moaned over and over again as Albedo worked his little penis. She didn't want his first load to be in her mouth so she pulled him from her warm mouth, a long strand of her drool stretched out from her lips to his cock then broke and fell away.

"Don't worry Mare... I'll let you go pew pew inside of me all you want!" She rubbed her pussy to get it nice and wet for the lad. She rose above him so he could see her pussy perfectly, it dripped in anticipation and excitement as she spread open her lips so Mare could see everything.

"Ohhh!" he remarked in awe as she spread her lips open for him to see it all. She smiled at the wonder like look on his face as he inspected his first pussy.

"This is because you're being such a good boy Mare!" she moaned softly in his ear as she moved her hips down to sit on his. She lined his dick up with her moist slit and sat down. It slid up into her easily as soon as she lowered her hips down to grind on his he began to shiver and bucked his hips against her as she felt a warm sensation filling her lower extremities.

"It feels so g-good! It's all wet and clingy! I-is this sex?" He cried out in passion as beads of sweat formed on his cute little face. Mare blinked.

"Fufufu! You came from just me putting it in?" She looked at his pathetic drugged face. He was feeling intense pleasure from the look of it as he kept pumping into her. She brushed his hair from his forehead and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, just relax and pay attention to how my pussy feels!" She whispered in a loving tone as she began to slowly raise and lower her lips. His penis slid up and down and ground against her clitoris making her own orgasm approach faster than she thought.

"Oh, Mare... that's good!" She breathed as he thrust up against her and grabbed her large breasts against his hands. She began to bounce faster and harder as she felt it coming...

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" mare let out every time she would bring her sopping wet hips against his. The fluid from his previous ejaculation and her own juices were washing over his dick and hips as it flowed out of her.

"Oh... ah, cumming...I'm... c...cumming!" She cried out as his dick pushed into her tight pussy into all the right spots. Her climax made her head spin as it ran it's way from her loins and crashed into her brain.

"YES! MARE!" She cried as she pushed her hips against his as hard as she could. Her climax overtook her and she grabbed his face and pressed her mouth to his. They each moaned loudly in each other's mouth as she tasted the inside of his mouth with hers. Their saliva mix and they drank it in as their tongues fought one another for the perfect hold.

As they kissed Mare fired off another huge load of cum into Albedo's hungry pussy as it swallowed everything he gave to her. Again her loins were flooded with a pleasant warm feeling as he filled her womb with his Dark Elf semen. She pulled her face from his but let her tongue slowly lick his face as she looked at his adorable face. His tongue was hanging out and his eyes drifting up in a perfect ahegao expression.

"So cute!" She purred as she caressed his sweat-drenched face. She let him finish his orgasm inside her before laying next to him. His jizz bubbled out of her slit like a white river. She looked at his nude and trembling body next to hers, she danced her fingers across his chest and teased his red and puffy nipples again. He winced and shuddered at her touch. She leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"With this, your dark and perverted nature is unlocked, Mare! I want you to fulfill every desire you can think of... but you must not tell anyone about me, or this Mare!" She chuckled as the little sex slave she had created for herself nodded that he would not mention her.

"Good..." she whispered as she kissed him again. She realized the time and returned his clothes. Her curse faded from his belly now that he had fulfilled her wishes.

"Now get dressed, your sister and mother will be back shortly." He shyly got up and did as she told him to.

"W... Will we do this... again?" He shyly asked. She nodded with a smile as she got herself dressed.

"Don't worry Mare! Just ask any of the other women… and men in Nazarick for sex, okay? I'm sure they would love to help you!" She smiled warmly at him. She smiled cutely back at her as he scampered out the dungeon to take his position as a guard up once more. she smiled to herself as he ran off in a girlish manner.

"He really is a good boy… but Lord Tabula's plans must happen..." she muttered then left to go about her duties, all the stress she felt was now gone.

Tabula Smaragdina smiled as Albedo walked out the door. He had imbued with her the means to carry out his will and he knew it wouldn't be too long till all of Nazarick would be in a sexual uproar… what a fun way to pass the time!

"M-master Tabula?" There was a weird looking girl standing next to him. She had long black hair that drooped over her skinless face. Scary yellow eyes peered out at him through her hair stands. She wore a black dress and held menacing large scissors.

"Yes Nigredo?" Tabula said looking in her direction.

"I-is this really okay?" Nigredo asked. Tabula smiled.

"That does not matter… not now, not ever! If you want to do something, do it… if you want something you mustn't be afraid to take it at any cost!" Nigredo nodded in agreement.

"If you say that is how it is Master Tabula…" Nigredo said looking a little unsure still but offering up no more protest.

"Is there something you would like me to do Lord Tabula?" A monotone voice asked from the other side of the room. It was a young-looking short girl. She was wearing a camo themed maid outfit and had on eyepatch covering the left of her eye emerald green eyes.

"Cz? Why yes actually… I assume you have all the data I stored on your memory drives, yes?" Shizu nodded once in affirmation. Tabula was pleased to hear that.

"Alright great, then I would like you to go to the eight floor and bring Rubedo here for me, the access codes you have will let you go straight to her without Victims help. Do not allow anyone to follow you," Shizu nodded.

"And if Rubedo chooses to be difficult?" Shizu asked in an emotionless voice.

"Invoke my name… hopefully, that will work, if not I will see to her personally," Tabula explained and Shizu bowed to make her way to the eight floor.

As Shizu made her way to the eighth floor she was noticed by her older sister Solution Epsilon. She was a busty blonde woman, well not woman, actually she was a slime that could alter her appearance to take on the form of one. She was turning a corner and saw Shizu headed in a direction that was odd.

"CZ, where are you going?" She muttered to herself. She had no reason to suspect Shizu of anything but she seemed to be headed to the eight floor… a place Lord Momonga forbade anyone from going into.