Hello everyone! This particular plot has been on my mind for years, long before I started watching Suits. I didn't know how to write it, but ever since the finale I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I wrote some things down and bam! The outline was born. Then, Jess ( darveymylove on Twitter and one of the beta readers for this story) has tweeted a prompt, and I couldn't help thinking that it was meant to be. Last but not least, I want to thank Prathama ( darveymadeit), May ( darveyxoxo), dana ( balferafferty) and Nathalie ( Evenstar1002) for helping me with this!
Enjoy! :) -Jane


"I'm sorry Harvey, I had to know."
"Our lines have been perfectly clear for a long time."
"Our lines are as blurry, as lines can get."

Ever since she was promoted, Donna's world has been turned upside down. Professionally she loved every aspect that came with being the COO. Having more power than before, being finally recognized for her years worth of loyalty and dedication was nice. She enjoyed everything that her new position offered, but personally she wasn't that lucky.

Yes, she had friends and family that supported her with everything, but there was one thing that seemed to cross her mind lately. It was her relationship status.

Even though she appeared to not care about it that much on the outside,it started to bother her , she had her fair share of relationships but none of which were serious enough for her to even consider the next step. There was only one who came close. Mark Meadows. He was a great guy, but as the time passed, they found that they wanted different things and ended it. Different things meaning, meaning that he made her choose between him and her work.

That seemed to be a constant pattern with all of her relationships though. Ever since she started working for him. It was always an issue with her past lovers. He was always the issue. But who was she kidding, she wasn't all that innocent in all of this. Whenever he needed, she was always there for him. Whether it was a day or a night, she was always there. They flirted, laughed and drank together. It was always like that between them. Ever since she walked into his life back in 2004.

They always came as a package. They knew it, everyone at the firm knew it and even the clients knew it . Well, almost everyone knew. Fourteen years have passed and there wasn't one woman in Harvey's life that made him choose the impossible. Except for one. Paula Agard.

She was always different. And Donna, being Donna, knew that she was not the one for Harvey ever since he started seeing her. Over the years Harvey has dated a lot of women but there was something about Paula that didn't sit right with Donna. She might've helped Harvey with his panic attacks as his therapist, but ever since she became involved with him it felt like he was distancing himself from her. And that bothered her. So much so, that she felt lonely and empty.

Ever since she could remember, she kept whatever she felt bottled up deep inside of her, but these past few months everything seemed to come up as the days passed by. Once she saw Paula standing in Harvey's office, it felt like something inside of her snapped. Usually poised, calm and strong, Donna did something out of character - she called Mark. To this day she didn't know what made her snap, but when Mark suggested that they meet at the hotel room, she accepted. If it wasn't for Rachel, she would've made the biggest mistake of her life.

Not only that, but everyone would've hated her. Especially Harvey. She knew that every guy, that she's ever been with, has bothered him. If he knew what she would have almost done, he would be definitely pissed.

There she goes again, thinking about him.

How could she not?

They have spent almost every minute of every day together for the last fourteen years. It was their longest relationship. A platonic one, but stil. No matter what the other thought or did, they were on the same page, most of the time. They always influenced each other's actions. They were always there for one another. Whether it was her parents divorce or Harvey's father's death. They got through it together.

She always thought that she did all of that because it was her job, but she was wrong.

Once she started working for him, back at the DA's office, she felt something. At first she thought that it was just a physical attraction. But as the years passed, and she got to know him better, she started to feel something. It was something that she hasn't ever felt before. So intense, and yet unrequited. Love.

Yes. She loved him. How could she not after fourteen years of knowing him? There was not a day when she didn't think about all the what if's and all the missed yet here she was, alone in her office thinking about everything that happened and also about how all of that lead her here. From Paula, Mark, that kiss and everything that happened after that. It was a lot for her.

Specially today. Her and Harvey were on a thin thread lately, but today was the day when everything in her just gave up and conversation with Paula didn't help either.

Goodbye Harvey. Please consider this my formal resignation.

As she signed the letter, Donna wiped the tears that were streaming from her her eyes and sighed. After all these years, she's here signing her past away. For what? Years of friendship, loyalty and trust tainted by one person. She knew that, when Paula made him choose between them, she had to be the one who chose. Not Harvey. She couldn't let him make the wrong decision. And she also couldn't be the second choice either. So, she took the easier route and decided to resign.

Gathering her things, Donna left her office and made her way to Harvey's. Crossing the threshold of his office, she was met with a wave of emotions. Looking around, her gaze fell on the record shelf. All the late nights they had while listening to them. Then she spotted the record. Miles still didn't believe that he kept the record, that she accidentally scratched when moving them. Moving on, she saw the painting. She could still feel his warmth as she came to stand next to him after hanging it. Turning, she made her way towards his desk. Turning her head, her eyes lingered on the basketballs. The surprise when Michael Jordan signed with them still on her mind. Shaking those thoughts away, Donna took a deep breath and put the letter on Harvey's desk. Along with a personal one. After taking a second look around the office she wiped her tears away and made her way to the lobby, leaving the past and memories behind. As she made her way outside, she hailed a cab and made her way home.

Harvey's POV

Another case won. Just like always. His professional life was thriving. He was the best goddamn closer New York had. Even Though he missed Jessica, he settled into the role of managing partner easily. He was promoted, had the money and everything that came with it, but his personal life was suffering at the moment.

You see, he had a girlfriend. And she was great, but there were some things that started to bother her. The way he had placed some things around his condo, his drinking choices and if that wasn't enough, she also didn't like his Miles Davis. That was normal though, right? Not everyone has the same taste. But that's not what he was struggling with.

Lately, Paula had been showing some signs of jealousy. At first he ignored it, but once she uttered Donna's name his whole body stiffened. It was the first time one of his girlfriends has ever mentioned her in such a way. He didn't know what prompted her to do that, because over the years not one of his girlfriends have expressed their concerns about his partnership with her. Not even Zoe nor Scottie. They all knew that he and Donna came as a package deal.

They always did.

Lately not so much though. As much as he enjoyed his relationship with Paula, it made his relationship with Donna crumble. They became more distant. Things were not just as they used to be. They didn't even tell each other everything as they used to. He didn't like that.

What he didn't like more, was Paula's behaviour after the dinner they shared with his mother yesterday. It affected her so much, that she told him to choose between her and Donna.

"If you keep working with Donna, we won't survive."
"Are you asking me to fire her?"
"I don't know what I'm asking, but if feels like there are three people in this relationship,and the last time it felt that way, they were."
"I'm sorry, Harvey. I just can't do that again."

Ever since she said that, Harvey's brain was in overdrive trying to figure out how to resolve this. How does he choose? Who does he choose? It was really Sophie's choice.
How could he choose between them? Does he flip a coin? No, this is not that kind of situation. If only it was that easy. Things were different now.

And maybe that's one of the reasons that pushed him to do the things he did these past few months. Or maybe it was something else. He hasn't figured that out yet.

It all started when Donna left him to work for Louis and his panic attacks were the ones, that brought him to Paula Agard. Once he crossed the threshold of her office and saw her, he was met with something. A year later, he kissed her. It was something new, freeing and different.

She was just someone that made him turn off his thoughts and he needed that at the moment. Someone who's not that difficult and doesn't bear the burden of all these expectations from their shared past.

How could he make the choice?

It's not easy now, and it wasn't easy years ago, back in the dinner by Donna's place. The first time he had to make an important decision that concerned her.

It might've been Donna who approached him first at the bar, but once his eyes landed on her, he was smitten.

Yes, there was physical attraction from the start, but when she told him that she's not looking for sex, he knew that she was different. Yes, she was beautiful, he can't lie about that. But after their talk, he saw that she was smart and quick witted too. And that was one of the reasons why he agreed to work with her.

As the months passed, and they became closer. His feelings became more present, yet he couldn't recognize them. He could've pursued something when they were working together, but she had a rule. And he respected 's why he was glad to have resigned, because it meant that he had finally chance to pursue something more with her. Once they did, he was happy. But that didn't last long, because the next time they saw each other he was asking her to work for him again, in return, she asked that they forget about their night and act like nothing happened if she were to work for him again. He agreed.

Over the years, they have build a partnership like no other. They were the duo that everyone in the legal world knew about. She might've been only his secretary, but she knew him better than anyone else. She knew everything there was to know about him. From his coffee order to his favorite cologne. She could tell how he was feeling, thinking and what he wanted to do just by looking at him.

As the days got by and became years, he got to know her more. He loved the fact that she shared every little detail with him. That she could show her vulnerable side with him. He knew her just as much as she knew him.

That's one of the reasons he agreed to promote her. It was time that, after all these years of loyalty, she was rewarded by a promotion.

And that brings him here, in the back of his Lexus, deep in thought on the way back to SL.

How does he choose between someone he cares about and someone.. Actually both sides involve someone he cares about. And that's why he can't choose. He also can't fire Donna. It might sound selfish, but the firm needs her. He needs her.

Harvey's thoughts are interrupted when he notices that Ray has stopped in the parking lot of the firm. Saying his goodbyes to him, he makes his way to his office.

After he gets off the elevator, he makes his way towards his office. As he opened the door, he knew instantly that she was there. He could just tell. Once he crossed the space towards his desk, and saw the letter with her handwriting, he just knew.

Sighing, he picked up the envelope, gently tugging it into his inside pocket of his jacket. Then his gaze shifts to the other, more formal, letter. He doesn't pick it up. Just stares at it, completely frozen.

"Please consider this my formal resignation."

Once he reads that sentence, his breath stops, heart begins to race and small droplets of sweat start to appear.

Did she really? But why? She can't

He knew that after their heated talk, she went and saw Paula in her office. But he didn't think that it would come to this. That she would be the one making the decision for him.

His mind was overwhelmed with all kinds of thoughts. The first one being that he had to undo it right the hell now.

Taking a deep breath, because he knows that he won't convince her while being furious, he picks up the letter of resignation, folds it and tucks it into his pocket. Right next to the other letter.

With that Harvey gets ready to leave his office, but not before taking his phone out ready to call Ray. Before he has the chance to that, his phone's ringtone fills the silence in the room.

Looking at the caller ID, he frowns.

New York Presbyterian Hospital

Harvey picks up.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Harvey Specter. "
"Yes, that's me."
"Mr. Specter, my name's nurse Jones and I'm calling, because you've been listed as Donna Paulsen's emergency contact."

Out of all the things, he didn't expect that. With a trembling voice, he responds. "What happened to her?"

He could hear the nurse take a deep breath. "I'm sorry to inform you that Ms. Paulsen was in a car accident."