It is common knowledge that not all people are created equal. I learned this when I was four years old. Born with the quirk "Adaption" I had always hoped that I could become a hero, sadly life isn't that simple.

The ability to adapt to other people's quirks may sound powerful on paper, but in reality, it's a useless quirk that only lets my "adapt" to quirks that I already have. However, this story would be over before it even started if I let that fact hold me down.

I was the last one to discover my quirk when I was a child, Kacchan being one of the firsts with the amazing quirk called explosive. I always admired him, his personality, his strength, and his tenacity, all of them made him someone anyone could follow. Maybe that's why it hit me so hard when he stopped being my friend over the fact that I had a useless quirk.

"You're better off quirkless!" He would yell at me any time I would stand up to him.

"At least then you'd have a reason for being useless." His favorite insult for whenever I stepped out of line.

"Might as well jump off a roof and hope you get a better quirk in the next life." A neer daily sentence he would throw my way whenever we finished the school day.

It hurt. More than anything else when Kacchan would tell me to kill myself. I felt like all I was was a burden to him. I would come home and cry before going into the kitchen and grabbing a knife out of the drawer.

When I was finished, I would rinse the blade of my blood and wait for my mom to come home. By the time I was in middle school, Kacchan had taken to calling me Deku, his version of the word useless, the cuts were deeper than ever after that.

No one ever noticed, nor did they notice when I would stare off the edge of the school's roof. No one noticed when I spent every waking moment trying to find a way to be a hero.

And only one person noticed when I dropped my notebook over all things hero. And I believe it was here that this story began. After all, this is a story of the next number one hero.

I don't know what possessed this girl to pick up my hero analysis notebook, nor do I understand why she opened it upon reading the title. I also don't know why she got so close to me after finding out that I was what people call a "hero nerd."

There were a lot of unknown's about this girl, like what her name was, or why her eyes looked like crosshairs or most importantly who she was, but still, at least she hadn't made fun of me yet. Wait, her lips were moving, was she talking... to me?

I looked around, yet there was no one else around us, but why would she speak to me? Wait her lips are moving! She's still talking to me! Her lips have stopped moving! Say something, anything! "I-I-I'M IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Smooth, Izuku real smooth. She probably thinks you're a weirdo no-

"AND I'M MEI HATSUME." She yelled. She was still talking to me? This is different. Generally, now the girl would through an insult in my face before running away as fast as she could, not respond in equal enthusiasm.

Calm down you need to speak calmly. Don't freak out, don't shout, just breath. "I-I-I-It's really n-nice to meet you H-Hatsume-san."

That's better but still not where you need to be. "Your notebook is marvelous," she said flipping to a random page in my journal "Where did you learn all of this?!" Was she really excited or was she just making fun of me? Either way, a girl was talking to me, to ME!

I had to make a good first impression.

Wait, I already messed up my first impression.

I'll just have to find a way to salvage the situation. "Y-Yeah I really want to be a hero when I grow up, s-so I kind of write about every hero I see." My voice trailed off near the end... I'm so hopeless.

"Really! I want to go into the support course! And with your notes on the hero's quirks, I can make all sorts of super cute babies!" Wait, babies? "That's it from now on we're friends!" Why was she so close? Does she have to be this close? Wait, friends?!

I must be dreaming, a girl wants to be friends with me. "U-Um I don't really know if that's a good idea." What are you doing! "No, I've set my mind to it, were friends, and that's final." Was she serious? Please tell me she was serious.

"Now then, oh friend of mine let's go somewhere!" She said already dragging me by my wrist. "Wait I'm supposed to be heading home now!" I'm blowing it, my one chance at a friend and I won't even hang out with her.

"Well let's go to your house then."

That was not the reaction I expected.

"W-Wait Hatsume-san I-I-I don't think that's a good idea."

"Your right." At least I got out of this-

"It's a great idea! In all the books I've read you always meet your friend's parents so let's go do that!" Let it be known that I tried to resist Hatsume-san's dragging. I wasn't even able to get a word in edgewise either.

Our Favorite Steam Punks POV.

Today was a great success if I do say so myself. I found a subject that shared my passion for heroes and support gear.

And all of this started because of my dad throwing me out of the house. In the most literal sense of the word. Now I was on my way to meet said friends parents!

This will be a massive success, I can just feel it. Wait, maybe I can show them some of my babies! And ask if I can make some with their son. This seems like a great idea. Now then what babies do I have on me right now... None.

Oh well, I'll just come up with something on the way.

Hmmm, I wonder how many babies Midoriya would want to make with me? I hope a lot, oh mama just loves when her babies shine. Wait a minute, where are we going again? Oh right Midoriya's house which is... I don't know!

"Hey Midoriya where do you live?" Why is he so out of breath, wait I'm running. When did I start running? Doesn't matter. "It's umm in the opposite direction." Oh, well that an easy fix. "Alright lead the way."

Miss Midoriya is the motherlyest mom to have ever mom' d.

She even started crying when she saw me! That means she likes me right? Yes, I'm sure that's what it means.

She also listened to me talk about my babies and agreed to let Midoriya make some with me! Why were both of them red when she agreed though? That must mean that they were so excited that they forced blood to their head to increase brain functionality. They must be brilliant.

Oh wait, it's dark out. When did this happen? I guess it doesn't really matter, but I do need to leave. I have so many babies to care for. So I said goodbye to the Midoriya's and left promising to come back and make babies with her son. Conclusion all in all, maybe it was worth coming outside today.