A/N I want to thank you all so much. I appreciate you reading along, follows, favors and comments. Well now, it seems we're going to Daryl's house. I hope you enjoy!


Shit, it never would have occurred to him she'd want to come to his place. He was also pretty damn sure he wouldn't have had the balls to ask her, at least not so soon. Yeah, probably not any time in the foreseeable future.

Connie was different than him though. That was glaringly obvious. She was straightforward. She felt free to say what she was thinking and what she wanted. He remembered hearing that once about the deaf, that they don't hem and haw around, they get right to it.

For now he didn't care what it was. It was enough for him that she wanted to come to his house. He just hoped his big ass smile didn't look too stupid.

She was smiling right back at him and in his mind he was convinced, there could never be a smile more beautiful than hers. There was just one little sticking point, "With bein' sick n all, I ain't exactly got anythin' planned for dinner or nuthin'. We'll have ta stop at the store if ya don't wanna eat out."

She nodded and shrugged like it was no big deal, they got on the bike and they were on their way.

They headed to the meat department first. He held up a pack of steaks and she shrugged in a way that told him she'd eat a steak, but she wasn't going to love it. He picked up a package of pork chops, same thing. It was when he picked up the chicken that she smiled enthusiastically. He put the package in the cart.

He tapped her shoulder, told her he had potatoes, rice and grits at home. Whatever. She tilted her head to the side indicating he should follow her. He did and she led the way to the fresh produce department.

She could see he wasn't at all interested, but still she held up the head of broccoli and he looked like he may throw up. Cauliflower was worse. When she held up the Brussel's Sprouts and she saw the look on his face, she couldn't hold back any longer, she did laugh.

That's when she spotted it, a small display of corn on the cob. She to it, held up an ear and he smiled. She grabbed two and put them in the cart. He shook his head, grabbed two more and added them to the cart. She smiled as she thought to herself, yes, it must take a lot of food to fill such a big man.

She picked up all the ingredients to make salad and he just shrugged and nodded like it was all great. He didn't want her worrying about trying to please him, he wanted her to have whatever she wanted to have. She didn't need to know quite yet that he was no salad eater. He'd be having cheesy grits with his chicken.

The smart thing probably would have been to have the grocery sack in front of her, between them. But he like the feel of her hanging on while they rode, so fuck it, the sack went in front of him.

She didn't know what to expect, what kind of home would a man like him live in? Was it rustic? She thought it might be. Maybe he'd fool her though. Maybe it would be modern.

It wasn't long after they passed the city limit sign that he pulled off the highway. It wasn't exactly a rough country road, but it wasn't paved either. It seemed like compacted dirt with a little grit to it. She wondered if he'd done the work himself.

They hadn't gone far, the equivalent of three or four blocks maybe, and there it was.

It was an old craftsman style home like her rented house in town, but so much better. It was small, full of charm and it looked like home.

It had a brick façade halfway up, then painted wood siding. There was a metal roof over a very nice front porch, dormer windows at the peak, and it appeared to still have the original wood front door and windows.

Then she spotted them. They were very close to the house. Three deer munching away on some native grass. They looked up at him and the bike like they'd been expecting him. It was obvious they'd seen him before. They watched, chewed and didn't run off until he cut the engine and she began to dismount.

As soon as she was off the bike she looked at him, pointing to the spot where she'd seen the animals. He smiled, "Yeah. They're my neighbors, always hangin' around. I got quite a few of em that come ta visit every day."

He watched her as she took a slow turn around, checking the place out. Then she began talking fast in ASL. He watched her intently, it was fascinating to him. Her language seemed so elegant when she spoke it. When he tried he felt like a big awkward idiot. But she seemed to like that he tried.

He couldn't understand a thing she was telling him, and she knew that. When she was done she smiled, took the pad and pen from her pocket and wrote, "This place is beautiful. So peaceful and serene. I like the house and the open space, and I love your pretty neighbors. I am curious to see inside your house."

She showed him the note and he smiled as he read it. He was blown away and ridiculously happy she liked his place so much. He'd never worried about whether or not anyone liked his home. Fuck em, he liked it and that was all that mattered. Until she came along. He wanted to please her in every way possible.

He handed her the grocery sack, swung his leg around and dismounted. He grabbed the sack from her hand and did what came naturally. He leaned in and kissed her. He smiled, tilted his head in the direction of the house and said, "Well c'mon then."

He held the grocery sack in one arm and her hand in his as they walked up the front steps. He reached for the key atop the door frame and she wrote. "So clever. No one hides a key there."

He looked at her, shrugged and said, "The deer can't reach that high. Ain't no one else comes around here."

He had the key in the lock when he heard the loud yawn just on the other side of the door. He looked at Connie and said, "Oh yeah, forgot ta tell ya, I got a pup."

Her eyes lit up and she wrote, "A puppy."

"Well no, he ain't exactly a puppy. He's full grown."



"Original, like where you hide your key."

He was a little worried, Dog wasn't always friendly with strangers. The truth was, Dog wasn't ever around new people. Merle, Carol and Benny were about the only folks who ever ventured out his way.

He soon found he didn't need to be concerned. He opened the door, bent down and started scratching the dog's neck. The dog licked him in greeting, then went right to Connie. She scratched his back, smiling happily as the dog returned her affection with a few licks. That's when Daryl told her, "He already likes ya better'n he likes me."

He told the dog, "Go on now, go out there an do your business. And leave the neighbors alone." The dog did as he was told and Daryl and Connie walked in the house.

He'd kept the charm of the old house. She could tell the hardwood floors and molding were original and they'd been carefully restored. Although the furniture did look nice it was clearly designed to be comfortable and enjoyed, not for show. It was big and overstuffed and there was a soft plush area rug on the floor. She was sure the dog appreciated that, although she did see a nice bed for him near the fireplace.

There were the usual "toys," a flat screen TV and a computer on a small desk in the corner. He didn't seem like the computer type, but then these days it was hard to get by without one.

They walked through what was intended to be a formal dining room, again he'd kept it original. There was a built in China closet and sideboard, but there was no China in it. It was empty. Still it was charming and the lack of fine china didn't surprise her. The simple wood table and chairs didn't either. There was nothing fancy or formal about Mister Dixon.

From the dining room they were in the kitchen and it looked original too. Although he did have modern appliances. They were white and she thought that was a good choice. They blended in with the old fashion look of the kitchen, stainless steel would have been out of place.

He set the sack down on the counter then turned to her. He placed his hands on her hips, smiled and kissed her, then asked, "So whaddya think a the place?"

She nodded her head and gave him a thumbs up. He kissed her again and smiled saying, "It could use a woman's touch." He couldn't believe he'd just said it, but shit, he knew it was true.

She looked a little embarrassed when she shrugged, but then smiled and nodded. That's when he put his arms around her and the kissing got so much more serious.

They were so into each other and into their passion, the kisses they shared were hot and hungry, then his hands moved to her bottom and he pulled her body closer to his. It felt like the temperature had risen in the small kitchen. Something was definitely cooking, but it sure as hell wasn't dinner.

Then Dog came running back in the house, his big nose working its way between them. He loved the animal but Daryl was frustrated, "Dammit Dog," he scolded, "Your timin' sucks man."

They were both a little embarrassed, but they had to acknowledge the humor. They laughed and he pulled her into a one arm hug, gave her a tight squeeze then drew back and told her, "I guess I better get you and Dog both fed. I'm a little hungry myself. For a couple a things."

She shook her head at him like she thought he was bad, but then her smile grew wide as she pretended to punch his arm.

He fed the dog and then they got busy. He grilled the chicken and the corn, she made a salad and the cheesy grits. When he came back in the house with the plate of meat and corn, he was caught by surprise. She had the table set with napkins, silverware, plates, the big bowl of salad, glasses and a bottle of wine he'd forgotten he had.

He'd never set the table but he liked it. It looked inviting and like the perfect place to share a meal with an amazing woman.

He placed the platter of chicken and corn on the table, grabbed the bowl of grits from the counter and set it on the table too. Then he did something he'd only seen in old movies, he pulled her chair out for her. She smiled and when she was seated he leaned in and kissed her neck, then he poured the wine.

He was kind of embarrassed for himself, what a dork. Did he think he was some old movie star, like that Cary Grant guy? But fuck if he wasn't glad he did it cuz he could see she liked it.

He sat and they clinked classes, each took a sip of the wine and then they enjoyed their first meal together. She tried not to be too obvious as she watched him. His table manners left a little something to be desired, and that was putting it kindly.

Yet even though Daryl Dixon was most definitely unpolished, with him it had a special kind of appeal. The way he went after his food with such great gusto, he was like those Vikings she'd seen on TV.

Still it was glaringly obvious, and as she ate she thought of it more. He wasn't her type at all. They had very little in common. Maybe that's another thing that made him so darned appealing. He was unique, he was him.

When he was being kind and thoughtful, or silly and teasing, and when he was being sexy, it never felt like he was putting on an act. No, he was all Daryl, and Daryl was very pleasing to look at, fun to be with, and extremely tempting to touch.

He was the kind of rough, tough and manly man she never thought she wanted, and now she thought he was everything she ever wanted.

He tried not to let her see he was watching her, he just couldn't help it. He was fascinated by her. He wanted to know everything about her. He'd never wanted that with anyone and the feeling had him a little overwhelmed.

She was so small and slim, yet so strong and so confident. He was sure she could take charge of any situation if she thought she needed to. She was beautiful, she could be tough, and she was independent. And when he held her in his arms she was all softness, need and femininity. He wanted more of that. A lot more of that.

They stayed at the table chatting as they finished the bottle of wine. Then he began to clear the table and she got up to help him. He told her he could handle it, she wrote, "You can, but if I help it's better."

Plain and simple was her way, and yeah, it was fun when they worked together.

He was putting things away in the fridge and she was filling the sink with sudsy water. He smiled and thought yeah, why not. He walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and begin to softly suck on her slim neck.

How could he have known where the little show of affection would lead? How could she have known she would let it go so far?

It all just happened so naturally, like it had always been intended to be this way. She slowly turned and smiled up at him as he gently caressed her face in his hands. To him her skin felt like silk, and to her his rough and calloused hands felt so strong and manly, yet still tender and gentle.

He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and then the tip of her nose, and then his lips were on hers and there was no way the heat and the passion could be denied. It wasn't just him. She'd swear she could feel the heat they were generating in the air.

His arms wrapped around her while her hands were clutching his back, then he drew away. He didn't speak, he just studied her pretty face and there was no mistaking what was on his mind. His piercing blue eyes asked the question. Her deep brown eyes gave him her answer.

He was kissing her again, and she was kissing him. He pulled her impossibly close as their bodies slowly rubbed together, then suddenly he lifted her in his arms. He looked at her and this time he said the words, "Connie, ya sure?"

She nodded her head and made the sign for yes with her fist, and on that he was carrying her down the hall, calling over his shoulder, "Get in the bed Dog."

Earlier she'd been curious, wondering what his bedroom would be like. She assumed it would be very masculine, but what else? Now that she found herself in it, she was so captivated by him and what was happening between them she couldn't even see the room.

He couldn't believe this beautiful, sweet and classy woman was willing to be here with him now, that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. But he'd felt it when they kissed and in the way her body reacted to his.

He drew away, letting his open hands skim slowly and teasingly down the outside of her arms while he watched her pretty face. She shivered slightly and he felt the little bumps on her skin. "Sorry," he smiled. She just shook her head shyly as she smiled back.

He could see through her tank top that her nipples were tight, poking at the fabric. One hand slipped up the back of her shirt while with his other hand he pinched and teased a taut nipple. She reacted to his touch, moving her body closer to his, and to him it seemed like her body was softly humming.

He took the hem of her shirt in his hands and looked at her questioningly as he began to lift it a little, she made no objection. He smiled as slowly, playfully he lifted it up and off. He leaned in, his mouth on her breast and her hands tangling in his hair as she moved her body next to his and he rubbed his body against hers.

It was she who stepped back next, her hands reaching for the buttons of his shirt. He'd never had a woman undress him, things had always gone kind of quick and dirty when he'd been with a woman. This woman was so different though. He had all kinds of feelings for Connie.

He stood with his arms at his sides admiring her sweet firm breasts while she unbuttoned the shirt. Then he thought shit, he ought to maybe warn her. He lay a hand over hers and she looked at him with a furrowed brow, wondering why he'd stopped her.

The first thing he did was lean in and give her a quick kiss. He wouldn't have her thinking he didn't want this, not when the opposite was true. He wanted her like he'd never wanted anything, that's why he had to be careful, he didn't want to shock her. He simply said, "Real bad scars."

She titled her head a little to the side and shrugged, like real bad scars were no big deal at all to her. Then she finished what she'd started. She saw some scarring on his chest and stomach, the marks were old, made long ago.

Even before she'd managed to slip the shirt completely off his shoulders and he turned to show her, she'd guessed what must have caused such scars. She let the tips of her fingers quickly glide across his back, then she nudged him to turn toward her. The look on her face told him what she was asking. He answered, "My Dad."

She nodded, reached in her hip pocket, pulled out the pad and wrote, "He was a mean asshole. You are not mean. You are not an asshole."

He was laughing as his arms circled her and she laughed too. He used the sign for "Thank you" that she taught him, and then the laughing was over and the kissing and the touching began again.

His big hands cupped her ass and he pulled her close enough that she felt his reaction to her. The closeness, his strong body and gentle touch, everything was so warm and so sexy. She felt the wetness between her legs and she reached for his belt buckle. He leaned back, he was into the idea of her undressing him and he wanted to watch her.

She got the buckle loosened and then she went to work on his pants. Her small fingers quickly popping open the button, then easing the zipper down as she smiled up at him. Her hands slid inside the back of the jeans and she cupped his ass, looked at him and nodded in appreciation. He laughed again, swearing to himself he'd laughed more this day than he had in the whole past year.

He loosened her belt, loosened the tight jeans and his hands slid down the back of her pants. He smiled, "Ya got a nice little ass Baby." She smiled, pushing lightly on his shoulder and within seconds, they'd kicked off their shoes and removed each other's pants.

He wanted to just look at her for a moment, simply admire her perfect little naked body. She felt the same about him. She enjoyed the sight of his big masculine and muscled body. The many scars and the assortment of tattoos did not detract from the perfection.

He pulled the covers back on his bed, wrapped his arms around her once more and kissed her. His lips trailed down her neck, her shoulder, and her chest, and then his mouth seemed to completely engulf her breast. He sucked and nibbled softly, and as he did his hand slipped between her legs where he teased at the wet curls.

They were both feeling the need as he picked her up and lay her in the center of the bed, then his body seemed to glide as he scooted in next to her. She had a moment then. A moment where she told herself she was out of her mind. What in the world was she doing? She'd lost all self-control. She liked this man, a lot, but it wasn't like her to just jump in bed with a man because he was attractive and sexy. There was another voice in her head though, it told her Daryl wasn't just any man. He was the right man and she wanted everything with him.

He almost stopped himself. What the hell did he think he was doing? She wasn't some one-night stand. Shit no. Connie was the first woman he'd ever brought to his home, the only woman he'd ever wanted in his home. And he wanted her there as long as she wanted to stay. Was this too much too soon? Could this spoil it all?

He forgot all that when she started kissing his stomach while her fingers wrapped around his cock. He got into it and they were all lips, tongues, hands and fingers as they explored each other's body.

He was sucking at her breasts, his fingers tickling the inside of her thighs, just before he slipped a finger deep inside her. It felt so good and she could feel his groans and his breath on her skin as he murmured something. Just like he could sense the humming of her body.

His body slid slowly down hers, he looked up and she knew what he wanted to know. She nodded and watched him as he settled his face between her legs. He began to lick and suck at those slightly swollen lips, tasting of her juices and teasing her clit with his tongue.

She spread her legs more for him and his arms rested lightly across her thighs. Her upper body rose a few inches off the bed as her fingers tugged at his hair, while his lips sucked at her clit and his tongue explored. Again he slipped his finger inside her, his lips and his thumb now taking turns playing with the sensitive, swollen little nub.

He'd never heard a sound come from her, but he could swear he heard a quiet moaning sound from deep inside her. Maybe it was his imagination, but he was sure he wasn't imagining the rising of her hips or the way her body had begun to quiver. She was clutching his hair so tightly as she tried to pull him deep inside her.

Her body suddenly stiffened and he knew it was about to happen. He rubbed her clit a little faster, reached up and pinched and played with her nipple, then she let herself let go. All he could do was hold her tight while she lost all control, her body trembling. When it was over he held her close, feeling happy and grateful he'd been able to make that happen for her.

Once she caught her breath he began kissing her again while the pad of his thumb lightly grazed back and forth across her nipple. It wasn't long before she was warmly responding and he cupped her mound as he let his fingers tease her curls and her sweet wet opening.

She tapped on his shoulder, nodded her head and he knew what she meant. He smiled back, "I'm ready too Baby."

Then he remembered. He jumped off the bed, quickly making a beeline for the bathroom. He came back with the box and set it on his night table. He had a little packet in his hand and she snatched it from him. He smiled and as he laid back, happy to let her take control.

She stroked his cock until it was rock hard, then she slipped the condom on him. He rolled over and pretended to pin her arms, she played along pretending to struggle as he slid inside her.

His strokes were slow and steady as they got in each other's rhythm. Her legs wrapped around him and he nuzzled her neck, then kissed her with so much heat as his strokes became faster and she felt him going deeper.

She clutched at his back and for just a moment he seemed to tense. She was sure she knew why and she let him know with her touch that she wasn't bothered by the feel of the damaged skin.

He wrapped his arms under her and rolled them both over. She raised an eyebrow as she smiled down at him and he smiled back as his hands went to her breasts and began tweaking and pinching her nipples, all while she moved her body up and down on him.

He rested open hands on her shoulders and raised up to a nearly seated position, and as she continued her movements he began sucking on her breasts, one then the other. She could feel herself getting so close, and she knew he was too.

This time she took control and he smiled as he let her. She wrapped her slim arms around him and he might have helped a little as she rolled onto her back and he was once again above her.

Then the teasing play was over, they were both so close, so ready. His body was beginning to tense, his muscles tightening as he tried to hold out. Her whole body was quivering, alternating between tension and the need to grab at him.

He did something he thought might take her right where she wanted to go. He slid a strong hand under her butt and lifted her bottom up just an inch or so, enough that she could feel his pelvic bone rubbing on her clit. Her hands latched onto his butt, her body moving fast against him. It happened again, her body tensed and then began to quake. He'd waited for her but he didn't wait any longer as they came together.

Afterwards they lay wrapped in each other's arms enjoying just laying there together. They must have dozed off for a few minutes. When he woke he looked at the woman laying in his arms feeling nothing but good things as he let the back of his fingers softly glide along her jawline. Her eyes slowly began to open and they smiled at each other.

It was what he felt and he wasn't going to risk his chance slipping away. He asked her, "Ya think you'd wanna hang out with me here, add a woman's touch ta this place?"

Her smile was wide when she told him yes with her hand, then caressed his cheek and softly kissed his lips.

The End

A/N I hope you enjoyed the love, the fluff and everything else, and that you'll leave a comment / review. The chapter photo is on my tumblr blogs, gneebee and fortheloveofdonnie, please check it out. I'll be back soon with more Donnie love. Until then remember, I love ya large! xo gneebee