This will be mostly a fluff fiction...though this first chapter does get sad at the end...but after that, it's pretty much a birthday party for Bilbo, a bit of an antidote to the darkness I plan on with "battle of the mind and heart"

It was a warm and sunny morning in Rivendell, elves wandered about going about their lives oblivious to what was going on inside one of the guest rooms in their lords home

Bilbo Baggins had had it up to HERE with elves! And his nephew!

Honestly, he was old, NOT a helpless infant!

Bilbo sat in his chair, arms crossed and looking anything but happy, if he had known he would be treated like a delicate flower upon his arrival to Rivendell he would have much rather stayed in the shire, and to add to his displeasure, Frodo, who had returned from his own adventures to join him, was encouraging the behavior! Insisting that his uncle use a wheelchair that Frodo himself would push around or some elf that Bilbo could not remember the name of, nor really cared enough to.

He stated many times that he wanted to go for a WALK with his nephew, not be pushed around like a tot in a cart.


He knew what to do!

He would bake the most obscenely huge cake he could and wheel it in that bloody chair like it was a rolling cart right into the dining area in front of everyone! Too frail indeed!

Lord Elrond would undoubtedly give him the scolding of his life for 'straining' himself, but by the stars would it be worth it for the looks on everyone's faces

Now onto that kitchen! He would just have to sneak past the elves, it would be a bit of a challenge, but he was determined, he did not need a magical ring to sneak past a few sitter elves!

Bilbo stood from his chair, wincing a bit as his bones creaked, after the rings disposal he had been aging extremely fast, but even with the influence of the ring, he had still felt the years piling onto him, all the stress, worry, and sadness was just no longer being hidden by a magical barrier, he regretted every day that Frodo had to take up his burden, that he had not been able to destroy the damned thing himself...

There was so much he wished he could change

Frodo had not deserved to suffer for Bilbo's own weaknesses

He had lunged at him at the mear sight of that thing, his own beloved nephew, he felt his mind flare in anger, could feel his jaws deform into a demonic maw as his brain only had the thought of the ring and the fact it was not in his possession at that moment.

precious precious precious mine mine mine kill kill kill take back what's mine

Bilbo shivered

Even with it gone, he still felt it's effects on his psyche, every now and again he would wish he had it again, to see it one last time...

Then he would remember all the pain it caused

His nephew no longer had a finger and would be forever scarred by the journey he took to destroy the evil that the one ring contained, Frodo had saved middle earth, and Bilbo swelled with pride for his nephew at the thought, he had nearly lost the battle with it when it was dormant, Frodo fought it when it was awakened.

How would things have been if he had destroyed it? If things had turned out just a little differently?

What if...


What if they had lived?

Bilbo missed his friends every day of his life after his adventure, he had wept upon learning almost all of the company was dead as well, almost nothing was left of their group, all gone by Sauron's forces.

Kili and Fili would have adored Frodo

Oh goodness, they would have made a mess of his garden and house! But it would have been without any malice involved, they would have spoiled the boy rotten and maybe even shown him how to use a bow and a sword, unlike himself,Bilbo's parenting skills lacked, he knew this, he should have taught him more, making sure he was safe, but it was all too late now.


Bilbo looked around a bit confused on how he found himself in the kitchens, wasn't he just inside his room?

What was he doing in the kitchens again?


Was it someone's birthday?



Oh! it must be Frodo's birthday! and he was making him a cake, then they would go for a nice long walk!

Bilbo got to taking everything he would need out humming a happy tune that he quickly relized was the "blunt the knives, bend the forks' bar song that his uninvited (at least by himself) guests had edited on the fly to include their stuffy host, but he could not help but smile as he thought of how his little nephew's face would light up at the sight of his cake, then they could go into the gardens and perhaps feed the fish before going to see what they would in the forest.

Oh, his was hurting all of a sudden...getting hard to breath ...and was it a bit dark in here? Must be getting late, he had to hurry if he wanted to go for that walk, but just as he was about to reach for a bag of flour...

His world

Went black