
It all started when hope ran into Lizzie one day in the corridors of the school dorms, hope said "LIZZIE Hey i need to talk to you its very important" then hope pulled Lizzie into her room.

"What do you want prodigal daughter?" Lizzie said getting annoyed at hop sudden actions but before she got too annoyed hope walked to her and kissed her she was surprised at first but then she returned the kiss.

"AHHH" hope screamed when she jolted awake realising she had a dream about LIZZIE of all people why her sure hope had started to come to learn she wasn't truly evil but a dream like that just what the hell, hope was thinking while getting ready for her first lesson.

But unfortunately her first class was with Lizzie and Josie in potion brewing 101 she hate that class as the potions always smelt weird but whatever at least its not that hard, she arrived at the class a few minutes early and Lizzie was also early so they just stood there for for a few minutes in awkward silence until hope said "So how are you?".

As she was waiting for a reply the bell rang so she quickly got into the classroom and away from Lizzie but when Lizzie sat next to her she asked "why are you sitting next to me?" and Lizzie said as if it meant nothing "Im fighting with Josie right now so i dont want to be her partner...".

Hope was going to reply but Dorian started the class and said "okay class for the next few weeks we will be making a expopous readier potion its a potion that turns a persons emotions around so if your angry you are now happy so your partners will be whose next to you now no switching".

And thats when it hit her hope was going to have to be project partners with Lizzie for a few weeks making a potion that messed with emotions great just great.


Sorry for the short chapter this is just a preview updates will be slow so sorry bout that.