A/N: Hello! This is my first chapter of the continuation of RWBY Plays Assassin's Creed II! First, I like to thank tython055 for giving me the chance to finish his fic. Second, I would like to thank my fellow readers for supporting both tython055 and me in our fics we made. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh, and to just to let you know that said buttons on notifications will be the same as JNPR's.
Chapter 7: Sequence 2 - Revenge Kill: Uberto
Ezio carefully made his way to La Rosa Colta, where he and Annetta both entered the building. After knocking at the door, he comes only to see many Cartesian women around. This was a brothel they entered.
"Huh? Why are there so many Cartesians in that building?" Ruby innocently asks as she watches Ezio enter the said brothel.
The girls didn't say a word. They just stood dumbstruck and blushed while it immediately occurred to them where young Auditore ended up in.
Her older half-sister was the first to snap out from her shock. "Um… Ruby, the reason that there are so many Cartesians there is… well…"
"It's a place where they all stay!" Blake answers in Yang's place.
"It is? I-I mean it is!" Yang stutters at first but immediately uses her partner's answer as an excuse.
"Really? That's cool that they all live together." The red hooded huntress says innocently while not noticing her teammates sighed in relief.
"Yes… it is isn't you dolt." Weiss mutters in a low voice making sure that her partner didn't hear.
Ezio was surprised and confused as he looks around. "I think we have the wrong building...". _WBY silently agreed with him.
"No, no. This is it." Annetta answers as she walks off, leaving a dumbstruck Ezio behind.
"WHAT!" _WBY all shouted in unison, not believing in what they just heard.
Ruby jumped a bit by the sudden outburst. "What's wrong?!"
"Nothing you need to worry about Ruby." Her partner immediately answered for all of them.
"NOTHING. You need to worry about." Weiss immediately cut her off, giving a 'don't pry' look.
Seeing that she won't get any answers, Ruby just pouted and muttered 'weirdos.'
A woman approached Ezio. Ezio could not help himself but stare at her beauty. The girls just rolled their eyes.
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Messer Ezio..." The woman greeted him with a lovely voice as she observes the Auditore from head to toe. "Annetta speaks quite highly of you. I can see why."
"That, I can agree with you, lady." The Brawler smirked, agreeing that Ezio is real eye candy.
Ezio chuckled at the complement. "I appreciate the kind words, Madonna...?"
"Ti prego (Please), call me Paola." The know named beauty introduced herself.
"Thank you for offering your home to my family, Paola."
"Not the worst hiding place, but there are a few exceptions." The former White Fang member says.
"Speaking from experience?" Weiss asks.
"I'd rather not talk about." The heir of SDC nodded in understanding.
"It was the least I could do. You must be tired. Perhaps you'd li–."
Ezio cut Paola off while he raised both his hands in a gesture to stop her. "No, grazie. (No, thank you.) I can't stay."
"Why? Where are you going?"
"To kill Uberto Alberti." The vengeful Auditore lightly growled.
"You're going down, you bastard," Yang growled as her eyes turned red as he remembered the betrayal he committed.
"Language!" Her half-younger chirped while Yang just pouted in annoyance.
"I understand your desire for vengeance, but the Gonfaloniere is a powerful man. You're not a killer, Ezio–."
"Spare me the lecture." Ezio cut her off again but a bit rudely this time.
"–But I can make you one." Paola finished her sentence, surprising Ezio of the unexpected offer.
This offer caught the team off-guard and surprised the girls.
"Okay, I was not expecting that." The brawler commented.
"Wait, so Paola is going to teach Ezio how to kill?"
"Looks like it," Weiss answered her partner.
"It seems Paola is more than she appears." Blake deduced, earning a nod from her friends then narrowed her eyes towards the owner of the brothel. 'But why would she help him?'
"And why are you going to teach me how to kill?" Ezio asked, confused, and a bit skeptical from hearing this from the owner of the brothel there in.
"I'm not." The beauty said. "I'm going to teach you how to survive. Come."
The next day, Ezio followed Paola to the back of the building. There he sees a few of the Courtesans huddling together and conversing with each other.
A profile on the Courtesans appears. The girls were a bit skeptical about choosing if they want to learn more about the Courtesans since their technical prostitutes. Before they could say anything, Tython sends them a note.
'Before you all say anything, I suggest you learn more about the Courtesans since Ezio will be getting there help in the future.'
Seeing the logic in the note, they decided to open the notification.
'REBECCAC84: Those girls are definitely available for hire. I bet you can use them as moving cover. In fact, try sending them to tempt unwanted guards.'
"REBECCAC84?" Weiss raised a brow.
"That must be Rebecca's pen name." Ruby deduced. "I think she's giving Desmond some advice."
"And us."
"And us too, Yang."
'Prostitution was one of the most popular occupations for Renaissance women, whose only other options in most cases were staying with their families or living in a convent. Italian society supported prostitution, and many brothels were regulated by the government. At the end of the 15th Century, cities started to pass laws against prostitution, forcing courtesans to wear specific outfits and separating them from respected society.'
"That was… educational." Weiss said slightly surprised and disgusted that a country was willing to support prostitution at the time.
"Wait…" Ruby spoke next with a blush on her face that matches her hood after reading the notification, then squeaked. "That's what a brothel is!"
The girls stiffened at the fact the notification just gave their young, innocent leader information she shouldn't be even be learning at her age.
Another letter appeared.
When Yang saw the eyewink emoji after the 'Oops,' her eyes immediately turned red and got angry knowing what the message meant.
"OH, YOU LITTLE PRICK! YOU KNEW WHAT THE NOTIFICATION IS AND YOU STILL SHOWED IT TO US!" Yang yelled at the letter like she was waiting for a reaction out of it. The other girl's dog piled at Yang to hold her back from breaking anything in their dorm. Again.
"I'm cool. I'm cool." The berserker said as she took slow breathings to calm herself. "Sorry about that." The girls sighed in relief and continued back to the game.
Another notification appears, this time information on Paolo's profile.
Another note from Tython appears.
'I strongly urge you, girls, to learn about Paola.'
Yang was about to open her mouth only to cut off by another note.
'And don't worry anything indecent about this, I promise.'
The three older girls were a bit skeptical about what Tython said.
"Common girls, let's just give him a chance." The youngest tried to convince them.
Weiss sighed, giving in to her partner. "Very well…"
"I agree," Blake said. "I'm honestly curious why Paola would help Ezio."
"Fine. But I swear if this is another trick…" Yang mumbled to herself as she opens the notification.
'There isn't much information about Paola in the history books, but the Florentine archives reveal that she was orphaned at age 8 when her parents were killed at sea. Left with a choice between joining a nunnery and prostitution, she began a life on the streets.
At 16, she vanishes from the records, only to reappear at age 20 when she was arrested for murdering a city guard. On an interesting note, Giovanni Auditore represented her in court, winning the case on a self-defense plea.
Released from prison, Paola went on to start her own brothel to protect other unfortunate women of the street.'
"I see… so that's why Paola is helping Ezio" The Faunus smiled learning that Ezio's father would go out of his way to those in need. "Giovanni helped Paola once in the past."
"Yeah…" her partner agreed with her. "Glad to know that the last of the Auditore family is in good hands."
"I agree, I, for one, am glad that Giovanni's actions have inspired Paola to help other Courtesans such as herself, to have a place to call home. Despite its… occupation." Weiss said, seeing a new light towards the Courtesans of the Renaissance.
"Yeah! The Auditores are the coolest!" Ruby chirped. "I'm so glad that their a part of Desmond's family tree."
"Discretion is a paramount in my profession. We must walk the streets freely: seen, but unseen. You, too, must learn to blend like us and become one with the city's crowds. My girls will show you how..." She instructed him about the ways of blending into the crowd.
'ENTER a group to BLEND.'
"I see… so that's what she meant by 'survive.'" The cookie lover said. "She's going to teach Ezio how to hide!"
"Yes… a perfect start for a soon-to-be Assassin." The Heiress said.
"All right, teach away, Paola." Before the brawler could start, her partner tapped her shoulder.
"Hey Yang, can I have a go in this one?"
"Hm? Oh! Sure, come to think of it; you haven't got the chance to play yet." Blake smiled as her partner passes the controller to her and begins to play Ezio.
"Come a little bit closer, Ezio…" Ezio followed Paola's instructions. He hid among the group of Courtesans, leaving him invisible from the outside.
"Hiding among the crowds…" The cat Faunus muttered in thought.
"What's up Blake?"
"It's nothing, Ruby. It's just… in all my years of training in stealth, I never considered the thought about blending in the crowd."
"Really?" Weiss said a slightly bit surprising considering she was trained under the terrorist group.
"Yes. Come think about it; I don't think anyone among the White Fang has ever trained to do so."
"Really?" Yang, this time, spoke. "Huh. Guess we learned something new about the WF."
"Yeah… we did, didn't we?" Blake said. 'If the Fang ever learned this kind of skill, they'd be even more dangerous… including 'him'.' The cat Faunus suppressed a shudder at the memory of Adam. She quickly continued back at the game.
"Like what you see." One of the Courtesans purred at Ezio teasingly.
The girls blushed a bit at that comment.
After Ezio got the hang of Blending, a notification appears.
'Follow Paola'
Just as it said, Poala walked out of the building and out to the streets, and Ezio followed. Another notification followed the last one.
'BLEND to become invisible to GUARDS.'
"Now, that's a challenge." Blake gave a small smirk with a hint of excitement as she plays.
To test him, he and Paola took a walk around the brothel. Another notification on Blending shows itself.
'BLEND by sitting on a bench with CIVILIANS.'
"Really? Can you even hide while sitting on a bench? Out on public?" Ruby says, with hint curiosity.
"I can think a few ideas for that to work," Blake said.
"Really? Like what?" Weiss asked.
"Well, you can cover yourself with a newspaper or something, having a conversation with someone on the said bench or minding your own business while wearing a hood." She smirked at the last part.
"Oh, haha." Weiss sarcastically as she rolled her eyes amused.
Ezio kept moving from one group to the next, confusing any guard who might have seen him. Paola walked as if it were a peaceful day while Ezio kept a close distance to her as possible while using his new Blending skills.
After the long walk, they returned to the back of the brothel safe and sound.
'Checkpoint reached.'
"Way the go, Blake!" Her Team leader cheered.
Blake sighed in relief. "Thanks, Ruby."
"Bene! (Good!) Now that you've learned to blend." The head Courtesan praised Ezio for his achievement. "I'll show you how you can use it for more than just moving around. Let's teach you how to steal."
'HOLD Button and WALK into someone to STEAL from them.'
RWBY recalls at the beginning that they have no problems from stealing from the bad guys and where about to shrug it off.
A letter from Tython appears.
'If you're thinking that you're just going to steal from the bad guys, then your being naïve.'
The girls blinked at the comment from the note.
"What are you saying?" Weiss narrowed her eyes at the note. Another appeared to continue the conversation.
'I'm saying that sure there's nothing wrong with stealing from the bad guys, but there will come a time that you're going to have to steal from civilians even if they did nothing wrong.'
"WHAT!" Ruby shouted in disappointment. "Ezio's a good person! Why would he, rather anybody, would do that?!"
'Think of it this way. There is a bad person invited to a party. This person did terrible things that are enough to send him life in prison. What's worse is that he'll do something bad at the party and you can't get any more invitations. The party has tight security and the only way you can enter is having that invitation. Which is better? Steal it from a random person for the greater good or let the said bad person have his way?'
This made Ruby and the others think carefully at the scenario, and in the end they grudgingly knew that they have to stop him even if it means stealing something from a poor sap to do so.
Doing what she said, Ezio walked up to one of the Courtesan and stole a few Florins from her. However, he didn't expect her to yell out.
"Thief! Thief!" The said Courtesan shouted jokingly.
"She sounds like she's enjoying it." Yang laughs at the scene. "I know I would."
"Yang~!" Her sister moaned in annoyance.
'HURRY AWAY after STEALING to avoid being caught.'
"Pretty obvious when your stealing in public." Blake sarcastically said, ironically, since she was the former.
"Once you've stolen from someone Ezio, You mustn't linger." Paola lectured as Ezio understood and carefully did the same to a different Courtesan this time walking away from her.
"Help! Somebody stop him!" The robbed Courtesan shouted jokingly.
"Pay attention! You must leave once you've picked their pocket." Paola continued to lecture as another notification revealed for his task.
'Steal from at least 5 different people.'
With that, the young Auditore slowly walked up to the group, and flawlessly stole a few Florins from them.
'Memory Synched.'
"That was fun," Blake said as she handed back the controller to Yang.
"Yeah, you sure 'stole' the spotlight there." Yang joked. "Eh? Eh?"
The girls moaned at the bad joke.
30 December, 1476
After being taught the necessary skills to survive in Florence, Ezio returned to Paola to discuss their next step. Paola clapped her hands, gesturing to her Courtesan. "You can go now, girls."
"Do we have to?" "So innocent..." "He's cute..." The girls all said teasingly a bit sad that there done helping with Ezio's teaching but did what they're told regardless.
"Must be a hard being a pretty boy, huh, Ezio." The brawler purred even she couldn't help admitting to herself Ezio being a charmer.
The two older girls slightly blushed at that comment, while the youngest just tilted her head in confusion thanks to her innocence.
"Now that you've learned how to approach the enemy, we need to find you a suitable weapon." This caught Ezio's attention.
This also caught a particular weapon loving nut. "GASP! The Hidden Blade!" Ruby squealed in glee, now getting the chance to see Ezio using it for the first time.
"What would you have me use?" The soon to be killer asks wondering what kind of weapon would be suitable to end his Father and two Brothers' killer.
"Ah, but you already have the answer..." Paola answers as she hands other Giovanni Auditore da Firenze's broken Hidden Blade.
"Hey! My father's blade and bracer..." Ezio said in shock as he gets them back from his mentor. "How did you get them?"
"By using the same skills I've just taught you." The Head Courtesan answers with a smug look on her face as she chuckles.
"Oh, she's good." The firecracker comment as she smirked at Paola's style while the others giggled.
Meanwhile, in Cinder's Team…
The villains were discussing their evil plan, then suddenly, Emerald paused and had a look of annoyance.
Mercury notices this. "What's up Em?"
"I don't know why… but I feel like I'm being one-upped for some reason…"
Mercury raised a brow, not knowing what to say to that. Cinder eyed at Neo likely for an answer, but to see she just shrugged, not knowing (or caring) about what Emerald said.
Cinder sighed, not caring for that comment. "Let's continue back to the track, shall we?"
"Y-yes ma'am."
"Will do."
Back to Team RWBY…
"It's not exactly in working condition," Ezio stated.
"I assume you are familiar with Leonardo da Vinci?"
The girls perked up at remembering the painter's name.
"Sì. (Yes.) But how does a painter factor into this?" Ezio deadpans as he remembers the man that sells his paintings to his family.
'He's far more than that. Bring him the pieces. You'll see." Paola says as she walks back to her Brothel but was stopped by Ezio.
"Before I go, one last question – if I may?"
"Of course."
"Why have you given your aid so readily to me, a stranger?" The young Auditore asks curiously as he ponders the question at why Paola would help him learn all these skills just for the sake of killing someone.
"It's because she's friends with your dad," Ruby answered.
Paola paused for a moment giving a sad smile; then, she pulled up her sleeve to show scars on her forearm, the result of being tortured.
The girls gasped in shock at the site.
"I too know betrayal." She answers as she continues to walk back inside the building.
The girls stayed silent for a moment after seeing her scars. Ruby was the one who broke the silence.
"H-how did she get those scars." Ruby stuttered a bit hesitant of asking the question.
A message appears.
'Sadly, it was never mentioned how Paola obtained her scars. The only fan theory is that she obtained it after or before killing a guard, which possibly might be the one responsible.'
"That sucks." Yang pouted, a bit angry about how Paola was treated without knowing how.
Weiss instinctively touched her scar, frowning at the memory at how she got it. While Blake inwardly sighed that how similar she was treated like her people.
After understanding her reason, Ezio walked out of the building. Knowing what to do, Ezio headed to Leonardo's workshop. A few notifications appear.
'PRESS Button to HIRE a group.'
'PRESS Button to make a hired group WAIT for you.'
'Press Button to make a hired group FOLLOW you.'
"That's good, that way we don't need to worry about constantly hiding in a single spot or wait for a group of civilians to blend when Ezio's notorious," Weiss noted.
Using his newfound skills, Ezio was able to avoid any guards with ease. He finally reached his destination and knocked on Leonardo's workshop door and enters.
Leonardo is seen doing his work on his study table. He looks up to see that Ezio has entered his home.
"Oh! Ezio Auditore! I... I didn't expect to see you again." The painter happily greeted the young man, then frowned a bit. "What with all that's happened..." But he quickly switched back to his kind greeting. "Ah! Where are my manners! Welcome back!" He hugged him, which caught Ezio off guard but returned one in kind. "Now, how can I be of service?"
The girls were all touched by Leonardo's kindness.
"Leonardo is a good man." The Faunus said, giving a warm smile to the painter.
"Yeah, I'm sensing there's going to be a real bromance between those two." The blondie smiled said.
"Yeah!" Team RWBY's Leader cheered. "I'm betting was going to see a lot of him in the game."
Weiss hummed in deep thought as she looked at Leonardo. "Why does he remind me of someone?" She said out loud enough for the others to hear raising an eyebrow.
"I was hoping you could repair something of mine."
"Of course! Come! This way." Leonardo said excitingly as he guides him to his study table. "Ah, che pasticcio... Tutto il santo giorno che cerco... (Oh, what a mess.. I've spent the whole day looking for...)" he mumbles to himself in frustration as he cleans his table "Let me clear a space." Ezio waited patiently as he watched in slight amusement after Leonardo finishes. "All right, let's see it!"
Ezio handed him the broken blade and bracer and quickly took it and placed it on his table as he studies it carefully.
"Fascinating... I don't know, Ezio. Despite its age, the construction is rather advanced. I've never seen anything quite like it." He took a thinking pose then looked back to Ezio. "I'm afraid, there's not much I can do without the original plans. Mi dispiace. (I'm sorry.)"
A bit disappointed, Ezio reached out to take the blade, but Leonardo noticed the old parchment Ezio possessed. "Wait, wait, wait!" He quickly stopped him from taking everything and unraveled the page.
"What are you doing?" Ezio asked, bewildered at the unexpected scene.
"The contents of this page are encrypted!" The artist explained as he took a journal from his table. "But if my theory is correct... Based on these sketches, it may very well..." He continues to explain as he compares his notes to the parchment.
"It may very well what?" Ezio questioned as if he was begging for the answer.
"Please, sit!" Leonardo ordered him as he gestured to a seat.
"Shhhh!" The artist shushed him without even looking away from his work.
"Oh, Oum! He's another version, Ruby!" The Ice Queen announced realizing the comparison between the two.
The girls laughed at the realization while Ruby just pouted.
"That is not true!" The weapon lover defended herself. Then a note appeared to her.
'Do you like weapons?'
"Of course, I do!" Ruby answered proudly.
'Do you enjoy creating/building weapons?'
"Yes! I enjoy doing that! After all I did create Crescent Rose."
'Do you lock yourself in a workshop while you completely ignore everyone until you finish with the said weapon?'
"Y-yes…" Ruby answered a bit hesitantly.
'Ladies and Gentlemen, Team RUBY, I present to you… Ruby Rose, The Leonardo of Remnant.'
"Ptf! HAHAHAHAHA" Yang broke down laughing as she fell to the ground holding her sides.
Weiss and Blake were covering their mouths snickering, doing their best to hold in their laughter at the funny comparison.
While Ruby was utterly speechless, and her face was as red as her clothing, and the only thing she could do was cover her face with her hood. This lasted a few minutes.
After that, they all calmed down and continued the game.
Giving up, Ezio obediently sat on a chair while Leonardo decoded the page.
"Remarkable! If we transpose the letters and then select every third..." The artist mumbles to himself as he is devoted to his newfound work while Ezio just sat and watched.
The girls chuckled at the reminder of the two while Ruby just pouted with a slight blush.
After some time, Ezio fell asleep. Leonardo woke Ezio and showed him the repaired bracer.
"There. It's finished!"
"Hmm?" Ezio slowly woke up a bit tired. "What's finished?"
"The blade! I managed to decode that parchment of yours. It showed me exactly what to do." Leonardo explained as he was about to pass it to Ezio, but he held it away.
"Yay! It's done!" Ruby said excitingly.
"A shame we didn't see how he fixed it," Weiss said a bit disappointed.
"That's fine, and I bet I could figure it out in my free time."
Then unexpectedly picked up a butcher's knife. "Now, all that's left is to remove your ring finger."
"…What?" The girls said in unison at what Leonardo just said.
"Really?" Ezio asked, not believing at first in what the painter declared.
"I'm sorry, but this is how it must be done. The blade is designed to ensure the commitment of whoever wields it."
"WHAT?!" The Team, this time, shouted together.
"W-why would a weapon do that?!" Ruby squeaked, not believing a weapon could just hurt someone when someone uses it, knowing that Crescent Rose never once injured her. Well, during her training at the beginning.
A letter from Tython appears to answer their question.
'During Altaïr's time, when an Assassin has completed their training, they are granted with their own Hidden Blade, but as Leonardo stated you need to lose your ring finger to use it, since because the blade is apparently to close to where the ring finger is when you clench your fist. It is also an Initiation for an Assassin to join the Creed fully.'
The girls turned green at such a thing.
"Th-that's such a terrible weapon flaw…" Ruby noted after reading the letter.
"Agreed." Her partner said. "Whoever designed it wasn't very careful at how it works."
"If it were me, I would pick another weapon if I had to lose a limb to use it." The brawler said and unknowingly had a small shiver but shrugged it off. "I doubt Ezio would want it now."
"I'm not so sure…" The cat Faunus answered. "People would do anything to get their hands-on revenge…" She muttered understanding about revenge herself rather than the said person who is to obsess with it. "And besides, we did see in the intro that Ezio will be using it in the end."
Thinking carefully, Ezio decides one finger is worth getting the weapon to avenge his family.
"Bene. (Fine.) Do it quickly." Ezio placed his finger on the table, closed his eyes reading himself for what next.
"Called it."
"Oh, I can't look." Ruby covered her eyes but peeked through, not helping herself to watch.
The girls watched as they braced themselves at what comes next.
Leonardo swings the butcher's knife, making a loud thunk noise on the table as he brought down the blade. Ezio jumped at this but oddly felt no pain. He opens his eyes only to see that the knife only hits the wood next to his hand.
"Huh?" The girls blinked at the site. Did Leonardo miss it?
Leonardo just chuckled as he tapped Ezio's shoulder "I was only having fun, Ezio! Though the blade once required a sacrifice, it's been modified. You can keep your finger."
The girls sighed in relief but couldn't help but be annoyed at the painter's little joke.
Following this, Ezio displayed an expression of irritation but ignored it as he slipped the bracer onto his arm, and a blade hidden within it slid out.
"You could say that again…" Ruby said in awe as he drooled over at the Hidden Blade.
"Yes, it is! Tell me: Do you have other pages like this?" Leonardo asked as he shows the parchment he studied.
"I'm sorry, only the one."
"Listen, if you ever do happen across another one of these, please bring it to me."
"Just like Ruby when she asks for a new Weapon Mag!" The older half-sister said, earning a few giggles.
"You have my word. And thank you for fixing this. It–." They were interrupted by a loud banging on the door.
"By order of the Florentine guard: Open this door!" A guard shouted as he continued to bang the door.
"Ah, oh," Ruby said, worried for the two.
"Eh, just a moment." Leonardo awkwardly answered as turned to Ezio. "Wait here!" Leonardo left Ezio behind to answer the door. There he confronted the guard.
"Are you Leonardo da Vinci?" The said guard questioned.
"Sì. (Yes.) How may I be of service?"
"I need you to answer some questions."
"Certainly." The artist answered as the guard led Leonardo to the courtyard beside his workshop.
"What seems to be the trouble?" Leonardo asked, pretending if something is wrong.
"Hm. He's good keeping his posture." Weiss said while Blake nodded in agreement.
"A witness claims to have seen you consorting with an enemy of the city."
"That witness can go to-."
"Yang! Language!" Ruby stopped her sister.
"I didn't even say it…" Yang pouted.
"What? Me? Consorting? Preposterous!"
"When was the last time you saw or spoke with Ezio Auditore?"
"Non fare il finto tonto. (Don't play dumb with me.)" The guard snapped at him. "We know you were close with the family. Hmm."
Leonardo only just shrugged in confusion, continuing to pretend that he knows nothing. This only angered the guard. "Perhaps this will help to clear your head?" He threw Leonardo to the ground and kicked him several times.
"Bastard!" Yang shouted while her eyes turned red.
"Officers of the Law abusing their power…" Blake spatted in disdained towards Leonardo's treatment.
Weiss stayed quiet and just frowning at the site.
"Don't worry, Leonardo! Ezio will save you!" Ruby shouted, hoping he will do just that.
"Ready to talk?" The guard kicked Leonardo again while he yelped in pain. "What about now?"
'Checkpoint reached.'
'Assassinate the guard.'
Ezio could no longer watch while his friend was being tortured; he quietly rushed to the guard unnoticed. Determined to protect his friend from being treated in a manner that was unduly harsh, Ezio moved in and assassinated the guard using his father's newly repaired Hidden Blade.
As the guard dropped dead, Leonardo slowly rosed up, slightly gasping in pain.
"Grazie, (Thank you,) Ezio!" Leonardo thanked his savior.
"Your welcome, Leo," Yang answered.
"Why are you answering?" Blake deadpan.
"Hey, I'm controlling Ezio, so yeah." Yang shrugged.
"Sorry about that."
"Eh, I've grown accustomed to their abuses." The painter dismissed the thought as if it was nothing.
"What of the body?"
"Bring it inside and put it with the others."
"Others?" Ezio blinked.
The girls blinked in surprise at well.
"The city gives them to me. For research." The painter answers.
"Oh, right this is the Renaissance, Tython did say they did also study the human body at the time," Weiss remembered.
'Checkpoint reached.'
'Carry the corpse into Leonardo's workshop.'
Ezio carried the dead guard into Leonardo's workshop and placed it in a corner.
"Over there. See? Like it never happened!"
"Thank you, Leonardo – for everything." Ezio heartfully thanked Leonardo for helping him in his time of need.
"Any time! And remember, if you find more of those strange pages, bring them to me. Should they contain new designs, I will upgrade your blade as well!"
"Of course." The Auditore answered. "Now, I really should be getting back to Paola..."
"Porgile i miei omaggi! (Send her my regards!)"
"Totally seeing the bromance," Yang smirked while the others agreed.
'Memory Synced.'
'You can use the HIDDEN BLADE to fight.'
"Yes! Let's see how Ezio does with this bad boy." The brawler said eager to use the Hidden Blade.
"But first, we need to head back to Paola." Her partner reminded her.
31 December, 1476
After having his Hidden Blade repaired by Leonardo da Vinci, Ezio returned to La Rosa Colta to meet with Paola.
"You were gone for quite a while."
"Leonardo likes to talk," Ezio said as he rolls his eyes in amusement.
"Just like Ruby," Yang said while the girls laughed.
"I do not!" Ruby said. "Only when I'm excited…" She muttered at the last part.
"That he does. But I trust you did more than talk?"
Ezio answers by showing her the repaired bracer and that it's functioning well by showing the fixed blade shooting out of it.
"Impressive!" Paola says in awe.
"I can never get tired of that." The reaper said, having stars on her eyes.
"I'm rather fond of it myself," Ezio admitted.
"I've given you the skills, Leonardo's given you the blade. All the remains is the deed."
"Where can I find Uberto?" Ezio asked voice filled with confidence to kill the man responsible for the deaths of his father and brothers.
"According to my girls, he'll be attending an unveiling tonight of Verrocchio's latest work," Paola answers, giving Ezio all the information he needs. "It will be held at the Santa Croce cloister."
"Watch over my mother and sister while I'm away."
"Of course, Ezio." The owner, the Brothel said. "As if they were my own."
Knowing that the remaining half his family is safe under the hands of Paola, Ezio heads to the exhibition of Verrocchio's to exact his revenge.
"Get ready, Uberto… cause Ezio's coming for you." Yang said fully determine to take Ezio to his betrayer.
A notification on Uberto's profile pops up.
"…Do we really need to look at that bastard's profile?" Yang narrowed her eyes at the notification. "I mean, he did kill half of Ezio's family. What's there to learn?"
Another letter shows up.
'I suggest you do Yang. You may not like it, but it is vital to gather information on your target before you do anything. Like Huntsman and Huntresses, the Assassins have to investigate there said target before doing the deed, and let's say this info gives the players a genuine reason to Assassinate the said targets.'
"I agree with Tython Yang. If we are going to take him down, I suggest we need to learn more about him." Weiss says the others agreed.
Sighing in defeat, Yang opens the Profile.
"Uberto Alberti," Shaun announced as he describes his profile from outside the Animus. "Trusted friend of the Auditore family. According to the history books, this guy was a saint. He prosecuted murderers, rapists, the worst criminals. One of the best lawyers in Italy, he won every case, in spite of the fact he was self-taught."
"Now, I found a backdoor into the Templars' database server, I've been combing it for some kind of smoking gun. I found it." Shaun continues as he reveals what he has discovered. "Apparently, Uberto's family was evicted by the Medicibank. Uberto's been aching for revenge ever since, and the Templars promised him support."
"Ezio's father was standing in the way, AND Uberto was jealous of his influence over the Florentine government. Two birds with one stone, isn't it?" Shaun mused but continued. "It looks like Uberto used his election to the Signoria as his opportunity to strike."
The girls were shocked to learn that the man who betrayed the Auditore was, in fact, a respected layer in Ezio's time. But what shocked them even more than the reason for his betrayal was because his family was removed from the Medici bank.
Ruby held back a few tears while she was angry at the real reason Uberto's betrayal.
Yang's eyes turned red as she grinds her teeth in rage as she carefully not crushed the controller on her hands.
Blake narrowed her eyes as she held back her rage after learning Uberto's betrayal. If you look closer, her eyes looked slit like a cat.
While Weiss, she suppressed a shudder. She couldn't help but compare Uberto with her father Jacques, albeit Uberto was no racist, but they both have in common regarding money, which Weiss deep down hated.
With this information, Team RWBY is now more than ever to take Uberto down.
Ezio using his blending skills to avoid all the guards who are patrolling the streets. As he reached the exhibition, he climbed up at one of the buildings than waited on a nearby rooftop for Uberto to arrive. After a while, Uberto arrived, accompanied by Lorenzo de' Medici.
The girls glared at the betrayer as they watched and listen.
"Again with this?" Uberto said in annoyance. Ezio close by carefully listened in.
"You have overstepped your bounds, Uberto," Lorenzo argued.
"Who are you to speak of bounds," Uberto argued back at Lorenzo as they walked. "You, who have crowned yourself Lorenzo de' Medici, Principe (Prince) of Firenze."
"So, that's Lorenzo…" Blake said.
"I've done no such thing."
"Of course not." The traitor said sarcastically. "Ever innocent. How convenient. At least now we see how far your reach extends - which is to say - nowhere at all. It has proved a valuable lesson for me and my allies."
"Yes. Your allies, the Pazzi. Is that what this is about?"
"Be careful with your words, Lorenzo. You might attract the wrong sort of attention." Uberto finished as they both entered the Santa Croce cloister to attend the exhibition.
'Checkpoint reached.'
'Follow Uberto without being detected.'
"Ok." Yang took a deep breath as she controlled Ezio. "Time to fulfill your revenge Ezio."
The girls nodded as they played.
After Ezio saw them enter the building, he makes his move. Noticing a cart filled with haystack, he performs a Leap of Faith to get to the ground faster. Slowly he made his way with the crowd to the location of the unveiling entering the same entrance that Uberto and Lorenzo took while avoiding the eyes of the guards.
"Better hide when we do the deed," Blake recommended
"Right," Yang answered.
Inside, he still hides among the crowd who are talking among themselves while they observe the paintings.
Weiss couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as she compares the exhibit to the parties that she had to attend under her father's orders.
While hiding, he finally found Uberto talking to the guests of the party congratulating Uberto on the execution of the Auditore family.
"Good evening, Gonfaloniere." A gentleman greeted the traitor.
"To you as well." Uberto greeted back. "I trust you're enjoying yourselves?"
"Indeed! A nice distraction from that nasty business with the Auditore family."
"And to think I once thought of Giovanni as a brother..." Uberto said, pretending he was the one who was betrayed.
"Don't blame yourself! How could you have known what evils he planned?"
"I say we strike that traitor's name from the record books." The gentleman's lady companion pitched in. "Let history forget he ever even existed."
"Hmmm. Yes, I should look into that." The family killer considered the idea. "If you'll excuse me for a moment..."
"Bastards…" Blake growled, not believing in what she just heard.
Weiss stayed quiet, feeling a bit more uncomfortable as she remembers similar conversations in said parties as they looked down on the lower people, both Humans, and Faunus.
"Ok, time to strike," Yang said about to make a move.
"Wait, Yang. Someone is walking up to Uberto." Ruby stopped her.
As the Gonfaloniere had a moment to himself, two women walked towards Uberto to talk with him.
"Uberto! A moment of your time?" One of the women asked.
"Anything for you, Beatrice."
Beatrice laughs. "So! Tell us! How does it feel to be a hero?"
RWBY just scoffed in disgust.
"Please, I am no such thing." The so-called hero said. "As Gonfaloniere, it is my duty to ensure that the city of Firenze remains a shining beacon of justice. Corruption and its ilk shall find no purchase here so long as I am in control."
"You are a treasure, Uberto! I hope Lorenzo recognizes that!"
"Yes... our great leader, Lorenzo. I'll see you, ladies, later."
As he said, the two women excused himself, not after three more guests walked towards him.
"Ah, Uberto! There you are. I was just telling the other about the execution..." The first guest said.
"I mean no offense, but... what if they did not act alone?" The second guest asked.
"You can rest easy, friends. I am confident that this treachery began and ended with the Auditore family." The Gonfaloniere said confidently. Oh, how wrong he is.
"In your dreams." Ruby snapped.
"What of the other son? Ezio, was it?" The third guest asked.
"The child poses no danger. Soft hands and an even softer head. He'll be caught and executed before the week is out." Again, the traitor said confidently. Oh, how profoundly wrong, he is.
"Oh, ho ho, you're so going to eat those words." Yang gave a savage grin, knowing what's going to happen in the end.
"Don't let us keep you, Uberto. We just wanted to say hello." The first guess said as he and the others excused themselves.
But once more, a couple walked towards Uberto.
"Seriously?!" Yang shouted in annoyance.
"Evening to you, Gonfaloniere." The wife greeted.
"Is everything to your satisfaction?"
"Do you even need to ask? Of course!"
"Accept our thanks - for this evening - and for helping to keep Firenze safe." The husband said, thanking him. "I always had my doubts about the Auditore. Where did the family even come from? To gain such wealth and ... and prestige in... in a single generation?"
Weiss perked up in this information.
"And the children - with their odd names. Always making trouble." The wife added.
Something in Weiss was slowly building up inside her. While her teams just glared as they listen to insults towards Ezio's family.
"No surprise, given the company their father kept; whores and thieves, I swear it!"
What was building inside of Weiss was growing more and more to the point she was slowly panting hard. Her teammates were too angry at the conversation to notice.
"Indeed. It is clear now he sought to undermine the city - to overturn all we've worked so hard to build." Uberto answered with nothing but lies.
"But thanks to you, that's over now."
Hearing those words made something inside Weiss finally… snapped.
'Assassinate Uberto.'
"THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO-." Yang yelled, getting ready to control Ezio, but to her surprise and the others, the controller was snatched away by Weiss.
"W-Weiss?" Ruby stuttered at her partner's reaction.
Weiss didn't say anything. She only focused on the screen controlling Ezio while she gave an expression that her teammates have never seen before. Rage. Pure rage.
Unable to listen to any more insults about his family, Ezio moved out from the hiding space from the crowd and slowly walked towards his target for the kill.
A few of the crowd noticed him, and there were a few gasps and whispers. Finally, Uberto saw this and sees him.
"You..." The soon-to-be-deadman stiffens in shock and fear for not expecting the young Auditore to appear before him. "Guards! Arrest him!"
Before the guards could hear Uberto, Ezio grabs him and stabs him in his chest five times with his father's Hidden Blade with all his might. Releasing all his pain and anger for the man his family once called 'friend.'
Weiss paused the game just before Uberto falls to the ground. She lowers her head down while the bangs of her hair cover her eyes as she slowly pants in exhaustion as if she just came out from a battle.
Her teammates stare at her in shock then it turned into worry.
"Wiess…?" Ruby slowly called out her name, worried at the action she just did. Before she could put her hand on her shoulder Weiss slowly stood up.
"I'm fine…" Wiess mutters loud enough for them to hear, though her head still lowered. "I… I just need to be in the restroom for a bit." Before they could say anything, she walked towards there dorm's bathroom entering and locking it. The girls could only look at each other worried about the heiress.
Inside the bathroom…
Weiss was washing her face doing her best to calm herself down. After washing her face, a note appears next to her.
'You Ok?'
Weiss didn't answer for a moment. Another letter appeared again.
'Weiss, are you OK?'
Weiss took a deep breath and finally answered with an exhausted look. "No, Tython. No, I'm not Ok." She whispers a bit.
'I take it this is about Uberto?'
She snorted at the question. "No, it's not about that traitorous ingrate."
'Then it's about your father Jacques isn't?'
Weiss nearly loses her balance at the question, and her eyes were wide open.
'Want to talk about it?'
"I have nothing to say to you." She snapped with a sharp whisper. Another note appears, Weiss nearly didn't read it but looked anyway.
'Your right, you have nothing to say to me, but your Teammates do.'
Weiss blinked at the last sentence. She closed her eyes as she thinks carefully what to do — after a few moments to herself, finally making her decision. As she was about to walk out of the bathroom she stops for a moment. "Thanks, Tython." She says with a smile.
One last note appears.
'Anytime. '
Back to the Team…
"Weiss!" Ruby shouted, then lowered her voice. "Are you okay?"
She and the rest of her team look at Weiss with concern on their faces.
Weiss took a deep breath and shook her head. "No, Ruby, I'm not and… I want to talk about it." The girls were surprised by her answer but nodded as they listen to her reason.
Weiss talked about why she snatched the controller and why she looked angry. She explained that seeing the exhibit reminded her about a few parties she attended back in Atlas under her father's orders, and the guests would only talk about themselves and petty complains about their own lives. But what's worse is that the guests would talk about is how they would speak of there greed and how they look down on the lower people both being Human and Faunus, and what's worse is that her father agrees and tells with them like it doesn't mean anything.
"In all my life, I did everything I can to earn my father's approval," Weiss said as she took a deep breath. "And after playing this part of the game I finally realize something."
The girls leaned forward, waiting to hear what Weiss realized.
"I completely hate my father," Weiss answers giving a sad smile.
The girls blinked at her revelation, and they could tell that she was hurting, Ruby came to her partner's side and embraced her, both Blake and Yang did the same giving Weiss a group hug.
After a moment, they broke up.
"Do you feel better?" The cat Faunus asked the Schnee with a small smile.
"Yes, I believe I do." Weiss nodded at them, giving them a reassuring smile.
"If you ever want to talk about more about it, just give us a call Ice Queen."
"Yeah! What Yang said! And were partners after all."
"Thanks, everyone," Weiss says, being grateful to her team. 'There's a lot more I want to get off my chest, but that could wait for another time.' She thought to herself."Let's continue back in the game, shall we?"
The girls all nodded, and Yang resumed back into the game.
As Ezio finishes, he lays the traitor to the ground. Then the background suddenly starts to deconstruct itself, then the screen turns white, then quickly opens again, showing Ezio holding the dying Uberto by his hand. While the background shows pure white with construct lines.
The girls were surprised at the sudden change of scenery.
"What's happening?" The Team leader asked with a hint of awe in her voice.
A letter appeared.
'Memory Corridor. A digital construct that allows the Animus to recreate accurate images from a subject's genetic memory when the memory is loaded, the virtual environment would be recreated over the memory corridor. Like when Ezio assassinates certain targets.'
The girls where in awe again after learning another function of the Animus.
"You would have done the same." The dying Uberto says his final words as he slowly dies. "To save the ones you love."
"Yes, I would. And I have." Ezio answers as he lays the traitor to the ground as he dies. The scenery changes back to the exhibit.
"WHAT?!" Yang yelled in a rage after hearing Uberto's last words. "He betrays Ezio family, and dares give that excuse?!"
Weiss and Blake silently glared at the dead man while Ruby slightly teared up herself, confused if should ever be angry or sad. A not appears.
'Before you guys say anything else, I should let you know that you're not the first to make that reaction, but in the novel version, it explains why Uberto did what he did. Do you want to see?'
The girls discussed for a moment if they want to know. In the end, they decided they wanted to know why the Auditore's supposed 'Friend' did it.
'In the novel After killing Uberto, Ezio took the documents that the Gonfaloniere had concealed from him and his father, as well as a letter from Uberto, meant for his wife and son. Ezio decided that he would see to it that she received the message, not wanting to sink to Uberto's level. Of course, he looks in it.:
My love, I put these thoughts to paper in the hope that I might one day have courage to share them with you. In time, you'll no doubt learn that I betrayed Giovanni, labeled him a traitor and sentenced him to die. History will likely judge this to have been a matter of politics and greed. Know that it was not hate that forced my hand, but fear. When the Medici robbed us of all we owned, I found myself afraid. For you. For our son. For the future. What hope in this world for a man without proper means? They offered me money and land in exchange for my collaboration. And so, this is how I came to betray my closest friend. However unspeakable the act, it seemed necessary at the time. And even now, looking back, I see no other way...'
After reading, the girls had mixed emotions together. They were still angry, but they couldn't help being a bit sad what had happened to his family, yet RWBY, at the end, we're just disappointed.
"The fool..." Weiss said as she shook her head in disappointment.
"Why didn't he call for help?" Ruby asked, confused. "He could have call Giovanni for help."
"Ruby… I doubt it would have been easy." Blake said, slightly remembering that the White Fang did the same when they work with Torchwick.
"In the end, he chose his family despite the outcome," Yang mutters, understanding a bit but still was angry at Uberto.
The whole place filled with a whispered Assassino. Ezio rose up and spoke to the crowd, angered and hands covered in blood. "The Auditore are not dead. I'm still here. ME! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!"
The girls broke from there thoughts and smiled that Ezio fulfilled his revenge and reminded him that his family still lives.
'Checkpoint reached.'
A notification of Giovanni Auditore's Letter. Document about the conspiracy.
"Hey, it's Giovanni's final message," Ruby said a bit sad what she just said.
Yang saw this and gave her a small hug, which made her feel better.
'This document is meant to serve as a record of all I've learned over the past few weeks, in the event that I am silenced and prevented from sharing it with you myself. Understand first that the Duke of Milan's murder was no mere political maneuver. Rather, it is but a piece of a conspiracy that reaches far beyond Firenze, counting members in Roma, Venezia, and Forlì - to name but a few cities.
Attached to this note is a list - or rather, the start of one - of those I know to be guilty. Its contents are by no means complete, but I intend to rectify that shortly. I can, however, say with certainty that the Pazzi family is involved.
We must move quickly to question Francesco before he buys his freedom from prison. Doing so will surely add more names to the list. I already have my suspicions as to who these men are, given that their deeds bear the hallmark of an old enemy. I fear they-
(The note abruptly ends here. Giovanni must have had to stop and hide it when the guards showed up to arrest him.)'
"Poor Giovanni…" Ruby sadly muttered while the others agreed.
The people gathered slowly began to register what has happened, and they started to shout and scream in fear. Some were running away while they cry out Assassino. The guards quickly rushed to the scene.
Not wanting to cause any more trouble Ezio took to the rooftops and escaped from the area. Easily avoiding the guards, he quickly escapes the area losing the guards.
'Memory Synced.'
Ezio had avenged the murder of his father and brothers. On that note, he quickly rushes back to his remaining family.
"Gotta say, this game is entertaining and all but's it's getting to us," Yang said, earning a confused look from the others.
"What do you mean, Yang?"
"I mean like that it just taught Weiss that she hates her dad, you okay, by the way?"
"I'm fine. Thank you," Weiss answers with a smile. "But Yang's right, this game did teach us a lot despite it being fictional and all."
"Yeah… it sure taught us a lot…" Blake said while she's was in deep thought. 'Is this all just a coincidence that Tython gave us this game?' She shook her head and kept that thought in the back of her head for now. Right now, she should enjoy the story and game along with her teammates.
To be continued…
A/N: Hope you all like this chapter. I received a few questions if, by chance, if the two teams will ever play together and answer is yes, but first, they need to finish both of their respective games, but until then, please enjoy the separate fics.