This world. It's nothing like you think. There is danger lurking around every corner. I guess this is what to cause my intense journey and years as I manage to live a normal life. Now time to show what kind of world I live in. Here's my story.

- The Beginning Of Daybreak -

"Okay… I think I have it all." I told myself and grabbed my bag.

I then ran out of my house and down the street to my best friends house. His name was Spark and he was a Shinx. When I arrived to his house, I quickly knocked on the door as his mother answered and let me in.

I then made my way to his room and upon opening the door, I saw him just laying on his bed and playing a game. I sighed deeply.

"Seriously, Spark?" I spoke.

Spark jumped in surprise and nervously greeted me.

"H- hey Lucas…! I uh, completely forgot you were coming over today…!" He smiled.

- Lucas' Stats -
Name: Riolu / Lucas, Birthday 7/4.
Strength 61/100, Speed 85/100, Speech 66/100, Intelligence 78/100, Awareness 78/100, Composure 82/100, Luck 100/100, Stealth 99/100, Agility 86/100
Positive Traits: Athletic, Alert, Adventurous, Serious, Mature, Neat
Neutral Traits: Aggressive, Stubborn, Skeptical, Tough
Negative Traits: Cautious, Careless, Dull, Moody
- Stats End -

- Spark's Stats -
Name: Shinx / Spark, Birthday 8/11.
Strength 30/100, Speed 74/100, Speech 81/100, Intelligence 44/100, Awareness 63/100, Composure 19/100, Luck 50/100, Stealth 94/100, Agility 81/100
Positive Traits: Caring, Agreeable, Kind, Sweet, Warm, Playful
Natural Traits: Neutral, Obedient, Pure, Ordinary
Negative Traits: Weak, Passive, Odd, Lazy
- Stats End -

"Hmm… From what I am seeing, you completely forgotten our project?" I asked.

"W- what?! Of course not! I… Got it right here!" He exclaimed and jumped off his bed.

He quickly went over to his desk and pulled out all of our project stuff we needed to get done. I looked up, annoyed and showing little emotion.

"You told me you'd have it done already if you brought it home with you…" I said.

"Well, uh, it's a little harder then I expected. But since you are here and very smart, why not help me?" He asked.

"Ugh… I need to help you or else we're getting an F." I sighed and walked up, dropping my bag.

"Don't worry, we won't." He said.

"Is that so…? You better hope so." I groaned and began working.

We ended up working on the project nearly all day and after hours of doing this, I picked my bag up and told I'll be going home for the day and to continue it. He agreed and I left and walked back home.

Upon reaching my house, I opened the door and started making my way up to my room. My siblings were at the couch just watching something while my mother cooked in the kitchen. I didn't pay much attention to them however and just walked up to my room and closed the door, soon falling onto my bed and sighing. I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling.

"Really hope he actually works on our project… I swear if I get an F because of him..." I closed my eyes.

Letting out a large exhale, I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning was a daze as I was suddenly shaken awake by my sister Daisy. The shaking from her caused me to jolt up thinking something was wrong.

"W- what…?" I groggily said.

"Sorry to wake you… But Spark is at the door for you." She said.

I groaned in annoyance and slowly got up. I grabbed a shirt and changed real quick before walking downstairs to the front door. I opened it and saw Spark sitting on the steps.

"What do you want…?" I said.

Spark got up and turned back to look at me.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see if you want to do something." He said.

"It's 9 AM..." I sighed.

"I love getting up at 9 AM and doing stuff though. It's kinda boring alone..." He said.

"It's the weekend and I just want to sleep for a bit longer." I said.

"Aw, come on! It will be fun…!" He said.

"Fun… Well since you woke me up, I rather just do something then trying to go back to sleep..." I groaned.

Spark smiled and nodded, grabbing my paw and pulling me out of the house.

"Ugh, I don't even have shoes on." I told me.

"We don't need shoes where we are going!" He said and dragged me down the street.

I gave up trying to resist and just followed him.

He ended up dragging me to a beach. He wagged his tail and looked at me and I slowly rolled my eyes.

"I suppose it is almost summer..." I told him.

"Yeah! Which is why we should have some fun!" He exclaimed happily.

"It won't be fun if we fail this project and have to stay in school overtime to make up for it..." I glared at him.

"Come on man, stop being such a mood killer…! We deserve a break after working on that for nearly two weeks." He said.

"I guess..." I mumbled.

"So come on! Lets have some fun!" He said and ran off.

I watched him run off as I sighed deeply and decided just to relax in the sand as I didn't feel like swimming in the ocean. I found a nice spot in slight shade and just laid down. I managed to grab my bag before Spark dragged me away and luckily I had some books inside it so I pulled one out and opened the door, starting to read.

I remember reading a decent amount of pages before I noticed Spark running up to me. He had this slight smile or smirk on his face and I sighed, closing my book and looking at him.

"Need something?" I asked.

"Well, I was swimming and noticed someone's staring at you." He said.

"Who?" I sighed.

Spark smirked slightly and pointed down the beach. I looked down and noticed a Braixen who had her eyes glued to me. Tilting my head, I shrugged and laid back down.

"Looks like someone is interested in you, heh." He said.

"Or they are just looking in our direction..." I replied.

"Nope, heh. I am sure she's staring at you. Come on, lets meet her." Spark said.

"Ugh… Why…?" I groaned.

"It'd be nice meeting them." He said.

He then grabbed my paw and pulled me up. I struggled to hold back punching him but I succeeded on not punching him as he walked me to the Braixen. The Braixen kept staring at us until we were about 20 feet away. After nearing her, she quickly perked up and swiftly turned her head down to a book she was reading. When Spark and I reached her, Spark of course introduced both of us and the Braixen slowly looked up and smiled softly.

"H- hey..." She spoke.

"Hey…! What are you doing here alone?" Spark asked.

"O- oh… Nothing. Just uh… Enjoying the sun and all." She said.

"That's nice. Well, I'm Spark and this is Lucas." He said, dragging me close and nearly hugging me as I showed extreme discomfort.

"Nice to meet you. I'm uh… F- Fang." She spoke shyly.

- Fang's Stats -
Name: Braixen / Fang, Birthday 2/5.
Strength 37/100, Speed 61/100, Speech 55/100, Intelligence 48/100, Awareness 75/100, Composure 46/100, Luck 73/100, Stealth 58/100, Agility 74/100
Positive Traits: Protective, Open, Mature, Lovable, Honest, Clean
Natural Traits: Stylish, Obedient, Cute, Artful
Negative Traits: Crafty, Blunt, Childish, Difficult
- Stats End -

"Such a nice name…!" Spark exclaimed happily.

"Thanks." She replied.

Fang looked at something and slowly got up.

"S- sorry for the sudden leave. I forgot that I need to be somewhere in about ten minutes. It was nice meeting you two." She said and smiled softly.

Spark wagged his tail and waved as Fang walked off into the distance. Once she was gone from view, Spark looked at me with a smirk I wish I punched off.

"Guess she was too shy and left, hehe. I'm sure we'll see her again." He said.

"You have no idea how badly I want to knock you out..." I sighed and began walking back to my area, packing up my items.

"Aw, come on…! Seems like Fang has a crush on you." He said in a teasing tone.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes.

"She totally does!" He said.

"Whatever you say." I told him and began walking home.

Spark followed me as he annoyed me with his teasing and other random things he was talking about. We decided to stop at emerald park as we just rested for a bit as we were walking for a while.

I was just sitting there while Spark was doing his own thing. My eyes were closed as I was listening to music on my MP3 Player. I was shaken by Spark after a while as I slowly opened my eyes and took off my headsets.

"What now…?" I asked.

"Do you see those two over there?" He pointed.

I sighed and followed his pointing and saw an Umbreon and Espeon.

"Those two? What about them?" I asked.

"They seem… Down or something. I don't like seeing others sad. Why not try to make them feel better?" He asked.

"Err..." I slowly got up.

"Sure… I guess." I replied.

Spark smiled and nodded before speed walking to the two as I followed. When we reached the two, Spark stared at the Umbreon and smiled softly.

"Hey there. I noticed you two look kinda sad. Something wrong?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's kinda random asking strangers what's wrong." The Umbreon said.

"Sorry about that. I just wanted to know." Spark said, wrapping his tail around himself.

"Oh, well, err… It's nothing… She's just dealing with some stuff." He said.

"Oh? Maybe we can help…!" Spark said.

The Umbreon looked at the Espeon as the Espeon just stayed dead silent and nodded very softly. With this nod, the Umbreon looked up at us and sighed softly before telling us their situation. I do wish Spark just didn't ask. The Umbreon went on to explain her parents were killed and he took her in. Her parents were killed just a month ago.

"O- oh… I- I'm sorry." Spark said and looked down.

"It's okay… We're trying to make it through." The Umbreon said.

Spark nodded and slowly looked up.

"Um… S- should've introduced ourselves first..." Spark followed up by introducing us.

"Nice to meet you… I'm Eclipse and this is Shine." Eclipse rubbed Shine's head.

- Eclipse's Stats -
Name: Umbreon / Eclipse, Birthday 4/1.
Strength 40/100, Speed 71/100, Speech 90/100, Intelligence 93/100, Awareness 86/100, Composure 70/100, Luck 80/100, Stealth 100/100, Agility 90/100
Positive Traits: Challenging, Calm, Clean, Intelligence, Confident, Energetic
Natural Traits: Predictable, Progressive, Surprising, Complex
Negative Traits: Blunt, Anxious, Cautious, Childish
- Stats End -

- Shine's Stats -
Name: Espeon / Shine, Birthday 4/28.
Strength 47/100, Speed 66/100, Speech 94/100, Intelligence 94/100, Awareness 97/100, Composure 81/100, Luck 65/100, Stealth 90/100, Agility 87/100
Positive Traits: Passionate, Peaceful, Modest, Knowledge, Intelligence, Helpful
Natural Traits: Unpredictable, Progressive, Proud, Dominating
Negative Traits: Difficult, Demanding, Blunt, Cold
- Stats End -

"Sorry about the mood kill… I… Shouldn't have brought such a sensitive topic up to strangers." Eclipse said.

"N- no, it's okay! I feel sadness for Shine and I hope she gets better." Spark said.

Spark looked at Shine as Shine didn't react and stayed very quiet. Spark then looked down and backed off back to me.

"We're just trying to take a little walk… It's nice meeting you two and maybe we'll see each other again." Eclipse said and gently took Shine's paw, walking by us and down the path.

"Dang… I didn't expect that." Spark said.

"That's why you don't ask about stranger lives..." I told him.

"I know, but I'm always really curious. Anyways… Wanna head to crystal lake?" He asked.

I shrugged and agreed as we began our walk to the lake.

When we arrived at the lake, we just walked around and chatted but however with Spark, his attention was instantly drawn to a shiny object.

"Oh, look! Shiny object…!" He said and ran to it.

"Sure, cut me off..." I sighed and followed.

Spark went to the object and picked it up, being a very small chunk of silver ore.

"Cool, silver!" He said and looked up.

"There's more over here…!" He said and followed the trail of silver.

The trail of silver lead us to some sort of abandon mineshaft it looked like. The entrance was boarded up strong as it had a large metal sign saying 'do not enter'. This however didn't stop Spark and he soon discovered that someone broke off a piece of plank. It was large enough for both of us to fit and Spark looked at me.

"You seriously want to go into that?" I asked.

"Yeah! We can probably get rich…!" He exclaimed.

"I guess that's true… Abandon mineshafts tend to have a lot of leftover tools and ore to discover." I said.

"Which is why we gotta look! Come on!" He said, squeezing pass the small entrance point.

Once he managed to get his rear to fit inside the small entrance, he called for me to come. I did follow though I wish I just walked home.

So upon getting into the cave, it was completely dark. I sighed and told Spark we couldn't do anything without light. Spark agreed and soon a flash of light was seen. Spark was suddenly holding a flashlight that I knew he didn't bring.

"Huh, lucky us… A flashlight that is possibly like 40 years old." I said.

"It still works, so it's good enough for me!" He said and started going down the mine.

I followed and looked around. Spark seemed excited and continued looking around.

"You do know that this could collapse on top of us." I said.

"Don't worry!" He replied and continued deeper.

"Famous last words..." I mumbled to myself and followed him.

The cave was in such a damaged condition that it did have me on edge since it looked like it was about to fall and crumble. Spark however didn't mind it and just resumed going deeper into the cave. I have a feeling that he doesn't care how dangerous something is. As long as it's an exploration, he'll do it.

This didn't feel safe at the least and once we reached an opening, we took a little break to find the next path to explore. The area we decided to stop at had all these crates filled with abandoned equipment that were years old. Old pickaxes, cutting tools, hardhats, and more random junk filled them. When Spark found a Pickaxe, he picked it up and looked around.

"Sweet, a pickaxe! I wonder if I can mine some ore." He said.

"This isn't a game. Collecting ore requires much more then just slamming it with a pickaxe. It'll destroy the ore if you do that..." I sighed.

"Oh..." Spark simply replied.

Spark shrugged and placed the pick down and began walking around. It was at that moment that everything changed. Spark walked over to look at something but then I heard a loud thud. Thinking he just knocked something over, I turned to face him and to tell him to be careful. But before I told him, I noticed someone was on top of him and pinning him down.

"Whoa, what the?" I said and quickly went over to them.

I pulled the figure who tackled Spark off and noticed it was a Houndour.

"Huh…? What are you doing tackling him?" I asked.

The Houndour looked at us and quickly stood up.

"Dang… Thought you two were cops..." The Houndour rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Uh, no?" Spark looked confused.

"Good… Now, what are you doing here?" He snapped to us.

"Just exploring." Spark said.

"Hmh." The Houndour said and just walked to the entrance.

"Wait…!" Spark said.

"What?" He sounded annoyed.

"You are an explorer too? Maybe we can be friends…!" Spark said, introducing us.

"I swear you just spread our names everywhere we go..." I mumbled to myself.

"Hmh… I'm Rex… Now leave me alone." Rex growled softly and walked out.

- Rex's Stats -
Name: Houndour / Rex, Birthday 6/12.
Strength 64/100, Speed 50/100, Speech 63/100, Intelligence 41/100, Awareness 99/100, Composure 100/100, Luck 71/100, Stealth 81/100, Agility 80/100
Positive Traits: Heroic, Healthy, Loyal, Stable, Trusting, Mature
Natural Traits: Strict, Tough, Sarcastic, Quiet
Negative Traits: Predatory, Selfish, Tense, Troublesome
- Stats End -

"O- oh, okay..." Spark said as Rex left the cave, leaving us alone.

"Still want to explore…?" I asked, annoyed somewhat.

"Uh, we should just go home for now." He said.

"Finally..." I sighed in relief and quickly left the cave.

Spark departed half way through as I walked home by myself. The remaining day was quiet, just the way I like it.

The next morning Spark and I were in the city just doing our thing. I had to get some stuff at the store for my mother and Spark decided to tag along.

When we did get the food, we were walking back to my place but Spark stopped and looked down an alleyway.

"What is it now?" I asked.

"Do you see down there? Looks like a colorful box." He said.

"And?" I asked.

"Could be something cool in it!" He said.

"Uh-huh..." I replied.

Spark gave me what he was carrying and quickly ran over to the box. I sighed and watched as he picked I up and as he did, he was suddenly hit with loads of paintball of different colors. I looked on in surprise as Spark was shocked and tried shielding himself but it failed.

When the paintball rain stopped, Spark was about 30 different colors as he whined softly.

"W- who did that…?!" He called out.

It was moments later when we heard laughing and soon a Zoura revealed himself, smirking and looking at Spark who whined more.

"Target 6 done, heh..." The Zorua said.

"H- huh? Why…?!" Spark exclaimed.

The Zorua just smirked and looked at me.

"Ah, a spectator." He said.

"Uh… I would be mad, but that was quite funny." I said.

"It wasn't funny…!" Spark said.

"For me it was, heh." I chuckled softly.

"Not cool…!" Spark exclaimed and shook himself.

The Zorua laughed softly in a somewhat low tone, sounding evil in a way.

"King of pranks strikes again." He said.

"Well, I approve. So… What is your name?" I asked.

"Me? Heh, I suppose giving my name won't hurt… I'm Hunter, and don't try to get friendly with me." He pulled out a weapon filled with paintball.

- Hunter's Stats -
Name: Zorua / Hunter, Birthday 1/4.
Strength 45/100, Speed 81/100, Speech 59/100, Intelligence 51/100, Awareness 91/100, Composure 100/100, Luck 40/100, Stealth 69/100, Agility 71/100
Positive Traits: Forceful, Clever, Clean, Alert, Calm, Confident
Natural Traits: Invisible, Physical, Scary, Casual
Negative Traits: Prankster, Uncaring, Plotting, Moody
- Stats End -

"Don't worry… I don't enjoy making friends..." I said.

"Good. Now, who is the one I colored?" He asked.

"Spark… My odd best friend..." I said.

"Hmh. Better get cleaned off now." Hunter said and pulled out another weapon.

Hunter then proceeded to unleash a massive force of water from the water gun. It didn't do the job completely, but Spark was washed from most of the paint. Spark sighed and looked sad.

"There, heh." He said as he grabbed a bag from behind a garbage bag.

"Well, I gotta go…" He said and quickly dashed into the darkness.

"Such a fun Pokemon." I smirked softly and looked at Spark who was shaking.

"That was so uncool..." Spark said.

"For me it was cool, hehe. We better head back to get you cleaned before you get sick… Though I think that wouldn't be that bad..." I whispered the last part to myself.

"Y- yeah… That was extremely cold water." He said and sped walked out of the alley.

I followed him and when we got to my place, he took a shower and ended up wearing some of my clothing. After he walked downstairs, I looked at him.

"Better? That's good… Anyways, just go wait for me outside or something." I said.

Spark agreed and walked out while I did my own thing. What I didn't tell him however was that I'd be quite a long while. A few hours long. And after five hours of me relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet, I finally got up and decided to get Spark.

Surprisingly upon leaving my house, I noticed he was still waiting but with another Pokemon. A Poochyena. I looked confused as the two was on the grass with some supplies scattered around that ended up being art supply. I looked more confused and walked up to them.

"Err… Who's this?" I said.

Spark quickly looked up and at me.

"About time you got done with your thing. Anyways, this is Leon. He just walked up and we quickly became friends." He wagged his tail.

- Leon's Stats -
Name: Poochyena / Leon, Birthday 3/9.
Strength 49/100, Speed 79/100, Speech 60/100, Intelligence 64/100, Awareness 56/100, Composure 20/100, Luck 47/100, Stealth 14/100, Agility 78/100
Positive Traits: Playful, Neat, Kind, Honest, Gentle, Forgiving
Natural Traits: Soft, Pure, Neutral, Cute
Negative Traits: Obnoxious, Irresponsible, Fearful, Distracted
- Stats End -

"Huh… Interesting." I said.

Leon looked back and smiled at me.

"Hey there…! Spark has been telling me about you." He said.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yep! He said you absolutely love making art and music!" He said.

"I guess that's true. I do love making art and all..." I told him.

"I love making it too! Maybe we can get together one day and draw. Maybe teach me something new." He smiled.

"Um… Sure." I said.

"Cool!" He said.

"Well, since Lucas is finally here, how about we pick this up later?" Spark told Leon.

"Oh? Sure." He said.

"Huh? Err… N- no. That's fine. You two, err… Do your things. I'll just go back inside..." I said.

"Oh, okay. You sure?" Spark looked at me.

"Yeah, you two seem busy anyway. We'll just hang out later." I said.

"Okay. Since you think so. We'll chat later!" Spark said.

"Sure thing." I said and walked back into my house.

When I got into my house, I closed the door and walked to the couch. I fell onto it and sighed softly as my brother Vince was asleep next to me.

"Eh, he seems to have the right idea." I said and kicked my feet up and closing my eyes.

"Time to just relax..." I told myself.

I then fell asleep on the couch...