Disclaimer: Love Hina isn't mine. I do not own the KGB, though I wish I did. The name 'Psi-Corp' was originally used on Babylon 5, if memory serves. Whether they own it or not, I do not know. I own any and all original characters in this.

[ ]: telepathy

" ": speech

The Corp

Chapter 1: Psi-Corp

*Sometime after the last days of the Cold War, Leningrad*

The room was dark, barely lit. It was impossible to see the people within, if there were any at all. It was somewhere underground, in the bowels of the sewers somewhere in what was once a top secret KGB stronghold. All of the guards were now dead already; all of them choked to death but their bodies bore no signs of even being touched. There wasn't a single drop of blood in the whole building, There were two figures present there, despite the fact that it was impossible to see inside. One of them was Russian, with thick auburn hair and blue eyes and the other, a young Chinese woman, barely fifteen. The Chinese girl opened the blackened windows, letting some moonlight in.

"We cannot allow this to happen." A voice with a thick Russian accent spoke in his best Mandarin. "The KGB has made arrangements to continue operations on our brethren already. Damn their underground networks, capable of working even without the backing of the Soviets."

[Then, we have no choice.] She answered with two of her fingers on her temple. [We have no other move.]

"What do we do now, Ling?" the Russian man asked. "They'll hunt us down. They'll kill us."

[They won't.] The Chinese girl, Ling Xiao Yin, answered telepathically. [We'll organize a resistance. We'll fight back. The telepaths once were enslaved by the KGB, now; it is our time to claim our freedom.]

"They'll kill us all! We could barely clear this place of the fifteen men they had here! Even without the Soviets, they have hundreds!"

[Do not be so frightened, Alexei. I know that many of us will die.] Ling let out a small smile. Those diamond shaped eyes seemed so innocent and calm, she felt some affection towards the older Russian man, despite the fact that she was mute. [This is the price of freedom: every bit of sanity, every drop of blood, every ounce of strength, every last life. All paid in advance. I have a plan.]

"What might that be?" Alexei asked, he was uncomfortable speaking to others telepathically but he had no problem scanning minds and at times, making them think or feel what he wants them to.

[An organized resistance force for us and our brethren.] Ling turned around, walking past Alexei. [An army of minds with power beyond anything the KGB can possibly imagine. This place…I specifically chose this place as our hiding place because I scanned a KGB official once, the same one that raped me. They were developing a device here capable of magnifying the power of a telepathic signal.]

"I heard the rumors. It was supposed to be used for assassinations." Alexei noted, remembering the rumors he heard in the Stalingrad KGB facility. "What does that have to do with us?"

[It can be modified, modified to magnify the signal of a single, telepathic message to draw all our scattered brethren to this place.] Ling closed her eyes. [We, Homo Psychosis, will resist them. We will face them.]


*Somewhere in Okinawa, fifteen years ago*

It was an ominous place, with the shadows seemingly alive. There was only one central red light, which did little to illuminate the faces of those sitting on the monolithic platform in the back of the room. A five year old child, her hands chained, her short hair neatly combed and her eyes closed, was the subject of debate. There was a strange insignia hung in the room, behind the monolithic platform. There were a few other people there; all dressed in black versions of the Nazi SS uniforms. The child has some sort of metallic crown on her head, which didn't seem to have any purpose at all. Standing beside the child was an adult girl and a boy only around a year or two older than she was. For a moment, there was a stilling silence.

"The child is a liability." One of the people on the platform spoke. The voice had an odd Danish accent; there was clear difficulty with speaking English for this person. "Her powers are erratic, unfocused and possibly dangerous."

"It is to be expected, she is the child of two of the most powerful telepaths that we have ever encountered. It is unfortunate that the two of them chose to rebel against us." A second voice, one that was distinctly Russian, said to the group with a dignified presence. "Still, it is possible we can still train her. Her mind has no clear memories of her parents. We will do to her as we have with the others. Raise her, clothe her, feed her, train her and use her."

[Her powers are far too erratic and random to be of use in the long term.] Another telepath noted. [The investment of training her and such would not be covered by her potential usefulness. We will find higher level telepaths I the future.]

[It is agreed then. We do not need to risk training her for the slim possibility of her powers being of use.] The one that appeared to be the leader of this group telepathically told them all. [Her two months worth of memories of her stay with us will be erased and her powers sealed. Maxim, do the deed.]

"I understood, Commander." Maxim, a tall man, Caucasian, with blonde hair that had streaks of white and golden eyes, nodded his head. He moved slowly, placing two fingers on the temple of the child and her thumb on the jaw. "My mind to your mind, your thoughts to mine."

The girl screamed her little lungs out. The sheer amount of telepathic power to erase memories and erase powers of her level are immense and could cause permanent damage to her still developing mind. Her eyes turned into a ghostly white as she lost consciousness. Maxim had his eyes closed in concentration, she may have been out but her subconscious was putting up a telepathic firewall against his mind-wipe. The stress on both of them was so great that it had become physically visible already. There were nerves on their bodies, pulsating more and more violently with each second that Maxim's mind and the child's were locked. Finally, after a few minutes, Maxim backed off, barely moving as the girl lay on the floor, asleep.

[Is it done, Cross?] The apparent leader asked.

"It's done, Commander Yin." Maxim confirmed, shaking his head from the pain. "I have wiped her memories and set up several blocks to her telepathic powers."

"There appeared to be some difficulty with the procedure." A female voice with a British accent noted.

"Her powers are deeper rooted than most other telepaths, Ms. Smith." Maxim answered. "I had to bypass several subconscious anti-invasion telepathic firewalls before I could even being."

"Telepathic firewalls? Intriguing, this girl is." Ms. Smith noted as two men took the girl outside, most likely to plant her in some family, the memories of the family involved falsified. "I have never seen any untrained telepath have telepathic firewalls to prevent invasion and mind-wiping before."

[In any case, it is done, Ms. Smith. It would be virtually impossible for her to break Maxim's blocks.]

"That is true, Commander Yin." Ms. Smith admitted. [Still, I cannot help but think we made a mistake…]

[I am inclined to agree with Ms. Smith.] Another female telepath noted.

"The decision has been passed and the procedure carried out, Naomi, Ms. Smith. There is no more turning back now."


*Somewhere in Siberia, present day*

It may have been cold, ruthless and eternal winter on the outside but warm and comfortable in the other. A massive computer complex was at the heart of this strange underground base, with a middle-aged brunette woman in an off-white shirt, topped with a light blue blazer and off-white skirt. She wore blue high heeled shoes, which made a slight tapping sound on the steel floor. She tucked her hair back behind her ears, her cold blue eyes looking at the massive, electronically enhanced world map. There was a strange blipping light in the screen, in a small city near Tokyo. She placed her hands together, clasping them, comfortably in front of her as she turned to one of the other people there.

"Give me the status report on that one in Japan." She said.

"Yes, Ms. Smith." The person answered. "Subject# 10152644: Otohime Mutsumi. Estimated Level: 6. Location: Hina City. Training Status: Untrained. Notes: She could potentially be the most powerful untrained telepath we have ever come across. Her powers primarily take form as a heightened ability to sense other people's emotions. The lack of training has resulted in a weak constitution and possible signs of mental illness. She is also in close proximity to…"

"She is in close proximity to what?" Ms. Smith asked. "Tell me."

"Well, according to the reports, she is in close proximity to Subject# 666, the rogue's child." The underling answered. "Theoretically, Subject# 10152644's empathy is just the tip of the iceberg. It is possible that prolonged exposure may begin to break down the initial locks placed on Subject# 666's powers."

"Then we have the chance to correct a mistake made fifteen years ago." Ms. Smith smiled. "This is wonderful. Contact the headquarters in Shanghai. Commander Yin must know of this."


*Present, Hina City*

Mutsumi walked along the streets of Hina City, carrying several bags with her and Tama-chan on her forehead. It seemed wrong, Mutsumi, the one with the weakest constitution among the residents of Hinata Sou, was carrying several heavy looking bags. She was carrying groceries for Shinobu, a new violin for Kanako, some sake for Kitsune and some computer coolant for Kaolla. She was walking on a calm, healthy pace, as if she wasn't ill at all. Her pace was leisurely and slow, her smile angelic and absolutely divine. Tama-chan then flew from the top of her head, where she was perched, and faced the watermelon woman. Mutsumi tilted her head slightly, stopping just short of the steps to Hinata Sou.

"Ara, Shinobu-chan's groceries…Kanako-chan's new violin…Kitsune-san's sake…Su-chan's coolant fluid…" Mutsumi mumbled, checking everything. "I think I have everything."

"Myu!" Tama-chan said as she flew ahead.

"Ara, alright Tama-chan. I'll give you some watermelons when we get back." Mutsumi answered the small, flying hot spring turtle as se proceeded up the steps. "Well, let's go home."

To Be Continued…

Kanako: Well, my first serious piece of work. Time to hammer out several details so I finish before that "time" comes.