Chapter warnings: this chapter is much more graphic than other chapters and includes multiple kinks including piss play, gang bangs, facials, group sex, sex toys, dubious consent (sleep kink) etc. meant for 18+ older. Don't like please don't read.

Estrus day 1

I was all packed for the camping trip. This... was going to be weird. I had a talk with Chiron about the trip beforehand, we both agreed that we shouldn't let any of the others know why we were taking this trip. It could make them nervous or feel pressured to be apart of it. I wish we didn't have to do it in the first place but Kyle insisted to both of us that it had to be done. That if we skipped it I would be walking to lunch and a campers would end up tearing my clothes off, or eachothers. The magic would push them to do it and once the spell broke they may feel violated. That's why we had meetings and built the roster of volunteers that agreed "sober" that they wanted to feed me. Incubus nature walked a dubious line of rape and consent. So preparations were unavoidable. While everyone on my list was invited on the camping trip, we didn't want them to think they had to partake but knew if they did it was consensual.

Chiron felt them not knowing would avoid weird vibes and they would just assume everything that happened was just natural. This thing was far from natural, but it was necessary to protect campers. Clovis was the only one on the list not going and one of the only ones I hadn't been with. Sure there were a couple others that are coming with us that I hadn't gotten around to yet, but clovis was the wild card on my list that I didn't expect. He was on a dream quest and had been asleep for 5 days now. So I figured I'll eventually get to him when we get home. Chiron told them we had to go on this trip as a team building exercise for the Roman/Greek student exchange next month. Everyone agreed without hesitation or even an inking that they knew something was up. Either that or they didn't care, it's not like my feeding list was a secret. Will got our bags ready as he read off the list of supplies to double check and then the list of campers attending so we could pick them up from their cabins along the way.

"Ok so we have Percy, Jason, Mitchell, , Jake, the Stolls, Austin, and some dude named Sky from the Eros cabin."

"Who is Sky?" I asked making sure the tent was packed well. Thalia sent one to me when I told her what was going on and gave me a Deluxe Artemis approved tent that could fit everyone and included a food buffet when activated. She was a life saver.

" Sky is the son of Eros, he's the one that's kinda... femme."

"What do you mean femme?"

"Like he is a twink if I every saw one. Glitter, pink, and the words needy bottom in rhinestones on his underwear."

"Ok but what does he look like?"

"Well he's pretty, small, Dark eyes and hair a lot like you."

"So he's your type?" Will blushed at me trying to hide his eyes.

"Yeah, he is."

"You gonna fuck him too?" My voice wasn't angry, more curious. I didn't know how this was all supposed to work and didn't know if this was everyone trying to fuck just me or if it was just going to be some three day orgy. Everyone getting a taste of everyone.

"You going to fuck my brother?"

"Probably." I winked.

"Well then while you are fucking Austin I'll be fucking Sky. Deal?"

"Deal. I'm actually excited to see that. Watching you fuck Jason was mind blowing. I didn't realize what a sexy bottom you were." I felt hands trail around my hips as he kissed the back of my neck. Fuck this wasn't helping us get out the door.

"Will we have to go the guys are waiting for us." I giggled.

"They won't be here for an hour, daylights savings remember? We have an hour to kill until they march up on the door. What shall we do to kill the time..."

"Oh I can think of a few things." I turned in his arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulled his mouth into mine. Will was a great kisser, always following my lead with little swirls of his tongue right on the tip of mine, never one to go straight in a choke you. I deepened the kiss to give it some sizzle as he walked us backwards until my calves hit the side of the bed. Turning me around he undid my belt and pulled my pants and underwear down to my knees. Bending me over I heard his zipper and knew what was coming next. The feel of his blunt head against my hole which was already slick from anticipation. Pushing in I groaned at the satisfying feeling of my man taking me.

Bringing his whole body down over my back and kissing the back of my neck as he rutted into me at a quick rough pace that had both of us gasping.

"Gods Will right there! Yes!"

"You always feel so fucking good Nico, they may get to taste you but you belong to me. They don't get to keep you like I do, you are mine!" He growled possessively in my ear. I loved it when he got like this. Will was right, they may get my body, but he has my soul. Will is my mate as Kyle put it. Only he can satisfy me for long periods of time. While I enjoy the others, I Damn near crave Will. Taking Will when he got home was a hundred more times as satisfying as a single romp with the others. Like having a real meal after a month of fast food and snacks. Like tasting one hundred year old brandy when all you have had was cheap beer. Will was the shining beacon of my collection, the love of my life. No one made me cum and shake and quiver like him.

"I'm gonna cum, oh Will harder I'm almost there!" He rammed into me harder bruising my hips until I exploded untouched all over the bed cover. I could feel my eyes roll and my vision darker around the edges as he pulsed inside me, breathing ragged between my shoulders. Giving my ass a quick spank he withdrew and pulled up my pants without cleaning me up.

"Wear that, no matter what happens tonight or the next few days, I'm there first, I marked you as mine." Kissing my jaw I fell to the side avoiding the cum puddles as I murmured agreement's and dirty nothings into his ear.

The guys came to the cabin not long after our quickie. We started marching to the far side of camp when I started feeling the signs of estrus. Kyle said I would feel the cramping like when I needed to feed only they would be more intense and sharper. My body would overheat, I could barely get sex off my mind, and the new natural lubrications my body made would leak. Though that could just be the cum Will left behind from earlier. Plus it wasn't like the long hike was helping with me with sweating. We finally all reached the nice copse of trees about five miles from the border. A circle clearing that already had a fire pit made up in the middle.

I was lost in thought while everyone set up, getting tents up and building the fire as night drifted in. This was my new normal. I still couldn't really wrap my head around it. I wasn't just a human anymore I was a creature, at least in part. My life would still have its troubles and for the most part it would be normal, or Atleast as normal as a demigods could be. Like the others I would fight monsters and go on quests. Eventually the scent of demigod will fade with age and we will be able to live our lives demi normally. Or go to new Rome and not take the chance, hell Leo and Annabeth are discussing making a greek side like new Rome so that we could have an east coast city to be safe in. I would be part of that, the building of a new age. Yet... this was here too. My incubus nature.

I'll never be able to form a normal relationship. Will and I had that stolen from us with the bite that night. It will never be just us. I know in my heart that if I wasn't bitten it would have been just us. That our sex life would have matured naturally, instead of being forced to speed up for my health and welfare. That I wouldn't be in the woods with sweat rolling down my back knowing that before this three days was over I will have had sex with everyone here, probably multiple times. That within the next few hours I would most likely be naked and writhing on someone's dick, half out of my mind with lust, eyes glowing red and feeling the magic of it all wash over me. It been a hard road to except. I don't think I would have been able to without Will. Will's thoughtful nature and selflessness built this... Harem. He built a harem for me! To keep me alive and healthy and with him. I promised myself right then and there that I would marry that man the moment we could, that he will always know he comes first and I love him above all else. Since I can't show my devotion physically I can show it mentally, and possibly even financially once I'm able to access the money my mother and sister left me. I'll buy him the biggest house, pay for his school, anything he wants. We could travel the world, if the man wants to drip diamonds off his body I'll do it. Anything for Will.

I could feel the cramping deep inside as the guys finished up dinner and started telling stories around the fire of the latest quests and rumors from the west coast. I've had to change my clothes twice from the sweat, but luckily Will was the only one who seemed aware of my discomfort. Everyone was having such a good time I didn't want to interrupt and push the incubus magic into the air. It can't always be all about me. It was nice watching the guys, it gave me another type of satisfaction seeing them so freely open with eachother. Small touches and an intimacy that screams more than sex. Something that toxic masculinity steals from them when infront is other people. It's a shame. Men should be allowed to be openly affectionate, I think it was tampered with because of its strength. It's powerful, powerful enough to scare people. Just like a strong woman who owns her self and is a slave to no man, a sensitive caring man with love for his brothers is intimidating. Both solve problems, thus the world wants to eradicate it. It was a pity, and the world was sadder for it.

"So Nico, why are we here?" Asked Percy as he roasted a marshmallow off a stick. He waited until it caught fire, blackened, then blew it out and ate it burnt.

"What do you mean? We are doing a teamwork building thing-a-ma-jig Chiron gave us." I said keeping my tone even as sweat pooled down my lower back.

"Yeah, right! C'mon Nico did you think we were stupid?" Said Jason.

"Yeah, the whole team is here!" Laughed one of the Stolls.

"Team?" Will quirked an eyebrow at them.

"Yeah, Nicos feeding team. Everyone here is on the feeding Roster that's in the infirmary. Just because the other campers don't know what that paper means doesn't mean we don't." Austin said while loading three marshmallows at a time on his skewer.

"So fess up, what's going on? Is this like a meeting? Couldn't we have just had one back at the big house like last time instead of marching three hours to the border or the camp? Is this bad news? Are we all incubus hybrids now like you? Are we dying? Or did you bring us out here to kill us?" Percy was much more observant than I ever gave him credit for. I rolled my eyes and Will huffed knowingly. We were found out much quicker than we thought.

"Fine! Nico is in Estrus... ummm he's in heat. It's going to last a few days and it's better he goes through it away from prying eyes. His behavior will become... we won't be able to hide it. He will crave feeding and with anyone who is around not just those on the roster. So we thought it would be easier to just get everyone in the same place and far from the younger campers." Will really was an Angel.

"So let's get this straight. Nico is going to become a horny lust sex crazed maniac and you want to make sure he only has sex with the ones who agreed to it in the first place. All while keeping the younger campers safe and unaware of what's going on with him."


"I have some questions." Jake raised his hand.

"Yes Jake?"

"Can Nico get pregnant on his heat."

"No, good question but no." Will was like a camp counselor answering questions about craft cabins and pool rules. It was adorable.

"Yeah, is this like some kind of weird gang bang? Or is this like more of an orgy? Like are we all just having sex with Nico or are we all having sex with whomever?"

There was a mumbled agreement to this question.

"Nicos magic will start soon if it hasn't already, I think he's been trying to keep it in as long as possible. As we all know his magic brings out inner desires, so there is a possibility that you won't just be feeding Nico but also... experimenting with eachother if the need strikes. Next question?" Will took a swing of water and pointed to Austin.

"So, are you cool watching him get fucked by all of us, or are you going to go crazy and hit us? Can you deal with your boyfriend be passed around like a collection plate?"

"I can answer that one, we practiced together already, Will is fine watching Nico get banged. In fact Will is not exactly closed for business." Piped Jason as he swallowed a marshmallow.

"Yeah but, it's like a lot of us, like all of us are going to be feeding him." Travis said.

"I'm fine with it. The magic... it makes me like watching him be fed by others. Now I talked to Nicos mentor Kyle, this is going to be Kinda intense. Nico will need to be fed regular food too as well as hydrated. Once he's in full heat he won't be able to stop. So it's a possibility that he's going to be feeding... while he's feeding. If any of you don't want to be part of this feel free to pack up and leave."

Everyone shook their head no and agreed that they wanted part of this.

It was a strange feeling, being talked about like I wasn't there. Being to out of it with heat to even be able to fully respond.

Using all my focus to reign the magic in. I was torn internally. I didn't want the magic or my incubus nature to be released. It was one thing one on one, it was another with a full group. That and the magic I was containing seemed uncontrollable, to wild to allow out. I just sat there sweating and fidgeting, my eyes unfocused as Will and the guys were getting a run down. I played with the magic in my head, looking at it, feeling it. Usually I could explore it and see a mental list of what they expected, what they wanted. I could tell if someone wanted to be dominated, if a kink of theirs was rising to the surface like a ring float on the water. I couldn't feel that now.

All I could feel was... what I wanted. Is this what estrus was supposed to be? About me? What I wanted from it? Usually the only real control I had was over their orgasms and my own. I could push them over the edge with shove of will. The magic had never really asked what I wanted, or maybe I wouldn't let it. Deep down I wanted to please. I wanted them to have everything they wanted and more.

I was barely aware of Sky in front of me. Sky didn't look very different then me. He was small, dark hair, lithe, and very pretty. While I liked to play with certain pieces of femininity, Sky seemed to enjoy it on a fuller scale. Makeup, bright clothing though the clothes were still male they were walking the line hard. I felt strangely comfortable around him, even if me and his father had major beef. It wasn't his fault, sins of the father and all that. I should be used to that more than most. It was like looking in a warped mirror.

"Nico, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah I can what's up?" I managed to get out.

"I don't think you can hear what's being said right now and you need to be able to be part of the conversation coherently. I'm going to touch you ok? Is that ok?" I could understand him to a point, I got most of it. Then I felt him undoing my pants unable to shove him away or say no. I didn't want to say no but I also wasn't sure what was happening. I felt my dick hit the fresh air and I was fully soaked from sweat and arousal, my tip leaking on a constant flow. Warm wetness engulfed me and my fingers made their way to his hair pushing him down hard on me. A groan of pleasure vibrates around my cock as the sweet suction started to unclog my head. Voices became clearer and I was no longer fuzzy around the edges. Everyone just stared at us. Watching as sky bobbed his head on me and made a few gurgle sounds. Finally my senses were clear. Lifting off me he continued to stroke with his own saliva as lube.

"I asked them to stop talking until I could clear your head. Did you know that incubai are the children of my father and Enchinda? We have a deeper understanding of the nature than others do. We even share a lot of the same traits. You and Will keep answering questions and talking while I do this ok?"

I nodded my head turning to Will, he smiled and palmed the bulge in his pants as he turned back to the group.

"Percy what was your last question?"

"How does this work? Do we just all fuck him at once? Like gangbang style or is this more of an orgy?"

"Nico?" He turned to me questioning. Kyle had given me some insight to what would or should happen.

"Both? It's up in the air really. The magic will increase sexual desire and need. Keep you from wearing out so to speak. Kyle told me that if you feel like you need a break to get atleast twenty feet away and the magic should lesson so you can assess yourself and needs. I myself will most likely need to be constantly ... fed. So you guys will have to find a way to force me into bodily needs like food and water, going to the bathroom that sort of thing I'm not sure how we are going to..." sky lifted his head and started stroking again to speak.

"I can be in charge of that. The magic doesn't have a lesser effect on me but it does let me think clearer then they would be able to. We might have to resort to allowing you to do those things while feeding. Like I'm doing now." I can also drag people away from you when I think they need a break." His mouth went back to work sliding slickly up and down my shaft as people nodded at me.

"How do you want to do this Nico, I think once we start it will be easy and we can go with the flow. But you need to start us off."

Will agreed with him and everyone turned to me. I thought about it for a moment, it was easier to think now but that didn't mean that Sky was boring me. Far from, his mouth was true most talented thing I'd had in ages. Then like a crashing wave the bliss rolled through me and I felt myself cumming deep in Sky's mouth. I have a small cry as he licked me clean. The tents were over 20feet away from the fire and an idea popped into my head.

"I'm going to go get into my tent, I'm going to get naked. You guys are far enough away that when I release everything I'm holding back you shouldn't be effected. Whoever wants to fuck me can meet me there. It can be one at a time, it can be all of you at once. I don't really care. Just someone meet me over there in five minutes and fuck me." I ground out trying to keep my composure. I jogged to the tent and started stripping as I went, I couldn't deal with the heat of my clothing any longer. I started rummaging in a duffle bag Will brought, grabbing a large dildo we had bought off the Stolls. I lubed it up even though I was leaking naturally, With how much I was going to be used this weekend I shouldn't skimp on lube. I felt the fuzzy bleary feeling come back full force and I managed myself on my back with my legs spread wide. I shoved the toy deep inside me and found a rough pace that I liked. The harder I fucked myself the less control I had over the magic and it burst out of me. The buzz was so loud to me it was blocking out all other sound. I felt around the released essence and like I had felt before it wasn't what they wanted that I found, it was what I wanted.

Right now, I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be used. I wanted to give the term "cum dump" a whole new meaning. I had played around with the others kink of using me as an object, yet now it settled over me making me realize that when I fed in that way it was a hundred times more fulfilling. Sure I enjoyed sex with Will and Mitchell. Even Percy didn't like it super kinky all the time, but fuck if that wasn't my kink. Just the idea of it was bringing me pleasure. I faintly wondered if I had to tell them or if the magic would nudge them the way it always nudged me. That's when I heard the zipper of the tent and three guys piled inside, none of them wearing clothing.

Will wasn't among them. Percy, Sky, and Jason piled in all holding and stroking their cocks. I pulled the toy out and threw it a side, my eyes burning with the red flashing of lust. My mouth open and begging for one of them in my mouth while the other fucked me. I expected to be taken from behind but Sky made me lay on my back with a pillow under my hips. Percy knelt over my face as he dipped his sack in my mouth, covering the other two so I couldn't see what they were doing. I felt jason line up and push the flared head of his dick into my entrance sinking deeper in one smooth motion. Yet he didn't move to thrust yet, I was starting to rock to fuck myself on him when I felt Sky straddle my stomach and grab my dick. Tight wet heat that was much tighter than his mouth sank onto me, when did he have time to lube up? Percy got up to rearrange himself and I saw Jason inside me and sky bouncing on my dick at the same time. Grabbing my hair roughly Percy pulled my head to the side so he could slide in my mouth. It was overwhelming in the best possible way. I was being hit on all sensors. I was being fucked in both holes and I was fucking someone else's hole at the same time. It was beautiful.

Jason and Sky seemed to have a good rhythm going between the two, as if Jason was fucking Sky with my dick. Percy was rough and sloppy as he grabbed my head with both hands and rocked inside my mouth as my jaw slacked for him. All I could hear was the buzz, Sky's moans, and the Gluck Gluck Gluck sounds of my throat being fucked. I played with the magic, bringing their orgasms close them dampening them down a few times before I let them let loose. Sky was the first as he sprayed rope after rope of white along my chest and neck. He didn't move off, just continued to bounce on me begging me to cum inside of him. Jason hit my prostate with three hard thrusts and I have Sky what he wanted as I moaned deep around the cock in my mouth. Soon Jason was grunting out a cum shot deep in my ass. Percy was taking a while and I decided to push him closer, the salty streams volleyed off the roof of my mouth and dripped down my chin as I swallowed it up. Panting I relaxed into a starfish position, the pain in my stomach not gone but sated momentarily. Sky was motioning me to drink a bottle of water as a few more guys came into the tent.

The tent was big enough for double the amount of people on the trip. Sure some of the guys brought their own but most were staying with us. Round two was coming up fast and Jason, Percy and Sky just sat along the tent wall watching as the next group took their turn with me.

That night I was fucked by everyone, everyone had either been in my ass or mouth or both. I remember drifting to sleep as I lay in a circle of them as they jerked and sprayed cum on me covering my entire body in liquid pearls.

I had never felt so beautiful.

When I woke up the next morning I noticed that some of the cum was wiped off my body as I slept. I wasn't nearly as covered as I was when I fell asleep. I also noticed I was being fucked. It was Jason, of course it was with his sleep kink. How could I have slept through him starting this? Didn't matter, felt to good to worry about it. Most of the guys were naked and passed out. Sky was awake and bent in half next to me being fucked by Will. Looking over with his lust filled gaze he kissed me and held my hand, motioning the boys to pull out so we could face eachother. Sky raised his leg for Will and I did the same for Jason. Sky holding our slick erections together and pumping them as his tongue massages mine. It was so fucking hot. Not long after the guys came, a few minutes later I came after with Sky. Time was so relative that it blurred. Will looked so hot when he fucked someone else. It's like seeing our love from the outside. Just because he was inside someone else didn't mean he loved me any less. Somehow the magic of this curse is pushing us closer together instead of apart. Kissing us both we got a slap to our asses to get up and moving.

Sky told the guys to get a nap in and that he would help me out this morning with needs. Will had kissed me goodbye giving me some extra pep as I felt him healing my body with a warm sunshine glow of his gifts. Honestly I wasn't sure I would have been able to walk if he hadn't. I insisted he kiss Sky too since I was sure he was pretty worked over from last night too. I saw that I wasn't the only one he bottomed for that night. He grabbed Wills bag before I could stand up and picked out two butt plugs. Putting on in himself and inserting one into me with a kitten lick to my sack.

"Come on we need to clean you up."

"Did you sleep?"

"Yeah I got like four hours in. I'll nap later. It's not like you got any better. There is a small lake over here." He held my hand and we walked naked to the lake with a plastic bag full of items he picked up on the way out.

"Why do we have plugs in?"

"Because we don't want all of it running down our legs as we walk, super uncomfortable. C'mon it's through here."

Sky settles us both in the water and undid our plugs. While it was weird it was also nice to have someone here that wasn't judgy and seemed to know what to do so that I didn't embarrass myself. He helped me clean out the river of spunk that flowed out of me and gave me the most sexual sponge bath of my life. All while feeding me crackers and jerky, and making me down a protein shake to boot. We finally got clean and fed and headed back up when I stopped him.

"I gotta piss give me a sec." he waited for me as I found a tree and my stomach cramped and I found myself seeing stars on the ground. Fuck this hurt, and the sweat was already flowing out of my pores as my body craved to feed again.

"Nico?! Are you ok?"

"I need, fuck but I have to pee! This is fucking stupid!" Sky looked around as if for divine intervention when his face changed as a lightbulb popped in his head.

"Pee on me!"

"What!? No that's gross!"

"Not to me, just look at me, feel the magic and pee on me."

This was really fucking weird to me, but my stomach wasn't letting me decide. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the tree as Sky knelt and started playing with his cock.

"Do it I want it, fucking piss on me! If you want you can pee in me!"

My bladder released suddenly as the golden shower sprayed across him in a solid stream. Sky started stroking faster and I knelt down time touch him, getting up he paid me back with a thick white facial that dripped all over my lips and cheeks. My left eye sealed shut from a very large shot. Lips met mine as he kissed me deep and hard, spreading the seed around and exchanging it between us in the kiss. My stomach pain subsided and we broke apart laughing at the silliness that just ensued.

"Fuck we got to go back and wash up again."

"Yeah we do."

Heading back into the water we got the soap back out and Sky started stroking me as we washed up a second time.

"Sorry this is happening to you, and that I have to touch you while you wash. This is kind of the deal from what I understand. Constant feed for the next few days or the pain will come back full force. I read up on it when you were first diagnosed."

"Yeah, that's why I signed up too. For the roster that is. I know you hate my dad, but I figured if this had to happen that I would want to help it be easier for you since my dad embarrassed you. Well that and you and Will are super hot." He said in a breathless admission. Gods he was so fucking cute. How had I never noticed him before?

"So uh why did you want me to pee on you? Isn't that kinda.."

"Kind of fucked up? Yeah well kink is kink. I had an ex do it inside me once and for some reason I liked it. It's not an all the time thing but I think it has something to do with the taboo of it, not that taboo isn't rampant with these guys. Jason liking to fuck while people are sleeping, Percy and his switch dom/sub thing, the Stoll brothers liking to share, Austin likes humiliation. I heard him and Jake last night in the other tent and it was a wild words play that makes my cock twitch just thinking about it."

"Wow, I feel like I'm dating all the boys at camp and they are all kinky shits." I giggled as he washed the cum from my hair.

"Well you kind of are. Will might be your main squeeze but everyone up that hill cares about you or they wouldn't be here. How's your ass? Doing better?"

"Yeah Will helped with that before we left. I can't believe I woke up to Jason fucking me. How did I not feel him start with a cock his size?"

"Ummm Nico, Jason wasn't the only one fucking you while you slept. I hate to say this but every time we tried to leave you alone you would moan loud in your sleep begging someone to fuck you. You would curl in a ball and just scream. So finally after an hour of trying to wake you up we just took a vote and decided the best was to have someone touching you or fucking you all night. Jake fucked you for like an hour before Jason got to you."

That was... surreal. I was being fucked while I was asleep. Yet somehow it just made me want start the gang bang all over again. This curse was driving my sex life up strange walls and I was only getting more into it.

"So what shall we do now, all clean."

"Well I'm going to put that plug back in you so that you can make the walk up without issues. Then we are going to go back to the campsite and blow who ever is awake. Sound like a plan?" I nodded at him and took is hand as we marched our way back to the circle of boys. It was going to be a rough but fun few days.