Pyro's New Parents
(I own nothing)
Once Pyro had left with in the chopper with Magneto and Mystique they flew to pick up the other two members of the brotherhood, Sabertooth and Toad. You can probably imagine there was some tension with the newest addition to the team.
"What's with the ankle biter?" was Creed's first response.
"Yeah, we weren't gone that long," Toad raised and eybrow toward towards Magneto and Mystique.
"Why you!" Mystique would have surely taken Toad out had Magneto not grabbed her arm, go thing he put the chopper on autopilot.
"This is Pyro the newest member to our side," explained Magneto.
"Yer kiddin', right?" asked Sabertooth.
"What's his power violent mood swings or sudden loss of voice when trying to talk to girls?" Toad jeered (Oh ya, the wise cracking dream team was officially back in action, author rolls eyes).
"Care to give them a demonstration?" Mags looked towards Pyro.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." Pyro trailed off.
"What's the problem?" Mystique narrowed her eyes.
"Nothing I."
"Well, what are you waiting for?" provoked Toad, "Sacred?"
That tore it! It there was one thing Pyro didn't respond well to it was being teased. He pulled his little shark lighter out and turned on the flame. He made it come to his free palm and then put the lighter away.
He did a few tricks and everything was going great until.ACHOO!
Fire flew in every direction from his palm and fizzled out in the farthest corners of the cabin.
"What the hell was that?" asked Toad getting up from the floor.
"Nothing I'm.ACHOO!" Pyro sneezed again.
"Just out of curiosity how far would you say you walked to find us?" asked Magneto.
"6, 7 miles, wh-ACHOO!"
"In ten degree weather?! Mystique started to freak out, "Bed, Now!" she said grabbing his upper arm.
"But this is the storage room!" protested Pyro.
"I don't wanna hear it lay down!" yelled Mystique.
"This is so degrade-ACHOO!"
Meanwhile back in the main cabin.
"Is it me or did Bule's internal clock just go into overdrive?" asked Toad looking at the storage door.
"Let's just hope he survives Mystique's care," said Magneto.
Toad shuddered remembering when he broke his leg after being blown off the statue of liberty as if the fracture wasn't bad enough he had Mystique hovering around him twenty-four seven. And that was just him, Toad. He smelled like algae throw for Christ sake and she still nearly smothered him, that poor kid didn't have a snowball's chance in HELL during winter.
"Seriously, you don't have to tuck me in. All I need to get better is a stack of porn!" John pleaded.
"What?!" yelled Mystique.
"I take it back," said Creed, "He's not so bad."
"He's startin' to grow on me too," admitted Toad.
(3 Hours Later)
Magneto sat in the main cabin finishing the book he had been reading in prison, while Toad and Sabertooth flew the plane. Mystique walked out and sat down next to Magneto doing that that same leg thing she pulled on the prison guard.
Magneto raised an eyebrow as she put the little shark lighter in his hand and then looked down at where her leg was.
"Three hours, but he's asleep," she purred into Magneto's ear.
Magneto closed his book as she started to rub his chest in slow circles.
"Do you like him?" asked Magneto.
"No more than Toad or Sabertooth, why?" asked Mystique.
"Really?" asked Magneto.
"Although he me might get lonely, I think he might need a brother." said Mystique getting dangerously close.
"And how do you propose we give him a brother?" Magneto swallowed hard.
"Steel another from Xavier," said Mystique matter-o-factly as she furrowed her brow, "Why?"
"Just checking," said Magneto putting his book down and grabbing Mystique around the waist.
The metal door to the cockpit slammed as the reunited couple fell back onto the seat.
In the cockpit Toad looked over at Sabertooth, "Our old deal still stands right?" he asked, "If they ever decide to play house and we move to Vegas."
"Damn straight," said Creed as they flew on into the night.
(AN: What do you think, this one just kind of came to me out of the blue. By the by I'm more of an X-Evo writer, presently, this is my first X-move short story. I hope you enjoyed, I just had to get this out of my system.)
(I own nothing)
Once Pyro had left with in the chopper with Magneto and Mystique they flew to pick up the other two members of the brotherhood, Sabertooth and Toad. You can probably imagine there was some tension with the newest addition to the team.
"What's with the ankle biter?" was Creed's first response.
"Yeah, we weren't gone that long," Toad raised and eybrow toward towards Magneto and Mystique.
"Why you!" Mystique would have surely taken Toad out had Magneto not grabbed her arm, go thing he put the chopper on autopilot.
"This is Pyro the newest member to our side," explained Magneto.
"Yer kiddin', right?" asked Sabertooth.
"What's his power violent mood swings or sudden loss of voice when trying to talk to girls?" Toad jeered (Oh ya, the wise cracking dream team was officially back in action, author rolls eyes).
"Care to give them a demonstration?" Mags looked towards Pyro.
"I don't know if that's a good idea." Pyro trailed off.
"What's the problem?" Mystique narrowed her eyes.
"Nothing I."
"Well, what are you waiting for?" provoked Toad, "Sacred?"
That tore it! It there was one thing Pyro didn't respond well to it was being teased. He pulled his little shark lighter out and turned on the flame. He made it come to his free palm and then put the lighter away.
He did a few tricks and everything was going great until.ACHOO!
Fire flew in every direction from his palm and fizzled out in the farthest corners of the cabin.
"What the hell was that?" asked Toad getting up from the floor.
"Nothing I'm.ACHOO!" Pyro sneezed again.
"Just out of curiosity how far would you say you walked to find us?" asked Magneto.
"6, 7 miles, wh-ACHOO!"
"In ten degree weather?! Mystique started to freak out, "Bed, Now!" she said grabbing his upper arm.
"But this is the storage room!" protested Pyro.
"I don't wanna hear it lay down!" yelled Mystique.
"This is so degrade-ACHOO!"
Meanwhile back in the main cabin.
"Is it me or did Bule's internal clock just go into overdrive?" asked Toad looking at the storage door.
"Let's just hope he survives Mystique's care," said Magneto.
Toad shuddered remembering when he broke his leg after being blown off the statue of liberty as if the fracture wasn't bad enough he had Mystique hovering around him twenty-four seven. And that was just him, Toad. He smelled like algae throw for Christ sake and she still nearly smothered him, that poor kid didn't have a snowball's chance in HELL during winter.
"Seriously, you don't have to tuck me in. All I need to get better is a stack of porn!" John pleaded.
"What?!" yelled Mystique.
"I take it back," said Creed, "He's not so bad."
"He's startin' to grow on me too," admitted Toad.
(3 Hours Later)
Magneto sat in the main cabin finishing the book he had been reading in prison, while Toad and Sabertooth flew the plane. Mystique walked out and sat down next to Magneto doing that that same leg thing she pulled on the prison guard.
Magneto raised an eyebrow as she put the little shark lighter in his hand and then looked down at where her leg was.
"Three hours, but he's asleep," she purred into Magneto's ear.
Magneto closed his book as she started to rub his chest in slow circles.
"Do you like him?" asked Magneto.
"No more than Toad or Sabertooth, why?" asked Mystique.
"Really?" asked Magneto.
"Although he me might get lonely, I think he might need a brother." said Mystique getting dangerously close.
"And how do you propose we give him a brother?" Magneto swallowed hard.
"Steel another from Xavier," said Mystique matter-o-factly as she furrowed her brow, "Why?"
"Just checking," said Magneto putting his book down and grabbing Mystique around the waist.
The metal door to the cockpit slammed as the reunited couple fell back onto the seat.
In the cockpit Toad looked over at Sabertooth, "Our old deal still stands right?" he asked, "If they ever decide to play house and we move to Vegas."
"Damn straight," said Creed as they flew on into the night.
(AN: What do you think, this one just kind of came to me out of the blue. By the by I'm more of an X-Evo writer, presently, this is my first X-move short story. I hope you enjoyed, I just had to get this out of my system.)