Author's note.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Explanations. The way i have this story written i have, ive made a few changes to some characters, and im some Obsure Characters as well, so this is an introduction to the current team

Sougo Tokiwa is from Kamen Rider Zi-O the 20th and last rider of the heisei era, his supposed destiny is to become An Evil Overlord who shall rule the world. He is slightly bummed about that, so he decided to become a good overlord. Lets see if he can.

Randy Cunningham is the Ninja Of Norrisville , he is from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ninja, Here he is now a Sophomore in high school

Yusei Fudo is from Yugioh 5Ds whose story has been slightly altered to fit this new universe

Red is from the undertale fangame Undertale Red , and is quite an interesting character, being a member of royal guard

Jenny Wakeman is From My life as a teenage robot. Her background hasn't changed

Roxas is from kingdom hearts and has gone through the most changes, as to separate him from typhoomboom08's version. This Roxas is Not Ventus, Nor is He Sora , while he still is Sora's nobody. The connection to ventus is only physical. When Roxas was to merge with Sora he refused to disappear, so in his desperation in wanting to live caused a split between him and sora. But While sora got all the benefits. Such as the power roxas held and his memories. Roxas was fractured, he was forced to start absorbing dusks who lacked in any identity to survive thus corrupting his physical form as well as repairing the physical damage. Now he is armed with void claws . He can still use his keyblades but chooses not to unless the situation calls for it.

Sio Ogura is Nobunagun from the Anime and Manga Nobunagun, She is the reincarnation of Oda Nobunaga , thus she had inherited his memories, battle tactics, and part of his personality when in battle. Outside of battle Sio is a Military Otaku and aa huge dork.

Rez Salzar is From Generator Rex, Which is connected to ben 10 via a crossover. His backstory hasn't changed much.

Jinx Is from Teen Titans, here her name is Becky Sharpe, and she is a former villain now hero after being given a chance by The heroine Zatanna to be better.

Spider Man is a mixture of many different versions of peter, But most he is the spectacular spider man with a mix of Spiderman Unlimited, He is of Course Peter Parker, so if you know spider man than you know to expect.


Look at the world, beautiful isn't it, Humanity as Flourish, become one of the two dominant species on earth, the other being the monsters, once sealed away in the humanchild known as Frisk had broken the barrier keeping them sealed in the underground. Now they have been reintegrated back into society, with Frisk as their Ambassador.

Now both races live in peace, with monsters now going to schools with humans, and the like. So yes all in life was peaceful for the most part. Sure you had the occasional super villain or evil organization sprout up. Or the occasional extressial invader show up every now and then.

But luckily for the earth, We have an abundance of heroes and many multinational organizations ready to defend the earth from anything that dares threaten it.


Spider-Man aka Peter Parker was currently making his daily patrol, doing his very best to help the common man and monster from the local criminals. But he couldn't shake this feeling " My Spider Sense is going crazy" He thought as he precognition sense were flaring as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Maybe I'm just under a lot of stress" Pete thought before he swung off to meet the Fantastic Four on the Baxter Building for his new Suit. It was Gift from Reed Richards as yesterday was his birthday and well, Pete and his aunt were basically family to them. But he still couldn't shake that feeling


Yusei Fudo is a very interesting person, he is one is the 6 Signers, People Chosen by Quetzalcoatl The Crimson Dragon to defend the world from threats, such as the Meklords, with the power of The Signer Dragons, Beings created by said Crimson Dragon to assist the signers in defending the world. Yusei is the Leader of Group, Wearing the Mark of the Dragon Head, and the Master of Stardust Dragon.

But as more and more threats rose up, Yusei felt obliged to assist in the protection of the world. Thus he and his friend Rally began creating the Synchron System, a special suit designed after some of the monsters in Yusei's Deck. Currently Only the base Suit was complete based around Speed Warrior.

" Wow its really come to together Yusei " Rally said looking over their handy work.

"Yes it has, and I couldn't have done it without Rally" Yusei replied as he installed the finishing touches.


The middle of nowhere, a dark portal opens up, stepping a human like figure in a black cloak, his eyes glowing a slight blue, said Figure collapses on the front yard of a small farm, only to be discovered by the Farmers Small Dog, a Pink Beagle of all things. It seemed to be having a freak out.

"Oh what's wrong Courage" Asked Muriel, the farms current owner as her Husband pasted a few years ago. As for Courage he in typical courage fashion pointed at the cloaked figure passed out the lawn.

"Oh my the poor thing" Muriel said taking pity on their new guest "Bring them inside ,Courage " She said as she went inside to set up the guest room for them.

"Ohhh i've gotta bad feeling about this" Courage said panicking before the figure began to groan and reawaken his hood falling down, revealing his spiky blond hair and dark blue eyes. This was Roxas, former member of Organization 13 and currently lost.

Roxas shook his head as he mentally slapped himself for passing out , before noticing the Pink Dog staring at him " Oh hello there" he said giving Courage a pat on the head " My Name is Roxas" he told the dog " Sorry for landing on your lawn" he said chuckling awkwardly as Courage gave him a look, before leading roxas inside his humble home.

A few hours later

Roxas had met with Muriel and apologized for any damage he might have caused. Which Muriel assured him, that he left no damages, and Offered to let him stay, as roxas made it clear he had nowhere to go.

"Oh Thank you" he said smiling as Muriel shooed him and courage out of the kitchen, to prepare the nights dinner.

Until everything happened at Once. The ground began to shake violent all across the world causing massive damage as back in Central Park New York, A massive Tree made burst out of the ground, reaching far into the sky , while else where Several Stone Slabs erupted from the ground, as All hell broke loose as Demons began spewing out of gates many of varying sizes.

As for the Tree, it began unleashing hordes and hordes of demons from its branches, before Ten Demonic Figures, Stood Atop the massive tree. Their Leader A Black Demon with glowing red eyes and bat like wings on his head armed with a sword. Spoke

"Humans , Monsters I Am Xatan and We are Akumaizer and We have come to conquer your world, and unleash the forces of hell upon this world and beyond. Resistance is futile, you will be destroyed and your essence shall consumed, YOUR TIME AS THE DOMINANT RACES ARE OVER" Xatan Shouted broadcasting his message all over the world.

" Excellent speech Xatan, but don't expect the humans to this lying down" Said Medusa " After all you've seen the powers they possess" she explained

"Indeed but with the hell gates they'll be to spread out to deal with us, and with our fortress" Xatan explained " Now Doviculus unleash the Tainted Coil have them leave no survivors " Xatan ordered the bondage demon who smirked

"Of course Xatan, " He said taking flight

Back with our heroes

Peter now in his New Suit (Unlimited) was swinging all across new york fighting off several demons with the help of, The Fantastic Four, , The Prowler and Venom.

"Shit there's just no end to them" Spidey said punching one in the face as he landed on in front of the massive tree , that was just constant unleashing demons , The most common one were , One eyed purple demons that moved in an unnatural way, shaking and swaying with each movement, armed with a dagger.

Peter Frowned as his found himself outnumbered , "Well it's a good time to test out my new stingers" he thought as two bone like stingers popped out of his wrists. Them dripping with a toxic venom

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO ," He shouted as he charged into battles Slashing at several of the demons cutting them down one by one, but Unfortunately as soon as it took one down. Several more took its place.

'There no end to them" he thought before fortunately help arrived in the form of massive Orange metal fists and Blue laser Fire.

InFront of Spidey, Stood A blue female robot with blue pigtails and Hispanic Teen wearing an Orange and Blue jacket, his hands now shifting into a massive

" Thanks for the assist " Spidey said cutting another demon down

" No prob, The Names Rex by the way, " The Hispanic said as he cut down several demons with a wide swing of his arm.

"And I'm Jenny" the Robot said her hands unleashing laser fire upon their enemies "Arent you" she asked

"That's right your friendly neighborhood spiderman"