ten years ago there was a blue bird that it was considered the last of its kind, he married and had children with the last female of his kind, but his life changed when nightmares started to surround his mind, and the death of his best friend, the young blue male's spirit was being broken piece by piece along his sanity, he began to be trained to protect his family by his mentor, by propagating the roots of the evil his heart was being corrupting, and soon the boy no longer existed, he abandoned his master, he abandoned his family, and served someone who said that he would give him a power to save and prevent the death of those he loves

in the end he only find hatred and pain, and the fragments of his spirit scattered on the ground, he served his new master for ten years to gain such power, but then he realized that it was all a lie, but it was too late for him, then he decided to live by the power of dominance and by his name which was the embodiment of evil, hatred and fear, so the hero who was once called tyler blu gunderson was now called lord ty, becoming a Knight of the darkness

EIGHTY YEARS LATER(before complete ten)

In a place on Rio de Janeiro, near the Blue Sanctuary, the empire of the dark lords manifested, the empire continued to hunt and eliminate the remaining opposing military birds, lord ty was on an important mission scouring the area, but lord ty was called by his master inside the blue sanctuary that had long been abandoned by tulio monteiro who had left brazil and blu behind because he believed he was dead, along with his friend linda gunderson

a group of four birds were flying over the place in the afternoon it was dark somber and cloudy, the birds flew in three one behind, the backbird was lord ty, after flying over the area, all of them landed, and a female flew over to receive them

"You're late" said the female in an annoyed tone

one of the birds approached her and smiled

"well ... we are sorry, but maybe you want to ask him why we're late" said the bird pointing to the last bird behind

At the end of his sentence, the bird behind appeared slowly walking forward, the bird had an iron layer over his beak, his eyes were light green, his eyes almost glowed at night, his feathers were long on its neck with a feather. forming a fringe that ran down to his eye, he wore a black cloak as a cape and a hood

soon the female realized who he was, and she felt a chill followed by fear on her spine

"oh, lord ty, it's an honor, I must say you're still handsome as always" said the female swallowing hard

the other birds just laughed in a low tone

"save your flattery to yourself, you interrupted my mission, for your sake, I hope it's important" said lord ty walking forward

soon the female stood side by side with the bird

"Tell me, the report" said Lord Ty angrily in his voice

the female thought for a moment before answering, because being in lord ty's presence was frightening

"Huh, my lord, we had some problems, but ...

"I'm referring to the military from the past, what is the progress, and why they called me here?" said ty rudely

the female soon looked at ty and gave a big sigh

"We found a military bird near here, but we were unsuccessful in capturing him" said the female in a tone of fear

Ty soon looked at her with an angry look

"who was responsible for losing the military?" asked ty in a dark tone

the female hesitated to speak because her feelings of fear were altering her sense

"Captain, n-nive, he was the responsible" said the Female lowering her head

lord ty soon turned forward again and continued walking, but before he could disappear from the birds's sight

"Lord ty?" asked the female

ty just looked back showing half of his face

"Lord kawai demands your presence, he is in the blue Sanctuary" said the female retiring

then ty departed, when ty was flying over the blue sanctuary area, it was possible to see some families walking and playing in the afternoon, it was already dusk, suddenly ty landed on the ground abruptly dusting sideways, ty had landed right in front of some families, ty continued to walk and all families backed for ty to pass amoung them with all bowing their heads

"my lord" replied a female lowering her head

the husband next to her did the same, followed by the child

"my lord" said the male

"my lord" said the child for last

Ty walked a few more inches when he was stopped by two birds that were his soldiers, one female and one male

the two birds approached ty

"oh lord ty please i can explain" said the female

the male approached, but before he could speak, ty grabbed him by his neck with his foot and lifted him off the ground, the soldier was making murmurs indicating that he was choking

"you have failed me for the last time, captain nive" said ty squeezing his foot further

The soldier was still choking, and the female beside him could only twist her gaze

"Layla?" Said ty still choking the soldier

the female moved closer to listen carefully what ty meant to say

"yes sir" shouted the female

"I want to know how the search results are for the remaining militarys, I want you to reinforce your search, and make no effort to find them, the food will be given twice to the civilians and our soldiers and no excuses" said ty squeezing yet the more his grip, the soldier could feel ty's metallic claws on his neck

soon a bone crack was heard from ty's feet, indicating that he had broken the neck of the bird, his body stopped moving slowly, ty released his body falling motionless to the ground, the female only sighed with fear of seeing such strength in a macaw

"huh, lord ty, the results have not been good, it seems there are no military around here, suzzana is in charge of the search" said the scared female

ty soon looked at her

"Anything else?" asked ty in a slow tone

the female swallowed and took a deep breath

"the mission you required, we found it" said the female

"We'll save this mission for now, meanwhile you follow my orders, and don't fail with me again ... Captain" finished ty walking again

the female breathed in relief, ty continued walking, then he flew to a small tree where two soldiers were arguing with a female

"I told lord ty, so I'll tell you guys too, what you are asking me is impossible, you are asking me to find ghosts" shouted the female

the soldiers looked at each other

"Lord ty will be very disappointed about this" said the first soldier

the female drew back her look of contempt

"Well ... Lord Ty wasn't happy with your progress" replied the second soldier

soon everyone felt the somber presence of the dark lord, and soon they all retreated with fear, but suzzana remained motionless

"indeed, my master and I are not very happy suzzana, so far I haven't seen results" replied ty walking forward

soon suzzana realized that her eggs were in the sight of lord ty, the soldiers went after suzzana's back from fear of their lord

"my lord" said suzzana bending down

Lord ty just remained his expression of disappointment

"Lord ty with all due respect, what you are asking me is impossible, we have seen and searched for everything, there are no more military around here, you saw it by yourself, I can not think and see one better or stronger than you to this my lord" said the female

soon ty extended his foot making gestures

"if they are somewhere else, we pull them back" said ty gesturing with his foot like he was pulling something

"but if they are here, your duty is to find them" said ty pointing down with his foot indicating 'if they are here'

the female bowed her head feeling defeated

"and I'll find them my lord, I just ask you more time" finished the female

ty backed off his foot and stood upright

"you will have all the time that you need, but from today you will receive less food and you will have my protection no longer, that's all" said ty walking towards the exit

the soldiers soon followed ty, the female was horrified, the food was controlled by the dark lords and soldiers

"but my lord" said the female flying until ty

ty turned back to her with an annoyed look

"Our deal was, I find the military for you, and you give me food and protection, that was the deal" said the female with fear in her voice

"I'm breaking our deal, be glad I won't break anything else" said ty in a cold tone

the female soon looked at her eggs and ran to hug them with fear in her heart

Ty stepped out of the tree and flew straight to the blue sanctuary, he entered the sanctuary and was already dusty and dark, ty headed for a small room that was similar to the bredding room where he had met jewel, when he entered the room, he saw another bird looking at the window that was light only by the moon, the bird also wore a black cloak covering his whole body, the bird was orange with light green eyes

"Leave us" replied the bird to the soldiers

soon several soldiers came out of the room, then ty knelt and bowed his head

"what is thy bidding, my master" said ty in a tone of anger

kawai soon left the window and flew to where ty was

"Did you do my bidding" asked impatient kawai

ty soon raised his gaze a little

"Yes ... Master, the remaining military are no longer here, it's a matter of time to eliminate them all" said ty sighing

kawai smiled and put his wings back, ty was starting to feel uncomfortable

"well ... it's a happy day then, we're closer to peace than ever my friend 'said kawai

"When will i have this power master, it's been eight years" said ty disappointed

kawai suddenly started laughing

"You really believed in that don't you, lord ty, I thought someone with your intellect would have realized already that it was all a lie" said Kawai in a mockingly tone

Ty suddenly let out a tired and angry breath, knowing that he would never see jewel again, deep in his soul he always knew, ty began to feel anger and hatred from his master, but he tried very hard to hide it, which obviated he didn't

"oh, you're trying to hide your anger from me, but there's no need for this lord ty, come on, strike me down with your anger and your path on the dark side will be eternal" said kawai opening his defenses

"I have no such wish my master" replied ty hiding his anger

Kawai suddenly felt fury rise from his legs to his spine, he suddenly took ty's ktchan that was over his waist, and pointed to ty's neck

"patethic, a mighty dark lord like you, should not cling to military attachments" said angry kawai

"There is no attachments, tyler blu gunderson was weak I destroyed him" said ty stand still

"did you?, yet the strength of tyler blu gunderson have weakened you" shouted kawai

ty looked at kawai angrily and contemptuously hearing his old name, kawai recoiled the ktchan from ty's neck

"rise, my apprentice" said Kawai

Ty rose slowly and came face to face with his master

"Lord ty, a mighty dark lord preserves his powers and does what he must to get more, and he will destroy anyone who gets in his way, it is the duty of a lord, you will destroy anyone who gets in your way, even me" said kawai handing over the ktchan to ty

ty took ktchan lightly

"you have anger, you have hate, use it" said kawai opening his defenses again and placing ty ktchan on his chest

Ty thought briefly of pushing the ktchan forward, but his sense of loyalty and loneliness kept him from

"I ...can not, my master" said ty lowering his ktchan

Kawai sighed in disgust

"thats why my disappointment is growing stronger with you lord ty, you must destroy your ties, embrace the choices that brought you to my side, or live forever the shadow of tyler blu gunderson" said kawai toward a bird-sized chair made with straw by ty

ty just watched his master sit down

"the military are making an alliance with the eagles, you must go near a river in christ redeemer, no survivors lord ty" finalisou kawai

"as you wish, my master" said ty leaving the room

ty flew up to a secluded nest from all, he lay on the straw, he had decided to follow his master's advice


Ty woke up inside a room in the blue sanctuary, feeling a presence, he soon saw that jewel and his children were inside the room, but suddenly the scenery changed and ty was no longer over that room, but in a dark looking forest, he was looking himself in a mirror in the middle of nowhere, and suddenly ty took his ktchan abruptly