A/N: Hello there! This is my first fanfiction and keep in mind, I'm no author. That will become incredibly obvious rather shortly I'm sure. This is an idea that popped into my head a while ago that I decided to jot down. This will become progressively more AU the further along the story goes, as events change.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, never have and never will. Even any OC's I may have, I'm sure someone else owns those too.

Chapter One: In the Beginning

"Harry, wake up!"

I awoke to Mr. Weasley frantically shaking me. I sat up and grabbed my glasses from the nightstand.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Hurry, we need to leave."

I got up and followed Mr. Weasley into the living area of the tent. I saw Ron and Hermione standing off to the side looking confused. I sent them a questioning gaze and they both just shook their heads. They seemed to know about as much as I did.

"Dad, what's going on?" Ron asked. I could hear his voice wavering, it seemed he was afraid. I walked over to stand next to Hermione, she gave me a worried look.

"Death Eaters are attacking the camp site. We don't have time to discuss this. We need to get to the portkey."

I saw Ron and Hermione's faces pale. What the hell is a Death Eater? I asked myself as we were pushed out of the tent by Mr. Weasley. I could tell that right now wasn't the time to ask, so I quietly followed them outside.

The first thing I noticed was the screaming as the smell of smoke assaulted my senses. Half of the campsite was on fire as if I had stepped into Hell. I could see figures in black robes and white masks levitate what looked like the muggle that had taken our money when we arrived. It seemed that the black robed people were the Death Eaters, at least I assumed that was the case. The Death Eaters not assaulting the muggle and his family were blasting away some tents and setting the rest on fire.

"Hurry, we have to go!" Hermione says as she grabbed my arm and started dragging me with her through the crowd; I could feel her grip on my arm loosening as we were being pushed along by the crowd.

Someone pushed me hard from the side and knocked me to the ground, causing the grip Hermione had on me to fail. "Harry!" I could hear her yelling my name as she was pushed along by the stampede of terrified people. I struggled to stand but kept getting pushed down by the people rushing by. I finally got to my feet, but Ron and Hermione were nowhere to be found in the sea of frightened faces. Suddenly there was an explosion behind me. First, I felt the heat and then the pressure that blew me to the ground. All I could hear was a ringing in my ears and felt something wet on my face.

I rolled on my side to try and sit up to find myself staring into a pair of lifeless eyes. I pushed myself back in surprise and noticed that the lower half of the wizard was missing. I reached up to my face and slid my fingers down where I felt a slick, sticky liquid now on my fingertips. I looked at my hand and saw the blood. I leaned over and vomit. There were bodies and limbs lying around near the charred ground where the spell exploded. I could just make out the pained screaming as the ringing in my ears started to subside. I stood and slowly started running into the trees while wiping the blood off of my face with my robes. I run behind a large tree and leaned on it to catch my breath and calm myself down.

This is insane.

I looked towards the campsite and there was only chaos. Like a light show, I could see people in red and white robes trading spells with the Death Eaters, stepping over the broken bodies of their victims. I was almost mesmerized by the spell fire when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a girl carrying a child in her arms run into the tree line about a hundred meters ahead of me. After she made it into the trees, I saw a group of Death Eaters break off from the group fighting the red robed group, it seemed that they were chasing the girls into the woods.

I forced myself to run after the girls to help. The ringing had finally stopped and now I could clearly hear the sound of dead leaves and broken twigs under my footsteps as I ran. I continued to run through the eerily dark and foreboding forest. I finally saw the girl stumble through the trees ahead of me. She was moving much too slowly; the Death Eaters would catch up soon.

I made my way and cut the girl off. The older girl gasped and while holding the smaller girl with one arm, and pointed her wand at me with the other with a frightened look on her face. I put my hands up in a non-threatening posture with one finger up to my mouth to convey silence. I hope she understood. Both of our heads turned sharply as we heard talking in the distance. I looked at her and waved for her to follow me. She looked conflicted but decided to follow anyway. I guess she would rather take her chances with me, not that I could blame her. I drew my wand and grabbed her hand to start running back the way I came from. Deciding to take my chances with the red robed men. Surely they were the good guys if they were fighting the Death Eaters, right?

As we ran, I realized that she was stumbling along and I was practically dragging her. I stopped and turned to see a pained expression on her face. She was injured and there was a gash on her right leg trailing blood along the forest floor. Her face was pale from blood loss and she strained to carry the girl in her arms. She quickly looked over her shoulder into the darkness behind us, they were going to catch up and we both knew it.

"They are following your blood. It's trailing behind us." I whispered to her as I drug her over to a nearby tree. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but her complexion paled even more in fear. I cut a piece of my robe off with a quick Diffindo and tied it around her leg. I'll worry about infection if we make it out of this. We can't run anymore, I have to think of something. My brained kicks into overdrive as I tried to quickly think of a plan. I could hear them getting closer. I looked down at the trail of blood leading to our hiding place. Something clicked. I grabbed her hand again and quickly moved her out of the way, while carefully I vanished any blood that followed us. I placed both girls off to the side and pulled them behind a tree.

"Sit down and hide here." I smiled at the child, who had been surprisingly quiet this entire time. "It'll be alright," I told her. I looked at the older girl again, "don't come out, no matter what you hear."

I tapped my wand on both of their heads, disillusioning them. Tapping my wand on my own head, I silently thanked Remus for the extra lessons we had. After he taught me the Patronus Charm, I begged him to teach me a little more of how to defend myself. Just in case.

Silently running to a tree directly behind the one that I left the blood trail at, I crouched down and kneeled waiting for the Death Eaters to get closer.

"That bitch couldn't have gotten too far away with that leg of hers, and she was carrying that child."

"Shut up Rawlings and move. Just follow the trail and we will find her. I'll enjoy killing her after what she did to Booth."

Two of the Death Eaters were bickering between themselves while the other two remained silent. I waited for them to get closer to the front of the tree before I sprung my hastily made trap. As soon as they stepped in front of the tree, I rose my wand at it, "Confringo!". Suddenly the tree exploded in front of the Death Eaters, impaling them with searing hot splinters and knocking them backwards onto the ground. One landed on the ground and didn't move, another lay screaming holding the remainder of his leg. The other two quickly stood up and looked ahead with their wands drawn. I caused my invisibility to fade, wanting them focused on only me.

"You son of a bitch!" the robed man introduced as Rawlings yelled and shot a silent Reducto right at me. I barely moved to the side in time to dodge and cast a Protego to send off the other Death Eaters Stupefy that ricocheted off to the side into a nearby tree. I fired a Reducto into the ground in front of them that blew dirt and rocks into their faces, giving me time to run behind another tree. A sickly yellow curse took a chunk out of the tree right where I was looking out from.

"Get out here and beg for forgiveness, and maybe I will let you live!" Rawlings laughed as he hit my tree with a Reducto, effectively destroying most of my cover. I summoned a large fallen tree trunk from behind him that took his legs out from under him and then sent a Stupefy towards his fallen body for a shield to pop up in front of him, deflecting my spell into the ground. As Rawlings was standing back up, I fired another Confringo at the other Death Eater and he shielded, but the force knocked him backwards. I banished the same tree back at Rawlings just after he managed to stand, effectively taking out his knees. I was exhausted and breathing heavy at this point, the mock duels I did with Remus were never this intense. I hit Rawlings with a Stupefy while he was on the ground, before the other could stand back up and shield him. I peeked out of my broken cover to fire another spell when I saw a crimson spell rapidly hurling towards me. I threw up a quick shield, but it was useless.


It was my world now, all encompassing, and never ending. I couldn't even think straight, for an eternity it carried on. Until suddenly it stopped as quickly as it came. I could hear someone talking, but had no idea what they were saying. My body twitched and my throat hurt. I didn't even remember where I was. Wait, who's laughing?

"I'm not sure where—" Who is that? I could barely remember what I was doing.

"—but it was a foolhardy move—" A foolhardy move? What was? I feel like I recognized this voice.

"—kill those girls right in front of you." The voice stopped. I remembered now. I was hit by a dark red spell from the guy who's missing most of his leg, I couldn't believe I forgot about him. My limbs were twitching sporadically, but I could still feel my wand in my hand. I opened my eyes to see the usually silent Death Eater standing near me. Rawlings was over behind him face first on the ground with his hips resting on the tree I banished at him. The one-legged man was sitting down with his wand pointed at his leg, trying to stop the bleeding. The fourth was lying on his back still, over to the left. I wondered why he didn't revive his buddies.

"Do you hear me Potter?" the Death Eater snarled, a disgusted look on his face. "Yes, I know who you are. How kind of you to deliver yourself to me, my Master will be pleased. How foolish of you to think you could take us. For what? To help a couple tramps? The great Harry Potter, done in because he thinks he is a hero." The moron laughed and he slowly walked toward me. Step. By. Step. "Now, let me drag those two bitches out here so you can see what being a hero gets you." He put on a disgusting smile, it made my spine tingle.

While the moron was monologuing, my spasms had calmed down slightly. With a firm grip on my wand, I lifted it into the air and tightly clenched my eyes shut, "SOLARIS!". A cannon blast and a light as bright as the sun erupted from my wand. I'm deaf, but so is the monologuing Death Eater; he was holding his eyes while blood dripped from his ears. The gimp man was pointing his wand at me with his eyes closed, his yellow spell missed me by inches.

I opened my eyes and aimed my wand at the Death Eater on the ground, "Reducto!". My spell hit him square in the face with a sickening crunch. I turned and fired another at the other man, but my arm twitched and I missed. I sat up in a kneeling position to take aim again, but was too slow. I felt a sledgehammer slam into my chest and blow me into a tree. I coughed up blood and realized I couldn't feel my legs. My vision was blurry and the back on my head was killing me, probably a concussion. The black robed moron lifted his wand towards me, it glowing a viridian green. All I could think about was hoping that the girls were able to get away, I faced my killer with the most brilliant smile I could muster on my blood-soaked face. As his wand was raised waist high, I saw a bright red spell slam into his side. He fell and was still.

A figure materialized in front of me and looked around, as if checking for more enemies. It then slowly started walking towards me while my vision was beginning to clear. It was the girl that I had been dragging all over the forest, she never left. A part of me was livid that she didn't run away while I was fighting, but the other grateful that she saved me. I put a bright smile on my face as I stared at her. As she got closer, I realized that I never really got a good look at her; she was beyond beautiful. Her long silver hair seemed to shine in the moonlight and her bright blue eyes practically glowed in the dark. I couldn't stop staring. In fact, I decided that I really didn't want to. The smile on her face made her beauty almost otherworldly. She opened her mouth to speak, "-". I couldn't hear a damn thing, but I would do almost anything to hear her voice. I cocked my head to the side in confusion as she stopped talking and knelt down in front of me. I wanted to ingrain the smile on her face into my brain so I would never forget, in fact I could probably now die happy. My eyelids felt like lead weights and I struggled to keep them open. I closed my eyes for just a moment but, when I opened them again there were multiple red robed people standing in front of us with their wands raised.

The Goddess's back was turned to me and I noticed a smaller silver haired girl standing behind her, as if she was hiding. A man in blue and gold robes stepped forward and the mini goddess ran into his outstretched arms. The older girl seemed to have a conversation with him, but my ears were still useless. I struggled to move and let out a silent gasp as I clenched my eyes shut, it felt like my spine was broken. I opened my eyes and noticed that everyone was staring at me, it would seem my gasp wasn't as silent as I had thought. The man in blue walked up and knelt down in front of me. He raised his wand and aimed it at me, his moving lips were the last thing I saw before the darkness overtook me.

My leg hurt and I felt like I had run a marathon. My sister was heavy in my arms and slowly getting heavier. I was finally able to make it to the trees without getting caught. After I blasted that Death Eater to the side for daring to touch Gabrielle, one of the others grazed my leg with some sort of cutting curse. Luckily, I was able to collapse the tent on them, buying us some time. I grabbed my sister and ran as fast as I could towards the trees.

I heard a twig snap to my left; I turned, adjusted my hold on Gabrielle and aimed my wand in one fluid motion. I gasped pathetically at the sight. There was a messy haired, green eyed boy with blood drenched robes standing there with one hand up in surrender, and the other with one finger to his lips. I heard shouting behind me and both our heads snapped in that direction. My hand was grabbed and before I could protest I was being drug through the woods in the direction that he came from. It was so dark that I could hardly see in front of me and Gabrielle was slipping. I stumbled and he suddenly stopped. The boy looked at my leg and cursed, telling me that the Death Eaters were following a trail from my blood. My heart nearly stopped, he's right, why didn't I think of that?

He pulled me to the backside of a large tree and used his wand to cut a piece of his bloody robe off. He then wrapped it around my wound with practiced ease. The strip is filthy, I hoped I wouldn't get an infection. I could see his mind working as we heard the voices getting closer. The boy's head quickly snapped up to look at me. Maybe he had an idea? I found myself being pulled by him again as he led us across to a different cluster of trees, the whole time he was systematically vanishing the blood that fell to the ground. I didn't really understand exactly what he was doing. Did he really think we could hide? They would sniff us out like dogs. The boy is clearly panicking. He pulled us and forced me to sit behind a tree. My arms finally gave out as my sister fell into my lap. We were done for, I considered asking him to take Gabrielle and run. Before I could open my mouth, I saw him smile at my sister and comfort her. Then he looked at me and told me not to come out, no matter what. He tapped his wand on both of our heads and I felt a tingling drip down my head to find that I am suddenly invisible. He disillusioned himself and snuck off.

I was speechless, was he actually planning on confronting them alone? I wanted to help but I couldn't stand up. I was exhausted and dizzy from blood loss. I prayed to the Goddess that he would be okay. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the forest and I heard screaming. I peeked around the tree to see the Death Eaters quickly getting up off the ground. Well, not all of them. One isn't moving and another is clutching a mutilated stump while screaming, I suddenly felt sick. The boy was holding his own against full grown wizards and I was impressed, even if he did get the drop on them. A stunner ricocheted off of the boy's shield and hit the tree, inches from where my head just was. I was able to just move out of the way. I tightened my hold on Gabrielle, and prayed that someone would come to help. Seconds later, I heard the boy let out a horrible scream that seemed to last forever. Tears were streaming down my face but I realized that I was still invisible, how was that possible? Was he still consciously trying to protect us? I overheard the Death Eater as he spoke to the boy. This was Harry Potter?! What were the chances that she would meet one of the most famous wizards on the planet in a dark forest at a quidditch game. I couldn't let this brave child die because of me. I whispered to Gabrielle to stay quiet and be still. Slowly I started to stand to help.


I instinctively put my hands to my ears, what the hell was that explosion? My ears were ringing and I could barely hear anything. I slowly made my way around the tree with my wand raised, just in time to see the boy hit the one-legged man in the head with a dark blue spell. It took half of his face off; I forced myself to look away and back to Harry. I saw his arm twitch as his next spell went wide. The Death Eater sent a Reducto right into the boy's stomach, violently throwing him into a tree. I took aim and fired a stunner, hitting the Death Eater right in the side.

As my disillusionment faded I became worried, was Harry dead? I looked around to make sure no Death Eaters were standing, none were. I couldn't believe this young boy was able to fight like he did. I turned and looked at him, his face was covered in blood and he was bleeding from his ears, not moving, but his bright green eyes were staring right at me. It sent shivers down my spine. I started slowly walking over towards him, and asked if he was okay. He just continued to stare at me. My attention went back to the blood flowing from his ears. He couldn't hear me, he couldn't hear anything. As I walked past the Death Eater I stunned, I took a second to look at him. His ears were also bleeding, that explained why he couldn't hear me coming. Harry must have shot off that cannon, impairing his own hearing just to cause an opening. Incredible. I walked in front of him and knelt down to see if he was okay. His eyes never left me, but surprisingly I wasn't disgusted at the attention. It must be his joyful smile that seemed to say, I'm relieved you're okay, instead of the usual lust filled eyes that I was used to seeing. I found my face wearing the exact same smile.

I called Gabrielle to come over to help me, but when I turned back around the Harry's eyes were closed. I felt myself panic and hurried to check if he was still breathing. He was, thank the Goddess. As my sister finally made her way to me a series of apparation cracks filled the clearing. I spun around putting Gabrielle between me and the sounds. I was flooded with relief when I spotted the red robes of British aurors. I felt Gabrielle run out from behind me into my father's outstretched arms. I began to explain the situation when a painful gasp came from behind me.

Harry was still leaning against the tree gritting his teeth in pain. Everyone in the clearing simultaneously turned their heads to the boy. Papa put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he would take care of him. He walked in front of Harry to survey the damage.

It was awful.

The boy was riddled with lacerations and bruises, soaked in blood, and twitching from exposure to the cruciatus curse. He stunned Harry and began to administer first aid, doing what he could to not move the child and harm him even more.

It was going to be a long night.