"Okay, Dad, I'm going!" A twelve-year-old boy with curly black hair bounded down the steps of his house. He wore a red-pink t-shirt with a yellow star, blue jeans, and sandals.

"Okay, Stuball. Be sure to tell me all about it!" A male voice called from inside the house.

"Sure thing, Dad."

Steven Universe trotted through the streets of Beach City, passing by Funland, The Big Donut, Beach City Arcade, Beach City Fries, and the rest of the familiar sights. He waved at all of the people he knew, wishing them a good morning. He set sight on his destination: the local hospital.

There was a program where you could visit sick and injured patients, saying that companionship helped them heal faster. Steven wasn't sure if that was true, but he volunteered anyway, never one to turn down a chance to help out the community.

He entered through the sliding doors, and signed himself in. A few nurses led him down a hall to a certain array of doors. "I think these people could especially use someone like you," one of them said.

Steven nodded, and let himself through the first door.

A tall girl was lying in a bed, her right leg in a cast. She had skin as dark as coal, a square afro, and bicolor eyes, one blue, one brown. She wore the standard hospital gown, and two other people, both of them women, were sitting on a nearby mini-couch. All of them looked up at his arrival.

"Hello," said the patient politely. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I'm, um...Steven. I'm part of the visiting program."

"Well, come on in," beckoned one of the women. She was middle-aged, and had long cyan hair that covered her eyes. Steven guessed she was one of the girl's parents.

Steven complied to the woman's request, and sat down on a free stool.

The girl turned to him. "I'm Garnet, and these are my moms, Ruby and Sapphire."

"Nice to meet you all," Steven waved.

"Why, aren't you a cute one," Ruby commented. She shared her daughter's hairstyle and had brown eyes.

Steven blushed. "Thanks."

"So, Steven, why don't you tell me about yourself?" Garnet suggested.

"Okay." The boy cleared his throat. "So, I live with my dad in this beach house near town, I play ukulele, I like singing, and I have a pet cat named Lion."

"Hmm. Well, I should tell you why I'm here." Garnet gestured to her injured limb. "I tripped over some dumbbells at the gym. I needed surgery to fix my leg. They say I can go home in a few days."

"Oh, can I sign your cast when you get out?" Steven asked, to which Garnet nodded.

"You know, I haven't really seen you around town. Are you new here?" Steven asked.

Garnet smiled. "I'm a college student. I'm taking a break for the summer to help my parents move here."

"Do you think you'll move here when you graduate? I always welcome new friends," Steven said.

Garnet tilted her head. "Probably. If I can find a stable job here."

"Well, what are you studying?"


"Oh, that's interesting."

Ruby and Sapphire stood up. "Well, you're lucky Steven came along to keep you company, because we better get going," Sapphire said.

"Goodbye, Garnet. See you tomorrow!" Ruby added. They both kissed their daughter's cheeks, and went out the door. Steven looked at the sight longingly. Garnet noticed.

"I presume you don't have a mom," she said.

Steven sadly nodded. "She died giving birth to me. I really want to miss her, but I can't. How can you miss someone you never met? You're lucky. You have two moms. I can't say that."

"Well, you have a dad. I can't say that."

"I know."

"I'm sure your mother would be happy that even if she never got to know you, you're still here."

"My dad says that she did get to hold me for a brief amount of time, kissing and cuddling and telling how much she loved me. That a part of her would live on in me. That she wanted me to love, and see the good in everything. I don't know how well of a job I'm doing, since she's not here to tell me."

Garnet put her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Look, I'm sure you're doing a great job. Just by keeping me company, you're doing good. We barely know each other, and yet you want to be my friend."

Steven cracked a smile. "I guess I am pretty great."

"I know you are."

Garnet shifted her position on the bed. "Now that I think of it, you mentioned something about having a ukulele."

Steven looked rather sheepish. "I didn't think to bring it today. But I could bring it next time."

"That would be great. I'm interested to hear what you got."

"Well, I am good enough that I can write my own songs."

"Well, I do too. Perhaps we can share our songs next time we meet."


Steven caught a glance of the clock hanging on the wall. "Well, I'd love to talk more, but I want to visit more people. Can I have your phone number?"

As Garnet finished giving Steven her contacts, she whispered, "Please help the others the best you can."


"Let's just say, they've been through more than I have."

"Oh, okay. Goodbye, Garnet! It was nice meeting you!"

"Farewell, Steven." As Steven closed her door, Garnet laid back on her bed. "I sure hope you can use your magic, Steven," she said.