A/N I'm sorry I haven't updated my story in a while I've been busy with college and sickness but I'm back and hopefully will be sticking to a chapter a week until I have more free time. Again sorry for absence.

A/N I don't own anything PS: This chapter will be a POV and third person

Five years ago I left with my ancestor Aurora Potter to train my magic in order to be powerful enough to always protect Hope. Over the years I have learned many things from my Aunt Aurora, she told me to call her that, and I took to it all like a fish to water.

When I cast my first spell it was exhilarating, like my whole world opened up to new possibilities and I was eager to learn it all. The more I learned the easier magic got for me. My Aunt was astounded saying that I was a prodigy at magic and that it came to me as easy as it did to breath.

Things started to pick up after my second year of training. Aurora started to train me in non-verbal magic as well as rituals, for the higher level spells. Even with my astounding speed of learning my ability with non-verbal magic was never before seen.

Whenever I would cast a spell I would never need to lift a finger. All I would do is look at the target, say the words in my mind, then my eyes would glow showing the use of magic before the target was destroyed, transformed, or whatever type of magic we were practicing at the time.

When my Aunt saw this she came to a conclusion that my magic power was shown through my eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, in this case they couldn't be more right. Since my, of what Aunt Aurora could tell, gigantic magical core came from my soul it stood to reason when I used spells it would be shown in my eyes.

From that discovery on I have trained myself to be able to use my magic with either simple gestures or my eyes. Whenever I was combat training with my Aunt it would be harder for her to figure out what spells I would be using my eyes which inevitably lead to my victory.

The next three years allowed me to master my magic which enabled me to do almost all forms of magic with just a glance. While I have been learning these amazing things about magic and myself I began to miss Mom and Hope terribly.

While I was in contact with Mom in the beginnings of my training one day it stopped. At first I thought she forgot about me but weeks later I got a call from her saying how sorry she was and that an enemy of the family incapacitated her making her unable to call. When I heard that I was happy that she didn't forget. I asked if Hope was fine and mom said she was perfectly fine.

After that call ended, with everything that I learned it drove me to become even more powerful so that something like what happened with Mom wouldn't happen again.

Now that five years have past I've changed a lot both physically and mentally. I'm now 4''5 tall with a well built body, as much as a well built body an eight year old can have, with short raven hair. I'm wearing a green t-shirt that matches my eyes and black jeans with black converse shoes.

Currently I was standing outside the house Hope and Hayley Marshall reside in. When the fifth year of training came to and end, Aunt Aurora said I could visit Hope and Mom because she knew how bad I've been wanting to see them. I tried calling but no one answered which gave me a feeling of unease. Using a locator spell didn't help either which made me even more worried. Aurora saw this and calmed me down reminding me that my Mom is a powerful vampire and that his family is with her. Whatever the problem may be she isn't alone.

When I became calm I tried to think of anyway of locating them when I remembered my connection to Hope. When my Aunt deemed me old enough she told me how Hope and I were connected to each other and the prophecy. Thats when it was revealed that me and Hope were soul bound, meaning we were connected a much deeper level than anyone would ever be able to experience.

Knowing that I meditated to try to find the other part of my soul, Hope. It took some time being that I've never done something like this before but I eventually found her. I told Aunt Aurora and we packed our things, shrunk them, and apperated to her location.

When Hadrian arrived his eyes flashed as if his soul immediately knew he was close to his partner. Inside something similar happened with Hope. She was drawing on her bed after earlier greeting her grandmother, when her eyes flashed cobalt blue and felt a closeness she hasn't felt sense,


Hope immediately jumped off her bed and ran to the front door not even stopping when her mother shouted for her. She opened the door and saw him standing on the front lawn with him staring back. She broke into a sprint and when she was close to him jumped and toppled him to the ground with her.

"Harry, Harry, Harry it's really you" She said while looking at his eyes laying on top of him.

"It's me Hope it's really me" He said with a crooked smile that made Hope lightly blush.

While the two soul bonded were getting re acquainted with each other Hayley ran out after Hope with a worried expression to stop at the scene in front of her. She saw her daughter laying on top of a boy hugging him and a woman standing close by smiling at them.

While Momentarily stunned she snapped out of her stupor and was on guard of the strangers.

"Who are and how did you find this place?" Hayley commanded trying to assess if they were a threat to her daughter.

Aurora looked up from the two children's reunion and looked at Hope's mother.

"We are family. I'm Aurora Potter and the young one that your daughter looks quite content with staying on is Hadrian Mikaelson son of Rebekah Mikaelson."

When Hayley heard this she was shocked. She heard of Rebekah's adopted son but has never met him until now.

With the new information Hayley relaxed a bit and then looked back to her daughter who has yet to move from her position on top of the boy.

"Hope, why don't you take Hadrian inside and show him around while I talk to Aurora."

Hearing her mother Hope quickly gets up eager to show Harry her home.

"Come on Harry I want to show you some of my drawings."

With a smile on his face, Harry got pulled along into Hope's home and up to her room where she was currently finishing up her latest creation.