AN: This is the first time I am doing this so I don't know how well I am going to do all that well. Please keep this in mind.

Beacon Academy: A prestigious school for some of the most promising and upcoming Huntsman and Huntresses. This is what most people think of when they think of Beacon Academy, and it is true. But at the current moment in time, it's not all that active. This is due to the fact that the current school year has yet to start. Though this doesn't mean there is no activity. The professors were currently all working diligently in preparation for the upcoming school year which was mere weeks away. Up high in the tower above the rest of the school sat an office that seemed more like the inside of a giant clock. This office belonged to the headmaster of the school Professor Ozpin. Ozpin was a man who seemed older than he let on with glasses, a black outfit and green scarf. Currently he was facing his worst rival of his life: Paperwork. All things had to be in order for the upcoming year, and right now he was dealing with the most important part of it. He was looking through all the possible entries of students who would be attending their first year at his academy. Some of the students for this year were already selected some time ago, but there was always those were a little late in submitting entries. He sipped his mug that he seemed to have continuously fixated to his hand while his cane sat next to him against his desk. It was these days he dreaded but knew were worth it in the end for the end result 4 years later, though that didn't mean he wouldn't appreciate a distraction every now and then.

Just as he finished that very thought Ozpin's scroll preceded to ring surprising the headmaster. He thanked whoever heard his thought and took out his scroll to see who was calling, only to stare in surprise at a name he hadn't expected to see for some time.

Qrow Branwen.

It wasn't that the headmaster was against speaking to Qrow, it was just that he was supposed to be on a mission right now maintaining silence. So it was odd to see Qrow calling him. It was likely to be important so Ozpin answered.

"Qrow, I thought you were…busy"

"Hey Oz, yeah I am, but somethings come up that I had to get into contact with you."

"Oh? And what is so important to call me all of a sudden? Not that I'm not grateful for the distraction from the dreads of paperwork."

"Dreads of Paperwork huh?" Qrow asked, amusement seeping through the scroll.

"Indeed. The school year approaches, so I must get things in order."

"Well then it's a good thing I called now."

"And why is that?"

"He's ready." Ozpin halted at that.

"He's ready? Are you sure?" Ozpin asked to make sure he understood. He wasn't expecting something like this if it was the case.

"Yea, told me himself. He's been working at it trying to make sure it doesn't get out of control and he even went into small villages for long periods of time. Had no issues whatsoever."

"That is wonderful news Qrow." Ozpin was very glad to hear this. He could also hear the small bit of pride in Qrows voice. He knew this was a big deal to Qrow, as it would be for anyone. "So I take it that he will be attending this year?"

"Yeah. Said it would take him a while to get there, but provided he doesn't have any problems getting there, he should make it just as initiation is happening or just after."

"I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure he'll do well Qrow."

"Heh yeah, I have no doubts about that. He's my son after all."

After the call with Qrow, Ozpin proceeded to return to his paperwork glad for Qrow and looking forward to see how his son would do. He hoped things would work out for him, especially given his circumstances. A while later Ozpin came across a student entry for one Jaune Arc. Now, Ozpin was no fool, he knew the transcript was fake. He would allow him in, he saw potential in young Mr. Arc. However, now with the addition of Qrow's son, there would unfortunately be one less place for someone to take. So it was with at least some reluctance that Ozpin placed the boys entry form in the rejected pile.

Deep in the wilderness far from the prestigious academy, a lone figure in a cloak sat by a makeshift camp. Staring at their scroll as they received messages from someone simply labeled as "Dad". This was it, the moment he knew was coming and had been working towards for a long time. He honestly wasn't expecting it to come to some degree. But he knew it had been, it just seemed a lot farther away up until this moment.

There was no going back now, not that he ever would. He had a goal, and he would see it through to the end, just as he had promised so long ago. That day…he wondered what they were like now, or if they even remembered him. He hadn't seen them in…what 4 years? 5 years? He honestly couldn't remember, as its hard to tell all the way out in the middle of nowhere. But now was not the time for that, as he had a school to get to. He packed up his things and camping equipment and with a quick look at which direction he needed to be heading, he set off for his future.

"I hope you were right about this"