"Harry, you can't do this!"
"Hermione, I have to. If I don't, Voldemort can never be killed, and we'll be stuck with him, probably forever.. What's worth more, one person's life, or hundreds? I'll give you a hint, it's hundreds. You can't talk me out of this, so please don't try. Believe me, this isn't something I'm looking forward to, but that doesn't make it any less necessary." He paused, casting a quick Tempus to check the time. "The deadline for my surrender is close. Get everyone ready for an attack, and have the Sword ready to kill Nagini. This will be the best chance to kill Voldemort for good. Don't waste it." Harry could feel the tears approaching. Scolding himself for letting his emotions show, he glanced up at Hermione. She appeared to be on the brink of weeping herself, only barely managing to hold it back.
"Harry, I know that you have to. Just please promise me that if there is another way out, you will take it. I don't care what the cost is. Just promise me."
"I will do my best." He hugged her tight, knowing that there would be no other way. This would be the last time he would see her.
Voice muffled by his shoulder, Hermione said something that pushed Harry over the edge. "Harry, I love you. You're the brother I never had."
"I love you too, Hermione." And with that, Harry broke the hug and began his journey to the next great adventure.
Not much further, Harry told himself. The ache in his scar had been gradually increasing for the past few minutes. He was getting closer.
He couldn't help but think about what he was leaving behind. He may have no biological family, but he was pretty much an honorary Weasley. Having to leave them without a chance to say goodbye was something he could already tell would be one of his greatest regrets. He never even got a chance to tell them how much they really meant to him.
Harry could tell he was close to breaking down right then and there. He needed to distract himself from what he would be leaving, but that was difficult while walking voluntarily and knowingly to his death. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, partly out of anger and partly out of fear, he hit a metal orb that he had all but forgotten about. Retrieving the mysterious snitch out of his pocket, he read the inscription once again, and he got the same chills that he had felt when he had read the words for the first time. I open at the close.
And it suddenly hit him what they meant.
Harry said, whispering, "I'm about to die."
The golden object split open, revealing a small stone with a symbol he had come to know well engraved upon its surface. The symbol of the Deathly Hallows. Gripping the stone tightly, he closed his eyes and thought, hard, about his parents. Opening his eyes, it almost looked like his was looking in a mirror. The man standing in front of him didn't look more than four years older than Harry himself, and had almost the same face and hair. The only thing that was different was the eyes. The man had deep blue eyes, while Harry's were an emerald green. He knew who the man was, but he didn't want to think of his name for fear that he would disappear.
James Potter was the first to speak, tears threatening to pour down his cheeks. "Harry, son, you've grown so much."
Harry lost it right then and there, grabbing onto his father and crying into his shoulder. He was so sorrowful that he didn't even pause at the fact that he was able to touch his dad. Instead, he just continued to weep, until he felt a third hand begin to caress his back. Turning, he looked into eyes the same emerald green as his. The sobbing only redoubled at this.
Lily spoke up. "Harry, we love you. More than you can ever imagine. You're the best son we could've asked for, and I will never regret giving my life so that you could grow up into the fine young man you are today."
James, realizing the need for a distraction, quipped, "Hey! Last time I checked you don't speak for the both of us. I, frankly, am disappointed in the lack of pranking you took part in." James squealed as he received a loving punch to the shoulder for that comment, and quickly corrected his statement. "I mean, you're the perfect child. Nothing wrong with deciding there isn't supposed to be any fun in life."
Harry laughed. He couldn't help it. It was probably the mental state he was in, but the byplay between his parents was so unexpected that his snort escaped him. "I wish I could've grown up with you two. At least I'll be taking up permanent residence with you soon."
"Oh Harry," Lily started, suddenly remembering what was about to happen, "I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. I wish more than anything that you didn't have to do this. You're too young to have the weight of the world resting on your shoulders."
"Mum, I wish I didn't either. But we both know there's no other way. I'll try to make it quick so I can see you again as soon as possible. Tell Sirius I'm on the way, and I'll make sure to grab a big stick for him on my way over. I love you both." Harry's solemn mood returned as his parents vanished. It was time to get this over with.
Hearing voices up ahead, one of which sounded like Voldemort, Harry whisked off his invisibility cloak. He hung it up on the branch nearest to him, leaving it for whoever could find it. Its usefulness to him had passed. He could clearly see Voldemort up ahead now, and weaved through the trees until he found himself in a circle of the Dark Lord's followers.
Voldemort addressed Harry himself. "Ah, Potter, I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up." He sneered. "I should've known better than to doubt your foolishness. It has cost you your life. Avada Kedavra!"
Harry saw the green light approaching, but did nothing to stop it. It impacted him straight in the forehead, and all went dark.
Lifting his head, Harry could see that he was in what appeared to be a completely empty King's Cross Station. He tried to sit up, expecting pain, but surprisingly encountered none.
"Hello, Harry."
His head snapped around at the sound of the voice. As his eyes focused, Harry saw the exact person he wanted to see.
"Mum! Where's Dad? And Sirius?"
She smiled sadly. "They're not here. You're not..well you're not really dead, Harry. It could've been that blasted Horcrux in your head, or it could've been the whole 'Master of Death' thing. The latter is probably why you were able to touch us when you used the Resurrection Stone, but I think that you were too emotionally scarred to realize."
Harry decided she was probably right, but it really wasn't the pressing issue right now. "So what does this mean? Am I stuck here forever? Or do I get to go back?"
"That's really up to you. You could come with me, to the afterlife, or you could return to your life and friends." She bit her lip. "There's also a third option, but I think I should explain some things before I tell you what it is.
"You already know about the cloak, one of the Deathly Hallows, and you obviously had the Resurrection Stone, since you saw me and your dad earlier. What you probably don't know is that you also have the allegiance of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore had it, before he was disarmed by Malfoy, who then was disarmed by you. So, you're technically the so called 'Master of Death,' being in possession of all the Deathly Hallows.
"Now, the Deathly Hallows themselves aren't why you have this choice. Death himself is giving you this choice for finding all three. He was mighty pleased with you already for destroying several of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and being in possession of the artifacts he created just upped you on the 'leaderboard,' as he put it.
"This is where your third choice comes in. On your trek to face Voldemort, some of his Death Eater's began another assault against Hogwarts. Several more people died. Death is giving you the choice to go back in time, as far as you want, and fix things. Death doesn't offer this to just anyone, so make your choice wisely."
Shocked, Harry furiously began thinking. "Who else died?"
"Ron died trying to defend Hermione, took a Cruciatus before another Death Eater hit him with the Killing Curse. Hermione lost it, killed both of the Death Eaters, and then proceeded to take out several more before going down herself. George died protecting Fred's body, and Molly was taken out by another Killing Curse. Several others died too, none that you knew very well. Fleur was killed trying to come rescue you from Voldemort, although you were already 'dead' at the time. Your sacrifice saved her, since you protected most of the students by willingly walking to your death for them, but it won't last nearly as long as mine did. She's somewhere nearby, talking to her Grandmother, I believe. You'll see her before you make your decision."
"Did I hear my name?" Fleur appeared out of seemingly nowhere, smiling brightly at Harry.
"I believe so, Miss Delacour. I'll leave you two alone for a minute. Harry, Death said you could bring a friend, if you get my meaning," Lily replied.
Harry felt the need to speak first. "Fleur, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this many people to be killed. I didn't mean for you to be killed. I didn't want to take you away from Bill, I know how happy you were. I-"
"Harry!" she practically shouted. "It is not your fault. I walked right into a trap. And I was not happy with Bill. It is difficult to be happy when you feel they don't really love you."
"I thought he was resistant to your allure?"
Fleur flushed. "Non. He appeared to be, but every time we try to get intimate.." She trailed off, not wanting to finish that sentence.
Harry flushed as well, not really wanting to believe that those words had just come out of Fleur's mouth. "I'm sorry."
"It is fine. I do not believe that it is your fault that he was not as resistant as we first believed." Not wanting to continue this conversation, Fleur quickly changed the subject. "What do you think you will do now?"
"I don't..I don't really know. I don't want to leave my friends, but the chance to go back and save people..it just seems too good to pass up. So many have died in this war, and I could've saved a lot of them. I..I feel like I have to go back, and at least try. What kind of person would I be if I placed myself above the lives of all the people I failed? I don't really think that there is a decision to make." Harry stood up straighter as he came to his decision. He wouldn't let his friends and loved ones die if he could help it.
"If you are going back, I am going with you. Your mother said you could bring a guest, yes?"
"I can't ask you to do that. It wouldn't be fair to you."
Fleur's scoffed. "You are not asking me to. I am telling you that I am coming. I will not be left behind."
Harry sighed as he realized that any argument was futile. Fleur wasn't someone he had truly become close with, but he knew her well enough to know that she wasn't one to accept "no." "Fine. But you'd better send me an owl the instant we get back, got it?" She nodded.
Lily reappeared, obviously having listened to their conversation. "Alright then you two, you sure about this?" At both their nods, she continued. "Good. You'll send you back to Harry's first year, meaning the Summer of 1991. It's not exact enough to tell you the date, but it should be sometime in August." She focused her attention on Harry. "Harry, I love you more than I can express with words, and your father wanted me to make sure you know he feels the same. We are both so proud of you."
Tears bursting free yet again, Harry replied, "I love you too. Tell Dad the same."
Lily hugged him, and spoke once again. "Death! It's time."
Fleur latched on to Harry's hand as the world began to spin, and the two of them began their journey back to August of 1991.
Author's Note: Alright, first chapter done! I don't really know when I'll have the second chapter up, but if I had to guess it would probably be sometime around mid-November. I want to make this as best of a fanfic as I possibly can, and that means spending time on each chapter, and I also have to plan several chapters before I'll start writing the next one.
Also, this is going to be a novel length fic, that may possibly be split up into more than one story, depending on how long it actually ends up being. It should also be noted that this will be Harry/Fleur (although I think that was pretty obvious by the fact that they're both going back), so if that bothers you, you probably shouldn't read this fic.
Anyways, I hope that this first chapter was enjoyable, and make sure to stay tuned for the next one!