Chapter 4 : An eventful school day.

A few days later in Ray's apartment

".. ahhh.." I sighted while sitting on the floor of my apartment having breakfast. An couple of waffles on the plate in front of me. My back resting on the couch. 30 min until I had to go to school.

"It's not that bad Ray. At least now you know that there was only one scorpion." I said to myself.

You see during the weekend when I wasn't getting used to my to my powers, I spent most of my time going through the Oscorp files. What surprised me was that I found the name of the scientist that created the scorpion serum. There wasn't anything of the research per say, only it's results, the fact that a genetically altered scorpion existed and the department where this experiment was conducted in were anything of note. The results were stated as a failure.

That raised a major flag to me. A death flag. The fact that he disappeared also didn't helped. The files said he was transferred to another department but not which one. So I didn't know anything but the fact that he did exist and that he was responsible for the scorpion.

I assumed that he was disposed of for some reason. Since I couldn't find anything on him even after hacking into the police. The results were probably fabricated or adulterated so I was safe for the time being. There was only one scorpion for some reason, the opposite of the spiders and I already made sure it was dead.

Anyway, I was worried because I couldn't confirm my assumptions, but I was 70% certain of them. After all I didn't become a monster and the doctor couldn't be found.

An bonus I found on the files was an electric engineer by the name of Maxwell Dillon aka Electro. So there was a great chance of him becoming a villain in this world. Preparation is key in this world so I put on my list to work on making an insulated suit in the future. Preferably before he turns.

During the weekend I also looked for news of the explosion that day. The signs of a cover up were pretty obvious. What felt wrong to me was that Norman Osborn didn't do anything. Guys like him have to be in control, he not showing up alerted me a little. Mostly because I wasn't certain when the Green Goblin could show up. In the first movie they show up together, but in the comics that isn't a rule. So I had to watch out for him.

A good thing that happened was that I was able to find the hoverboard from the movies on the files, unfortunately not the schematics, but I did found a lead, a storage where it, the gauntlet that controls it and the boots that kept the pilot aboard were kept.

"Well.. not much of a storage, it would be easier to call it a fortress." I mused, lifting myself up and going to wash the dishes. I was already making plan on how to steal it.

This was going to be the most difficult heist I have ever dome until now. So the first thing I did was to design my hero suit. I knew I was gonna need it at some point, so I already had some materials at hand. The first one had to be a classic so I made it just like Spiderman, with spandex.

The suit was similar to the Green Lantern's with the addition of a black hood and a face mask similar to batman without the pointy ears. Milk white almost gray details instead of the green. The chest symbol changed for 'not visible', a eye with a angled line cutting in half. An utility belt with breaking in equipment.

I only went for easy targets so I haven't had the necessity of a suit to hide my identity. I didn't had anyone to protect but I have always valued my privacy. It is one of the reasons I asked for this power.


At Midtown High, hallway.

" Yo!!" I said while putting an arm over my two favorite nerds, trying to get them by surprise. At least I tried, Peter got out of the way before I succeeded.

"Uh!" Ned squeaked, surprised by the arm.

"Miss me?" I said with a smirk. Happy that I got one onf them.

"Guhh.. I hate when you do that!" Ned said, an arm going to his rapid beating heart.

"Hey Ray! Good to see you! I thought you were going to be gone for at least another week." Peter said bumping my fist.

"Yeah... I would have, but I didn't want to make you guys suffer that much. I mean you probably cried over my absence all weekend. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't come sooner?" I said shrugging my shoulders, a playful smile on my face.

"Yeah.. yeah... Man.. your smugness always increase over the weekends. It is amazing. You should tell us your secret for that." Ned said chuckling at me." Why did you decide to stay at home this time anyway?" he asked.

"While getting home after the tour, a black crossed my way. I decided to play safe by staying home until next week." I said with a smile.

"..." They stared at me, speechless at the obvious lie.

"...?" I tilted my head still smiling at them, pretending I didn't say anything wrong.

"Whatever." they said sighting.

"You really need to get better lies. This is getting ridiculous." Peter said. The bell ringing right after he finished.

"Anyway.. you are not going to believe what Peter did last week!" Ned said.

"What?" I asked.

"He won a fight against Flash!" he exclaimed excited.

"He what?!" I exclaimed, trying to fake my surprise.

"I didn't exactly won.. He just wasn't able to touch me." Peter said, clearly embarrassed.

"Really? Wow.. didn't know you were that talented at fighting Pete." I said, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.

"I-" He began, but got cut out by Ned who was obviously excited.

"He was awesome! You should have been here Ray. Flash tried to mess with Pete for talking to Mary Jane. Everybody was watching! He tried to punch him but he Peter side step him. He tried again with a jab but Peter stepped back. Then he went for a tackle and you know what Pete did?.. He jumped over him with a flip.. A flip! Can't you imagine? haha Flash fell with one his goons that encircled us on the floor. Everyboy got quiet after that. I will never forget that." he said. An overwhelming admiration and happiness in his voice.

".. Shit.. I should have been here." I said, gaping at the story. 'Similar to the movie huh?' I mused to myself.

We got on our sits, just waiting for the professor to come in. It went as usual. Peter and Ned already knowing all the answers. I knew a few but I was never smart as them, even with all the time I had to study as a child. I focused on more handy skills.

Lunch break - Cafeteria outdoors.

I was looking at Peter. He was staring with a dreamy look at MJ as always. Ned noticing it too.

"He is at it again." Ned shook his head.

"Man I really don't know why you are so obsessed with her. I mean she one of the hottest in school and will be a hottie in the future, but there are way much better girls for you here." I said, exasperated at the numbers of times I had this conversation with him.

"I doubt that.You don't know her like I do." he said in defense of his crush.

"..." I shook my head at the statement."You are hopeless. Gwen would suit do much better." I said.

"You always say that." he rolled his eyes at me.

"Well... He is right. I mean she as much as beautiful as MJ and she is also a nerd like us. She is already friends with us as well and single. Much easier than MJ who dates our daily bully." Ned said, eating his lunch between sentences.

"If you too think that she is so great why don't you ask her out?" he argued.

".. I don't want to hear another rejection. I have been friendzoned too much already. It is better to date someone out of this school." he said depressingly. Both me and Peter a little caght off guard by the lack of his usual borderline overconfidence.

"Don't worry too much Ned. There is definitely someone looking for a 'papa bear' like you. You just haven't been lucky yet." I said trying to get my friend out of this way of thinking.

"Absolutely, they really don't know what they are losing." Peter said in agreement.

"Thanks." He said with a grateful smile.

"I can't date Gwen, because she is not my type." I stated.

"... Is he finally going to come out of the closet?" Peter fake whispered to Ned.

"I guess.. It was about time." Ned fake whispered as well. The both of them giving me a smirk.

"..." I gave them the finger and they started to laugh. An annoyed look present on my face during their display.

"Sorry... Couldn't help it... Tell us what is your type." Peter said trying to stop his laughter.

"I prefer older woman, like May." I said with a smile on my face, imagining May's figure. 'I am mentally older then them so I can't see myself dating teenagers again. Maybe in a few years.'

"Well.. she is a beautiful lady." Ned agreed.

"..." Peter shook his head, a little annoyed. He has always been a little protective of his aunt. Many guys tried to hit on her even with him by her side. "Don't even think about it. She would never agree to go out with you anyway." he grumbled.

"Ohhh.. can I ask her that then?" I asked.

"..." He glared at me. Ned laughing at that.

"Fine... I will try not to." I joked, looking to the side only to see the idiots coming our way. My demeanor changing with it. My friends noticing as well. I discreetly turn on the recorder on my phone just in case.

"Porker!! You didn't think you would manage to run from me forever did you?" Flash mocked, cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah Porker.. You and the fatty are in for a lesson today." One of his goons said. zi counted 4 of them.

"Blackie is hear. You haven't cut that girly hair yet huh?" Another said. All of them laughing, like what they said was funniest thing ever.

"You guys never learn huh?" I said getting up. "Man I really don't know how you guys don't realize how stupid you all sound with those lines." I said sighting.

"Oohh... the orphan is here. I am so scared." A goon said, making me frown.

"You gonna let him fight in your place again Porker? Huh? And I thought you finnaly had grown some balls." Harry Osborn said joining their group. The dumbos mockingly smiling at Peter.

"He is smart. Unlike you all he knows I can kick all of your asses by myself, while you guys need to group up to bully some nerds." I smirked, getting in position to protect my friends. Everyone around us already preparing themselves to watch, some even filming on their phones.

That got them going. Goon 1 went for a straight, I avoided and countered it. Controlling my strength and knocking him out, his nose breaking in the first.

"Fucking bastard!" Flash said. He and Goon 2 trying to get to me. Goon 3 right after them. Harry and Goon 4 going for my back, trying to encircle me.

I parried Flash's blow, Goon trying to tackle me after him. I got myself on the floor, sweep kicking, making him to fall. Going foward to avoid the other. I kneeled Goon 3 in the stomach before could react. Spite going out of his mouth as he fell to the floor. '2 to down 4 to go'

My danger sense tingling. I sidestepped Goon 4 who tried to hug from my back. I turning around steeping back to give me some space.

Goon 3 front kicked. I caught his leg, lifting it up and kicking stepping on the knee of his supporting leg.

CRACK. A sickening crack resounded.

"AAHHH!! My knee!!" he screamed, falling to ground in pain. The other 3 stop moving immediately. Fear platerd on their faces.

'Crap! Shouldn't have done that.' I thought thinking about how much I would be after this.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!!! STOP RIGHT NOW!!! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???!!!" The teachers finally showed up to stop our fight.

"YOU!! Go and call the school nurse right now. This an emergency. I am calling an ambulance." said one of them taking the lead.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE??!! LEAVE NOW!!! Those fighting come with we are going to the principal's office right now." Another said.

'Well shit.. I hope the recording can cut some slack.' I thought following him. The idiots that could move coming behind me, glaring daggers at my back. Harry being an exception.

"Hey! Harry was fighting why isn't he coming?" I said.

"Is that true?" the teacher asked one of the kids around.

"H-He was with Flash, but-t he didn't enter the fight." He quipped.

"What?! That is bull-" I began to say.

"Language!! Mr.Black I won't take that kind of behavior in front me." the teacher reprimanded.

"Yes sir.." I said, giving a glare at Harry who couldn't hide his smug smile from his face.


In the principal's office


"..What happened?" he asked and looking around to pick a student to explain. "Explain Flash." he ordered.

"It was him and his friends Principal Luis." he said pointing at me, the Principal Luis now looking at me suspiciously.

"And what did Mr.Black and his friends do?" he asked.

"We were just minding our business trying

going to our usual table when they started to mock us, insulting us. We tried to ignore them, but Black got mad and decided to hurt us so started to attack us. We were just defending ourselves. He even smiled whem he broke Jay's leg. His football carrer could ruined now. He won'tbe able to go to college now." he said, his goons agreeing with him, saying their one piece. Trying to pin the blame on me with numbers.

"...Is that true Mr.Black?" the principal asked.

"No." I responded simply.

"Liar!! He is evil Principal Luis. You have to believe us." Flash and his goons continued.

"QUIET!!... What is your version of what happened Mr.Black?" the principal said believing in their bullshit, looking pissed at me.

"Give me a sec." I said picking my phone out of my pocket. "Here is the recording of what really happened." I started playing it. Flash and his goons faces going white at the evidence I presented.


"YOU.. YOU DAMN BRATS!!! LYING TO MY FACE!! DO THINK YOUR SO SMART HUH!!!..." He went on his screaming frenzy again.

"You are lucky you all are important to the school football team otherwise I would be all expelled!! This time your suspended for 3 weeks!" he said, deciding on their punishment.

"But sir scouts are going to come this next weekend game. If we don't go we will lose the chance to get spot at their teams." Goon 4 cried out anxiously, he appeared to be in panic now.

"You should have considered that before doing this then. Now out of here! You stay Mr.Black" he stated. The idiots left discontent and giving me glares filled with animosity.

"..." I stayed in place waiting for what he was going to say, despite being angry for leniency with them.

"It doesn't matter if you were defending yourself or others. Fighting is still prohibited in this school. For that you are getting 1 week of detention. I don't want to hear about you getting in another fight. Do you understand?" he stated imposingy.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Good. Then you are dismissed. Pick up your and go home." he said.

"..." I left keeping a blank face, sighing in my head. 'I guess this isn't so bad. I trained myself to be able to finish my opponents fast. When doing things like this I need to be more careful especially now that got the scorpion powers. It made easier to hurt others.' I thought while going through the empty hallway. Everyone in classes.

Picking up my phone I texted my friends about metting them outside school after class.


End of school day

"Yo!!" I screamed, waving at the duo looking for me.

"Hey Ray! We were worried sick! Harry kept saying bad things were going to happen to you to everyone, trying to pin the blameof the fight on you too. You didn't get expelled did you?" Ned said.

"Nope! I recorded them picking on us, so that I could plead my innocence just in case. Still got suspended for 1 week though. More vacation for me." I said with a smug smile.

"Smart! I should have thought of that." he saidsaid smacking himself on the face.

"..." Peter stayed quiet.

"What is wrong Pete? Cat got your tongue?" I asked.

"You broke that guy's leg Ray. His life can have been changed forever. Aren't you feeling even a little remorse from what you did?" he asked with a frown.

"No I am not." I said seriously.

"Why not?! That is wrong!". he screamed and stared full righteousness.

"I was fighting a group of bullies who insulted me and my friends for no real reason at all. I was protecting myself and you two. For that reason I don't regret anything." I stated staring back at him. Ned looking between us in silence felling the tension.

"...Sigh.. Just promise not to do something like that again. He is just a bully, he didn't deserved to get his life ruined." he said accepting what I said.

"I can't promise I won't do something like this again but I will try. I lost myself in that fight. Sometimes I get so focused that I don't notice who I am fighting. I just go for the finish. It happened in the dojo before as well. I am sorry for that." I said sincerely.

"I understand... you get like me and Ned during our science projects. We don't hear anything and always lose track of time. As long as you try, I trust you." he said forgiving me.

"Ok I think this moment deserves a group hug. Come here you two." Ned said us into a hug. We all smiled in understanding.

"So you didn't get expelled huh? Guess you got lucky this time." said Harry stopping his car near us. We separated to glare at him.

"And you are lucky I didn't get to you before the teachers appeared. I was really looking forward to breaking your nose." I said threateningly. Peter and Ned stopping from doing that right now.

"As if-f you h-had the courag-ge to do that." He stammered trying to sound confident but failing completely.

"Hey Harry. Sorry to keep you waiting. MJ and Flash were fighting again." Liz, a popular girl said. The two of them coming after her.

"Don't hurry babe. I was expecting as much. Let's go I don't want to be around those losers anymore." he said giving us disgusted look. the 3 getting in the car. Both Flash and MJ giving me a glare.

"S-see you later MJ!" Peter said nervously to his crush.She stopped glaring at me to give him a look that pissed the shit out of me.

"..." she just looked away without saying anything. Flash giving him a smug look. They left after that. Peter looked devastated.

"Sigh..sorry Pete that is on me." I said to him.

"No.. it is ok. That is not your fault." he said, beginning his walk home.

"Hey Peter! Why don't we all go to your house today and have some fun? We haven't played a game together this month yet." Ned said.

"Yeah! That could be fun! We can have another Mortal Kombat competition. This time I will win." I said. Both me and Ned making an effort to try and motivate Peter.

".. A lousy gamer like you?.. Never." He said mockingly. That way we went, playing among ourselves to his apartment.

A lot of talking in this chapter(probably a little cheesey, but give a me break. If you have any suggestions I will consider). Hope you liked the fight scenes, they are more of a pain to right then I fought(I basically made him untoucheable to them because of skills and abilities but whatever). Also if any of you notices writing mistakes, please comment on it. Even if it is a little embarrassing for me after years of courses, English isn't my first language. I am Brazilian, feel free to comment my mistakes so I can improve my writing.

Anyway I saw the Joker in the movies this weekend. It was a fucking masterpiece. I could literally feel the madness of character. I was in awe of few hours before I could process what I had just seen. I totally recommend it. It is an amazing trip. The playlist of the movie is really impressive as well. I felt like dancing along in the bathroom scene(it is in the trailer so it is not a spoiler)

About the story I already have the next 2 chapters planned. I will write them over the week. I looked for sources of what direction to take this story. I decided to go with the story of the spiderman game for ps2 from 2002 as a start. I plan on putting more characters of the marvel universe but not right now. I will try follow the events of the movie of avengers and all that to be a part of it, but the timeline might be a bit different or mixed.

Hope you all like the suit. I tried to make as simple as possible and very easy to visualize.If you are curious about the symbol, just google 'symbol for not visible'. The mask is mostly because of the hair. I only chosethe haircut of noctis from ffxv because I think it is cool, don't be surprised of i will change it later.

I know I made a few characters hateful like or full blown idiots(maybe?) perhaps even totally different from the norm, but there is still time to correct them in some way. I'll continue having my preference of gwen or felicia over mj though( she just seems fake to me) which girl Peter will end up is still unknown to me in this story. I also don't know if i will make harry become the hobgoblin. There are too many villains to work with for a long time. There is a possibility of giving Gwen powers. It is for that exact purpose that I didn't said all the spiders died, but I am uncertain at the moment.(She was really cool in the spider verse movie)

I am planning on maybe having the OC having on night stands with older woman at some point(May or/and maybe Dra.OckIt is one of the reasons I put this version of her. She is sadical bitch in the movie, nut I like that so whatever. If I do I can make a chapter of her attacking another woman out of jealousy as improbableas that sounds). I don't know if I will describe the 'action scenes' but if not they will be mentioned and if I do I promise to put a note of warning in the chapter(title and before the written portion). It is mostly because I prefer older woman myself and they are more mature so having one night stand isn't as big of a problem or deal, instead of going for a relationship and being all sweet and all that shit. For me this is an important part for the growth of the character. It is a way to find out what he would want, relationship and partner wise. It what I know for by experience as well.

I don't plan on giving the oc any power up for the time being. I am trying to decide how long it will take him to improve his powers to the limit and how to go about it. His power can be developed to the same extent as invisible woman at some point. Which for me is ridiculous overpowered if you look at what she can really do. I am planning on naming his focused energy strike as 'power strike' for convenience sake and the aura covering his bodybody as 'invulnerable mode' or 'aura mode' for the same reason. Just haven't decided which one is better.(he won't scream the names like anime character, it is just for writing sake. He can maybe scream in the climax of the fight as final move but that is it)

PS: Do I have to write the disclaimer every chapters or not? Almost everybody does so I am not certain. I think it is a waste of time, but if it were a rule I would do it.

PS2: No matter the number of the novels i have read, a problem I am having are sound effects. If any you have an idea where I can find a reference. I would appreciated