Chuck v Baby Molly
Chapter 1

Summary: What if Something happened to Sarah's Mom during season 3 and she couldn't take care of Molly so Sarah goes to get Molly to take care of her. What if Chuck helps? It starts in the middle of season 3 at the end of Chuck v The Honeymooners.

After Chuck walks out of Ellie's apartment feeling more content having been able to work things out with her before she had to leave for Africa. Walking into his apartment he was greeted by the sight of his girlfriend in tears. "Sarah, what's wrong?" Chuck asked wrapping his arms around her pulling her close to him. The only response he got was Sarah wrapping her arms around him, burrowing her face into his chest. "Sarah honey what happened?" He tried again.

"My…my mom, she's sick." She finally said.

Chuck didn't respond for a minute because this was the first time Sarah had talked about her Mom. She's opening up to me about her family and her past. Tread carefully Chuck, he thought to himself. Don't screw this up. "What happened? What can I do to help?"

"You're doing it." She murmured into his chest.

He picked her up and carried her to the couch, placing her on his lap. She tucked her head between his neck and shoulder. "Chuck I need to tell you about something that happened before I got assigned to you but you can't tell anyone outside of the two of us. If needs be I will tell Casey if it comes to that. Okay?"

"Okay, I promise no one else will know." He sealed the promise with a light kiss to her lips.

"My assignment before being sent here was in Budapest. I was working with a guy named Ryker. He was my handler at the time. The mission was for me to retrieve a package and kill some men that would be guarding it. I was sent inside this mansion of this rich couple who was supposedly working with mobsters. I wasn't told what the package was just the room it would be in. Ryker was in a van outside talking me through getting to that room. In one of the rooms, I found the men sitting at the table talking. The couple that owned the place was tied up and dead on the floor. I knew something didn't feel right at that point but I killed the men anyway at Ryker's insistence. When I got to the room I found a baby girl not more than 6 months old.

When I told Ryker what the package was he said the baby was the package. I was hesitant at first but everyone in the house was dead and Ryker told me to move before more men came. When I met Ryker the next day and asked why the baby was package and what he was going to do with her, he said it was above my pay grade. That's when I knew the mission wasn't a CIA Sanctioned mission. So I ran with the baby. I knew the only safe place was with my mom.

"By the time the CIA recruited me I had changed my name so many times they didn't know my mom existed. So I took the baby to her. Mom knew I was a CIA agent so I explained the situation to her and told I couldn't contact her anymore for the baby's safety. I was half tempted to keep the baby and go on the run but I knew Ryker would be watching for any sighs of me or the baby so left her with my mom and told her to give her the childhood she always wanted for me."

Chuck didn't respond right away still digesting everything Sarah told him. Sarah lifted her head and looked at him. She knew by the look on his face that he needed a minute. So she sat quietly and waited. After a few minutes, he finally responded. "Wow! Just wow."

"Yeah. I know that's a lot to take in."

"I didn't think I could love you any more than I already did but I was wrong. I just fell even more in love with you Sarah Walker."

She looked into his eyes seeing a combination of truth, amazement and unconditional love. "Why?" She asked simply.

"Because you took a child you didn't know and protected her. You found the safest place for her and you did it unselfishly. You showed love to someone who would have otherwise been mistreated. I was devastated when Mom left and a few years later Dad left with no explanation. Ellie and I felt unloved and abandoned. We had each other which was good because it helped us move on but we could never fully get over the feeling of being unloved by Mom and Dad. You showed unconditional that day you saved the baby. How could I not fall more in love with you."

With tears running down her face she kissed him. Pushing his mouth open with her tongue begging for entrance. He gave it freely meeting her tongue with his own. She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. They kissed a nibbled on each other's lips for what seemed like endless amounts of time before Chuck pulled back. Unwilling to let her go completely he pulled back just enough to talk.

"So what has you upset? What's going on with your Mom that has my girl in tears?" He asked just above a whisper.

"I gave my Mom an emergency number just in case something happened. If I needed her to run or she needed me if something went wrong. We haven't talked since I left her with the baby. She called while you were talking to Ellie. She has cancer and It's becoming harder for her to take care of the baby. She needs me to come get her."

He hugged her close kissing her forehead. "Oh, Sarah I am so sorry. What can I do to help?"

"I don't know how to take care of a baby Chuck. I have been a CIA agent for so long I don't know how to do anything else."

"That's not true. You are becoming a real girl. We started dating and have been working through having a real-life and working for the CIA. We are finding our balance. You can do anything you set your mind to and you have me. I will help through this. We will do this together."

She nodded her head and buried it back between his neck and shoulder. How did I get so lucky to have a man like Chuck, she thought. She didn't know but she was going to treasure him for the rest of her life. She thought of the mistake she almost made running off with Shaw. She shuddered at the thought. She couldn't imagine what her life would be like without Chuck. She wished she could tell him those three simple words. 'I love you.' how hard is that to say. Instead she kissed his neck.

"I love you too, Sarah." He knew she wasn't ready to say it but that didn't mean he couldn't say it to her.

"We have to go to my Mom tonight. I don't know how bad my Mom is and I don't want to take any chances leaving the baby unattended."

"Do you want to drive or do you want me to?" He asked. Showing his unwavering support.

"I would normally drive but I am too emotional right now." She said talking into his neck.

"I will get the keys." He stood up placing Sarah on her feet holding her until he was sure she was okay to stand. He grabbed the keys out of the bowl they kept by the door and walked out of his apartment holding Sarah's hand.